TB CAROLMUIH RALEIGH. N. C„ SATURDAY. JANUARY S. UN 10 The Raleigh SCENE Geraldine G. Brown's ■ i■■ i ' 11 1 f■ ■ ■ ■■■ Personally Speaking To be invited out for breakfast on Christmas morning is a rare treat. But such was the case for Mrs Bcrnell Hall Becknel of Bronx, N. Y. Miss Frances Roberta a Raleifjh student now attending AST College, Miss Euniee Letts of Shaw University, Ed Hall and hli mother. Mrs. Bernice Hall. The pradoti* hostess was Mrs. Kathe rine Womack of 23 Lincoln Terrace. Everyone epxressed delight for this enjoyable and rare treat. At the residence of Wade i 1 Marcelinc Smith of A-21 Washing ton Terrace, births and birthdays ere the thing. Kerry Dean cele brated-"his very first birthday on January 4 and Clifton Leroy made his debut to the household a couple of weeks ago. Congratulations to everybody and we hope Mrs Smith PERSONALS Mo. Ella E. Lawrence of Greens boro-was In Raleigh during the Christmas holidays visiting her sis ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Washington of S. Per son Street Mrs. Lula E. Young is visiting latlvdt in Greensboro and Salem. Va. Mlt. C. P House of Goldsboro and Mr. Dlmond Gora of the U. S. Army, visited Miss CTaranette Durham during th* Christmas ho lidays. Her brother Larry accom panied them. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Jonas have returnbd frdm Albany. o*. attar rending the holidays with Dr. Jones' parents. Mrs. Hattie Jones, mother of Dr. Jones returned to Raleigh with them to spend a faW days. . . _ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leo Bar field of Delanv Drive, had as their bouse guest during the Christmas holidays, Mr. Barfield's mother, Mra. Katie Barfield of Mt Olive. Mr. Jaaae Lee Broadnax of 809 E Hargett St., will celebrate his birthday Jan. 8. Wa wish him a Hapoy Birthday. Mias Willie Mae “Crete" Davit of Washington Terrace left Sunday night tor Washington. D. C. to cele brate dhb New Year She la visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Perry moved tnto their new home on De lany Drive during the Christmas holidays What a wonderful Chrtttmas gift Miss Prentice C Jervey returned to Xavier University, New Orleans January 1. after spending the holi day season with her family, Mr and Mrs. P. R. Jervay and brother. Paul, Jr. Mr. and Mra. Louis Craven have returned home from Rochester, N. Y. after apendlng the Chrlitmaa holidays with Mr. Craven's parents GUESS WHAT?? Santa brought Ui»«4 a Thunderblrd. MW* Marie W. Sander* became the pride of Mr. Charles Patterson. Sunday. Dee. 80, at the home of Rev. and Mra. C. W. Ward at I p. m. with only a few close friend* and relative* attending. The wedd ing ceremony was given by Rev. C. W. Ward The bride was beauti fully dressed in powder blue, with matching accessories. The couple left for a short honeymoon. TE* pastor. Rev. C W. Ward, and member* of First Baptist Church EMERGENCY CLUB OF BT. PAUL CHUKCR The Emergency Club met at the bom* of Mrs. Bessie Wesley of E. Lenoir St Friday. Dec. 31. Th* business peri of the meeting was put aside and a real Christ mas party ares ta order. The horns was beautifully d*corat*d with a tree, flowers and eerda filling all with the Christmas spirit W* opened with singing Silent Night tad prayer by our pastor. Rev. Penn. Oamet war* played end nsut ares exchanging of gtfte to ta* delight of «*ch on*. Th* pastor. Rev. Ptnn. ares presented > puma as a token of Hte spirit of Christmas from tbs 'TL Waslay. tha hostasa, artth th* asaUtabe* of hbr stater, Mrs. Bbthaa and huband served a real Christ mas dtanbr artth ham, turkey and all ta* trimmings, tea cream and TC Strickland thanked ta* ho*- t**S for th* lovely time had In h*r h*B>»- Member* present were Me*- tltallM Hattie Edmondson. Will* MelYer. Nuffle Iredell. Gsrnell IJgpSnfdQ Pepd-Cola Bottling Co., Os Raleigh trw Hnjaaono strebt. xiamn. nootm Carolina tzl. ts mo» and baby continue to progresa on the road to good health. Arriving from Washington, D. C. on Christmas Eve was George Scott. He was th* house guest of his mother. Mr*. Loulae Scott of E-28 Washington Terrace. He and hi* friends, Daniel Hunter and hi* wife Hazel and JHB covered the city on Christmas Evo. Boot and Hazel were house guests of her siatars on Oakwood Avanue. They made the return trip to Washing ton on the weekend. It has been called to my atten tion that Mr*. Bessie Mclntyre of 424 Alston Street is quit* ill as the result of a recent stroke. We wish for her Improved health during the coming weeks. were happy to have ai guests wor shipping with them on last Sun day, the following persona: Mr. and Mrs. Zollie Dunn, Mr. Walter Fer rell. Miss Ethel McLaughlin. Mrs. Gertrude Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Alda rla H. Jonea and family, Mr*. Edna Sledge Adam* and daugher. Mr*. Charles Lofton. Mr. William Croc kett and Mra. Jacquelyne Crockett Mias Naomia Brown and Mr. Man uel Crockett. Mias Lena Eure hae returned horn# from Norfolk. Va.. where ah* spent th* Season holidays with her family and friends. Mra. father O'Kelly la the heue* guest of Mrs. AUe* C. Jonea for th* holiday. Mra. Lula Meyer* of 807 8. Per son St., la spending the New Year in Jacksonville. Fl*., with relative*. Mrs. I*th*r M. Hayea entertained a few of her friends at a cocktail hour on Saturday December 28. al her horn# on Bragg St. Guests pre sent war#: Mis# Yvonne Tatum, Mr and Mrs. Lavandar Goldston. Mias Pldie Rudd, Masdames Harman* Hunter and M»lba Little. Miss Elate Spaulding and Mr*. Antoinette S. Monroe were th* dinner gueete of Mia* Claranett# Durham, J-8 Washington Terrace. Happy birthday Miss Radye Watts of 808 8. Peraon St., and Little Miss Beverly Nipper of WO NeWcombe Rd. JMverty celebrated her Srd birthday December 2Jth. Truly th* beet Christmas gift her Mam and Dad could have received. Mr end Mr*. J. C. Washington ■pent a few of the Chrietme* hell days with Mr. and Mra. Washing ton's parents in Goldsboro and Dudley. Mr. and Mr*. P. M. Marrow of Rocky Mount, were th* house gueeta of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wash ington on Saturday. December 29. Mr. end Mre. Bennie Thornton and femllv motored to Henderson Sunday where they spent the day with Mr*. Lucille Brodi*. Mr. and Mr*. M. H. Crockett of Gaener Rd.. war* overjoyed at th* Chrlitmaa gift they received. Their son William arrived In the city from St. Paul. Minn, bringing with him hi* moat charming wife Jac quclvn and baby daughter. Mra. Rebecca Goldston and bar mother, Mra. Rosa Delalha’s hom# was filled with gav Chrtftmas apl- I rit at many of thalr friend* dropp jad in Christmas Are for informal chit-chat CLUBS Watts, Effta Young. Addis Logan. o*n*va Brown. Lucy Eaton. Geor gia Stewart Juanita Strickland. Bessl# Wester and Rsv. Penn. THE WORLD FELLOWSHIP OOMMITTRR Th# World Fellowship Commit ta* m*t December 18. at th# hom# of Mrs. India Smith. 818 Otwrita Rd. to celebrate th* Yulotid# sea *6n. Her hom* was picturesque of th* season', meaning After ■ brief busiams meeting, several Christmas carol w*r* sung by th* groupi Mra. Mari* Macon recited an lntereri tng. Dunbar, arhich wa* enjoyed by all Th* member* and guests enjoyed a delicious rSpate, and ***ryon* re ceived a gift Guests present were: Mrs. James Boyar. Mrs. Jon**. Mir. and Mra. Hooker, Mr. 8. J. Macon. Mr Bills Williams; msmbere present were: Mrs. M. B. Sapp, chairman. Mas dames Flosste Grant o«nevta Dun ston. Lovis Ellis. Maris Mason, C R. Trotter, Chas. Robson. India Smith. Eva Williams, Alice Jones, Mary Carter, W. D. Gay. nMMHHnR MJMK ftft wflff Bg^CTTOl^aM* December 33rd wga th* birthday of Ed Rail of the Sensational Ev ening Five (a local tinging group', and his mother entertained him and a few of hi* friendi with a party. Attending this affair were Mr. Herman Dunn, Pvt. Robert (Bob' Hall Miss France* Roberta Mias Eunice Latta. Mis# Thelma Joe Hall and many other. Belated greetings to Mr. Hell end we wish for him many happy returns of his natal data. The long holiday season brought many home from far and near. Ar riving on December 24th were Mrs Bemell H. Becknell and her three children. Barton. Rose and Monte. They were the guests of her mother Mra. Bernice Hall and other rela tives. Bemell is here from Brohx, N. Y. and I must admit that the city life has agreed with her. I happened to see her In the Sun day morning worahip at her home church. Miss Georgia O. Gorman was her# visiting her mother, Mra. Au gusta Gorman of J-20 Washington Terrace. We are aur* she visited other relative# and friends. The presence of those mentioned and others omitted, helped to brighten the holiday for manv parents rela tives and frienda. All of you eom* again, but don’t wait so long. Entertaining New Year's Eva ware Mr. end Mra. Raymond Smith of 8101 Rbamkatte Road. Enjoving th# evening were Mr. and Mr*. Willi# Lleeett. Mr. and Mrs. Bezzle Butler. Mr*. Helen Walton, th# Walton sitters, Pearl, and Bea, and Mr. and Mra. Paul Sanders, and JHB and ME. W# really had fun. Thank* for th* Invitation Mag. THANK YOU to all who pa tronized th# Reunion Affair of th# Class of 'S3 by buying tickets and attending the gathering on Decem ber 28th. Seems everybody was there except ME. Understand you had a grand time though and many claasmttea from out of town were in attendance. Again THANK YOU for buying the ticket* and attend ing. ZETA ZEST Soror Norn E. Lockhart tamtas left th* city during the holiday* for Washington. D. C. to the na tional Board Mooting along with other national Officers. Soror Dorothy lone la visiting In Charlotte, and Soror Kathleen Thomas is visiting her daughter and family in Washington, D. C. So ror Lou Perrin of Baltimore, Md„ formerly of thle city was a guaat of Dr. and Mrs. Nalaon Harris during the holidays. The Zeta Interest Group of Shaw University assisted by some Sig mas, sanp Christmas carols to pa tient# of Wake Memorial Hospital. This group was headed by Soror* Pose Lvona, Victoria Morris and Hazel Sorrell. Sorer* accompany ing this group were Sorer* Merc# YarbrOueh. Mary Barbor. Mildred James. Vivian Brown. Roee Lyona. Hazel Sorrell and Victoria Morris. Th# group stopped by Dr. end Mra. Nelson Harris and rendered several rare Is. The preeldent and Mre. Har ris were grateful for th# rendition*. Th# group then went to th* hom# of Soror Has#! Sorrell and waa served fruit eak*. freppe, candy, nut* and sang more Christmas songs. Soror River# aviated in thle part of the service. This group left with th* feeling that they had rendered a real aarv- Ice to the alck. which they enjoyed dotng., Th* chapter wish** all a happy new year and a proeperous on*. HATES NOMINATED FOR SULLIVAN AWARD TAMPA Robert Hayea. the National AAU sprint tltlist hat been nominated for th* Sullivan Award by the Florida AAU Hay** and his ax-coach, Pet* Griffin, were honored during th# Florida AAU annual luncheon her# In th* HUaibore Hotel recently. OAITWSR HONORED ATLANTA. Oa. - Coach Jake Gaither of th* Florida A AM Uni versity Rattler* received • 38-y**r achievement award during the Golden Jubl}4* celebration of the Southern IntareaDeglate Athletic Conference hade la Fraziers Case Society. PATHONOR OUR ADVtHTISBHSI Jjj C*J W JR | i* BY MRS. MAY L. BROADIB Our Father, are thank Thee far this life and all Thy btaaa . fogs which wo receive from The* from day to day. Grant that we receive theea gtfte with thankful hearts and uae them in th* eervtc* #f other*. Help as to enter the new year In the way es Christ that leads ta qua lity living. Enlighten ua to bo deeper Christiana, w# ask in tho name es Thy dear Sen. UNION BAPTIST At 10:8* a. m. Sunday School began with the superintendent, Mr. Walter Price in charge. Morning worship wa# at 11:30 and the senior choir furnish ed the music directed by Mra. Net tie Harrington and Mra. Gilchrist wa* at the organ. Morning lesson was read by th# pastor and Deacon Hill offered prayer. Rev. E. Mason, the pastor, also preached th* ser mon from the aubject “Silver and Gold, I have None." Evening wor ship was at 7:30 p. m. LILY OF THE VALLEY At 9:5 Sunday School began with th# superintendent, Mr. Meek Arthur, in charge. At 11:30 morning wor ship began and the senior choir furnished music directed bv Mr. Willie Henderson. Rav. Walter Sanders preached and Rav. Rlveta la the pastor. ©BERLIN BAPTIST Mr. Wal ter Curtis, superintendent, opened Sundav School at 9:30 and morning worship followed at 11. The Tote choir wa* In charge es mueie under directed by Mr*. Marv Curtis and Mrs. Rosa Curtis. Organist wa# Miss Praneine Blount. Th# paste*. Dr. Grady B. Davl# brought a wonderful message from the sub let “Thing* Pad# A wav But W* Wl'l Alwavs Have Christ." WILLIAMS GROVE BAPTIST Sunday School waa at 9:30 with Mr Phillis Alston, superintendent In charge. Morning worahip waa at 11 o’clock and the lunior choir off ered music with Mr. Willie Hart*- field directing. A wonderful ear mon was delivered by th# paator, Rev J. H Brvant. - WILSON TEMPLE METHODIST At 9:30 Sunday School began with the superintendent Mlae Nan nie Morgan preeiding. At 11 o’clock th# pastor. Rev. O. W. Burwick. mads th* caU to worahip with th# lunior choir offering mueic. Mre. Kellv directed th# choir. It wee student** Dey and they were their from all around. R*v. O. W. Bur wick preached a vary inspiring ser mon. MANLY ST. CHRISTIAN At 9:30 Mre. Pearl McDonald, the eup erintendent of th# Sundav School began orealdlng. At 11 o’clock. Rev. T. C. Hainan*. raster made th# call ♦o worahip with the morning choir turnlehlre music directed by I-r. Samuel Roll*. A greet sermon was preached bv the pastor from th# sublect: “Walking Wire In A Cra zy World." ST. ANNAH FREEWILL RAF TTST At 10 a. m. Sundav School beean with the superintendent, Mr. William Lyon# in eharge. Regular church service I* held every first and third Sunday at 11 o'clock with Rev. L. T. Ford restoring. YOUNG'S MISSIONARY TEM PLE CME At •:*» a. m. th# sup erintendent, Mr*. Della R. Ford, orened Sundav School. Morning worship was at 11 o'elark and th# lunior c* o »r o**»ed mu-tc with «*«** G’eria Howard direct*"*. Mornlne le-mn e«<4 nrerer were bv th# pastor. Pev. J. N. Leverett wh* alas brou«M a great aernaon Hey ervnng gntnved It verv much. rtRST BAPTIST At 8:80 a. m. *"nd*v S** v oni be—n wi*h th# sup erintendent. Mr. W. H. Tavlor. Sr. In chare*. Morning worahlo follow ed at It o'elock with th# male rhorua in eharea of music under the direct'on of Mr. Lorenzo Battle «nd Mm Juliet Battt* was organist Rev. J. Letter read th* morning Gsatgtai Dr. Rkbayd V. Mnate. Daytsns Siatb, yrstedmt AbteHtan TmcCs Aspitfogsn. and Mbs LaVsres Ibamm, IfopswsS, Vp, mite- UM-MM PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS “Crowding Out J«sus.“ Bfoi Mu> « M lltVu '••*# paator prerid'nj. HENRY & BAKER Funeral services for Henry & Baker of 804 E. Martin St were held at the Raleigh Funeral Home chapel by the Rev. W. S. Sanders. Burial followed to the Mount Hope Cemetery. OSCAR BROOKS Oscar B. Brooks died at bis home at 803 S. Person Street Funeral services were conducted from Springfield Baptist Church Sunday at 3 p. m. by th* Bev. O. H. Brodi*. Burial followed in th* ehursh ce metery. Surviving are five daugh ters, Mrs. Eula M. Winter* apd Mra. Annie M. Hinton, both at Re leigh; Miss Ardelia Bropk*,'Bronx, N. Y, Mra. Alice WillifiSa, Betti mere, Md„ and Mias Maltast* Mae Brooks, Norfolk, Va.; on* son, Nu ma Brooks, Raleigh; two sitters, Mrs. Lugenta Hinton of th* home, and Mra. Minnie Holden, Riley HHI; on* foftay son, Otis Christmas, Auburn: and eight grandchildren. MRS. ABA L KELLY Funeral services for Mrs- Ads Le* Kelly of 808 Rare Garden St. who died Wednesday, wiH be held Sunday at 3 p. m. st the Baptist Grove Church with the Hbv. E. D. Pretty officiating. Burial will fol low ta tho church cemetery. Bur* viving are h*r husband, Ervin Kel ly; her mother, Mre. Malacey IV* ana of Raleigh; her father, Sam Hart of Raleigh; four brothers. Jim my Lee Griffin, Thomas Lae, Law rence and Clarence Evans, all of Raleigh; five staters, Barbara Ann Evans, Florence. Jacqueline and Ernestine, all es Ralbigh. MRS. CORA UTLEY HAYWOOB Funeral services for Mrs. Core Utley Haywood. 708 Method Rd, were held Thursday at St Jamas AME Church. Th* Rev. G. W. Troubleflald offi ciated and burial waa In Mount Hag* Cemetery. GORDON POWELL SB. Funeral services for Gotten Powell, Sr, were held Thursday at 2 p. m. at the* Second Baptist Church. Burial was la Mt Hags Cemetery. ___ OKNOSCAB BOYKIN Funeral services for Genoeear Boykin, who died at hte home, 811 Cannon St., were held at Lightaer’s Chapel with the Rev. J. C. Meson officiating. Burial followed in Hlll crest Cemetery. Surviving are an* sister, Mrs. Lassie Wood of Char lotte; an* daughter, Mias Minnie B. Boykin of Roseboro, and on* bro ther. Elliot Boykin eg YoungsvUl*. | My Lady's Doings | ♦ ♦ «In And Out Os Town WEEKLY MEDITATION BV COLIN DOUGLAS -u.. _«|» l || WhbnJvSrw* hav* Just complet ed another y*tr ta our eal«»da» of Ufa. and took back upon it ws usually view tt wtth mhtad fori ings. tho things tut cents to our us fo*l both #8 ar* for from our goals and as- Rlrstlikii The Aobstie Paul had such foal in as as thass when he wrote to th# PhfUpptenr “Not that I hav* al ready obtained, or am already mad* nermeta-but I pram on. if so b# that I stay lay held on that for which stab I was laid hold on by Christ Jesus. Brethren, I count not mystlf yet to have laid hold; hut an* thing I DO. forgetting the thtags which an behind, and atratehinf forward t# th* things which are before, I pram on toward th* gbal unto th* prim of the high wiling of CM in Jesus Christ” And In truth, there really is no time. There ta only th* eternal . The avenge rainfall in Cap* Town. South Africa, amounts to M inch«a a year. 100 days. (ANP) Th* first South African floating diamond mine in the Chamois bay |g ta operation 34 hrers a day. gawssaw *e*o—are—area— Bldjsuigjf OPTICIANS. Ist. Vsnaanaaaasan* » a wswwwnn MONUMENTS sal*# ear*eT jylffigSlß Sta VnaaTaaii? Com* to Shat) HKq fare tot aal«c at Low Coats. MM wXrn ER MEMORIALS Mlt NIHB spa. JteJstgh, N C. i Aaraaa ■altraag gfonl Mature Finance or Borrow On Your Car Through Tho Dillon Motor Finance Co. 126 a Dstnr Btmt Phone TE 3-1231 MAKE EXTRA MONEY SELL The — Carolinian Your own state newspaper, with news of your community while it is still news. Liberal Commission Fill out and mail tho coupon below at once. . TNI CAROLINIAN , >lB a Mwasih —• .RTONtNC ; 2 Th* oSouSnAN? J I W •takh- g * MAM f * I AOIWMS I % CITY OR TOWN I HOW. That aw hare not yat attain ed all w* long to attain to not im portant What ta important to us is TODAY, our faith in God TODAY, and what w* accomplish in this faith TODAY. Lot us all enter into our N*w Year with eagerness and artth happy heart*. Radiant vitally alive, filled with His creative in spiration and love, ere can easily cogs artth any problem or situation that arise* in our Uvea. The Spirit Os God in and around us ta unfail ing. Wa find that when are lean on His everlasting arms, a great foaling of peace swoapa over ua .and w* are able to relax and rest in the sure knowledge that Ha loves us, that His presence to over with us, and that all ta well artth our world. “B* strong ta th* Lord.“-«ph. 8:10. ————————■—» DKLIIXE HOTEL Membra of N B B Clea-L Comfortable Room Mtor- Lucille Griswold Prep 138 B Cabarrus St Batalfb Phene TE 8-8888 Everything Por .. . BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING • UMBER • MILL WORK • 4TBEV H PAINTS • AIIILDIING MATERIALS • SUSS WIN H.UtDWABS Dial TB 2-7M3 CAROLINA BUILDERS CORP. 217-219 N. Dawson 8t RALEIGH. N C. MINTING 1 • Commercial • Social " Consult Us to Reasonable Estimates Prompt it Service Phone TE 4-5558 —The— CAROLINIAN , PUBUSHING CO. SlB B Martin Street Raleigh. N C.