GETTING ACQUAINTED Hinv Gwtt, feeing a battery of shstwgrmphtri. TV and nowmnew. «■ hfe antval an tbm ssttpas ml Chttisn. GuH enrolled without incident. Moat of the student* an IMM hto nearteeuely. Imnl fNtam aback huA with him. hat none at the atadenta. MOUTHING (Left) Harm Gantt, going through Uw process of registering at Clemson I ni veratty. (Night) Guntl h seen hi i pooturr of prayer. Ho is uM to he deeply religious and comes from a God-fearing family. MEREMTtt CONTINUES J. C. Raines Licensed By State - Ut mm ooTotogo o*.Mufc etgj tempt of J. C* Haines tu obtain Mm rirlrt Minriti mmm PTA To Hold Roundup Sun. Feb. 3 The Raleigh Parent Teachers Association, in cooperation with the local churches of the otty plane a “round-up” Sunday. Feb ruary. 17. The program was ap proved by the Raleigh Ministerial Alliance at its meeting this week. The proposed plan is a city wide focus on parent and home responsibilities in providing the best possible education for the children of the community. To accomplish this a PTA repre fcowmrogp on paog o ODDS-ENDS ST JAMBS A. SHEPARD “Great are Thy tender aser ries. O Lord.” ON THE MOTE - IN CALIFORNIA HP have just finished reading a report from San Francisco about two high level appointments of Ne groes recently made by California's Gov. Edmund G. Brown The two are. Atty. David Wil liams who has been given a Supe rior Court judgeship aM Atty. Jo seph Kennedy who was given a •eat on the State Industrial Com mission. It hs« been estimated that 200.000 of California's 300.000 registered Negroes voted for Gov. Brown dur ine Brown's head on clash with | Nixon for the governorship last I November. One of the significant aspects of this California report was the fact that the Negroe* in California are not Sitting on their hands. The ap pointment noted here and other* which are expreteri to follow arc the results of 1' Ne-roes actively participating in the California po litical area and. 2> the Negroes' in sistent and consistent alertness in ttowntpis on fact n ' MOTHER DIES IN JAIL DURHAM Tragedy struck an Mmßr trouble stricken family bare gelina Clay. M. died shortly after bated sentenced tea term at Id men the far failing to aand bar chil drrn to reboot. Tba laat chapter added to the woes of bar term children who JACKSON, Mias. Contrary to rumors which have been flying around since Meredith left the campus of die University of Mississippi, to meet his wife in Jackson, it has been positively established that he will return to the university to resume his studies. The 29-year-old student whose enterance into the university last fall was greeted by rioting announced that he has (jkeided to LEAVING “OLE MISS” CAMPUS James Meredith, preparing to leave the campus of the University of Mississippi, on his way to Jackson. He will return when classes resume. Att’y General CITES GAUSS NEW YORK (ANP) Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy asserted last week that the United Stales is win ning the, cold war with Russia and gave the nation's progress in 'he field of civil rights much of the credit. The Attorney General reported marked gains In the extension of civil rights, particularly in volun tary compliance with court deci sions in the Deep South. Speaking before the 10th anni versary convocation of the Fund for the Republic. Kennedy contrast ed gains made in the last year by President Kennedy's administra tion in the civil rights field with the record of the Russians. The President's brother said that the most notable civil rights case in recent headlines was the vio lence in the Meredith case at the University of Mississippi. He cited the gains that had been made in Negro voting in 29 couii STATE # BRIEF . ~ dots muit be prepared to face new BT. AUG ITIDENTt challenge*. IfPAB AHA SPAULDING Spaulding Mid “today if a chal- RALEIGH Dr. Asa Spaulding. j n „ Tomorrow a war* your re president of North Carolina Mutual tponm an< j lhe change “ Use Insurance Co . told a rounder * at which Dr Day audience ot St. Augustine * _____ College Ttuesday tbgt college stu- (cwrmtm on PAoa n i Rich Street. Persons reportedly knowing her say that area though Mia received a monthly check, for something In the nalgbberboed of i SIMM, that tba children were of ten seen in the street with not enough clothe* on to keep therr I warm and in many instances bare footed. The matter la mid to have bean ties in Georgia. Alabama, Missis sippi. and Louisiana. A survey last year of JOS airports found only 15 with segregated fa (CONTINUED ON PAGE Z) Mrs. Campanula Succumbs NEW YORK CITY The last act in the drama of Ruthe Campanella's life took place at Griffin-Petera Funeral Home, up in Harlem. Mon day when about 500 people crowd ed into the chapel to bid her good bye. The wife of the former Brooklyn Dodger catcher, who made many headlines, due to her having mar ried the baseball star, altho only (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) called to tea attention of the At , tendance Department of school and bar arrest resulted. When asked r why she dM not aand bar children to school and did not taka tea pro per care of teem. M la reported that she would reply that no one had cnything to do with her children and she did not feel It waa anybo- ■ Jk. * MNTT 1$ DECEIVED i v .... 3m No Noisy Entry tt Clemson CHARLESTON. S. C. The In fluence of a Christian heard of a ! home and his belief in thi Rower es prayer must have been lhe mo | ttvating factors that cauaoMtorvey i Gantt to move Into Clomatn Col lege with no doubt hi his mind. nor fear in his heart Just before ha left home ffooday morning his father, Christopher. Milled the family together far the first of two daily JitotlaQi. held I in the home and he began reading. "The Lord is my light and my sal- L vStion. whom shall I fear. - * i He is said to have read the en tire chapter of the *7th Psahno and it was then that tha family prayer was mid. He sent Harvey away hy telling him that God aamwtyed prayers and that ha should Viva no fear. The alder Gantt and Ew 98- year-old mother mid that M harm would befell their son and lepaat edly said. 'lf God be far yah. who can be againet you?” He Is mid to have uahjl gt Clemson about 1 p m. wtlQ Attar ney Perry V ‘ SIGNED rr FOR CLAMBS The majority of ClemaQi col lege’s 4.150 white students!: begin registering Wednesday for the sec ond semester, made historfe with the admission of Harvay Gantt. Registration for returning stu dents will continue through Thor*, day with classes to start Vrlday. Gantt. 90, who enrolled Without incident Monday with transfer Stu dents and freshmen, also registered for classes Wed. morning. Ha was expected to spend the afterneua in • the Architectural School, t There has been no haraswnent of Gantt tha first Negro ever to at tned a white public school kt South Carolina, the last state In tha no (CONTINUED on mm i> ; Strassner Recalled To Wake Bapt bafstoce bean associated wHh Hampton Institute, Hampton. Va. He has served the ehurah far 17 years prior to his resig nation. J. B. Duncan Warns “YM” In Winston WINSTON-SALEM - John B Duncan, lone non-white member of the Board of Commissioners, Washington. D. C., told the Mtfa annual meeting of the Patterson Avenue YMCA that the success of America in the field of democracy hinged upon making every citizen free and equal as Americans, Sun day. The native North Carolinian praised the YMCA and the United Fund movements, even tho he was speaking In a segregated YMCA building, as examples of agencies ' that were working to make people cooperate with one another. He termed the YMCA a citadel for tho development of young lead- ; (CONTINUED ON PAOB t> I ADVERTISERS —. Bin FROM THEM PAOK I Horton's Cash More Green Cleaners towph Promotion Mechanics A Fanasrs Saak Ceatral Dreg tears PAGE * ,d * 01 ■atoigli. N C. Hutson-Be Ik s—Cftre’s Firestone Stores Soha W. Winters sag Co. Lawrence Bens. Berce. Inr. taralelgh Parana rs Co. Southern 801 l Pag* • (olenlal * tores B. g. Quinn Fa ratter* Co. •toleigb Funeral Boom Acme Realty Co. •teniae Beauty Shop PACE 1 CuaSman's Brans then Raleigh tHlrt eoaptyCe N. C. Mutual tife msuranea Ce. Mnther ang Daughter MOM H» mlteSheet Motel Work* UUN* M. Lee R. Dreaaer. Inr. MBehetFs PrtetSag company tHsm Ratoigh WattrV Co . tea. SS%fSSsr T. a. Brtega A Rum. tec. OMhaa 2 Worth toe. W. B. King Drag Co. Honeycutt Pratt A Pro* net Co Wtetma fajjar. • | The Carolinian I I i ■ si i a North Carolina V Leading Weekly VOL. 21, NO. u RALBIOH. W. C. tATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, MB -PRICE I*- SHQT TO DEATH Dr. Proctor Thinks s. i African Newspaper Biased ; + + + + ♦ + #:t : St. Aug. Saluted ~Z >■ ' HE WILL RETURN Dr. Smmuml D. Proctor, sass, orb. dant oi AbT Collage and now on faava with tha V. S. Piece Corpe, returned to Qreemboro last week otter one year as head of the Peace Corpe Program end eeeured at hit intentioru to re turn to the AhT poet next September. Ho chate mth Dr. L. C. Dowdy, right, meting preeident. Little Informed On Good; Know All Bad GREENSBORO Dr. Samuel D. Proctor, on leave from the presi dency of ART Collage and the number two man in Peace Corps cams bock to Greensboro, after be ing absent ter one year, and gave an appraisal of what the African newspapers thought about root re lations in America. Dr. Proctor said that African newspapers seized on every unfav orable incident, involving race, and magnified it ”77)18” he said “en ables the West Africans to bo wall Informed of the deprivations of tho American Negro, but gives him lit tle knowledge at tho progress being mads by them. PAOC U Caroline Bs*«r Mlaeg Csac rata Ce. Foa A Paata, tec. Martin MUlwork Co. PaEaa Stool Co. PAOB U Fine state Com hi unity Ftoriat Institutional Fooga Co., Inc. GalaaMoa Baloigb, tec. PAOB U Waahingtea Terrara Apts., lac. Tire Hales aAg Service AAP gteraa The Bargain gbnppa Umsteag Traaafar A Orncary PAOB M WEAL-TV Raleigh FnreNara Ce. Hear*. Roebuck A Ca. Pine giate Milk A Ira Cream Raleigh Paint a WaUpaper te Aawrteaa Craett Co. PADS U Pe pat-Cola Ce. of Raleigh Llrfflßl MDMrtt IBC* Warner Memorial* toe. Bawl* MatarCo. _ Carettoa Power A UgM Co. Halsteh erateog PArnTm^ Wake Ante gorvteo Stangarg Canerate Paedacte Co. •urjtlMkM^ Ha told newsmen his belief In Peace Corps work has been strengthened many times by his year in Nigeria where he headed the Psaoa Corps program. Ho was in charge of some 400 volunteers. “The Peace Corps is the moat creative approach to international relations that wo have aver had,” he seid. Proctor told of one native youth who had received a scholarship to Florida ARM but was afraid to accept because of “what ho bad (CONTWUEP ON FAOg B NC Mutual Lets Contract DURHAM As o follow-up to an veiling the architectural design for North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance company's new twelve SINGING CONTRACT The REA Construction Company ot Chariot te, At thi general contractor to handle construction work on the new home ottica building ot the North Car olina Mutual Lite Insurance Co. Seatad, Mt to right: Raymond A. Jones, president REA ; 4, T. Spaulding, president North Carolina Mutual LUe Insurance Co. Standing: Charles J. Frmlßi.3gm president, REA end /. W. Goodkte, senior rice president, North Carotins MutuoL 96-Yr.-old Coll. Citos Growth BT H. I. rONTBLUO-N A NTON St. Auguotine’o College will ob serve its 06th Annlvarmry with u founder’s Day Celebration Janu ary Mth through Mb. A at which Bma the Health And fine Alfa Cantor win he dadlcatod. The founder's Day sermon. Sun dayAPeb a, will ha dallvarad by Sm lav. Lloyd M. Alexander. Rac tar tod Saint Auguattoa’s Church, Hamper! Newe, Th, and Dr, T. Spaulding. pctoMant of Norm Carolina Mutual life tasuraneo Cgmpany. DutfcaaMwOl edtoass tha Votmder's Day ASaamhly whis ermlveeagry as 8A Augua- nsiilHlHe H JWR ZSm vr woww VI wif IdUV to ImT roqHm Jsnwa inf Hdpi UNBlOundfc, hi* our poli cy la to RmR tha enrollment to lam Shut IJOA At praaarg wo have P« students.” <cowmprCTs"st »ASa n Chops Floor ToArrestMan MATBVQXB Police officers had to coma up with something new In order to arrest a former mental patient who went bafeark at his home last week. The 340-pound James W. Burge. 39. barricaded himself in the house and weathered a doeen tear gas sheila and the pouring of tha full force of a 500-pound pressure fire house, in 30-degree tempera ture. He Is said to have knifed two men who tried to take him from the houae. He is reported as having gone to the second floor of the home and to have vowed to not oome down. Officers and other persons did not know how much amuni tton he might have had and there fore went about the task cautious ly. They seemed to have found out <cowTßfi>ip~owVAog n 11 story sculptured concrete building., i A. T. Spaulding, president, an i nouneed the selection of the grn ) I eral contractor and a training I toiwS I V mJg llil Overßoots ' t Johnnie Ortfftn, 41, of C-1 Washington Terrace was killed Saturday night in an argument over a pair of boots. Arrested tat the slaying was Melvin Webster, 33, of 703 Maple Street. • According to police. Wobßat and another man, Oaorge Batter* (CONTDfVBO ON FAOI t) Local Man Found Dead Mystery surrounds the death of Clarenoo Young, 41. who was found dead In his bath here Bat* urday, at his home 700 Doby Cir cle. The actual cause of Yoong’s death is not yet known. Wake County Corner Bennett, said that taste are btng made In order to ascertain the cause of death. However, there Is no reason to be lieve that there was foul play. It la believed that the man died be* (CONTPfUEPON PAOB If T~ [program that will offer Metro youths an opportunity to iAoreaae (CONTDtVBB OM PAOB »

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