12 THE CABOUNIAN RALEIGH. N. C„ SATURDAY. FEBRUARY. I. INS THE CHAPEL—First used Christmas Day, 189 S. Conaecuited May 11, 1897. St. Aug. Gets $8,500 Gift Dr. Jamr* A Boyer, Prealdent of Saint Augustine'* College, ha* an nounced the College'* receipt of an annnymou* gift amounting to SMSS ss Stipulation* accompanying the rift make pnaathle the following distribution: An amount of $4,000 i* to he provided for atudent -soho lamhip a**i*tance The remaining $4 488 33 will go toward the pur rtiaaa of r'*v*Tnom equipment. The total amount of money re ceived hv the college through gif'* and grant* for the academic year llWr (IS I* now $71,431 XI ST. AUGUSTINE’S COLLEGE Is To Be Congratulated For Oft Years Os Service WE ARE HAPPY TO HAVE SERVED THIS OUTSTANDING INSTITUTION GALANIDES RALEIGH INC. Wholesale Grocers 218 S. Blount St. TE 2-2031 We Are Happy To Join This Worthy Salute To St. Augustine’s College It Has Been A Source Os Pleasure To Have Served It Throughout The Years INSTITUTIONAL FOODS COMPANY, INC. ~1610 GREEN ST. 834-0789 Masons Donate $3,000 To NAACP Defense Fund NEW YORK The NAACP La sal Defense and Educational Fund received this week a M.OOO dona tion from the Prince Hall Masonic Shrlners Tha check, presented to Director- Counsel Jack Greenberg and Asso ciate Counsel Constance Baker Mot ley tn the Fund offices in New York. represented the annual Shrlner contribution to the NAACF Legal Research Department. Charles A Dargan. National Di rector of the Prince Hall legal fund drive. In presenting the cheek, said "we are fully cognizant of, end vigorously applaud the tremendous battle being waged in the area of first-clasa ritizenship for all We pledge ourselves to even greater support of the leaders of this fine organization, of winch we ere part and parcel.'' Mr Greenberg cited the Prince Hall Shriners for their continued annual support o the I-egal Defense Fund and its sctivlties. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS AUTOGRAPH SESSION Author James Baldwin holds an autographing session for North Carolina College and Duka University faculty members and students at a Durham (N. C.) hook shop during a recent visit to the city. Making appearances at colleges on behalf of CORE and the NAACP, he also held an afternoon press conference and delivered an evening lecture at North Car olina Collge. Shown at Baldwin's left is is Miss Mary E. Mebane, instructor of English at NCC. I£TA Zeta Phi Beta Sorority LEST Lw., Raleigh CALLING ALL CITIZENS OF RALEIGH. Have you mailed your nominee for the "Woman of the Year" to the canvassing committee? If you haven't, please do so Imme diately The Omicron Zeta Chap ter of the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority has asked fifty organizations to submit nominees by January SI. We are depending on the response to guide us in this protect. The Zeta Arnica Chapter, Mrs. Dorothy Allen, president, sponsor ed a Friendship Tea Sunday after noon January 27. at 4:30 at the Tut tle Community Center. The pro ceeds from the tea will go towards buying needed articles for the Wake County Detention Home. An address was given by Judge Mason P. Thomas, Jr. Domestic Relations Court. Judge Thomas stated that It was difficult to place the blame tor delinquent behavior on any one factor Although many cases are from the low socio-economic coup, there are cases from other groups too. He feels that it is a problem that should eoncern the entire ci tizenry. There is a need at present for Ngroes to adopt children. There are many Negro children available for adoption a'nd no one to adopt them. There is also a need for homes to take part in the Foster Home Care program. We do hope that someone reading this column will become interested and investi gate further and possibly do some thing about it. An interesting question and answer period follow- To Celebrate Third ‘Sit-In’ Anniversary NEW YORK A "Salute to Southern Students’* will be held here at Carnegie Hall on Fdh. 1, 1961. exactly three years since the sit-in movement began in Greens boro. North Carolina. The program, a benefit perform ance for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee the or ganization which came out of the sit-in movement end now initiates voter regisratlon and direct action drives in five Southern states will feature Tony Bennett. Thelon ius Monk. Charlie Mingus and the Freedom Singers. Proceeds of the benefit will go to SNCCs voter registration and direct action campaigns in South west Georgia, rural Mississippi. South Carolina. Arkansas and Ala bama. BNCC was formed at a eonfer •nee hi Raleigh, in April 1960 after several thousand students demon strated tn every Southern state *o protest segregated public facilities At first SNCC was the coordinat ing body between theee protest movements, but soon developed a program of He own and Initiated several drives simultaneously in the hard-core rural South. Livingstone In Exchange Program SALISBURY - Six students from the Livingstone College will participate in an exchange program with students from Haverford end Bryn Mawr colleges in Pennsylva nia. They will leave Livingstone early on the morning of Feb. 9. and plan to meet the studenta com ing from Pennsylvania at Rich mond. Va . about noon Students are Edgar N French. Jr. Salisbury, and Margaret Michael Boston. Maas., sophomores: Marva Belew. Gary. Indiana, and Thomas Gill Goldsboro. Juniors; and Chris tie Sawyer. Roper end George Ed wards. Lincolnton. seniors George is currently serving as president of the Student Government A ;•«.>- ctaUws. Three women from Bryn Mawr end three men from Haverford are ad Judge jpuxnas’ address. Mrs. Allen announced that the FTA Council of Raleigh is going to ini tiate a "Save the Children” pro gram in the near future that would call on every church in the city for cooperation. Other participants on the pro gram were. Miss Francine Blount, a solo: Mr. Robert Allen read the Parents' Ten Commandments: Miss Valjean Myers, an instrumental se lection and Mrs. M. E Carnage in troduced the speaker. Following the program a tasty repast of tea and cookies was served. Members of the Zeta Arnica Chapter are Mesdames Dorothy Allen, Mable Winters, Laura Wise, Willie Blount, Ludele Delany, Marie Winters, Lil lian Curtis, Carolyn Rogers, Matil da Blount and June Campbell. Soror Ellen Alston flew to Hot Springs. Arkansas on January 23 to attend the Board meeting of the National Baptist Convention. Soror Hazel Sorrell and her com mittee are planning a lovely Sweet heart's Ball on Feb. 1 for the Zeta lites. (Theirts too\ PINE STATE chocoucteL MILK 1 mM * 3 * The perfect drink \ for this time of year \ ... delicious... healthful \ *.. enjoyable anytime. t SERVE PIPING HOT WHEN THE WEATHER’S COLD NO MIX, NO MESS . JUST HEAT AND SERVE North 9 Chok9 —CALL DOS HOME DUVET 7 One Dairy Products MU OOCOIATtMU HIM TASTn 9RKAT ' MTTBMU WNPFMt CKAM ~ . fTS HALF MS HALF SOW CKAM WMOW COTTA6E CHEESE KGS IVTTH K! CHAM NCC Probes Mysterious Fires DURHAM The origin of sev eral waste can fins that have been discovered in Chidley Ball caus ing local fire officials and tha ad ministration of North Carolina Col lege some concern. Fire Chief C. L. Co* said effort* to “trap” the believed firebugs are now being pushed to a full extent. There was said to have been seven fires started since January 19. “There’s no doubt that the fires have been purposely set” Chief Co* said. “Our investigation of them is continuing. As of yet, no dam age has resulted. There were those who would like to term the fire as “fads” or pranks now being staged on other college campuses. It was reported that si milar incidents have happened at Duke University. It is to be remembered that dur ing the mid twenties there were numerous fires on the campus and many buildings were destroyed. This Is believed to be the first time there has been much concern over fire, since that time. My greatest inspiration Is a chal lenge to attempt the imposible. —Albert A. Michelson Ligon Graduate Selected For NCC Honor Program Viola Clementine High, a 1963 graduate of the J . W Ligon High School who is now a freshman at the North Carolina College in Dur ham, waa recently selected to parti cipate in the College’s Honor Pro gram. This program is planned for su perior students. Under the super vision of Dr. C. L Patterson, the program is designed to improve the performance and extend and en rich the experience of students who •how promise of outstanding aca demic ability. Participation in the program is limited to twenty-five of the en tering freshmen who scored high est of the English and Mathematics Placement Tests and Mental Ma turity Test. Congratulations To St. Augustine’s College ON ITS 96th Anniversary We Salute the College for the Progress that has been made throughout the years —including the New Health and Fine Arts Building to be dedicated. * COMMUNITY FLORIST 325 N. Tarboro St Phone 832-8305 According to Miss High's raeords, she has been an honor student since her first day in school She finished Ligon High School fifth in a class of 171 sutdents. She was also active in many organization* such as the Y-Teens. National Honor Society, and Student Council As stated by one of her teachers. “Viola Is a seri ous minded and very cooperative person. She b’S above average in telligence and a wonderful perso nality. ’’ Miss High, the (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. James High of Raleigh, is another student whose name can be added to the growing list of Li gon graduates that are excelling in colleges in the Midwest and on ths Eastern Coast.