I Pistol Whips Assailant Argument Leads To Shooting Dm of the wild sod wooly vest came to Woodworth Street Sat urday afternoon when one man is ■aid to have whipped out a pistol pulled the trigger some 4 or 5 times, hitting the target at least three times and then having the pistol taken away from him and beaten almost unto death by the man he shot. UUf HUDGINS This is the information that the CAROUNXAV received about the shooting of Harry Lee Hudgins by Marshall Barnes. It was reported th#t Barnes, accompanied by two Other men. Whose names were not given, strolled into the 400 block of Bloodworth Street after having had a few drinks, not necessarily looking for trouble but making no attempt to avoid any. The brother of Hudgins is said to have been on the scene and de cided that he wanted to chastise Hudgins with a baseball bat. Hud gins is said to have relieved him of the bat and sent him on his way. This is said to have not pleased Barnes and his associates too well. One of them had a few words with Hudgins. Not being satisfied with Hudgins he is re ported to have told Barnes to blast away at Hudgins. This hk pro aeeded to da. v j* Hudgins did not tUca the fact thatJUs body was being used u a tofßgtrer 23 pistol bullets and ywetsdsil to take the pistol away from Bames and it was then that Hudgins went to work. Bye wit nesses aay that Hudgins “worked” Barnes "over” with such frensy that they feared for his life. Hud gins meed toe pistol that he took from hie assailant and when he had finished with him, he was minas same teeth, bad holes in his bead and had missed very few ptoses about his head and face. It was apt until poliee officers ar rived on toe scene was he prevail toowTWPap on maom n MAN HELD ON MORALS CHARGE WINDSOR 3l-year-old Johnny Watson has been held on a morals charge in connec tion with the assaulting of a nine-year-old girl and crime against nature. Bond was set at *IO.OOO. Watson allegedly tntlced the girl to go to the store for him and pulled her into a nearby barn when she returned. There the alleged assault took place. A —meal examination con firmed toe molestation. The gtfi said she escaped through a hole to toe bam. Watson was found hiding to a hut after be ing trailed by bloodhounds. ■■■■■■Hflr.jp'' - :w;i- ■■■mr- -rr~ ■ rfjJ '' ,91^M^Ki. • P|g^ u _ R W , . PH;: I ■ “' 1 ■■ Iv’ % ;\ +1 ■gj' v ' j RETURNS TO HIS COUNTRY Eliaabathrille, Katanga: Naturae and Europeans run up ta abate hand ot Katanga President Moiaa Tthomba aa ha returns to Ms capital haca January 9th. TaNandre and January 9th ha would bring paace to An war-tom country by “swift application T 0/ Uadtad Nations Secretary Ganaray U Thant a plan to reunite the Congo "without further bloodshed and without melees destruction.” Reference to bloodshed and destruction appeared to be on order to mtoaaaa to atop fighting UN troopa and oaaaa sabotage ot Katangeea property. {UPI PHO TO). A&T TRUSTEE DIES IN WP3K A forth Carolina’s Leading Weekly VOL. 22, NO. 13 RALBIOH, N. C, SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1963 -PRICa. 2 Os City’s Oldest Citizeni Die Dr. Davis f - . Perishes In Lake HIGH POINT The flags at all prisons of the state will be flying at half mast Thursday due to the death of one of the members of the commission who spent the last years of his life trying to make the prison system better. Dr. Maury B. Davis. The 55-year old physician met his death either in an automobile he was driving or in the icy waters of City Lake about eight miles out on the airport road about 7:41 Monday morning. The exact cause of his death Is •till being probed. County autho rities have ruled it accidental, but there are others who say that the physician suffered a heart attack, which caused him to lose control of the car and that the car plunged thru the rail. The heart theory is supported by the fact that he is said to have suff ered an attack sometime ago and that his death was a recurrence of same. When the car was pulled from the water about 10:55 his body was not in the car. This gave rise to the fact that he sensed the at tack and raised the window to try to get some relief. (COKinom on page z> am rsoi n NAACP Wins Right To Aid Suits In Virginia RICHMOND. Va. The Nation al Association tor the Advancement of Colored People won a victory this week when the Supreme Court ■truck down a Virginia law which curbed its participation In litiga tion over racial diacriminatlon. According to the NAACP, the law barred the organization from underwriting the coats and provid ing counsel in suits begun to fast The CAROL/Niff] TO PLEAD NOT GOITL I sL.-v.' < .vijgSjMg: '' y|| : ~ jU UH mm HHi MISS BUBWELL MBS. FOET Their Lives Span Almost 2 Centuries MRS. BURWELL Raleigh and state Baptist circles paused Monday afternoon and ma ny representatives of these two as sembled at First Baptist Church Monday afternoon to pay their last respect for Miss Mary Alice Bur well, 05, who gave so much of her life to make Raleigh a better place ftONWNPB* ON PAGSSJ validity of state-imposed dicrimina tion. Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. who wrote the court's main opin ion, said that although the case waa brought by the NAACP, the Court was not deciding it with any consideration of race or racial dis crimination. Rather, the court eon (coirrownp ot» paob »> y v . s • - MRS. FORT Mrs. Lucy Port. 96. a former resident of the Method Commun ity passed to her reward Friday night, January 11, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Effie Port Young on South Person Bt. She waa the widow at the late John Port of Method. Both the late Mr. and Mrs. Port were ardent church workers in the Oak City Baptist Church as long as their health permitted them to do so. Mrs. Port is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Effie Young. Mrs. Chanle Lowe and Mrs. Nellie Har ris all of Raleigh. Two sons. John B. of Newport News. Va. and Her bert E. of Raleigh; two grand daughters and four great-grand children, and a host of friends. Funeral services were held at Oak City Baptist Church Monday at three o'clock. Interment was In Oak Grove Cemetery in Method. Freedom Is Keynote Os Bishops 9 Meet WILMINGTON The winter meeting of the Board of Bishops. AME Zion Church ended here st St. Luke Church, Saturday, after one of the most demonstrable dis plays of action for freedom that any denominational group has ever taken pert in. The theme was "Building Free dom thru Christ.” Bishop W. J. Walls lit the spark that set off an intensified crusade, in the opening sermon. He pointed to the fact that the founders of the denomination ■truck the first blow for freedom when they left the Methodist rcOHTPruan m rsoe n ODDS-ENDS BY JAMES A SHEPARD -He hath made of sac Meed all nail — of maa.” LETS KEEP ON HOPING AND PRAYING We believe that it is very well established within the minds of all concerned that the basic need of the Hapn in North Carolina i* more work opportunity. There can not be any cessation of or iemenlng in the efforts being made for more and better civil and aocial liberties. Efforts to broaden the bam of operation in these cri tical areas will intensify as time movaa oik But underlying, overly ing mid eracompasing these efforts is the stern realization on the part of alt Negroes that without an e-o --nosnic foundation, advances in oth er Balds are without support v»l --uetsm and unrealistic. Sisters SetFor Hearing LAURINBURO The CARO LINIAN learnec from reliable source* Tuesday night that the two Polston sisters, charged with a *30,000 robbery from the C. H. Mor ris Funeral Home and also charg ed with conspiracy between them selves to commit robbery will plead not guilty to both charges when they face Judge Thomas O. Neal in Recorders Court, Friday morning. It is also speculated that Judge Neal wtll find probable cause and the defendants will be held tor the actiorf IT the grand Jury. The case will -bo prosecuted by Attorney Walter J. Cashwell. while Attorney Gilbert Medlin will represent the two sisters. The CAROLINIAN reported lsst w4ek that there were many twist* in the case. Comes now the police department of Grand Rapids. Mich., by way of letter, according to news paper articles, and says that Mrs. Anthony Hodgen, who was report ed as having sent money to the accused women, denies having sent any money. The matter become* more Involv ed in view of the fact that the let (COMTDWJEP ON PAOB » ‘Much-Wanted’ Man Captured In Atlanta WINSTON-SALEM Rudolph Alexander, S 3, wai captured In At lanta. Ga., recently by the FBI and held for unlawful flight to avoid prosecution from this city in 1982. where he waa wanted for burgla ry. Alexander waa also wanted for questioning In connection with the rape of an aged white woman. The burglary charge against Alexander waa filed May 31. 1982 when he allegedly had broken into the home of Earl Cooke here last March 31 and stolen a watch, a te levision set and approximately 92S STATE#BRIEF ! ISAM MIGRANTS TO IMPORT MORE HZ AD CITY—The North Carolina State Employment Se curity Commission has announced that soma 15,000 migrants and out-of-state laborers will be re quired to harvest the 1963 crops. This despite the fact that thou sand of native colored laborers CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS — Bin FROM THEM PAGE 1 Berten* Cam Stare ■awls Meter Ce. .PAGE .1 Wamiaftea Terrace Aid*., lac. Penas St. MaS Cleaners Mademeieelle Scanty they PAGE • savatars o DuartJbwJndu Page S Befatsa Purwtture Ce. •ears, liAnt A Ce. PhM Mass Mia a lea Cream MhW Pamt A Waßpapar Ce. amertean Credit Ce. Msphiassa Msste Ce R. ETpaae Pimtm ce. PAACT ifeHi SCENES IN WATEBT DEATH —-Shewn to tots group et pic tures are teems et the tragic death es Dr. Maury Davit, pro minent High Feint medic, whs Is shewn, upper left. The pic ture at the upper right shews the many boats that ware used to And the body after the ear which Dr. Derie was driving went thru a guard roil es a lake, early Monday morning. The bot tom photo shows the ear being brought out es the.lake. The doctor*s case to being handed to one of the searchers by a skin diver. Grand Jury Frees Mrs. Mitchell; Attacks County Detention Home The Wake County Grand Jury, reporting on 34 bills, presented to them to act upon, failed to find Mrs. Annie Belle Mitchell respon sible for the death of her 6-year old handicapped son. The badly emaciated body of the six year old boy had been ex amined by the pathollglst La win Kaasa at Wake Memorial hospital who said that lack of proper me dical attention had helped hasten the child’s death. It was also dis closed that the child was seriously handicapped physically from birth and that the usual methods of child-rearing could not apply In this particular case and that the mother probably did “toe best she could” in caring for tot six year old boy. Woman’s Body Found, Suspects Rape-Murder The l)ody of Mrs. Lucille Williams of 1301 S. Person Si was found in an empty house at 403 Patterson Lane She was reported misting Mnce Inst Friday. According to the police, the wo man. whose body was nearly nude appeared to have been murdered Dr. Laurin Kaasa, pathologist at Wake Memorial Hospital sold that the woman died of a “terrific beat ing” and exposure Death ocurrod Monday night or Tuesday morning, •aid Dr. Kaasa. The dead woman was clad in her from rooms In which persona were sleeping. Alexander had been re leased from prison on parole Oct. 31. 1981 where he had been serving a life sentence on previous burgla ry convictions. Officers allegedly found some of the stolen goods in a place fre quented by Alexander before fil ing the charges prior to his flight. Charges have not yet been per ferred In the alleged rape of an elderly woman on May 24, 1982. and tenants have been made Idle by advent of Increased farm me chanization which has displaced them. However, it Is claimed that of « total of 36.000 transient laborers, more than half of them will be (CONIINVFM# PACE t) PAGE ■ Colonial Stem PAGE S ASP Peed Stem I'meiead Grocery M Transfer lean It Country furniture Pace It Pr pot-Cola Ce. es Belelfh Carolina Builder*, lac. Oelune Betel Warner Memerlele Dillon Meter Phuare Bldteway'i Optic last, Inc. Carolina Power A Usht Co. Mechanic* A Parmer* Ban* PAGE II Unrein Theatre PAGE Id Pitiiy-w»ss»y Standard Concrete Product* Ce. Kins Cole Motel K ale's * funeral Bom* B. B. Otrtnn Purnttar* Ce. Acme Bealty Ce. >- ■' m The Jury did return >6 true billa out of the 34 which they consid ered. They found five not true and returned one for the lack of wit nesses. Ita report to Judge Clawaon Williams on the Wake County Home and the Juvenile Detention Home is said to have given toe Jurist some concern. He la report ed as having requested the coun ty commissioners to appear be fore the Orand Uuay on January 31. t I’ was noted in the Orand Jury report to Judge Williams “tost several trustees are being kept on the second floor who could not get out in oaae of fire.” It Is alto reported that food is being served at the Detention Home In unheat ed trays being delivered to the Hy underwear and a sweater. Her ihoea, slacks, coat and hat were found in another room of the (CUNTINVBD ON (tout *> One Dead; Five Hurt WINSTON-SALEM - Rufus Jackson. 33 of Winston-Salem was killed and five persons In the car In which they were riding were In jured on old U. S. 311 North Sat urday. tCORTINVBD ON PAOB *> • ’ - ' f I V MHEB’ r 11 I * £ L I | f Ij /I I k jm W * ; •~ : aps AMONG LAST DAYS AT OLE MISS Oxford. 40m.: James Meredith walka down the steps enroute to a clan Jml f amid a group oi newsmen and white Ola Mha students. Meredith told a nates conference he would not attend the school nextaamaw tar “unless definite and positive changes ware made." (URERBO - Zj&- mates from the County Homs.Kit chen and that aoma of tha chil dren are getting cold food- ESCAPE FROM BURNING HOUSE WINBTON-SALEM PI VS children, the eldest was eight years old. capaped from a burn ing house Monday afternoon. According to police, the chil dren had been left alone in the hOUM. . rr-r The oldest child. Bud W«R more, told the authorltiaa tfaat the fire began when a HSNge bag caught fire next to tha ktt* chen stove in the faaaiwv «- partment There were no adults in the three apartment!. The parents of the children. Mr. and Mrs Arthur West moreland were ordered to Do mestic Relations Court as a r**' suit of the fire. WK AT 11 EI! Ths five Say weather forecast far the Balelfh area Mflnnlaf Tjlurt- Say. January IT ans coaftaalag throash MoaSay, January U, 4s aa - fellows: Temparaturea will average ! *» It Sesraea helow normal with mid woathar continues. Htfh and l*w temperature* SI anS U degree* Precipitation will average alStit ono half Inch, ore art ns about gst arSay and Monday.

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