14 THE CAgOLOVUUf RALEIGH. N. C- SATURDAY. FEBRUARY. 2, INS Over 500 Hear Pres . Kennedy Praise Sorority WASHINGTON. D. C. “Ther# is no Mnse In having wide boule vards and beautiful buildings if thf children who live in this city do not have an opportunity to develop their talents.'* the President of the United States said Saturday of the Nation's Capital. "They may not all have talent* but at least those who have talem should have the opportunity to de velop it. That is what the essence of freedom is. We do not have that satisfactory yet in this country.' Addressing some 500 members and special guests of Delta Sigma Theta, which was founded by 22 Howard University undergraduate women in 1913, President Kennedy extended his warmest congratula tions to the members and founders on the fiftieth birthday of the or ganisation. and expressed high praise for the Sorority's outstand ing recrod of public service work. "We are going to have In this de cade nearly eight million young men and women coining into the labor market who have not finish ed sehoo!, who are unprepared, who have no real skills at a time when the great need in America is for skill. "We are going to have them pour ing put of our school* and th*y are going to be looking for work, and either they ara not going to find it or they are going to find it under Barber-Scotia To Hold Workshop CONCORD Bsrbar-Scetia Col lege will again hold it* Anrtual stu dent teachers workshop during tha period January 29-31. Thla ednfar enee .-workshop directed by Mr. W ■l G«don. director of Student Tea rhinf at the College will feature *»<•}> outstanding p4rtonalit.ee as Me. 3. D. Morgan. Assistant super itendent of Personnel end Admini strative Services, Mecklenburg Co. Schools, Charlotte and Mr. Thebaud Jefm-s. principal. Highland Junior- Segjjp High School, Gastonia. wr- Morgan will give th« key note Sddress at the opening seeelon on Tuesday evening at 7 p pv and Mr. Jiff ere will address the plenary sess.od on Wednaaday afternoon at 3 p m. The addreas after th# lunrheon will be given by Mrs EstSlle A. Eaton. Assistant Dean of Women. Berber-Seolls (College The first group lad by Mr Paris McCorkle, Cabarrus County Super visor and Mr. F. D. Duncan, prill ripsl of Shaiikletown School Will discuss tho topic "Using All the Services of the School." Mrs. I. H. Benton and Mrs. M. W. Boyd, both of Shank letown Elementary School w ill lend group two In discussing "Material* and Resource* Needed for fifiallty Supervision In Student Teething." Group three will dts cuss the topic "Planning For Qua lity Teaching” Thla group will be led by Mr*. J S. Watkln* end Mr. Ruben C. Drake both of Logan High School. Concord. Group four led by Mil. C M. Mereer. Desn of Women at "Barber-Scotia. will discuss Uw topic "Learning to Know the Pro fession A* a Whole " This workshop held each year Is designed to provide additional pre paration for the Barb4r-Scotla sen iors for th4lr Interne teaching. Thla year there will be 50 senior* who will spend six week* In Practice Teaching In the etemenlarv and high schools within the radius ol 60 miles. To Participate In Oak Ridge Program JACKSON. Mis* Wilma Jean Davis, a senior at Jackson State Col lege, has received an appointment to - participate In the Thirteenth Session of the Oak Ridge Selene# Lecture Program The eeaeion wIU begin January X. and centtaue through April 5. 1996. Started in 1986 to provide “trav •ling science teachers" n blfk schools throughout tho nation the program nbw providae far apeetal thirteen-week training aaggidn Car selected educators and science sup ervisory personnel in order to eld them in upgrading the science edu cation in their own school systems. A science major. Mia* Detrla la the daughter of Mr*. Luey B. Da vie. a clerk in the Jackson State College Registrar * Office. NEW SEMESTER OPENS JAN. 31ST AT N. C. COLLEGE DURHAM North Carolina Col lege* first semester examinations, which began Thursday. January 14. and end Wednaaday. January 10. wOl be followed almost immediate ly: by reglttratiott for the spring sSWfceter Friday and Saturday. Dab. 14 far students now enrolled at U lL. coU Students Marion D. Jbo released a procn.m^! ugi with nßrt9d^9nß*JJ*J2£ EygygAS: Rcfsmktfea is saheteM IwTjS a. as. poor condition," he said. President Kennedy said this pla ces a particular burden upon mi nority groups - the Negroea, the Puerto Ricans, and others. The President further stated that many million* of American* live in a family atmosphere which d» nles them equality of opportunity "not by law although, of course, that is done too much in the Unit ed StatP* but by the very force oi economic pressure upon them." He added: "In addressing your selves to this problem, making this the point of the spear so far as your effort* in the last fifty years. 1 think you are dealing with the meet important matter before us economically. "This Sorority has raised over 3600.000 for scholarship*, and 1 hope that it will stimulate other* to concern themselves and the A merican people. It is ohe of the matters which we are going to be working on in this session of Con- “Need A Minister” OR AN “Associate Minister” Write or Call: REV. IRVIN DAVIS, II 19S HARPER STREET GARNER. N. C. EM 2-9113 Bo Sure to Watch TV Every Sundoy Morning at 9:30 A.M. for .TV GOSPEL TIME i Enjoy your favorite Spirituals, Hymna and Gospel Songi—sung by stars of stag*, radio, television and records. It's entertainment and inspiration for the whole family. 9:30 A. M. SUNDAYS WRAL-TV CHANNEL 5 YOUR CHURCH CAN OWN THIS HAMMONO ORGAN # MOST POPULAR ORGAN IN THE WORLD. # ONLY ORGAN MADE THAT CANT GO OUT OF TUNE. # MORE HAMMOND ORGANS IN USE THAN ALL OTHERS COMBINED. # LOWEST IN DEPRECIATION NONE HAVE WORN OUT. # FREE DEMONSTRATION NO OBLIGATION For More Information and Free Catalog, Write To: Ernest Tartier, Representative STEPHENSON MUSIC CO. CMaONVELMI Raleigh, North Carolina Serving Mm North Carolina For SS Yean , PHONE: TEmple 2-2019 UNCF Collages To Broadcast NEW YORK Tolk songs, rang ing from New tngland sea chanties through spirituals to Russian and Czechoelavakian tunea, will open the Feb. series of "Negro College Choir" programs. Presented by the Tuakegee Insti tute Concert Choir, of Alabama, the folk-song program will origi nate In New York City. P"b. 3. It will be a re-broadcast by affiliated ABC stations across the country during that w*ek. The choirs of three other mem ber colleges of the United Negro Collge Fund are scheduled to be aird during the following three weeks. They sre the choral group# of Clark College. Atlanta. Ga.: Ben edict College. Columbia. S. C.; end Bennett College, Greensboro. The Clark Choi- will be broad cast the week of Feb. 10; the Bene dict Choir. Feb 17: and the Ben nett Choir of all-female voices, F4b. 24. gress. We have not been a* success ful as we wished to have been in the pat, but we will stay at it. be cause a free society places greater burdens upon every citizen than any other kind of system. It re quires an ability to make a choi-e to have those qualities of Judg ment and self-restraint which per mit a democracy to operate.” With Faith... Yon Are Never Alone Attend Church Regularly g||jl| There is a reward at the top 0f... j THE CLIMB fifc «ft J y m I 11 tv JW Tht Church k 604*1 oppointod agency in this m world for spnodKif tho knowledge of Hb lovo 1 Even when you know the proper way to climb with p i I 1 sldß «d «>• way up becomes easier, it still exerts you. | lIMjl this grounding hi iho lon of God, m govern- jjujj How ever, the way Is made even less of an effort when I SiSSlillfJL": | *. no* «*.»—«.**». | P tho Chord! for Iho nko of the woHan of him- 8S because it Is a gift. P | Hf md hh family. loyond that, however, jJHj Is every ptfson should uphold and participate in S 3 “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is -x? SB tho Owrch bocowo h toh tho troth about m hj 4 through Jesus Christ our Lord” if jKj man's Rfa, death «d dastfay; tho troth which jraj c^rarc^l •• * eapn more °* wonderful gift. jjj •Cotemoa Adv. tar, P. O. la* 20067. Dallas 20. Texas || , Ai»«»»»iri wn- - - .. “■ • ■ 1111 • hi."**' swum ■ h im 'll * \ ThiT^WSPIRATIOAAL WEEK TO HELP MAKE THIN L\4REASL\GLY A (IIIRCR-MIMIED AREA. IT IN OFFERED FOR VOIR ( OXNIDERATIOA BY THE GEKERONITY OF PUBLIC SPIRITED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS FIRMS. rTn*' jMsaaaii taiMi cq. aainea run * wsursm ce sra*.S!r«rSTsE «. ■jss.-tes; # • * WE «tah m. ice cram johhsoh-lark co. • *i»!mSu?-mmS u rn fflili' •Milaieie PwaOaHi tar On » Toms