ir li&pSS'f^ 7 ' jk ,* .«‘Vfr ii ,<> .. ; 4 * yjs ? jßa||i-’ r o'/'*' „'< .\--7, 7 jif I Si.; jHK !■■ . BBBPfPPjf THE GATE—Main Entrance to the College campin. fc> We Have Served With Great Pleasure ST. AUGUSTINE’S COLLEGE We Arc Happy To Be A Part of A Salute For 96 Years Os Continuous Service The New Health And Fine Arts Center AT Saint Augustine’s College IS EQUIPPED WITH Perma Cushion Gym Floors INSTALLED BY R. L. DRESSER, INC. Wake Forest Rd. Dial 828-8258 We Salute St. Augustine’s College v - . The Painting On Tin NEW HEALTH And FINE ARTS CUTER Wat Dona Ry > WILLIS M. LEE Sit KIRBY STREET RALEIGH TE 2-0234 J K ASSEMBLY SPEAKER Dr. Ass Spaulding, St. Aagustine’s Founders’ Day Assembly speak er. REVEREND LLOYD ALEXANDER ... Chapel Speaker Sunday morning, February l CEREMONIES SLATED FOR SUNDAY, 4 P. M. (CONTENTED FROM PAGE 71 nation to produce even better qua lified graduates In these areas than those of past years. This new facility will make tt possible to add breath and depth to the cultural training of our stu dents. Through Its uae, the institu tion will be able to put greater em phasis upon this particular phase of its total program. DR. BOYER’S EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY (CONTINUED FROM FAOB 7> a few teachers with doctorates, the school now boasts of 15 men with the Ph D or Ed. D. degrees. Dr. Royer’s wife, the former Sn ma Louise Perry, also a native of Raleigh, la hla main support In his endeavor to build a first class col lege. dedicated to the Idea that men must not only be trained In the sub jects taught at college, but that there should bo Instilled In the youth of this country a deep sense of valuea and a high regard and respect for religious training. This said Boyer, must be the goal of a church related college such aa St Augustine’s College. President Boyer has ona daugh ter, Esther Althea Boyer. LEST WE FORGET SAINT AGNES (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7) to raise s4ojooo. The Rev. Milton A. Barker, who wii presiding, is never said to haw revealed how he really felt when the hooded men entered. The three men left a let ter which gave the Klan’a endorse ment The letter disclosed that the $50.00 was the first payment of a pledge of 9100.00 toward tho de velopment of the hospital for “Colored” people. The drive had the endorsement of Josepheus Dsniels, founder and editor of the News and Observer. The Rotary Club of Raleigh also endorsed the campaign. The then fabulous sum of 943,071.73 was re ported aa having been raised $35. 371 was reported by Negro worker* and 117.751 was raised by | white workers. j To say that St Agnes served a great purpose is putting tt mildly. Many fevered brow was cooled by tender hands. Many appendix ware removed just before they were rea dy to burst. Thousands of children were ushered Into the world, whe perhaps would haw never teen the light of day had R not boms for the facilities offered by St Agnee 1 Thousands of cut* that had been In flicted by the rage of a kntfe ; weilder or a savage rasor si leer were sewed up and the victims nursed fom death's dark door. The of that giant-killer tuberculosis were abated and Hie j hand of the grim reaper stayed thru the adeptneae of learned phy sicians and merciful nurses. It would he hard to estimate the num ; her of broken limb* splintered and set so they would knit beck. Even cancer and diabetes were arrested and controlled. Then came that fata! day ta April 19M. after 63 ream of aid to the suffering, comfort to the dying consolation to the desolate, sight to the blind and the restoration to the seeming lifeless that it had to cloe# its doors Raleigh and the state of North Carolina witnessed many weighty hearts and heavy soul* when the word came that St Agnee was no more. The indigent loathed, the helpleee moaned and the rich sighed. TTiere was passing a ship that had landed m.n, hearties*, many lonesome, many seeming friendless into the harbor of hope and onto the shore of am bitten and Mm No a thousand times no. can the atory of St Augustine's College be told without Including the history of St Agnes Hospital. Its contribu tion to mankind * existence can be bee* told in the service rendered by PUBLISHES NEW BOOK , WILBERFORCE, Ohio Central State College professor, N. Verrle McCullough is the author of a new and vital book entitled “The Negro in English Literature." Published by Arthur H. Stock well, Ltd., of Devon, England, the the people who founded tt and those who carried on after they de ported. Congratulations To St. Augustine’s College BETTY GAY 130 Fayetteville St. Open Monday and Friday Nights Tfl 9 96 Years Os Service , by St. Augustine’s College To The Community Commands The » Admiration Os Everyone We Are Happy To Have Served This Great Institution Pritchards Paint & Glass, Co. 112 E. DAVIE ST. TE 2-4168 A Salute To The St Aagustxne*s Basketball Team CO - FALCONS - GO COMPLIMENTS 0F... RICHARDS CATAWBA WINES ~ Richards Wine Cellars, lac, Petersburg, Va. book represented the first book length Study of m important area of Negroes ip Eftgfi* literature from Shakespeare to ft« praoant The author, who holds the B. S, a A, If. A, and FHJ). degree*, has a long and in reeofnl back ground in the «■*««t. field, and has written two other major works: “The Other Side of Hell.” and “Le mons on the Rosebush.” PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! 8 THE CAROLINIAN raleigh. n. o, Saturday. February. 2. ie<3 GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY!! A 96 Years Os Service ISA Coaplinent TO Any Institution We Are Happy To Have Served St. Augustine’s College o I I FrigMetre 983 8. Salisbury St. Sporting IppHawoeo Raleigh Goods Phone TE 2-8849 FREE DRIVE-IN PARKING 96 Years Os Service By St. Augustine’s College b A Credit To Raleigh 0 —wid— North Carolina We Are Pleased To Have Done The Sheet Metal Work On The New Health And Fine Arts Center HAMLIN SHEET METAL CO. 501 PERSHING RD. VA 8-2334