CttANiKO DhOKS Dorothy DuMn m ahi leaves tape M tart recently Mi Lm Angeles after tantaf her hnsband, Jehi litaAltanihirMn «hjai her husband “wanted te be part ej ■toMtopc tm aaeh. (TFI FHOTO)!"* Statesville Group Accepts Overtures fITATBVIUX ft was an aaiSMi bars this weak that eiti sulte made to Aba. Mamie Conner Ipi. K Owan, manager of Conso lidated Credit Corporation, reeent apology of «M t Ih^Nikidle. 1 sostor, apa aaid la km vlaNa* agg&jy.gsg. Stops By-Law Change To Admittance CHARLOTTE The itaff of the Charlotte Memorial Hospital com posed of more than 290 doctor*, am of thorn a Negro, turned down > a proposed bylaw change that j would have permitted the hospital SO accept physicians'not belonging to the SUe Medical Society or UX American Medical Association. The announcement of this deci sion was made after a meeting Wednesday night, due to rumors that the staff would eliminate the membership requirements. itcwaimn am was n NOTICE Christmas Greeting laaae), •Aei and idhwsl Monday, instead es Wednesday. The neat odMea of The CAKOUMIAN wtH he an reg eegfWpamAmle wit please ah- WtThr pear sUaatmiel la M————^——— ACCEPTS mOM FOR UNCP WilSmm Trent, Jr., mecutire director at the Unit i Ra #• CO Fund, aonpd SSOIOO check—a 0t to the Fund and He thirty-two member coEsgx team the Beeo Education Foundation. Preoenting H w Robert O. Ooodykcsnte, rice preetdent Hi charge at the Eeetern Eeeo Region at Rumble Oil and Ratin';:* Company. Other management to* preeentatiree at Humble Oil at the preeentabon were Wendell P. Ahton a d Jo, w S. Avery m hit and eeeood bom lett reepecthrety. Bath ere ecthre in the ed'i:- :al~rei - t pregram at Httmbh end He Eeetera Bern Region. Standard OH Company (H. /.)„ Humble’% yz.snt firm, eetabbehed the Been Education Foundation Hi 1955 to coordinate ite own corporate gifts to education and tmeeattedaoeeatic atfiUetee. Rumble, Jereey Standard § largest affiliate, u a contributor to the C. Harris, along with Mr? Connoi and definitely stated that It wa; fCONTtNiirn on ea>~r n Hi., .- .. iLLE P,.i.. _i« ,LH —These are persons who fig* ■red In the protest es Insalts made to Mrs. Mamie Conner, by a credit firm manager, es Statesvflto. recently. Mrs. Cea ner to shewn tap left, with Itr Wilson Lee ea the right, fhibr. i. C. Harris is an the Gov. Barnett Faces Criminal Libel Charge MKW ORLEANS, La--Governor guarded by Metal marshalls I toea Barnett who Mopped James I ciM criminal libel by th feredith twice from entering the . llt niverrity of Mississippi. when he “••** PA ctrw ! ’iceman and sentenced to doafh by i MeckTenborg Connty EupeHor I Court Judge, July, 1900. Faust had been on “Death How" ! since that time. His ease was ap | pealed to the State Supreme Court I and it refused to alter the sentence given him in Charlotte. The warden also mid that ha had given no trouble since being at Central Prison. Faust was removed from the condemned section of the prison where he left two non [ whites and one white who are a waiting the result of appeals town death sentences. He began serving a life sen ten re and went thru the necessary pro cessing Saturday. Ha will be given his duties when the processing Is over. He will be eligible tor pa role after serving 10 year* of the new sentence. He can also ho freed at the discretion of the governor at anytime. } , „ . v-v, ' •/.*- ■ * PTCji 1, wit' in ir ** , e pSP DEATH AT THE WHEEL ley reeds slalmed lives of two women Mrs. Flora Elisabeth MeLeertn and bar mother, Mrs. Bertha D. Armstrong- Another passenger, Mrs. I.ulit T trims* (ovln-rton, wse sari eeety lajarod and bar condition reported erttleal. The women were from Fayetteville. The driver of the ear la assn wedged behind the wheel where It took ever an hoar to remove the body. iVegro headers A sh Far Marshall Plan Far Air tea WASHINGTON An hUtorie meeting between the President of the United Btatea and Mx of the moat Influential Negro leader* in U. S. occurred at the White Houaa la at week, when they naked the President for a “Marshall Plan" tor Africa. It ie to aeon to evaluate the ton pact Hi iMportum of (hi nut* log, but a point at major signlfl* cianee la that this was the first time in the history of the U. S. that an American President ha* discussed foreign policy with an all Negro group. Not to bo overlooked also is that thia mooting signaled a new ap proach and gave international dl- ODDS-ENDS R JAMBS A. SMBPABO “Os Mb ElngAem there shag bo ueaud." W BABTN raCSTVE HEN KINO” The above Sue. token from the tint rone of Isaac Watts’ Immor tal ”Jdg to the World.” ha* proven to bo one of Christendoms favor ite Christmas carols Wbr aotdon your eyes torjj of the sordid, the badT'the end ban gnsMfea and fears we have STATE » BRIEF EMANCIPATION gPEAKBB WILSON L. E. Austin. Our* I am Pabtlsbsr. will deliver the ad-1 drew for the "Iff Tear* of Proa dam." at the Ptost Baptist Church. January ÜBpa. Thejirogram I brawn and I civil rights and all piOp||g Meeting with the President were James Parmer, national director. New Twist In Shoplifting five teen-age girls were placed on probation for etx months by Juvenil* Court Judge Mason thorn as. for shoplifting offenses. One of be girls testified that she had sto len two dreams and a slip and sold the Hams ts a Mrs. William* tor 9LM. The woman. Mrs. Hattie Willi ams. M of 210 E. Cabarrus St was convietsd Friday of contributing to the delenqueney of minors and encouraging two young girls to shoplift Items for her. Mrs. Williams maintained that aha never told the girl* to steal, but that she frequently gave them money to go to the store for her. they bad taken Item* for them selves. hut that they had neve- sto ten anything for Mrs. Williams Judge Thomas delayed sentenc ing the woman until he has recelv ad a further report on her from the court officials. “The community ean not and will not put up with this kind of behavior- the Judge mid moot FACE TBIAL Os gOPf DEATH I A Wake Juvenile Court convict led Mrs Annie Bell Mitchell on a I orcr* I to"*Write T Superior Court to IMe trial of Involuntary mao- Congress of Racial Equality (CO- Mias Dorothy L Height, National Council of Negro Woman; Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.. President Southern Christian Leadership Conference; A. Phillip Randolph, International president. Brother hood of Sleeping Car Porters, pre sident, Negro American Labor Council, and vice president, AFL- Cao* Roy Wilkins, executive secre fcoNTiNt'rn on* smi n KENNEDY MEETS WTH LKAPKKg ProMdsnt Ksnuidy Am as he nafirief Mfh Jy* mtos a* the white Itresr Das IT. The Prwfdsuf was argad la giro Negraw a grantor Kb Ml MM MMw-African poMetes Left to rigbtiPr. MasMu LuttmrKlug. fwMdM, teeth we CkjtmahUpi •tote Caufereuee: Ray WSkhm. sissuHsi sssrsiary, NAACPi Prssidsnl Ksuuady. Mtos Danfhv JMgBB. proafdairt. NatfesatCsuueß as Nagro Warns; and A. PMR» KWlfMph, iKflsat, Brsthsrhaad tog Car Partem, (get alary thto gags). (UP* PROTO), t «T » Fayetteville Family Victims Os Collisioii IIHUDUON Two Fayette ville women, Mra. flora Elisabeth McLaurin, M oat her mother, Mrs. Berthe Dntd AHgptronp, 48. ware hilled instantly, Finlay afternoon, and Mra Lula Thomas Covington was seriously injured whan a ear, hi which they wore riding, skidded an an icy bridge and went hoad-on into a truck. Investigating officers unW that Mrs. Armstrong was dirvtng the 1880 Falcon and loot control of it when it hit an icy-spot on a bridge, on the by-pass of U. S. 1, and. waa no able to steer it away from the oncoming truck. It was reported that the ear rrossad the center of the road and U. S. Judge Issues Sweeping Decision DURHAM - whan the local city -chools reopen aftag ho Christmas olidays there la a possibility that 100 more non-white student will be tranfOrod to schools hem which they have been boned, due to a 'weeping decision by Federal Judge Friwln M. Stanley, Friday. The federal Jurist ordered the ~’ty Board of education to not on n when he made application to the school. Attorneys for Oantt. mid that Judge Wyrhe's ruling will be ap pealed to the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals. Attorneys Perry and Jen kins of Columbia who argued for Oantt, along with NAACP attor neys. said they had not yet receiv ed a copy of the Judge's ruling, but they pointed to the wording of a Tcvious decision made by the 4th Circuit of Appeals in ths Oantt '‘as*. Tt appears that In denying the motion sought by Oantt asking to be admitted to Clemaon Immedi ately. the Appellate Court ordered that ths cess he tried quickly be fore Judge Wyche so that any ap pes) from his decision could. In lum. receive quick sctlon. The rul ing nn Oentt'* qualification must i struck the truck. The impnc If gbM to have been so groot thatVhd W» men wen Said to have been pteswd in the oar and it was abteit MS ' hour before Mrs. Armstrong mMj be removed. Mrs. McLaurin and Mrs. Codfn#>A ington were removed A fckn minutes. Mrs. McLaurin WM Bead * upon removal and Mrs. Covkfttori was removed to a local boteital ' where her condition waa rapjrtad as serious; ' • S ' * The truck was Mid to havjf been owned by Cortia, but themim-tank trailer was the property aCTFtne State Creamery of RaleigK' The truck was damaged extensively while the car wa* demoUahad- tor desegregating it* system, Judge Stanley said. Robert 1L Blackwell attorney for the Caswell County board, told attar the hearing Friday tbe board does not plan to submit any jam before Judge Stanley's order talas effect two weeks from now,.. The two orders wenuHUUlMd In Federal Court here Friday. They are to be drafted by attorneys tor the plaintiffs and submitteed to defendant attorneys next madam day. Doc. M. If no ohj settop to raised by the defendants before Jan. 1, the orders go Int# affect Jan. t. the Judge said. The action Friday gitpjg|| of court suits instituted as Ijm at fix years ago. The CaswOßTPooa. ty case was filed to DefNMQpr of IMf by 41 Negro chitrdqr. and their parents against IllSi imwlT’s Board of Bdnsatlon. OnQaßpp Os the children are still In scWefrl, and nly these seven were impellent the case. ~ Earlier this year. Judea dbenler had ruled in favor of the seven children, but 'ffpirill th* other five. The suit tar d*e seven was appealed to the Dsnxffi CIS* curt Court Os Appeals ' ”r " n ' The Dwtaem suit wpf a epnaort detton of two S£S3£ ST"** * *’ Mwt term of the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal! la expected 1 begin January 7. White'Booze’ Paralizes Young Woman CMARLOTTt A XT year old woman said Friday that aha took one 78 cent drink of whit* whtakey I art week and tha next thing ahe knew aha waa paralyied. Tha woman whoae name was withheld, waa relaaaed from Oood Samaritan Hoapltal where ahe re* celved emergency treatment for drinking the poiaonoua liquor. “I couldn't move my toga" aba recalled. **My arms just folded up. and I couldn't open my hands. I could talk a while and then It aeemad I couldn't talk at all.” “I waa really bad. The first thing I thought about waa dying.” she said. A hospital offlrlale Mid the woman “did almost die. ft was tha emergency treatment that saved her life.” She was released from the hospital and Mid that aha waa reeling much better.