GOV. MAY NAME NEGRO TO ESC ' ’ rrWinr ” ■Should Aid lEmployment A recent survey brought forth ■ the feet that we have a aerious em ■ ployment problem regarding Ne- I groea of the State. In view of this ■ situation, It la reliably reported I that Governor Sanford will aoon I name a itate-wlde council or cosn ■ miaaion to adviae and confer with I him, and that the poeaibllitiea are I ■ Negro win be appointed to the I etate ataff of the Employment Se- I eurity Commission in the very near I future. Accordtag to aoarcca dove to the I chief executive’* office, the Gov ernor ha* given aerious thought to thia problem. In an addreaa given to toe annual meeting of the North Carolina Congreaa of Colored Tea cher* Aaaociation, in Gastonia, the Governor told the group that he ha* had aeveral persona, white and colored working on a program de signed to improve employment op portunities for Negroes. In heaping with Ola idea, it win be recalled, toe Governor Invited U whit* and 12 Negro leadira from over the fins, ispTcfEDuiig various lnicrcsu to meet with him, members es bis staff and his personal adviser*, to dismiss Maes and plan regarding lace Halation. The result of this meeting was • plan to formulate some piogrem to atody the possibility at expend ing and improving employment op portunities tor Negroes. The group was charged with the responsibili ty to make recommendations and take appropriate action when need ed. The major problem baa been that everyone knows that the pro test exists, hut no one has come up with a program or concrete sug gestion on whet to do about it", said an authoritative source near to the Governor. The plan la to attack toe prob lem from several angles which will Include 1. Education, 2. Bars of employment 2. Employment areas. 4. Professional Organizations and 9. Financial aid. Several Negro leeders have questioned toe Governor's good fsith regarding fun employment for Negroes. It was stated that imme diately after election he bad several pub ic i «tements regarding this matter. After he had been la office far at least a year, the Oov- hie advisers and At, 9*l ~ Alleged Insults Arouse Action Os Citizens STATESVILLE The alleged insult to Mrs. Mamie Conner, ot Route 1 by J. H. Owen, manager of Consolidated Credit Corporative according to Rev. Wilson W. Lee, has not been recognised by Mr. Ow en to the extent that he has made, nor attempted to make, an apology. The alleged insult is said to have bean made to Mrs. Conner, wear die telephone, by Owen, when she call- ODDS-ENDS R IAMBS A. SHEPARD -O Cam let ns worship and WHY CHRISTMAS? The question, “why Christmas?" il not meant as an interrogation regarding the origin of Christmas. The question concerns Itself chief ly with why is Christmas celebrat ed as H to? Why is the most mean ingful and sacred event in our re- Ugtoos lives observed in a manner resembling the holiday celebrations Os the pagan Romans? An apology might well he in order for com paring the mad carrying on of our super civilised Americans during it I I fir m I m • ... . |9B| |hhK jv : -#| * Jl VpM /f|l| Jr • #1 **r jyi|B*vov "" \ , r jf/r 1 * dL **■ !. j> i-?'*’&>.*“ m 1 *M| SStTion nianroT* "* P—— *"”*’ ”** ""* "*"*** "*' — ** *** "" * The CA R ()LINIAN I VOL. 82, MO. 9 RALEIGH. W. C. SATURDAY, lITEMf' If. 190 —C« 5» to •" * -4*" l > ■ ' , National biagaaine Sag* Kennedy-Barnett Deal Opened Ole Miss Door ♦ ♦ + + ♦ fHjp'to + FAITHFUL ’TIL DEATH Dies With Baby In Her Arms ROCKINGHAM Being faith ful until death, whether its to a member of your family, your com munity, or your race, or even if a member of the opposite race is in volved Should certainly make an imprint in and on the hearts of men. It can truly be said that Mrs. Adele McDonald remained faithful until death, due to the fact she was found dead in a smoke filled room, of a frame apartment her* Friday r'uhn -clutching to the hady of 8- ■month-old Keith Dawkins, whose white parents had left her to baby sit with him. The heart-rendering story being told end retold tithe end again in this small town has caused many i i .gnr.wn. ad the office to discuss her account with him. The woman alleges that she was late with a monthly pay ment and that due to the fact she was not able to get there she aent her sister. It was reported that Mr. Owen did not take the money from the person sent by Mrs. Conner, but made some statement about the office being closed. Mrs. Conner called the next day and attempted to explain the late ness and the manager is alleged to have told her, "Listen here n—r, all I want you to do is to get my money down here." This statement raised the ire of many non-whites in the area. It is to be remembered that the town and community have been seething since the recent marching protest, in which insecti cide is said to have been sprayed tceurnamTam pass n WEATHEK The five day weather fences! ter the EaMfh srea heateatec Tharsemy, Dec ess tor St. sag cm sirs? 3 —- Tempera teres wUI average hear er slightly tolew aenaal AanSay tereash MsaSsy. Seme rate stately Tharseay alght aae Prteay aae HiAb agate Meaeay. dJii I R » ul \<«dH ix * . r. ■ M - *' * •*...• IN NARCOTICS RAID Pederal and city narcotics detectives staged a raid an a Harlem apart—t late Dee. 10th and arrested Mrs. Edith Smith, ?• (right), her daughter, Gladys Richardson, M (left), and two eons as they wrapped an estimated flgg.gM worth of heroin in gaily decorated Christmas garbages. Photo shove Mrs. Smith being comforted hy daughter Gladys as they sit behind table with herein pack ages while awaiting finger printing at Baal lSdth Street police precinct. Pour ether psreene who same to the apartment to pick up the packages were aim arrested, police said. (UPI PHOTO). 6-Year-Old Child Sees Father Shoot Mother In Early Morning Tragedy Comes now Bddie Lee, Jr.. 49. from hie oell. In the Wake County Jail, where be is being held for the murder of his wife. Helen Marie. M and says that his daughter. Patricia, who was the only witness to the shooting, in their home, early Sunday mom* Inc, does not know what she is . talking about when she says he ' shot his wife deliberately, after an . argument The spcussd man. who has had IT arrasta atom 1549. ranging 1 from disorderly conduct to mur der. r fused to tell the CAROLINI AN any more about the alleged murder. The police records show, 1 however, that be told arresting off teen that bo had been on Brags DU not, throughout Satur day night to a wake, and that as be started heme, about 4:00 a. m . be was apoootsd by aome men. CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS BIA FROM THEM ——^ MMI M«> M|n C*p^ r«w »_ SSTiTik mm Moa * gWgSjSTc raws i _, gStTri^L* ssr&e. laiitea CA. laM*Mnat Cm. who asked him for hie money. He alleged that he told them that hli wife had his money. He is further reported to have told them that ha went home to get his gun, which was behind the bed. to which hie wife was asleep. He is alleged to have told the of ; fleers that when ho attempted to get the rifle, that his wife asked him what he waa going to do. and ; that he told her he wee going to 1 kill the boys who tried to rob (DowMNiin cm rsw n PAGB IS The CMM Cm4* MON Cm. Plsfly frlgf* XaJrlch Mml C*. Arm* MM Ce. PtrM ML MMI flsansrs StatodAfti CMMfOlt fnlidi C#» PAGB a Mremain * hrwn MM CanttM Mm A Light Ce. Due's Mm linfci U^IMMMm Baletsh PmMm Ca kin. MilljUt t Ce. American CreStt Cm. _ MlrtßMßt >■»■!» Ce. WniSlIMM** 1 * U AG Sa I «feMIM WBBWMw * | PAGB IB w'tfMMrtH^M| C Ca Meredith Episode Planned NSW TORE Debits puhHe ytm* of define* Maeteeippl Oov. to« Harnett made a aeeret deal with Attorney General Robert Kennedy to aural Negro Ann Meredith at toe UhtvenSy of Mis sissippi. « national map tins aid today. Barnett anirdtng tear article to the current tome ad Lack llagn ■toe. conferred an the phone with Kennedy throughout toe tour dayn pracedlng rtot at Ota plane that would allow MarodMh to entar the university. JPM) VplPilk bd* wtsfewGhiys New Church Buys Pettigrew Street Site H the plans of the Wesleyan Tint Church of Deliverance are carried out on schedule, Mrs. Mabel (Sister Gary) Philpot, pastor, and the con* gregation will break ground for a new church edifice, in early qrlag The congregation is said to have purchased a tract of land, 100 by 100 ft, located at the comer of Bd* enton and Pettigrew Streets. The buyers are said to have plaood aa Rev. S. P. Perry, Former Raleigh Pastor Buried In Va. RICHMOND, Va. Final rttM were bald at Hood Tempi# AMI lion Church Saturday, 2: SO p. m. far Heir. Still Pryor Perry, who had paatored the church atnoe ISM. The Rev. W. C. Sapp wae in charge of the ceremonies. Script* urea were read by Revs. W. J. Bailey and E. M. Wllaon. The Rev. C. C. Knight offered the prayer. Mrs. Alta E. Howard acknowledg ed telegram# and eondolenoea and read the resolution#. Mra.. Lucy A. Washington brought expression# from Hood Church. Rev. E. Williams Judge spoke for the Methodist Ministers Association. Rev. R. A. Council, Norfolk, represented the Virginia Conference. Rev. K. Franklin Jackson, Washington, D. C., told of hi# contributions te the Minis* ten’ to Laymen’s Association of the denomination. Bishops D. C. Pope and H. T. Medford cited the contributions that he had made to the denomi nation. Rev. J. C. Boggard and Al exander Barnes represented the general officers of the church. Bishop W. A. Stewart, presiding prelate, delivered the eulogy. Ho admonished the hearers to believe that death could not hold the Boycotted Mayor To Greet King EDENTOB Mayor John A. Mitchner of Edenton, whose drug store baa been the target of picketa protesting segregation, said Tues day that be will effictelly welcome Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr. whan be speaks bare Dae. R ‘Barring unforaaaan clrcumtoan cm.’ the Mayer acid. *1 will carry out the duties” of Ida office. The Mayor said other eemndtaente will imtUf YHHIWOtfWi-.IHh hi— Hi Ban ny, wtfs aljtoe Pwllisl. fa dwnwbkf the illtoig es to. ft WBffcg vMdk Uto ImpbbML (UPI PHOTO). Rev. J. Oscar McCloud To Head fiance The Rev. J, Oeear MeCteui,pae. tar, Davie Mreel fwAfierlsg Ororoh wgg etoeted pratodant e< top Ministerial filienae tor INI Stoe RleedworlkltroSnScAen Men day tolewlug e repert as the e« e< Dr. Orody a Devts rtShaw arwm*"" JSSmTSS tStULTSI sathnaOad tedae ed MUOO aa too Mstsr Oary is proud ed flw pro gram Mat the church has made and is happy over the feet that she has the Row. T. ft BuUoek as her ee riotant poster. She aim lists iwe ether atember ed On congregation •• prmehsrs, toe Rev. Charlie Bry ant and bar sister. Mrs. Sandra worts and smvtaa of the deceased and that these loft behind would do wan to aUMstar to the needs of mankind like Parry did. He was bora to Macon County. Ala. and same from a fondly of preachers. He pastored many of the Boding churches of the ds* nomination, tostortlng Raleigh, Charlotte and DlWhsm. N. C. The MfhMt of Ida nanir la said to hava fiasn the landtag of the eon* gragwtisn to the todldtag of St Mart AMR Zion Church, Durham, N. CL oonelderad one of the meet valuable and useful church bud dings found In the south. One speaker said, if you would read Pony’s epitaph, go to Durham. N. C.. and look about St Mark Chart.” HS toaa to mourn tbetr toss, a wife, tww sons. L. P., of Durham: R. Mm horns: two daughters, twenty-four grandchildren, three brothers and a host es other rel itlvee His towthar, toe Rev. A. A. Per ry, Who pastors to Charlotte, N. C.. was not aUe to attend the ssrvtaato due to the faot that he waa aanflnad to tha hoapttal. to Chartatta. Tha Rev. L. P. Perry to pager of Ones AMR Zion Chart. Raleigh. R. C. prevent Us stoytog far toe Atlanta, Cto, totagratlsa leader’s speech. wetoooa Dr. King by tbs dead rilsliksrr roailtlii es Edenton. which toe Meyer Idnmlf fermed to toe wrte es sagsgrtlrm pretort by tool BMgresaThc committee com petals ftvv wliiw dtixciH. Tbs Rev. Fred LaOardc, presi Rev. Osagr Burwtek, vies prssi dent, S. L Halford, seeretary, the Rev. J. W. Jones, treasurer, Me 1 Rev. N. Mitchell, ehaptaln wHh the ■ Hffv* Thomas flwiittk MriMßßla AU often will bo Instill si M the first meeting In Rm Mpw Tear. The Rev. D, N. HoWstd D the re- Urtegprmftyt od tRe Alßenea, t ■ T * 1L- ifiHr % iV „-, 9■Bgjß"3gr>p - "i #'-¥la l RBV. J. O. MeCLOCD State News Briefs TO ATTEND NATL ASSEMBLY Quincy Scott, Jr„ a Shaw Uni versity Junior, majoring in Religi on, will attend the Seventh Nation al Student Aeeembly of Christian Associations of the YMCA and YW CA, December 17, to January ft at Urbana, Illinois. The theme of the conference la Revolution and Re sponse. The purpose is to explore •even crucial phases of Mo world revolution. Features of the conference will Include major aseembly addressee, dramas, firesides, film forum and exhibit. STUPUmi WANT TRAMSPRR FAYETTEVILLE - C. Reid Rom, superintendent of Fayetteville City Schools denied application ad M Negro student! for transfer to the sll-whlte high school lost wish on the ground that no transfers are al lowed duriag Me school year. According to Superintendent Ram the school board allowed transfers only during a school year and this for one reason • over crowding. Mr. Roes further stated that I B. Smith High Sehol for Negroes is not a* (comwcrTniT rsm t» dent sf toe Edenton Movement acid Dr. King wiU arrive by pinna at Elizabeth City. He is expected to visit briefly there before coming to Edenton. Dr. King was invited to apeak last month hy toe Edenton Move ment leaders. Rev. LaGardo aaM the popular Montgomery Bug Roy. eott organizer to eagerly awaited, SAW Is expected to hoar Dr. Kftrt