2 THE CABOUMM muigr. n. c„ SATURDAY. DECEMBSB U. lMt Mrs. Boyd Succumbs; Funeral Set For Sunday nm rites are slated to be bald for: Mrs. Griaell Boyd, of 406 E. Sou®" Street. Sunday, from Maple Terrip'te Christian Church, with Reyi M F. Booker officiating. Mrs. Boyd was taken to Wake Memorial Hospital Tuesday about 6 30 p. m. and was pronounced dead at 6:56 a. m. She is said to have spent a restful night and was taken seriously sick, after getting up. Sh* suffered severe bums, about a month ago, in her home, while cooking that proved very serious. She was burned on her right arm and under the arm, along the right side of her body. It was believed that foe was recovering nicely from the bums. The sudden illness caused Coron er M. W. Bennett some concern and he ordered an autopsy. The autop sy Ls said to have revealed that she died of an infected lung. She was bom in Wake County and attended school in or near Wake Forest. She was married to Gilbert Boyd, who survives her To the union was bom 2 children, Wil bert who died in 1946 and Mrs. Aijnie Mae Boyd Williams of 512 Montague Lana. She also leaves 2 grandchildren, Leslie H. and Gloria C. Williams. There are also two sisters, Mrs. Sophia Thomas of the city and Mrs. Beulah Henry of Bur ham. The deceased was quite active in fo* lifa of MSplt Temple Chureh and was a member of the Woman's Club, ODDS A ENDS ictnrrmvm ntoM pag* i> What is wrong In these cases Is that this Welfare child care money Is given to the wrong persons This money is given to no good mothers profiteering relatives or other un fit persons who have been given the task of caring for these depend ent children. In ton many Instances, the moth ers of these children use th* child ren's Welfare nvSnev to buy whis key and to support thklr boy friends There hive hden Of dependent children who were piec ed with relatives being underfed end poorly clothed because the r - lstlves used this monev for the be nefit of their own children. Msny of those children leave cold home* without breakfast, go to school noOrlv clad and If they are not on the free lunch sheet at school. Stand hungrily bv while othkr children eat a well prepared, balanced lunch. Now these things simply ought no to exist. The Welfare department does not want them to exist It might be well for th# cltliena of this town to find out why the Wel fare department can not have suf ficient workers so ,lt can ferret out these' chillers. Actually they are worse then chillers, they are Chest ers. thieves and worse than all. thay are among the chief contributors to juvenile delinquency. Children who are compelled to suffer so many de privations are more apt to become delinquent problems than other wise. As we said, we do not know a bout these alleged Wetfare abuses We do know something about chil dren who are on Welfare being a h" ed It Is one abuse we would like 'o r»e corrected NOW. A NFW PROCLAMATION S->enktng before the annual meet in" of the Southern Association of Co'tcges and Secondary Schools he'd recently In Texas, North Ca rolina’s Terrv «»nfn-d was quoted as saving that the South needed a nrw Pro»'amat|on of Emancipation. Thl* new emsnc'na"on proclama tion according to Gov Sanford voti'd free th» South of h«tr»d. de* morsfvry and fear. It could, he said swelled out In one word, educa tion Wc do not sunpnse vou will find ssanv neontc outside the Insane as ivlum v*-n are gealnst more and Setter education. HowOvOr. odura tlod like every other good thing Is u»eleM unless It la properly used. If fok governor had told that this new emancipation proclamation •hould be based upon education and ta Interpretation and OpptlcatlOn. ve think he would have been hit -in* fok nail aquarely on tha head Any where education la used as t fnian of depriving one group of HtisOna because of their color of the things fokt a different colored croup enjoys it i poor substitute for fort education Who will say that la not tha way that education l* Interpreted end applied in the South Any where a racial group is allowed to receive a theorittcal education and then be denied the privilege of practicing that educa tion indicates that tha people in region do not know that education was never intended to impovish a region in other that others might be deprived. Wt agree Mr. Governor, educa tion la a wonderful thing The c outh certainly needs more of it How. ever we would like to tr«ns->u»e a Biblical quatation in order to be tqr express our feelings and say. “Get more education, but with all thy getting, get understanding." ■OK FOB “Out MISS" -Covering the Caroltnas~ HttaM ■' me Csiwslu tßftciumois SATIS TOTAL AM ntf tsiestsse ••• •••#•••»•. P J MIM Til I® ■'’srs^ysS •sTjSgk eager* eevabie to TNT gSpßaStotoC Pubtianers. he k ~Tallis "-i-ii New vorh it * t XatSenel Advertising 6*prewn'«ti re rad menaaar ot the Are—tetre See * I'ram and the I’nitoi Frew tnieme < tonal Photo Service Ike Piibiieiiei * not < e-urvuv tot me return of jnaotictted new* pie tWJJi oee szxnsrvJirsxr* m % ''' MBS. UKIZELL BOYD The fact that 27 members of tha 87 participating member* ot tha University of Mississippi Campus Senate voted to uphold the student editor of the school's newspaper la. to our thinking, significant. Th* editor. Miss Sldna Brower, had written a stinging editorial, strongly attacking tha student body for aiding and abetting the violence and lawlessness which broke out on the unlversltjp-campus after Jamet Meredith had been"*nroll*d as a student Because she had th* courage to say what aha thought should be said. Miss Brower was brought to trial bafor* the Campus Senate. Thing* are (till rather dark and uncertain on th# university campus, tha revolt has not died down but therd Is a gtlmmar of hope. It con he reasoned that out of a studtnt body of 6,000. th* 27 who uphold Mlsa Brower’s action, represent at least on* third of tha students there. STATE NEWS IN EftlEE fCONTINVgn PNOM PAfJg l) been pastoring here now tar over a year, it is not bellavad that too Wta ny Raleigh people have had an Op portunity of hearing this outstand ing young clergymen. In addition to being one of thl* city** moot promising ministers and pastors, Mr. McCloud is an out spoken courageous and militant fighter in th* cause ot freedom. Music will be furnished by Ed Hall and hli “Senaaltonal Evening Flva.” Brlef installation sendees will follow the address of Mr. McCloud. Tha public Is cordially Invited to attsnA this meeting. Th* pro gram promises to be one of the best ever offered by tha local NAACP branch. JOE BROOKS KILL SELF ACCIDENTALLY (CONTINVtS rXOM FAGS 1) He la survived by his mother, Mrs. Carrie Brooks, seven sisters, one brother, one uncle and an aunt. Funeral arrangement* wort Incomplete at preaa time. FOUND DEAD WITH LEG TIED TONFCK fConnurtJßO nns r*oa n and tbst the man driving the car wore glasses. Willis was picked up and th* watch and ring were found in hla • osscsalon. The clothes, which he was supposed to have been carrying lo be w-ashed. were found about 18 feet from where tha body was found. A 410 ruage shot gun. aald to belong lo Willis wai Also found naar where th* body w*a found. Sheriff Cahoon told The CAROLIN IAN that human blood was found on thA fun. on th# dash of tho ear, tho seat and In th# foot of tho car. It was also found that Willis had the wAtch and ring. Wlllli has remained silent About tho ontlfe affair Ha is a nativq of Hyda County and had been living in New York. He is alleged to have obtained a divorce from his will, who is said to still live in N*w York, in the Hyde County Suporler Oounty. as Ist* as laat October. Th# next term of court will not con vene until May. Mrs. Selby was well known tn the county, having boon bom And raised here. She was married and her husband was waiting for her at her mother’s homo when the news came that she had been murd ered She drove tho bookmobile, for the county, on# week out ot each month, from September to June. She also did house work, in ! nmnv home*, throughout the com- I munitv. Funeral services were held from a local Baptist Church Sun day. She was the mother ot a 12- year-old daughter. Willis had no record With tha law here. He it said to have bean liv ing by himself and had been en caged In the repair of watches and rings, tine* coming bock home. INTEGRATION AN ACOOFNT mitCTsr.Es: wvu. | rotary prematurelv sent An Invita tion to the NCC group. “TT»# grouo was a Unwed to attend ■sealone and pertlclp-'e tn *verv •Mno but th# voting. Wo worn cor dially received and treated w*U”. the arofraaer added. \ Th* NCC group Introduced a mo tion at Thuiaday*! aooeicn that "all active, affiliated members of tho American Association of Health. Phyicai Education and Recreation he oermitted te affiliate with the N. C. Association." Mr*. Allison off ered the resolution. Tho AaooHattenk auarottvo edm- a^cAdsmHMo tonfgk tho three HOC prif|*uii are members of tho AAHFEJrtt with which tho state agency is affiliated. Dr. Weatherford is om of tho two Negro members of tho national or ganisation's Research Council Dr. Weatherford said his group was not there to "forcibly inte grate" the conference. JAIL MOTHER IN CHILD DEATH fcowTUiiiiir nun* faoe » ' The mother said that the child become motionless sometime Wed. She alleges to have called her doc tor who was not in her office. She Is said to have called her case work ; er and she was out also, but when -he told welfare officials that the child was actlonlass an ambulance was sent Mrs. Mitchell is being held on 'harge* of man slaughter and neg 'eet. When asked why she thought rite was being held, die replied. “I do not know. They say the child wea not fed pronerly. I could not »et him to eat. He would take a Mttle milk from his bottle now and ‘hen." Coroner M. W. Bennett told The CAROLINIAN that he could not see why Mr*. Mitchell was being held for murder. He thought there was a possibility of neglect, but cer tainly not murder. The woman’s defense ta bolstered by foe fact that she did not want fo# child sent to O’Berry School, Goldsboro, due to foe foct that She thought she und erstood him better than anyone else. Welfare officials were not seem ingly disturbed about the death of foe child. The death had been anti cipated by the department. Persons who were acauainted with the case were not Inclined to hold the mo ther liable. Her other two children are being cared for by Mrs. Mitchell's parents. There la soma difference of oolnlon a* to what court has jurisdiction over foe case. There are some who fael that since Mrs. Mitchell and her children are ward# of the Wel fare Department that perhaps the , Domestic Relations Court wIU have charge. Kfforts to reach Mrs. Josephine i Kirk, director of Wake County Wel fare, to determine who brought : charge*, failed, (kroner Bennett said that he did not recommend that th# mothar be Jailed. Mr*. Kirk . la fi**rtAd a* saying that fo* »• i tordk Os th* department revealed , that Mr*. Mitchell had provided proper cere tor foe child. FR. GIBSON SAYS; ' GIVEFOft FREEDOM (CONTINORP FROM PAG! I) In giving foe history of th# Ra- 1 lelgh Branch of foe NAACP, ‘ Clierles O. Irving Sr. reminded th# J -r.- emblag# that he was fo# only on# left of foe group that started the organization in this city. t Father Gibson was introduced by i Dr. J. A. Boyar, president, St. Aug- j ustlna’s Collage. Father Olbaon ls | an alumnus of St. Augustin*’* Mr* < Julia Delanay was foa mlatraaa of i ceremonies and kept fo# affair go- i Ing in an orderly and wall planned ( manner. , _ < A group of ringers accompanied and directed by Harry OU-Smythe rendered several enjoyable choral i numbers. i A&T PREXY SOUGHT FOR HARLEM CHURCH (CONTINUED FROM PANE 1> at* waa being “eased out" of the Corpe. Proctor has denied any plana to leave AAT College and pastor the Harlem church. Hla new position In th# Peace Corpa make# such a move even more unlikely, believe many Harlem sources. Congressman Powall haa been nastor of Abyaalnlan tor 32 year*. The church wa# founded by hla fa ther In 1806. The 54-year-old Dem ocrat has represented Harlem and all other Negroea rinc# 1A44. A* Chat-man of fo# House Labor and Education Committee he is dean ot Capitol Hill civil rights spokesmen. Dr. Proctor Is • native of Nor talk. V*. H 4 was graduated from Virginia Union University and did graduate work at the University Os Pennsylvania, Crosier Seminary, and Yal* Divinity School. He be earn# president of ART College in 1000 RAp. PowOll gave no Indication why ho favored Dr, Proctor. In an ndocnlng Ms rettraeaont foa *ol*n Ibid his congrasattea a toll state man! would ha mad# during wor ship services Dae. id SEEKS RECORD MEMBERSHIP brileve that th# people Os Raleigh want their branch to bo first. According to Mr*. Newell with Just ■ little ef fort, Raleigh can be first. In an attempt to st'mi’iM# int erect In the local NAACP branch attention Is directed to the Wow ing letter from the membership chairman: Dear Fellow Freedom Fighters: Please consider thia at a o-«l appeal from me to you. Raleigh our city now rank* third In foe •tat* In NAACP membership 1 cannot acekpt third place as my piece. I do not believe you will ac cent third place aa your place, aape rtallv when I tell y©» that It will require only about 280 additional member* to put us In first place During fo# year, now drawing to a close, many things happened in Raleigh which ahouM not have happened. All th* swimming pools wore closed because some members of foe cl*v council did not fool that Negroes had a right to swim In foe 000 l their tax money had helped te build. A teenage Negro girl eras forced to serve a jail sentence be cause ah* dared to ask to be served In a public sating place. The Mayor of our city steadfastly refused to allow Negroes to enjov first class accemmodotion* In th* segregated theatre he manage*. He also refuses to appoint a racial eemmtasion te work out ways and moan* that could wtp* out diaeri oUnation tn our city. Although ass ay appeal* have boos Rfod* IP RM tin mti ORGANIZES COLLEGE WOMEN Mrs. Listen Ward Mrlteadrl. aaaaad Irma left, at MUkmamA. Ta. national president of the National AaaoeiaUon of College Women, organ teed a ■•tog*- yf IH or ganisation during her visit hat* Mot week. She was the heuse guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jshaay O. TTlEtapn Other of fleers of NACW*s local ahaptar are left to right: Mrs. Gladys L. cMnstudbu aeotalakP: Mrs. McDaniel: Mrs. Vera A. Morgan, treasurer: Mrs.Katbertae L. Larkins, miflaumitarhin. Mrs. Thel ma Keek, financial secretary; Mrs. Ruth M. Bethea, counselor; Mrs. Caesarea D. DahMua. ureetdesst: Mrs. Almeda P. Olsacoe, reearding secretary; Mrs. Canto H. Williama, vice prraUrnt. and Mrs. NfonrieP. Howard, historian. city council for a fair employment policy, foe City of Raleigh stub bornly continues to discriminate a gainst Negroes in Its employment practices. The stronger you make your lo cal NAACP branch, the stronger It can become in helping to right fo# many obvious racial wrong* within our city. The NAACP is your orga nization. The only axe It has to grind is your axe. The only fight it has to wage is your fight The only way It can become stronger so erind your axe. to fight your fight is through Increased membership. With your interest, help and Sup port. we can make Raleigh first in membership. That is important. What la more Important is foe great good a large membership can ac complish in this city where so much needs to be done. If you art a member, will you please influ ence another person to enroll? The yearly membership fee is on ly 1200. Will you please sand or bring your membership fee to me, Virginia Newell. 1311 Fayetteville St Or If It Is mono'convenleat for you, call TE 8-4959 and I will glad ly come and pick it up. 1 knofr that you want fo# same things for your self, your children and tor ad if us, and that Is freedom. Your $2.00 NAACP membership will help secure that freedom. I am waiting and expecting to hear from you. Yours for Freedom, Virginia Newell KNIGHTDALE MAN CRUSHED BY CAR (CONTOtURP FROM PARR 1) Hinton was bom in this com munity and attended Lockhart and Bhep*rd Schools. He Served three "stretches” tn the army. He returned from his laat tour of duty tn August of this year. Ho was employed by tho Harris Wholesale Company and waa con sidered one of tta moot dedicated employee#. He was married to the former Virginia Hinton, also of thia sec tion. The couple had been married about four years. Mrs. Hinton ls expeoting the fourth child. Aside from his Immediate family and grandmother, he Is survived by one sister. Mr*. Addle Dora Myatt of Raleigh. Funeral services are scheduled for Oood Hope Baptist Chureh. Thursday, at 3 p. m QUEENS COLLEGE DFSFGRATES (CONTINUED PROM PAOF 1> so the (acuity and to the student* at the Frldav assembly, by Presi dent Fdwin R. Walker. President Walker said he recom mended that Queen’s drop Its tra ditional practice of rejecting Negro applicants because of hla own "ethi cal and religious" beliefs and on a conviction that this was “In the best Interest# of th# college" Student reaction on this new ord er was favorable. TVii president of foe Queen’s Resident Student Coun riul «aid she thought the decision was ftne. and she added that as far ■s the students wore concerned, there are "a verv few’ who era real upset." l>r Walker said that the hoard had o'anned to delav the de rision until May. but that this ac tion was prompted by President Kennedy’s executive order banning racial discrimination in federally aided housing. The motion to desegregate was passed by a heavy majority. Personals ATTEND CONFERENCE Among the members from Ra leigh attending the American Le -ion and Unit Poet officers Con ference during the weekend al *t|«h Poirt were Mrs. Violet Pullen, vice p-csident. Mrs. Marv Brown. Mrs C-nobia Dunston and Mrs Orttr" Mor-an RETURN FROM FLORIDA Mrs Victoria Daniel*. Mrs. Plo ■ine Sm'th. Rev. J. D. Ray and Rev. J. C Smith have Just returned from Lakeland. Florida where thev attended foe National F. W. Baptist Convention. DEATH MR. JOHN WESLEY HINTON John Wooloy Hinton of 901 Fowl* Street died Saturday afternoon Funeral aarriaoa war* conducted from foe Manly Street Christtao Church Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock with foa Rev. T. C. Hamans officiating. Burial followed in 4' Hop* cemetery. Ho it survived by his seif*. Mrs. Margaret G Hinton; fore# daughter*, Mr*. Grace L. Price. Tucson. Arison* Barbara t and Haael Patricia Hinton, both of fo* home: tour brothers. Samuel and William Hinton JUleigh: Leon ard Hinton. Newport New*. Ve.. C Joseph Hinton. Phil. Pa.: end sister. Mrs. Rosa Mclvar. Myrtle IlNfel B» C* Shaw Meets Eagles And Buts On Weekend The Shaw Bean hava two games scheduled for thia weekend, Friday night. Dee. 14, they wtQ meet Elizabeth City Teacher’# College. Following this game, th* Bears will play boat to the North Carolina College Eagles, Saturday night Dec. 15. Both game* win be played tn Raleigh at Spaulding gymnasium, and will begin at S:Mp. m. Tha probable starter* for the Bean win be Jamgs Fox. Washington, D. C.; Carroll PureaU. Daytona Beach, Fla.; Lo* Monroe. Wil mington; Joe Byere, Oreensboro; and Bobby Height of Raleigh. Tho Bean have great potential in their freehmen player* this year. Coach W. Spann commented on several eutetehdjng freehmen such aa Bobby Height, Haywood Moyb. both of Rtltigh; Btnny Ndw*Ybrk W H# ecmtonSd foot these boy* have mod* pobd show ings and "much to axpdctad of them in tfaaf utura." Aa utual, Ryan and Fox are *s- On HC Board Raiford Names DeVane Dr. Carl DeVana ot Shaw Uni versity has been elected to a four year term on the Board of Direc tors of the Mental Health Center of Raleigh and Wake County. He will succeed E. L. Raiford, YMCA Executive who haa com pleted a similar term and who nominated DeVane for the poet. Other member* of the nomina tions committee were the Rev. Jamas Book with. Pastor of Bt. Michael* Episcopal Church and Phil Whitley well-known state legislator of Wendell. A letter of appreciation far past services to Mr. Raiford from Dr. Nicholas Fsdladitakla. director of the clinic reads ss follows: "On behalf of the staff I want to thank you for your valuable service as a member of the Board of Dlrecton of the Mental Health Center. Wo are sorry that your term haa come to an end. Ws know that you will continue te be a good friend to us and trust that we will be able to call on you for your sendees as we may need tliMn " The Mental Health Clinic to now completely integrated and all dtisens have need for it* services are invited to visit the center. John Hinton Dili Hire Suddenly Mn Hinton. gO-yeare-old. of MS ppwto EL. died suddenly of a heart attaek Saturday night in u««Rf«Hnl Hospital ■ According to \tr. Hinton’s rite. Mrs. Mar- Tarot Hinton, he tad never oom riatned about being alek before Saturday, sh # said th# first sign of stoknaas she noticed waa Saturday even ing when they toinavN were coming frsgg where she works. -Ws wore downtown when he kept eompteining ao I took him to the hospital." Mrs. Hinton said. "I don’t know whether they were doefortwy on him or not when he died; all I know to that they told me be was dead it all happened a °Mi? e jhatan waa a native of Wake County. He waa educated at SS J'lWy. teg?- eLftti am vt: im Mn* « mn»- MIR, PR., tad one sister. Mrs. Rase Teßy Mdwr of Raleigh, rmsnpl ssrvtoeo for Mr. Hinton mi held Watowaday at Manly Mtet Christian Chureh wtth &&U»CH±S; palm Hinton. foTifowto at. di heart attaek Ba ««*W4aHr| parted to carry their ritero of the era came out of hla pra >M«n ■lump wtth 04 points in BbAwv victory over Peysttovflto State, last Saturday. Ralph J. Bunche School Howe WELDON The RAlph .J. Buaehe PTA held its Annual Fall Rally at fop regular meeting Mod* day night Dee. S, with foe Rev. Mc- Kinley Nicholson, prtsldehl pro sidtog. Tho Hoopitality committee was in charge of foe profrazb: Mrs. Beulah M. GallOway, chtlrman, Mrs. Vonnle M. JohpW eo-eh*iV man, Mrs. A. M. Lbbntrd, Mra. Ear lent Cheeke, Mitt L H. Mtoro. Mrt. Dorothy Fried. Mr*. MSri# Harris, MVs. Nell B. Deloatcbe and Mrs. Theresa M. Cheeke. After a brief sOssten. J A. Cairn bell. principal Introduced Mr John Joyner, princioal, Andrew Jackson Elementary Ochool. Hali fax. who woe toq speaker for foe occasion. Hi# aubjoet for fo# occa sion was "The Emancipated Mind.” An additional- feature of foe oro eram waa fo* organisation of the P. T. A. Grade Mothers: Mrs. Ad*, line Williama, chairman; Mrs. Orel la Johnson, eo-eahtrman: Mrs. Ma bel Roeera, secretary and Mis* Bar bara Nicholson, assistant aecretery. The PTA captain from each are* reported foe total sum of Tho meeting waa torgply attended. More than 400 parent* were pre sent. After fo# meeting, parent* vi sited foe classrooms and teachers to discuss and receive foe report card of their children. Refrerii ments were served by fo# Hospita lity committee In the school cafe teria which waa beautlfullv deco rated in a Christmas Motif. Ralph J. Bunche High Reboot Band took pari in fo* Roanoke Re olds* Christmas Parade on Dee. S under the direction of Mia* Barbara Perry. Ml-s Llnntc Cheatham. "M!a* Ralph J. Bunch#" of *6l and Mto* Hazel Arrinrton, “Miss Rakfo J. Bunche” of■« rode in fo# pored*. Bucnhe also entered a float which depicted the manager scene: Geral dine Wade. Mary: Melvin Pearaon. Joseph; Three Wise Man, Milton Demory, Clarence Harris and Brack Hendrick*: Shepherd*. Glean Hawkings. Clarence Whitaker and Earl Atisby. The Crown and Reapteg Cfob The Crown and Reeptor Chib bold its Installation on Fridqy. Nov. $0 at 10:45 In the School Oymtortum. Ameatha Locust rood foe icrip ture: Hazel Arrington toad the prayer, and Vivian Miller, foa pre sident was Mistreat of Ceremony. Rev. J. H. Staton was fob guart speaker. Hli subject arks "Making Ugly Corner* Beautiful.” Tha principal. MV. J. A. Ckfcfo bell, awarded foe certificate# and Adsllna Miller, seerktary. intrtdne ed foe club members. Th* newly Installed numbers aid Carolyn Hedgepeth. Paulk MenTO. Arneafoa Locust. Hazel Arrtaften Carolyn Powell, Ooakva Raya al do. Evelyn folia and Mary BatcMtor. Mias A. I. Jarman to tho advikkr. jAarit altar# Degai tsawd Th# N. r. A. Chapter will bav* its regular monthly meeting Fri day December 7, At which font tha chapter will have its annual Christ mas party. At this meeting atarty members will receive tho degree of farm hand. Mr. J. A. Campbell, principal, will tako part in fo* jro 'Tpm. Integration Report NASHVILLE, Tonn. A new* report published by sot Sou thorn School News, pointed to fo* foot that some 8.400 more Negroes Of* now attending public school* with whites in Southern and border states this fall than were snroltod last spring. According to this report foOTO are 255.367 Negroes in daaogrigatod clement*nr and high schools thia fall, and this constitutes TA par cant of the total Negro enrollment ia the region. The May 1960 report showed only 6 per cent of the total of Negro on -oilmen! Subsequent surveys brought forth those figures: Nov. 1909 6 percent Negroea in birecta] schools: May. 6J percent: Noreaa her. 1961. 7.3 percent and tost May. 7.6 ner r~nt Three state*. Alabama. Mississippi and South Carolina remsin com pletely segregated at foe elemen tary and high school levels. TAIIOWn OPR ADVERTISER* DEAR SALLY ■r MiurMMr DEAR BAtxfe ra* M and a cap biarc to high arttortTFar the past throe mknttn Pro ban dating foto eartato boy add w*V# gotten along wcsidorfnlly. I thought the worn at hlta . . . odtO tort worts my moij * w m sure bo wortdfovo aae mom sort birthday card! fUa lack of arise kina ALrotdCkJbslwaro ms Lla and u(n ma inoQ|nuuiDMi on mo pin has cut mo deeply, and I haven’t bean myself ever since my birth day. And probably all TH get from him tor Christmas will be * end, too. Mom and Dod gay Iri putting too much atm on material foinff, and foot I shouldn’t be expecting gifts fhnn foto boy. Whit do you think ghaut foto JAItE. BBttJMRIMrttttHM DEAR RALLY: My wife Passed assay about six months ago, and about two months later I removed my wedding ring and *m now keep ing it in th* little box on toy dram or that contains my cuff links, tie clasps, and the like. A week or ao ago I dreppod in for a visit with my foto wife’s parents and In foe course at our conversation my raofoer-in-fow happened to notice I wasn’t wtoring my Wedding ring. Sh# win foully incensed and high ly indfodaai Ta vary touch a shaatod at yin.” foa saUL "Are yon trying so advfotito that you’re sin id* and In fok market for a new wifo? And after all fo* ykkro of de votion foot Aoor Mary tore y#uT I foto foklly floored! Hpneet, Rally, I hevkni oven THOwHT of an othto wmhto. Wka f many wrong tojrtmdte. toy wedding rintf BEAR RAM: The Matter of mtorfoc er art wearing foe rtaTto ghforty k» nn wmmmm mn pip* wwwl Year mathar-te-low wye guilty DBAS SAliy: ¥hto afternoon sSte’Jarr'itoS^s&R^j rtIEE C6FFBE BERVED ALL DAY SAT. StaftMUakUv* AA a SLICED POKE wwwa U-4WU Imx Lb. 4uw u.39eS£«?» *29c umuNi WHITE LABEL COFFEE lb. 59c ta stew aa. araoiio aa. HEP U.49C STEAM U- D«9G END COT 9Qa ntBBH WADE OQa FOR* CHOPS Lb. WOW ÜBS Lb. WWW Or* Ur W® GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FRESH]FRYERS lb. 23c CRESCENT AA. SNOWDRIFT __ RACON U.3BC “2*™"° 59c Or fl Ur 7Sc ~WW COUNTRY LINK PA. CQ. OBT SAUSAGE U.VVV TilCu 996 OpM Prtflay NlgM Unto S P M HORTON’S CASH STORE MU*II SO SAUNDERS ST. RALEIGH. N C ITS LARGER - BETTER - COMPLETE! THOMAS’ Comer swain And fl| /. >j. - -•> y Streeti BH6P HERE AND SAVE EVERY DAY! SS . 27c 69c 1.00 « M 5 uom IMI ,u * , - 1 ® FBANKR llfo. lallU —— i.oo STEW BEEF UVWV SSTJSr 50c ■ST"" t.lOsT" .30c 7&L* 1.49 s;