■. - '... ... . ._'. ... L.'.'jL-i-- i ’~‘; -’ ’ > ‘*' f« Expectant Mother Turned Away! ♦ + ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ . ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ + + ♦ '4 To Observe Centennial Sunday Baby Bom In Auto Due To Doctor’s Failure To Admit Hyde Woman COLUMBIA Mrs. Beadie Shelton Spencer, 25, of Swann Quarter, a Hyde County woman, gave birth in the back of a car, after being denied admission to the Columbia Hospital. Dr. James Howerton, County physician was accused of denying the woman admittance. (Continued on Page 2) ■ rJrM'-'y/'- H ■ 1 U THANT AND RALPH BUNCHE United Nations Sec- 1 rotary General U Thpht (left) and U. S. Mission Undersecretary j Ralph Bunche chit during reception at the Delegates' Dining < Room at UN headquarters recently. Thant received earlier in the 1 day General Assembly endorsment on Ms Congo yolicy, as the As - ' eembty voted to continue Ms Congo program for at least another eix months. Bunche is the Congo expert for the U. S. in the• UN. | (UP! PHOTO). ; ———— ■ ii ■ ' ——■ ' ' ~ —■ Randolph C’nty Board Facing Mixing Problem I GREENSBORO lntegration in Randolph County is being toesed back and forth by the Randolph County Board of Education to the extent that it may re-bear the com plaints of 11 student* that racial discrimination is practiced in pupil assignment The boerd got busy when it was told that the 11 children, thru their Va. Court Finds State Law Nil CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE RICHMOND. Va. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People won a victory here Friday, when a Circuit Court Judge threw out a group of laws of the state of Virginia designed to hamper integration. Richmond Circuit Judse Edmund W. Resting, Jr. ruled But the laws which were enacted by the 1996 irowrnm am race «> ODDS-ENDS BT JAMES A. SHEPARD -Ha which sews* kauullful ty staß ah* soap buuwttfußy" A THOUGHT FOR THE NBW TEAR We have a Mend whom we have admired for many years. Through hard work and an andHrtating de votion to duty, this man^hns^made reward this man and Ms faithful wife with an off spring, but togeth er. they have carved out a niche which has bs ought to them the whole hearted respect end cdstni parents, asked for an injuction di recting the board to cease segregat ed schools and assign students and teachers without regard to race. The board made this known in a formal answer Monday when it asked that the injuction petition be dismissed. It also intimated that it might re-hear the request for reassignment. It is aid to have re alised that the request had merit in view of the fact that it involved the constitutional rights of tbs student*. Tbs complaint asked that the court order the board to submit a plan tor complete reorganisation of county achoola on an integrated fCOMTOWD OH PAM S> k L * ' ' ' it' •* > . : **, ■ '*L" « / i -jp Yj CAROLINIAN PRIZE WINNERS Ttm is a psetun at Mn. Ruby Hickson and bar baby who an mantas at Iks aaaaty prmantn girmn to ths aaatbar at tha tint baby bam to tha asm yam. Baby Hickson racairad tha typical apatobrtf and yaUad at 13:01 A. As., Now Yaar’a Day. |The Carolinian! North Carolina’s Leading Weekly VOL. 22. NO. II RALEIOH. N. C, SATURDAY, JANUARY 5. 1963 -PRICE 15c Shoot 'Em Up Fatal ++♦♦♦ L* + + + Cites NegroASaancement Roy Wilkins Enligfcttm f Russian People OnJegron Hundred Years Os Progress REV YtMUC “All ispugte of American Ufa” harboring vesttgaa of racial (Mecrlminatton will be the target of “a program ta ba oarrtsd forward vigorously In IMS” by the National Aaaootatton to tha Advancement of Colored People, the organlaation'a executive ase retary. Roy WUkina. aald In a statement taped for broadcast by Radio Liberty to tha Soviet Union on the hundreth anntvewey of the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1. The nationally known NAACP official gave a detailed review of the Negro minority’* program since lags to Radio Überty'a So viet audience of minions. He pointed out that Kegroee in the United States today enjoy a wamrud on pass at IN WAKE MEMORIAL IST BABY BORN AT 12:01 A. M. In keeping with the pnbHe pulley as tha CAROLINIAN «e are giving the mother as tha first baby burn to thu nuwyaar Me by sume us the merchunts *f Raleigh. The winner thta year Is Baby Hieksun, bum at lS:yi Tuesday murnlng, at Wake Msmsiisl nsspllsl the ffs**-- as Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hlcksea as Mar risvffle. Tha shfld tlhad tha seale at Si lbs. The Ist as pro aunts and tha mam es tha pnr pagaU. ,fi ' ,r "" highar Uvtny standard than most peoples of the world, including not only thorn of Africa, Asia and Latin America, but the Europeans as weß. The picture tha Soviet propa ganda media like to paint of the uvtng conditions of the Negro mi nority in the United States Is es sentially that of the pre-Civll War period; the image conjured up by tha Kremlin propagandists would show the U. S Negro citizen as a terrified, helpless being driven without recourse and respite through a morass of discrimina tory laws and organised persecu tion. “Hi* per capita income of U. 8. Negroes in IMI waa 91.050. aa compared with a general per cap ita income of SI,OOO in Great Bri tain. MM in Pranee and Wert Germany,” Wilkins declared In a (C9HMMB on rant n Hastie Says System Starts Big Problems BALTIMORE. Md.-The tragedy as Mississippi and other areas of the South is due basically to "an almost total failure” to teach be- Uaf in tha equality of every In dividual Judge William H Hast!* CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS ——— BU\ FROM THEM PASS 9 *** n,n Mftttßf ft OMMMSV ss Ba NmMU riranw !>#• The talas A Service Apts., lac Ptea Mass HRk A ke Creaai fThpIhMMN C* ggHfjJtemNr A Grocery CilaMi* t*eree | AMD FWainl Hama | R. HmauPkrteiuH Ce tog* » •v Eddie ccrtih Lucas Accident Claimed Bddie Curtis Lucas, IT, of 1731 Pools Road, who is being held in the Wake County Jail, for the slay ing of his nephew. 17-year-old Thomas Lee Price, told The CARO LINIAN the whole matter was an accident. Lucas' story related how he. Price, a girl whom he said was named Rosekene , Wilson and an been playing a gun that be longed to Price. saying that Price gave the gun to VK:W* the Wilson girl L she started playing with it, after having bean by Price, that tt PUCE was not loaded. He further stated that the gtrl (tmnwm on p*os a> topH-Cels Ce. es Beletgh fir sites ■uUSert. tec. Deluxe Hotel Warmer Mease rials Dlllee Meter Pteaace Rtegewsy’s OyUcUas, tec. AAter-s CkUOrra a m-ttes Sbep Weed’s S - Me sure W. T. Oraar* AeSe laauraarc Bar, kr CsessWSsleS CraOlt Carp Tbsmsi fee* Merkel Drew Blag Darker Sfceg t. Si C. Grercry N. C. Pteeare Ce. Gae guise ctesaers A Hauers galetgk PsraMarr Ce. WMsea-Perreg PuraMarr Ce. J. C. Praatys Cemeeay wSSSemle Meters Mater Pteeare Ce., lac. Wteslaa Mutual tee. Ce. •madly Pectltag Cempaay Laws Meagewt farms O. S. Tucker Dees. Larry’s Cut Bair Ore. A Mkt ley's Amrrtrau Grin MaMte-levtut Purutture CajSs* aureate Stare mZlmA* Wetesa * Leatcr paoh m hiatr * WSSty-Wtggty_ ' men SrswUeeS CtmrrrU freSuct* Ce. Two Killed IsWillwSst Gun Duel ' *: Gerry Junior Goolsby. 37 of 312 W. South Street died early Ttiea day morning at the Wake County Honpital from a pistol wound fired by his friend James Carlton Jones. BULLETIN Aa we go to preaa word rea ches us that James Carlton Jones died at ItitS a. m. at the Wake County Memorial Heapl tel. 34 of 801 S Saunders Street. Mystery shrouds the reason for thia shooting Mrs. Dorothy Ann Dunn, of 212 1-2 W. Soolh Street told officers thal neither man spoke but that one fired as the second man entered >ne room. She could not tell who fired first. When questioned by a reporter of (CONTINUED ON PSOI t) Dr. R. Lanier 'Dies, Native Os Winston NEW YORK ANPp—Dr R. O'- Hara Lanier, director of the Search for Talent program of the Phelps- Stokea Fund, died at hia home here Tuesday, Just three days following the 80th anniversary celebration of (CONTINUEV Oh” PAGE t> jppf y ™ r. 3H.- -•**^ f 1111111 * i xmtfj&mgg -. jBBp @ ; «-'-»*» *■■-— >**, jj r ;friM ' - <i. - t* . # ■ ~»r lUBf/ Jdß ■Jf't’^M' PICKETS CURSE DOCK WORKERS Galveeton, Tetae: The member* at an indagM: dent union who oil-loaded 50,000 tern <V banana* horn the Swedith freighter "Brita ThorgfM cron* ILA longthoremen picket line at Galveeton dock s December 27 th, amid jeer* and C#K Law officer* itood by a • the independent * worked lor the eec ond day unloading the reeeel. SajggM leader* of the independent union have reportedly received threat* of bodily harm from mou* perron*. (UPI PHOTO). ~?S One Hundred Singers, | One Hundred Ushers To f •4 i»WSSM Serve One Hundred Minutes The Raleigh Branch NAACP predicts that the Centennial Emancipation program, scheduled for the First Baptist Church, Sunday, 3:30 P. M. will attract an overflow crowd. In view of the fact that it marks 100 years of proclaimed freedom they have limited the services to 100 minutes. (Continued on Page 2) V, X . - , _. - ■ ...■ *»■ . -•-.t| kM * h y' f j f , ■ *^^B Bmhmk f -'* * y,- t ‘ gTgm . >!■ NEW YEAR URc.nl IliOS Missts Samira Edwai «. .. <if, Newport New*, Va., and Thoma*enia Clay, right. Roxboro. both students at AtsT College form the backdrop for “1963” as thfy extend greeting* tor the New Year. .«» Moseley Challenges Warren C’nty Group WARRENTON Rev. Alexander -D. Most-ley. pastor. Mt. Gilead Bap tlit Church, Durham, was the speaker for the Emancipation services at the Warren County courthouse. Tuesday. The bay Moseley was expected to tell bIV-audlence of the things that the Negho-hgs done In the 100 years of free dom. Hia story of how the Negro has been transformed from a chat tel to an engineer, from a cotton picker to an educator, from a wood chopper to a scientist should serve as a lever to make his hearers con scious of the fact that the fight for real freedom lies ahead. His refereene lo registering and voting should spur the people of Warren County to become acttPV and get a job done It is to be (Jf membered that non-whitea pay more taxes in that county than the whites, due to the fact they own more land. 'Zi. Rev. Moseley nas served as di rector of civil liberties for the State Association of the IBPOE of W and has been on lop of the strug gle for civil rights In the stale. He is said lo be the only Negro serving as a precinct chairman in the stgtg, He was elected head of the Fulim School precinct, which is repute! to have as many if not more whito registered as nonwhites. fUUNfIMWW oa raw w

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