MUOMHIH (plchrisi Crashes AFL fishing Record, Gets Hayer Os Y ear Award WHO YORK (ANP) Cookie CriKhgjm 334-pound fullback and a vet s® ®* Cwadlan pro football, wajgpted tba Player of the Year In IK American Football League fat a new league record by becamlGv the Bret man In the two- JWtoop to amass over 1,000 yard* In bteeking the AFL ru*hlng ra rer**, Gilchrist a bruising runner who ha* been likened to the Cleve land Browns’ Jim Brown, chalked up UN yards on 314 carries to nopo, csrt Dallas’ Abner Haynes, and Houston’s Charley Tolar. la the balloting tor Player of the Yea? by a committee of writers of tharggoelated Press. Gilchrist. 27, gam seed II of 94 votes cast Len Dawihst Dellas’ Quarterback, was second with • votes. Knpwnlng his struggle to gain Patterson Says Contract CONKERS, N. Y. (ANP)— De thrpJ}Rd. heavyweight champion Floyd who has been in seclufipn sine* losing tha title to Sonny Jftston in Chicago last Sept 25, returned here last week to spend the Christmas and New Year’s Day holidays with his fam ily expressing confidence he'll get a ret®# title bout with Liston in April. T§LJ Scores 4§kWin On Western Tour HbfIXULU (ANP)—The visit ing tSnosaec State University, led by BYNobby Edmonds, scored its foufUQßralght victory in a seven g*me'4eur es Hawaii by outclass ing MuJI University of Japan, 95- 64. In a basketball game here last w#4k. Edmonds netted 18 points while Playing only 14 minutes, as Coach Harold Hunter started with his first fleam and then used seednd tringdfs against the short Tokyo team. So outclassed were tha Japanese that Tennessee State sped to a 22-6 lead hi tha opening minutes of the contest Tha second-stringers were then brought in and State coasted to a 45-84 half-time lead. Tha Meijl team rallied in the sec ond half to within seven points of tying the score, but the Tigers counter with IS quick points to clinch the victory. (Jerald Durley and Loe McKnlght wore runners-up in the scoring for TSnnesoe State, tallying 14 and 12 points, respectively. Keishiro Notoe and Ypshitake Egawa tied for Meiji scoring hon ors with 18 points each. Following the victory over Meijl Tennessee State was i.-heduled for tougher competition against a U.S League team. Subiac. V\ ' m . v Y'ic*' ;* ’ | J ,«9H i^'4?^.' : '1 If 't'Sl/'iffeA'S*> I > / -; .^^mnm , - Jpp %jS\m H Jfv -f >: I^Bb pp AATD UNDER Siftasufsrf in mid air, Memphit Staid guard George Kirk, chitchat the bell lightly in hk hand Suridg the third game at the 27th annual All-Collage Beeketball TouAiament in Oklahoma City, Okla. Dec. 27th. Center-forward Ray Wohord (11), of the Unirereity at Toledo, it on the floor. Memptue State mm 76-61. {UPI PHOTO). stardom, Gilchrist, elated over the Player of the Year honor, said: *T have no college education so it’s been a question of money with me ill along. I had to battle all the time for the kind of pay I felt I ntwL* The Bols picked up Gilchrist list August after he was waived eut of the Canadian League for a report ed 330,000 salary. Ha has repaid the club three times that amount by his outstanding play during the 19- SI season. He came to the Bills with the reputatiuon of being hard te han dle, which was probably the reason he was waived out of the Canadian League. He had gone to the Cana dian League fresh out of high school. He said ha had approached the Brown* for a Job and was told to go to Canada tor seasoning. Scoffing at reports that Lts teai may pass him up te fight either Harold Johnson es luge mar Johansson, Patterson sold: “In spite es all tha stories a beut my return fight with Bon ny, the faet remains that Son ny and 1 have a solid contract tor a return match. “Sonny wants the return fight wants to keep his word. And 1 want It because that’s the only way I can win back my championship." Until recently, Patterson, who has been training secretly, was virtual ly silent about th* return bout. TSU Outhustles Saint Mary’s In Basketball Duel HOUSTON (ANP)—Led by Mau riee Battista and Charles Matthews, th* Tigers of Tans Southern Uni versity outplayed and outhust' d St Mary’s University hare last week to score their fifth basketball victory In tha newly born seasot. 88-55. TSU boasted a 5-3, won-lOst record after th* victory. Battista was the game’s top scor er, with 30 points and 17 rebounds Matthews scored 19 points. Hank Cox of St. Mary's scored 15. The Tigers sped to a 48-34 half time lead and then kept the lead throughout the remainder of the contest KEEPING THE BUSINESS IN THE FAMILY RALEIOH, N. C. Hoke Smith, 66. announcing his retirement re cently said 35 years as a stats rev enue agent bad given him a cer tain understanding of moonshin ers. They are a “special breed of people who wouldn’t commit any other type of crime,” be said. “Whiskey making is a family trade. It’s been handed down from generation to generation." PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS V X I ■ >■ mm vsr ■ TWO POINTS Paul Hogue (14), of the New York Kmckerbocken, gum# the bell In fore hfO’pointer December 25th, ae Len Chappell (left), end Joe Roberta (12), of the Syracuse Hals watch. Syreeuae won 123-111, in the second game of $ holiday double header before 17,169 lam in New York's Madieon Square Garden. (UPI PHOTO). Walt Bellamy, Prized Hoop Star, Leads Chicago Zephyrs Into 2nd Yr. Campaign CHICAGO (AMP) Th* Chicago Zephyrs, • torn composed Ur**ly ot s few sOssonOd veterans, s lew starry-eyed rookies, a newcomer coaeh to the National Basketball Assn., and one of the greatest store in pro basketball, has been waging a frustrating campaign In the NBA tor the past two years. On the team’s roster are such capable veteran performers as Texas Southern’s Woody 80ulds berry and former Dufcuksne star Sihugo Green; and a quintet of promising rookie stars in Terry Oischihger of Purdue, Charles Hardnet of Grambllng collate; Bill McGill of Utah, Don Nelabn of Id wa and Mel NowOU of Ohio State. The caoch is Jack McMahon, who coached last year in the Amerieyi Basketball League. But the big star and prise of the team Is Walter Bellamy, former In diana university All - American, who has been "carrying" the team from the day it played its first N BA contest. A star of the U. S. 1960 Olympic team. Bellamy come to the then Chicago Packers with outstanding credentials. So far. Big Walt has lived up to all expectations, and more. In his first year in the NBA, the 6-11. 380-pound Bellamy sur vived the traditional “baptism of fire" and emerged at season’s end as the unanimous choice for "Roo kie of the Year” honors. To gain such salutation. Walt played *en sational basketball. He was a ter ror both on offense and defense. He outscored such great stars as Elgin Baylor of the Los Angeles Laker, Oscar (“Big O”) Robertson of the Cincinnati Royals and Bob Pettit of the St. Louis Cardinals. Wilt Chamberlain alone, the great est scorer in basketball history, tooped BeUamy In scoring. Walk’s 1.495 points was the second highest total ever racked uo by a first year man in NBA history. p-n—ny also outreboundsd all other players, except ChemberlMn and the great Boston Celtics -tar Bill Russell; so outstanding was Big Walt in all-around ability that he was selected for NBA’s Western Division All-Star team last year. Excepting Chamberlain, no other player achieved so much in his freshman year in pro hall and Bel lamy did an that dakpHe fl>e fact that he had the Zephyrs Ml Me back. He has still another value to the Zephyrs and the NBA. Like Chamberlain and Pussen. Bellamy is a terrific box office at traction. Without him the Packers last year would have folded finan cially like a punctured aeeordiaa. He is the team’s bread and butter Scholarships © Established By Pepsi-Cola NSW YORK the outstanding players of 1968 hi the National and American Baseball Leagues, and the National and American Pant ball Leagues, will have 969660 Scholarships donated in "their names to the colleges of their choice" by Peed-Cota cemaany. Baseballs’ Most Valuable Players -Mlrkr Mantle. Yankees and Mau ry Wills. Dodgers, and Pro-Foot baOers’ Players of «»* Year - Y. A. Tittle, Giants, snd Lenta Bawcau. Delta* -Itoxam." ate the iiilglanta of the first such srtislarthipa by Pepsl-Cota in eooparation with tee aSmsß player hes derfgnsted the “rrrTtT MJdo ehotee” Pspst th**lndividuals name by mutribte tag to the arhalarshtr fund of the railage sainted by him. Bmh sat lege wm be eoMy rsspnwStblc for the sward es the 6MQJ9 athetorabig an tea basis es seed. playtr. ArP the Zephyrs Masts truely grateful tor *ll this? It hardly seems so. Pint of ail, Bellamy, de spite hit super-human efforts in leil-CL had t* bargtin hard and long for ah estimated 698.000 con tract for 1968-63, rassgtr in edra pariton to ills contributions to the team, playwtae and monaywlia. But the Zephyrs quibbling over the salary terms Wat but an indi cation es a further stroke of ingra titude. Recently, Gen. Manager, ("Frantic") Frank Lan# and McMa hon, both at whom war* fgr from the scene when Bellamy was help ing the team to survive its first year in the ffBA, took it upon ihemstlva* to level unfair criti cisms at Walt for what they indl rated was his tellur* to match his '961-68 scoring output. Btth said they were puzzled because Walt had dropped slightly off his per came scoring pace of 80 potato to about 14 In the first month of plap. since both are newcomers to the NBA, their alarm in this rsapeet *s to setoo extent understandable. But tee manner In whleh they have attacked Bellamy is not only unkind and ungraceous, but tttol trsMe. These gentlemen, who really owe their Jobs to Bellamy, went about attacking the Zephyrs' star ta an underhanded manner. Instead ex pressing confidence ta Bellamy’s ability they proceeded to lsmbsst him In the press, while subtler ex pressing puzzlement. Why, Lon* even went so far as to say it would bo all right with him If McMahon had benched Bellamy prior to • recent gatae. This wts the tear peus es the whole deal. What kind as a basketball team Is It that permits s general manag er to quarterback the team, as Lane’s statement eesmsd to indi Dick Tiger Signs For Return Bout With Fullmer LAB VBGAS. Nee. (ANp) Wtrid Bearing Ask. middleweight champton Disk Tiger es Nigeria tori weak kept his pledge to give Gena Fullmer at West Jordan. U tth, a return bout when he signed n ton tract with Fullmer ter the re match here, Fob. 31. The Nigerian fighter gam IkD mar a Md Matins ta wlaaiflg the title tram Mm in a 16-round bote ta San Francises last Get. 31. Coach Banks Hat 42 Reasons Why Morgan Won CIAA Title BALTIMORE. MA—Far the past sateen quartarteehe who are trying to figtea ate haw Mags State Conag* wen the CIAA Champion* ahta Catch Zart Banks css supply “ferty-twe goad masons" in a mat tor as secants. tea 4| masses me endows grid star rattles ads am the members as the w squad, who. ta Banks’ spin ton. “isairvi the real credit far -The hips dtdtt.” Coach Banha ftht mdkn helped, hut to was the beys who played. AB teo way. hem tM M tartaa raaMaai’ teMri that wan Ora trite «r m- Tha BsarVfrite- rito 13 to ta wan 2|s T Mte'vßte>ia%toto < Caatea cate he Was attmptlng Why should Lan* feel teat He should advise his coach on Bellamy? Is Lah* attempting to dictate to McMahon T What’s behind It all? Apart from the unfair criticism. Lens snd McMahon, to admitting that taty couldn’t understand Bel lamy’s scoring difficulties, were also displaying ignorance of NBA baskcttel! stratogetas. Every dis cerning fan know test Walt to be ing double team unmercifully this season and that that to tee reason he to not attempting more shots. Another strategy used by opposing coaches to to etog up tea time-limit ed froo-throw lsn* to terse Nig Walt outside where ha usually nicks up two and occasionally terse defenders. The result is that ha to forced to teed off mare often than normally. A mart studious seech weutd have discerned this to M tea erase of Bellamy’s scoring difficulty and. Instead es pooping off ta public, work patiently and confidently with the hard-proseed player to devise a counter strategy to halt teo ganging up on Walt. This has been don* before, particularly ta the easts of Chamberlain and Bay lor. The Zephyrs bosses, however, seem to be preoccupied With trying to taake Disehlngor the new darl ing of the team. Although Terry, with tee a**istance of BeUamy has been playing oustandlngly of late, to recalled here teat he filled note ably ta a tew of his home games and no one popped off about It Regardless of what McMahon, Lane and others say sbSut Bella my, however, right thinking and observing fans will continue to praise and regard him as oh# es the truly great stars Os tee NBA. they may wonder, though. If Bellamy’s wall deserved salary in crease to not the coal Mato ter all the furor about Me scoring. in the return bout Which will M televised throughout tM United States with the Las Vegas afM blacked out far a rad his es SM miles. Tiger and Fullmer w|lJ each rceeivs *80.009 plus *6 par esttt of tM live fata. Tiger to a rugged Mnar-puttchar. while Fullmer to a fl Is-swinging slugger. Their return bout might receive into toa-te-toe slugfeet Tiger has already Mat rated tM fever!t# to win and Mop Ms title. season retard, tap Haadtaf agrauf th| 1* teens* ta tM toep- and un disputed claim to tM CIAA dia dem. TM loot Morgan champion ship was wen ta 1(60. eo-shared with Delaware State and North Carolina Callage. Net since 1*46. when them wa* a BeoeeveK Brawn, greet tackle es •to New York Giants, to palto* «M Boar Une. had a Morgan eleven writ a trite outright. Morgan’s return to tM shanrifaa- MM circle tea dam tested tar a* many be^inributod^to believes. But SM team ttorif was taa motor reason, M thinks. Franco** first attempt at spas* exptoratton srfll b* to IML VMn its fieri fpasa satellite will M toft ad Ram tM Sahara NCC Cagers Claim Balance; To Work For Championship DURHAM— Balance is the key to the current success of North Caro lina College's basketball team. The Eaglet have a 4-4 overall mark and 9-3 record in Central Intercollegi ate Athletic Associate play. The NCC eager* lack height and 4 sure-fire prolific scorer and tha players hive sensed this fact and operate accordingly. That is team work. Throe of the five starters art scoring la double figures, with Joe ferker. 64 forward. Aulander. loading tha pack with a 13.7 aver ts*. Hi's followed by Albert Con ner, 3-1 guard, Winston-Salem and Ted Manning, g-8 center, Baltimore Md„ with 13. T and 11J marks re ' ROBinHOt'l UNION nIGH SCHOOL, WinterriUa, J. W. Maya, principal, Vanity bsSk&HH team and Homacowdni Queena. (See story bekm). Winterville Basketeers And Queens g BY J. B. BARREN WINTERVILLE - Photograph •bOvd shows the W. H. Robinson High School Basketball (Varsity) team and their Homecoming “Qusdns" during their "Homeeom lag" which was won by teelr open ante, the Savannah High School of the Gritted community near Kins ton. by a score et 61-87. During halft-im* Mrs. M. B. Hen dSraOn, (at 14ft) was crowned queen of tea Alumni by her daughter. Mrs. Henderson was a member of teo claw of 1640 and to the mother Os ton children. Gloria E. Leggett, a senior, was crowned "Mias Hometomlng 1968“ (right). Members as tea team Handing with Coach R. T. Harrell (back row) are E. Whlthurft, E. Lyons, C. Sugg*. H. Hammond. (Middle row) Mrs. Hsndarson Alumni Ouasn; J. Vines, C. CegdeU. O. White. J. Waller and Miss Leggett Homecoming Queen; (Front row) D. Whitehurst, J. McLawhom, M. Taylor and O. Edwards. Junior Varsity playsri (not shewn) art J. Vines. J. King, W. Cannon, L. Harper, R. Ellis, M. Is ler, J. ClarJ, R. Bryant, B. Dancy, M. Mobley. J. Hart, B. Gorham, B. Cox and T. Hinas. John D. Hill, Alumni president crowned Mrs. Henderson. Referees for the two games wars F. R. Sand ers of Orsenvlllo; and Athonlel Parker of Kinston. Principal May* has been at Rob inson Consolidated High School for twenty years. He states an enroll ment of over one thousand students with 800 of them ta the high school Kentucky IBGentleman . KENTUCKY STRAIGHT ■OUHEON WHISKEY n. m PROOF BAITON DISTfIIINQ COMPANY use "e555M». t 0 * ■ ’’w'.l'T.-.t' • I’.YKS' 1 : .h spaetively. Meaning and OuaHr are treahman. while Parker is I Junior. ; As a team, the Eagle* are asarlag 70.8 point* per game and have con nected on 335 Bold goal* out 816 attempt for a shooting of 40.6. NCCs opponeents arc av eraging 74.1 points par pas and have a 45.1 Bald goal accuracy re cord. Durham’s Gustav Jonas has fee best Individual Bald goal Shooting percentage. In night gamga ha has hit on S 3 shots out of 87 attempted, for an average of 49J per sent Curtis Watkins, 64 forward. Be rlin, follows Jones In this depart- dept. Mayo backs Coach Harrell la teaching th* beys good sportsman ship whether thSy win or lam a contest This evidenced by tha tact that there was hardly a “boo” giv en the winning visitors at any Urn*. The Robinson Tigers played well and were good losers. Attendants or runners-up to th* Homecoming Queen wen: Mimes ! Boxing Champion Sonny Listen i Asks Court To Free Fight Pnroo NBW YOfUC (ANP)— Heavy, weight ohooplon Sonny Liston, through hla attorneys, last weak took advantage of a stipulation made in the Internal Revenue Bu reau recent suit freezing *1.379,- 617 from the purse of the Sept. 36 Liaton-Floyd Patterson Heavy weight championship fight to de mand his share of the purse. Liston asked the oourt for an order directing the government to "forthwith pay over $307,000 due him but Impounded In the total puna aeiaed by the IRB In the suit for taxes against Champion ship Sports, Inc., promoters of the title bout held in Chicago. The IRB said In He suit that the more than $300,000 difference between the full amount <61.379,- 617) and the alleged taxes due could M sought by either of the defendants If a claim could M es tablished. Both Liston, who won the title by flattening Patterson ment with a 6U pm«Bt team He’s hit on » out «C 49 imjgf, Omar hm tbs hm> Bag WBj Raaular season nlav rssumsa gaa 4 whan th* Eagles Journey to task- OB T rinds *Snnm MUdrod IdßiaAi lots Blount aac Kama* Mm — Officers of th* Ahßßal AmaSh Ben (which tnrtdentiy I* vdry jfif tie the school, awarding to Ifc ye) are John B. HU. pr#M*9t Mia* Helen Barrett vise president’ Miss Bora Bobbins, secreury; Mm Shirley Fraemaa, assistant ssmeta* ry; and Miss Rosa Barrett, trims tee. -ir (ta 3:06 ot the Aral rotted, sad , Floyd wars namag a» defendants : along with other CPBX —ante. i not only alataSd tela $307,000 as hla "aala and apclu* Hve property" but said ta tea rp quest for tea oourt orfterteM tea government want beyond tea anapa of ita authority ta Dearies Me puree. Ha claimed tea hem teas "unlawful" under tea Federal mv enu* Coda at 1664. Thera have Man varying up stag that Liston has motived between $60,000 ta 1100,00a as Ms team from tea Uvs gate and MriAriga and movie pool of tea flriMr The first Negro slaves knOWU ta M brought to the United MMa landed at Jamestown, Vt, ta Mta They arrived an a Dutch Grip- Can you print your fingers riLlf bow depth under the aurifew your farm pond? If yOu eOT We time to fertilise the pend. ------ - - - - - ■. .1.-- - -- - -ytepy 15