If "f rI v IA. I mm \- ,ftf {' " ’'l SHfm ■■ m*'~,~ BP *L - / Kril i i ■teii':-.' ' %- JH. w» ifciii^fu Ji Wm » ; TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION —— n —rli ml ti«— "•*< tanner ilgflrnli. swarmed into Nashville tar the twa-week final# ol Tennessee AAI SwalnwitmeUl. la »MWw to the dsilnstisa ml a half-mUtton ’ CheaWrj building and honoring MMuifaa ahoaal, the ktghftgiito of the attoa n. the erisbllshment as the W. J. Heto Sehttanhip foaadatloa honor te tint president of the tautltattoa. Its second aad present pniridnnt. Dr. Welter vis. an alumnus, was given a trip around the world tar his outstanding service, earjeng celebration eloaed la a brilliant flary of activity. Caassrae ceaght usaeh Rudolph (e) waves from her float la the trttage.” htriostoal pageant which eritpdenrieT na Pritataatto hdr Second row: “Miss Tennessee State” (Joyce Kilgore, second front 10ft) aad members of her court on their sea-shell Homecoming float; the speakers’ ta- I the Alumni Banquet where outstanding alumni and faculty were honored (W. fleer of Nashville is National Alumni President); a stately magnates planted g a ceremony In memory of the late Dr. Ras O. Johnson, atamans and chief of t-Europe Education Division of the Department of State, Washington. D. C.; ohA Mitchell, octogenarian Chicago dentist, who was the oldest celebrant In ■p~ .m fm Wi IW 2i"uT m\ M &■ m wlf mm M : m mm M 1 mM K«[J m* i V M ■ 1 .J; h m H > H I I I | Vi I FABULOUS FOURSOME—Three celebrities ot the movie, itha, radio and recording world recently joined gospel sing tan Ward tor some gospel musii talk at the New Frontier i tin Las Vegas where Miss Ward is appearing. They are, from Fitter Lawford, Judy Garland and Vic Damone. BAND ECHOES |f J.L EDWARDS isie of the Christmas season bean the highlight of the KJIMOLN THEATRE RALEIGH. N. C. ♦ RAYS STARTING Itlk. DEC. I«TH. FLOWER DRUM ~ SONG” NANCY KWAN •HOUSE OF FRIGHT” PAUL MASSIE 9 DAYS BTARTING THVRB.. DEC. 9BTH. TAMMY TELL ME TRUE” SANDRA DEE JOHN GAVIN TANK COMMANDOS” WALLY COMFO JACQUINS \PRICOT FLAVORED BRANDY *2 nl! schools during the past two weeks. Several programs have been pre sented at Ugon with more to come In Die neat two weeks. On Dec. ott> the Lucille Hunter school presented the annual Christmas program. Dm band, string and glee club mem bers participated. Mrs. Ruby Greene directed the glee chib and Mias Ma ry Smith conducted the string or chestra. The Washington School PTA sponsored the music department on December 10th. The string program consisted of one orchestral selection which we hope will be the beginn ing of an orchestra at Washington School. The vocal music was con ducted by Miss Genevieve McAlist er the new music consultant at Washington. The band members that participated were: Verrtta Banks. Michael Doe. Pauline Gosa Chi Handy. Martha Jones and Mi chelle Palmer. Handel’s Ovatoveo. “The Messi ah.'’ presented annually by the music department at Ligon will be presented Dec. 19. Mrs. E. M. M. Kelly will feature Die choir, or chestra and keyboard artists. September M, 1999 The late James Weldon Johnson became a regular lecturer at New York Uni versity. attendance, with his relative Freeident Davis; Dr. Henry L. Taylor, alumnae, aad Vico President A. V. Boswell at dedication cere essay. Third row: Tennessee Stats Ftayen Guild group ta “first faculty mooring” scone of “The Golden Heritage”; Alumni Sons and Daughters following their brunch. Bottom row: The three alumni who are college presidents—from left. Dr. Herbert White of Mleelmlppi Vocational College, Dr. Walter 8. Davis of Tennessee AAI Stats University, aad Dr. Levi Wat kins of Alabama State College chatting with Dr. Carl M. HID. Tennessee State dean until Dec. 1 when he became president of Kentucky State College. A group of the Mth Anniversary Pand Commutes (sitting, from loft) Nathaniel Crtppens. Nash vine; Mrs. Senate A. Dobbins, father, Tana.; Mm Bessie Walton. Nashville; Goer go W. Brooks, Clarksville, Team; Mrs. Canto M. Denney and Dr. Granville M. Sawyer. Nashville; (steading) Carl Barbour, Buckler. W. Va.; James Lemons, Fayetteville, Tenn.; and Clyde J. Klneaide, Nashville. A portion of the dedicated Chemlriry buil ding: one of the oft-televised Tennessee State dancing majorettes during the half time at the Homecoming football game; Student Council President Joseph Mack of Knoxville. Tenn.; aad senior chemistry major Howard McClure, Nashville, partici pants in the Chemistry building dedication; and Percy B. Brown, Covington, Team, and Mrs. Harrietts White Jones. Baltimore, Md~ alumni, at brunch. Monk Says Show World Has Changed Tenner saxophonist T. Glover, who voluntarily shut himself off from all outside communication since bo entered the monastery in 1949 has many observations about the changes of 19 years. Now Bro ther Joeue. he disclosed in Jet last week his views: Jazz: 1 was happy to see that Jam had progressed to the wonder ful position it has today. When 1 went into the monastery, people looked down on it Now it has the status of any other art form, like painting and sculpture." Television: “I cent my much a bout it except everybody has one, including the people on relief." Automobiles: “They’re right in keeping with the times. I expected them to change." Housing: “I am glad to find Ne groes living in better housing, al though all the old neighborhoods ere being torn down.” Race Relatione: Things are get ting better." Politics: "Negroes must still learn World Affairs: TTemustloam to take a posttloa at faith an tttuetions like Cube.” Ike ex-musician, who formerly ■amdetail with such Jam greets as Charlie Parker. Looter Young and Dtsxy Gillespie, was found by Jet in Ihe Tieigiiel lanmetsrr trrr ttdtt age. He admitted be entered the monastery “la seek Gad’e *»»«««i"g “Twist” King Biys Horn PHILADELPHIA CANP) - SsTkc TMd Semes erase and hiremc Internationally famous, has parebaaad a $90.000. three-story * - - - - - - m HR t|a Jala Aln WWD MCUOD OX rnlllQCipDll. He will live to the heme with his Data !/V* Chatter By DARCY DeMILLE CHICAGO (ANP)—From Holly wood to Harlem . . . Nancy Wilson Is smiling these days, and her ‘say ing of the week’ is 'good things come in small packages'. Referring to Santa, she isn’t. She’s approach ing motherhood radiant as the fam ed Madonna. Says she has no pres ence for boy or girl. Admits she can hardly watt fbr’d’ day, or she' should my ‘B’ day . . . Insiders know, but are making liks the Sphinx when queried a bout tha Roy Hamilton-Bill Cook sued. Isn’t Nat Cole penning his mem oiraT Ditto Herb Jeffries"?? The Ketb Jeffrles-Tempest S*orm ba by. slated for an early '63 arrival, will be called the reason behind Tempests retirement. Not true . . . not true. Herb's pretty wife, known internationally for her beautifully stacked body, has wearied of strip ping for the 99S9customers. But don’t be surprised if she does em bark on another facet of show biz once Sir Stork has made his de parture. Heretell she’s already re ceived a couple of movie bids, and she has always kept one eye on the lucrative modeling profession. I've heard of horrid Jakes. Bet this one eeeld. and should be added to year 'dent remem ber’ list “There wee thh balding In dian whs wanted to solve his * * fl SHIRLEY CONGRATULATED BY COUNTRYMAN British singer Shirley Beeeey it given e congratulatory hues by British -nmpeetr Lionel Beet be her dreeeingroom Dee. Oh, in New York, otter her opening performance et the Fleam Hotefe Permian Room. Upon completion o! current engegement et the Plata, the glemotom U-yeer-aM chanSeme hm tentatively echaduied e tour oi the United States. {UPI PHOTO). disappearing hair problem with a teepee. Bet alas, the mows came to the reservation, and he waa forred to buy an electric heated to keep hie wig warn.” Unquote. I went through an errie experi ence the other evening. There was, with the Arusty eld The Vee set turned into a favorite program. When the credits flashed on, thought a bit angrily* the now ac tors are going a bit far, copying the name of a deceased Star to capital ise on that Star's name drawing power. Then I got a good look at the ’newcomer* end I was in for a shock, as well as a treat The young men who came on like a power house is the spltttn* Image of his late, great father, Robert Walker. The son of Jennifer Jones doesn't have to use the name Welker (or Jones either, for thst matter.) This guy can act. A few days later I watched him again, and then again, in entirely different roles. It was like seeing Bob Walker of the hus kily quiet voice again. Back a few years ago when Bob ntade The Clock” with Judy Gar land, I chanced to meet him in Chi cago. He was en route to New York City MGM'i pride and Joy. But he looked like, and behaved like the gentlemen he was. He was. and will be remembered by this scribe. Gossipofthe Movie Lots HE CALLA SCRTVNBR FOR AMP MOOTING STARTS ON MHMCAL FILM STAHBPfO HOLLYWOOD Georgs State mar “Greatest Story Ivor Ibid.* the Biblical fQm now shooting hi Utah, has recently added addition al stars to Mb east Max Ybn Sydew win play the loading rote of Christ New York actor Michael Dolan has the role of Lssprus and Janet Margolin win portray Mary of Bethany. Roddy McDowell also has a feature rote. Sidney Dottier was sat tar Simon of Cyrano months ago. Generous Brtevans win have two Oonstritattoas aad throe DC-ta to fly hie actors home for Christmas at his sxpsne. They wfll return Doe. M. RAY CHARLES TO APPEAR AT SHRINE BBC. M Rv Charles will make a coast ap pearance this month at the Shrine Auditorium. Ike singing Barista will rise ha featured with the ver satile ringer-pianist The concert will be presented by Hal Zeiger. MAD RUSH ON “MAD. MAD woHur sq&. Crowds of unemnleyewAngelonoo continue to pour through the getao of Revue Studio to furnish scenes tor Stanley RramaTb “Mad, Mad, Mbd World" starring Mickey Roo ney, 8M Caesar, Spencer Traey, Phil RHeas. Jimmie Durante, Do rothy Provine, Rite Adams and others. Every day tar (ha last two weeks, 1.000 extras have shown up for the filming. Most all of ths faces are new, although regular extras also report tor work. The vast number of extras ware drawn Dorn ths cltys unemployment rolls. Everyone is stin talking about last week's shooting Incident. Ne gro guard Vance Boyd. 18, shot sa extra. Allan Salin, M. because he reportedly hit him and refused to lino up for the bus rids home. Sev eral others wert wounded by ri cocheting bullets when Vance fired Into iho ground. Guards are extra cautious on the lot now. but tho now people tUII rush madly to ths set for vantsgs points where they can be seen In the front row (although this Is doubtful In a crowd). They also run over each other to get to lunch and to tho departing buses. Considering the fact that most of them have never been on a stu dio lot before, one can make some allowances for them. Everyone I talked with Is anxious to do more pictures. This seems likely as thou sands are to be used In George Ste vens’ “The Greatest Story Ever Told,“ which Is now on location In Utah. All of the extras are getting a chance to work a considerable length of time In “Mad, Mad, Mad World ” which should glvs them a little Christmas cheer this year. Ths film will Shoot Indefinitely. ELLA FITEGEPALD SATED TOP RINGER v . Ella Fltsgerald hag won to many “best singer” polls, that a British publication recently ran their selec tions starting with thorn running closest of the American singsr. In an editor's note, the publisher wrote: “It gees without string that Mias Fltsgerald ta our No. 1. and ws will discontinue that category now until at least tan years after she retires." ||Ba|BßaalMaaaMaa msmMiamnimßiamnmmm as S gentle person. Methlnks his lookallke son Is not exactly cut from the same cloth. It will be In triguing to watch this decade's ‘Bon Walker* . . . ‘Junior* has mora Aral Dent Invite Bate Brawn aad Boy Charles to tho same party • noises you want to soo far fly. Atlanta University, one of six colleges In the Atlanta University System, was foundad 87 years ago in 1888. Its president ta Dr. Rufus Clamant IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE mauoiMM DAUBOa W. C. SATURDAY, MRIMIIR— MMm .. x NCC THESFIAN Sward wielding Grace Watts, a Nerth Carotins Callage sspksmere from Raleigh. N. C. to shown no Jana ta tea HOC Thespians’ prodnettaa as “Ths Lark.” staged ky the group Thursday, December 8. The story of Jana as Are, the MaM as Ovtonw. the play was written tor Jana Anouilh and adapted by Lillian Heilman. Melrose BOURBON *0 $ 4« MELROSE BOURBON *9. 80 RROOf. MELROSE DISTILLERS CO . N.V..N.V. Melrose rare IE 15