THE CABOLDfIJUf RALEIGH. N. C.. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 8. INS 12 V EWS \ VIEWS CASWELL COPIES VA. CITV KOCKY MOUNT News reports ci.itr that sortie 400 segregationists would not permit a lone colored man to romsin in thru meeting Sunday when they were planning to use the so-called ‘ escape valve" clause of the "Pearsal Plan ' to try to eliminate public schools and or ganize private schools in place of the schools which were last wick Integrated under U. S. Court order lesultmg in the admission of lti colored pupils It will be interesting 1o watch the results of this group action, who. reportedly, plan to back Atty. Beverly Lake as a can didate for governor. While they were at work, let's you and I wort u try to off-set fheir efforts th h use of our ballots and donations to NAACP along with memberships in tie NAACP. The NAACP will drfrnd Jasper Brown, one of the leaders in the successful integration of the two Caswell schools. We need your money to help defend the man who had the courage to stand up for us while many of us sat clown on NA ACI’. I,et s back Brown Our national NAACP office Is eooperating with the Tampa. Fla. NAACP in “asking the Democratic National Committee to reconsider plans to hold the party's 1964 na tional ronelave in Miami Beach due to the state-wide bias that woiild confront travelling Negro dele gates." Hopping About TARHEELIA By Jay Bee Aytch nil CITY LINKS MOLD CULTURE CLINIC ROCKY MOUNT The Rocky Mount-Tarboro-Wilson chapter of I.inks. Inc. is engaged in a series rs culture' clinics to 'condition' some three-score youths ol the area v. ho have been carefully screened fni competition in the Spring Scho ' i. ship Contest The lirst was held Feb 2 at S C. It.e kerville School here with the Links members as host. Mrs. Juanita Burnette and Mrs Margue iite Armstrong were in charge. I’ai tn ipating in the instructional program were the following Mrs. Vira Slade. Mrs Odell Barnes, Mrs. Johnnie Han is all of Wilson: Mrs. Nancy Boweri Scotland Neck: Mrs. Elouise Beech. Kinston: and Mrs. Lltl ian Ponm 11. C»irenvilU\ A mong the aubjurls discussed with the teenagers were: Reading. Spec ch. Glooming. Table Manners (with n model luncheon for the boys and girls to practice correct, lyl. Reading Tid-Bit, Dancing and Cotillion Rehearsal. Links members were lavish with praise of the re of the young people in ab* sorbing the instruction. The second date for the continuation of the training la Feb. 16 attending were: Eve a*Hes, Diann Simms. Sandra Reid. Fay Harrison. Annie Bulluck. Bev * r ly Rod Brenda Armstrong. Bcrna detta Gregory, Reginald Morton, An lea Chase. Howard Cooper, Mar ' m Hunter. Brenda Nobles. Yvonne Hilliard. Carolyn Glover, Evann Held. Aneta Chase. Nathaniel Cor iett. Jo Ann Knight. Bernadette Shada. Grade Mebane. Jacqueline Jackaon. Amos Mills. Danny Watts Samual lAsrte. Jnsetta Godette Other* were: Sandra Vick. Joan Howdy. George Butterfield. Ru dolph Tyson. Charles Jones, Melvin Barnes. Felix Morton Jr Robert Haskins. Kenneth Shade Plummer Alston. Debra Redden, Sandra Gwvn. Harriett Power Anthony Harris, Charles Wood. Jacqueline Jones, Faye Harper. Renee Wtl- Lams. Unecda and Sebastian Brew w. T. CRIMES’ Barber Shop Agency Band Uniforms Choir Robes Pianos _ Organs Madr-To-Measure Clothing *ll IVEY ST DIAL Gl 2-3343 ROCKY MOUNT. V C. WRICHT’S Chick-Shack Motel Ba leigh ltd at S Grace St On N C Between U s sol and 301-A YYlne*. Dines and Rests the Weary Traveler A. H. (Tuffyi BRYANT. Prng» Dial 446-9954 ROCKY MOUNT \ C FORI) SALES and SERVICE ALLAN MIMS, ’.RCOirOIATID Telephone 2-2191 tU TARBORO ST. ■OCKT MOUNT. N. C. J. B. HARREN’S SALES AGENCY Qaality Photographs and News Cererage of Sc heel Programs. NAACP Activities, Weddings. Parties, Family Re aniens. Con ventions—Sent to yoar favorite Newspapers. Wholesale A Retail Beauty Supplies. *49 FENNA. AVENUE Store: MS ATLANTIC AVENUE PHONE 446-57*8 ROCKY NOL’iT. N. C. IThtr.x It (Hr A th rughtful minister, when \ s injr home* of members ~f his flock woo were no: at home would leave his tail ing ca d boring this inscription - *What Or. F,arth Are You Doing For Heaver s Sake ' ' While complimenting ~ South Ca rolina for the non-violent recep tion accorded Harvey Gantt upon his enrolling at Clemson College. Roy Wilkins NAACP executive ecretaiv noted that the Palmetto , State had integrated schools and ■ colleges 'fume 80 years ago. dur ing the Reconstruction period when Negroes attended the Uni v« rsity of South Carolina in Colum ' bia . . Wilkins added that "at | least one member of the universty faculty - Rehard T. Greener, was the first Negro to be graduated from Harvard CplLege in 1870 Greener taught philosophy at 'he South Carolina University until 18- 77. And while teaching there, he also attended the university’s law School.'' Mr. Wilkins also reminded that it was interesting to note that when "in 1936. the school's Alumni Council was seeking the oldest liv ing graduate to honor at a rere mony on the campus, they found 83-year-olri Alonso Gray Townsend Negro clergyman-tcachei of of Sumter. S. C had attended the uni versity in 1872 to 1876, graduating with an A B degrre, they CAN CELED the celebration!'' er, Robert Hines Milton Pittman Joseph Bonner and Ter Rhee Moore. DELTA SIGMAS GROOM CONTESTANTS The Rocky Mount Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Mis Juanita Bur nett, president, heard a report Sun day at the YWCA from Delta Par - liamentarian Soror Edythe H Tweedy, who attended the reeent golden anniversary of Delta Sigma in Dee Cee where they were hon ord by a visit and brief address from Piesident John F Kennedy who was presented by national Del ta prexy. Mrs Frank Reeves The president luuded the organization for having invested more than 169(1 grand in educational scholarships since being organized at Howaro University. Soror Tweedy report ed. as she stressed the Delta Sig mas are a service and not a social organizations. Contestants presented at the tea held in their honor were: Woltrem Mill*. Spring Hope: Evanna Gault. Littleton; Mattie Edge, Pinetops Carolyn Edge. Rocky Mount: Glo ria Body. Rocky Mount: Navadia Mercer and Eunice Ellis. Rocky Mount. Other officers In addition to So rors Tweedy and Burnett are as follows: Sorors Alice Hines, vice president; Alice Joyner, recording aecretaiy; Gwendolyn Atkinson, corresponding secretary; Evelvn B Scott, financial secretary. Sarah Leonard, treasurer; Jessie H Pash, chaplain; Gladys White, sargeant ot-a rnis; Alice Edge Joyner. lab berwock chairman; Ethel l. Brv ant. journalist; and Margaret Wade custodian WELDON FASTOE RESIGNS £ * - % *fS t CURTIS M. COFIELD. JR The Rev Curtis M Cofield ,h infield native, and until recently minister of the St Peter Bapnsi ' Church. Weldon, has announced I upon three months adxauce notice his intention to resign from the pastorale of the church which he j * ds fdlesi since 1949 Currently residing at 2g;pt c.. (; . field Avenue. Lynchburg Vi. where he has been serving as Pro ftssor of Education at Virginia Theological Seminary and College Mr. Cofirld informed his Weldon church that he felt that hi* work at the college would not permit him to do justice to hi* ministry here, much to his regret. Rev. Co field complimented the St Peter congregation upon the exceptional- J ly harmonious relations which he . nad enjoyed during the 14-years of pastonng them. I A graduate of Shaw University. PLANNING NAACP DRIVE Member s of the local NAACP Membership Committee making plans for 1500 mem bers in 1963. Seated (left to right) Mrs. A. P. Roberts, Mrs. Vir ginia Newell, Mrs. P. Jackson. Standings Mrs. H. White, Mr. Sanders, Mj_Jßeddick, Mrs. gdna Jones. Not pictured, Rev. D. N. Howard, Sr. IL; im PLANS ANNUAL CONVENTION The executive board of the Nationwide Hotel Association, which held its first meeting January 23. in Atlanta. Among other things the Board discussed its 1963 program and its 10th Annual Convention to be held in New Orleans, October 13-16. Seated (L to R) Mrs. Marion H. Jackson, Washington, D. C., Theodore R. Hagans, Jr., Washing ton, D. C ; Mrs Dorothy Mason, New Orleans, La.; William E. Brooks, Chester. Va.; Mrs. Bonnie McEachin, Norfolk, Va.; Standing (L to R) Clennon M. Nixon, New Orleans, La.; Earl Towles, Washington, D C ; Mr. O'Neal, Mrs. Lynn, and J. Aus tell Evans, Washington, D. C. Chief Os US Protocol To Speak At Shaw J^r mm HON. ANGIER BIDDLE DUKE The Honorable Angler Biddle Duke. Chief of Protocol of th. United States will speak at Shuw University on Friday, Februury 8, at 12 00 noon in Oreenleaf Audi torium Mr Duke Is a native of New York City. He was educated at St Paul's School. Concord. N. H and at Yale University In his present position he has worked 8-.iduously to create a better image of America in foreign countries, especially Africa, through Preven- I live Diplomacy—that is. trying to I prevent embarrassing racial sit - I nations which might cause a feel |mg of Anti-Americanism in other 1 countries. i ZEBULON BY MADUIK FLOYD ZKHULON Stmd.iv School opened at 111 o'clock with the sup mtendent in charge Subject of •he lev.on The Mighty Power < f Chi ist The lesson was rev iew d t>v the pastor. Rev Avery Horton Morning worship began at 11 30 a m with Rev Horton delivering 'he H'l'mon His subject was The v.- eri'l Place of The Most High " Ti c ■ -rtnon was very inspiring and rn ;o\ed by everyone present TAir junior choir attended a choir anniversary Sunday night at Wake 'ield Baptist Church Tic anniver j 'in v was very successful Funeral service for Mi Cannon Richardson was held Sunday at Wakefield Baotist Church, with Rev C E Askew officiating Teachers meeting will be held Wed night a* 730 with prayer meeting following at 830 p m j Please come and attend these meet ings You are always welcome Raleigh Cofield ha« also studied at A&T College. Virginia State Col lege and Columbia University hav ing received a 93.400 scholarship from Columbia for 1961-62 where he received his M A degree and is working on an Education Doct orate degree Mr*. Cofield, also a Shaw grad. I* teaching in Lynchburg: antPstu dying toward her M A degree at Columbia University While at St Peters. Weldon, the Cofields saw the church grow to becoming a "station church and the membership grow to over 500" with renovations 'increasing the cnurch property value from 93.000 to 850.000; from no students in col lege to some 30 -or more ' The church also established a self-con tained institute of family life leadership and religious education.'' comments Rev Coficld | As a former president of the In ternational Rescue Committee, he | conducted an on-the-spot survey of the refugee crisis In Vtet-Nam, also went to Berlin to report on 1 the Soviet repatriation campaign among escapees: flew to Austria to supervise IRC relief work along ttie border, organized the Zeller bach Commission, a citizens group which investigated conditions in tefugee camps of Yugoslavia and Western Europe; also visited and conferred with nationalist leaders in every African state from Sen egal to the Congo as a member of the Foreign Policy Advisory Com mittee of the Democratic Advisory Council Mr. Duke holds an honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws from i lona College, and the Annual Dts ! tinguished Service Award of the American Veterans Committee il9S7i and of the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia • IBSB>. His foreign awards include the National Order of Vlet-Nam 'Commander), the Grand Cross of Merit of the Order of Malta In Austria, and the order of Honor and Meri of Haita The public is invited to hew him. Riley Hill News BY CECELIA PERRY AND JUANITA MANGUM RILEY HILL The Sunday School began at in a in with the superintendent Mr Walter Rogers i in charge Subject of the Sunday , School lesson was ■ The Mighty j Tower of Christ.' Miss Joyce Crows i from the intermediate class review ed the lesson The Vocal Union held its meet ing Sunday at 3 p m with a musi cal program following the meeting. I The p: oeram was enjoyed by all. The BTU meeting was held Sun , iay at 6 p m with the president Mr lassie .tones m chafe The Riley Hill School PTA will be held Wed night We a-y asking all parents tn (dense attend the meeting Mrs Gracie Hodge pre sident and Mrs Marv K Perry, secretary The regular prayet - erting will j be held Thursdnv rught a! 7 30 p I m The public is invited to attend i the service Mrs Michael Hodge, and Mr Los fie Jones celebra’ed t-u birth days last week We wish them a j Hanpy T i today Mrs Mable Rogers Mi Thee Hodge and Mr and Mis 1 Walter C Rogers ,ire among thr sick in the Rilev HII section We w ish them a si-eedv recovery The Intermediate choir of the church attended Marry Grove Church last Sundae night, along with the Res John Mangum Thought for the Week Take v« | heed Watch and pray, for ye know | not when the time ,s. Mark 13.33 Tabor City News BY MRS. GOIDIE M JOHNSON TABOR CITY Theme 1 "Jesus saith unto Thomas I,am the way. the truth, and the life; no man c-ometh unto the father, but by me . . John 14 6. The First Baptist Church of Ta bor City held its regular service* Sunday. January IT. Sunday School at 10 o'clock with Mr J C Wil liams. presiding. Many of the mem bers of the faculty of Douglas High, and also our agricultural teacher. Mi W J Walls, were present. Holly Springs BY MBS- THELMA MCLAIN HOLLY SPRINGS Feb. 3 at 6 p. m. the YWA Club met in ita us ual order at the church with lira. Georgia Betts as hostess. The pre sident. Mrs. Pauline Arnold presid ed. After a brief business session, the club listen to reading of a St Valentine story and poem by lira. Georgia Betts which was enjoyed by all present. A “Weight Bally" was held at this meeting. The club w'ill render a program April 38. 19- 83 aCFirst Baptist Church, Holly Springs. 7 30 p. m. The public is invited Some one will be crowned “Miss YWA Mrs. Alee Booker will be the hostess for the next I meeting Mrs. Betts served a re freshing repast. NOTICE: A Homecoming game will be at the school Friday night Feb. 8. 1963. 7:30 p. m. Please come out and help your school. Sunday night. Feb. 3, 8 p. m. The Ushers Union program was held at First Baptist Church of Holly Springs with nine churches being present and appearing on the pro gram as follows: Bazzel Creak, Chalk Level. St. Augusta, Roger’s Chapel. First Baptist Fuquay, Christian Church of Holly Springs, Prince Chapel. Sweet Springs and Fust Baptist. Holly Springs. Sing ers: a solo, Mrs. Libby Lee Lips comb: the Sons of David, The Gos pel Harmonettes and Chalk Level Chorus. Cary-Asbury News BY MISS MAE N. HOPSON CHURCH ACTIVITIES CARY The first Quarterly Conference of the Lincolnsville Circuit of the AME Church was held Jan. 20-27. The sessions were held in Lincolnsville AME Church. Sunday School opened at 9:30 a. ip. with the superintendent, Mrs. Bes sie Hall in charge. Worship service began at 11 o’clock with the pas tor, Rev. J. H. Garrett. He present ed the Presiding Elder. Dr. C. A. Stroud, who delivered an inspira tional message. All reports were good. Sunday. Jan. 27 Mt. Zion Baptist Sunday School opened at 10 a. m. with Mrs. Daisy Ferrell in charge Morning worship began at 11 o'- clock. Music was by the senior choir. The pastor. Rev. Isaac Lee seemed to have been at his best with a great sermon. All hearers were inspired. The members and friends are happy to hear of the pastor's wife. Mrs. Addie Lee being much improved after being ill. We pray for her continued recovery: Sunday was regular service day for the United Church of Christ. Rev. J. M. Burrell is pastor. Music was by the senior choir and tha minister took his text from Galatian 1-9-21. Theme: "The Power of The Spirit." This was a most enlighten ing message. SICK AND SHUT-INS: Mrs. Ma mie Clemmons on Ambaasory St.; Mrs. Lelia Mae Thompson on East Johnson Drive; Mrs. Alice Baugh on Walnut St.: Mrs. Arlene Moore and two children on Evans Rd: Mr. and Mrs. Connie Reaves. East Johnston St.: Miss Patricia Ferrell on Ferrell St: and Mrs. Lucy Sta ten is home after being a patient in Wake Memorial Hospital. All are recuperating from the flu virus. BUNN NEWS -4» ■** BY MB. H. M. BATTER WHITE BUNN Bunn Chapel Sunday School began at 10 ocloek with the superintendent. Mr. Phillip Duns ton in charge. The lesson. "The Mighty Power of Jesus," was very Inspiring. The Gethsemane Baptist Church service was held at 11:30 a. m. with the pastor. Rev. J. A. Watson in charge. Tha service was very en joyable. Mr. J. Dickens of Henderson cele brated his birthday on Saturday, Feb. 2. with a birthday dinner. Hi* sister, Mrs. Catherine Crudup cook ed the dinner. Mr. Dickens along with his guests had a lovely time Mrs. Curtis Jordan. Miss Trumel la Moore. Miss Onella Smith and Mr. Harvey Baker, left for New York last Saturday. We wish them a pleasant and safe trip. Mrs. Vernell Booth, visited the Hooks Grove Baptist Church «n Pikesville last Sunday. Immediately after the services the group was ushered down to the dining room, where the Annual Pastor’s Gift was given. The Pas tor's Aid. members and friends pre sented the pastor. Rev. Singletary and his wife, a money tree bearing |63 00 (paper dollars) as their Christmas gift "We do not have words to ex piess our many thanks for the k.ndness shown us during the ho liday srason. also we wish to thank all of you who baked cakes and assisted with the refreshments to day. May God blew each of you” said Rev. Singletary, and on behalf of his wife as well. Mis* Maggie Johnson, who is a senior at Fayetteville State Teach ers College, was home over the wick end on a semester break She is the daughter of Mrs. Goldie Johnson. Rev. ar.d Mrs. Singletary spent the day in Fayetteville. TUeeday. visiting their daughter. Perry, whe ts attending Fayetteville State Taa thers College. They were iccosnDe nied by little Select* Paulin. Mr. Charles Brown and Miss M. J. Johnson. Miss Clara B Williams is home from New York City, visiting her mother. Mrs. Helen Williams. Mr Raeford Gerald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Gerald is heme on a semester break tram NCC of Durham. About two-thirds of all women s suits manufactured in 1990 were made out of wool. PATRONIZE OUB ADVERTISERS ndF * 'W vISgJi " 4 V IBBMBMFvt . - WC'v.V’-S •- .'i MPPpi i>v • ■ ’ ■ ■ ■ ■ ' nH 1 b*.- fli B ♦ »mW" " w *■' v ms t . mgr | t STANDING IN LINE Gloria Adams, ( L), one of 5 Negroes to register at the formerly all • white Tulane University in New Orleans, stands in line with white students waitng to have their records checked. School officials said registration was routine, with no incidents of any kind. (UPI PHOTO). jm wßr' ■ FOUNDERS’ DAT SPEAKER —Bishop W. XI Walls, Yonkers. New York, chairman of the board of trustees of Livingstone College who will deliver the an nual Founder's Day address Wednesday. Febrnary 13. Service will highlight commemoration of Centennial of Emancipation Pro clamation and dedication of new auditorium-music building on the Livingstone College campus. louisburg News BY MRS. ALVIN WILLIAMS CHURCH ACTIVITIES LOUISBURG Services at the Mitchell Baptist Church began Sun day. Feb. 3 at 9:30 with Sunday School. The superintendent, Mr David Long, was in charge. Fol lowing the devotion the classes were arranged and the lesson was taught. Subject of the lesson: “The Mighty Power of Christ." Classes reassembled after the lesson wai taught and Mr. David Long re viewed the lesaon. A 5 p. m. BTU and regular wor ship service. Mr. James R. Davis president of the BTU was in charge. The group diacussed topics After the groups reassembled BTU Director, Mr. Arthur Williams wa< in charge of the Bible Quiz. A most powerful and challenging ser mon was preached by the pastor. Rev. E. L Brodie. PERSONALS Mr*. Alice Pearce and Mrs. Earn estine Foster have returned to their home in New York after spending several days with Mrs. Mitt Foster and her family. lfr. Joe Sutherland. Jr and sister, Mrs. Annie W. Fogg of New York City recently attended the funeral of their brother-in-law here. Funeral services for Mr Eddie Perry were held at the Mitchell Baptist Church Jan. 28. Rev. E L. Jones was in charge of the eulogist service Mrs. Alice Fogg and her brother. Mr. Peter Foster and their mother, Mrs. Mitt Foster are recovering nicely from the flu. Mrs. Ida Solo mon if sick and shut-in. Long Hill And Linden FAYETTEVILLE Mrs Otto Singletary and aon. Crum. who left Wed. Jan. 23 for StuttagurL Germa ny. to join her husband Sp 5 Otto Singletary were honored at a going away dinner Tuesday night. Jan. 8 in the home of Mr. and Mrs John C. Elliott. Good wishes on behalf of her friends and the com munity were said by Rev Sister Roeetta Elliott Mrs. Singletary wa* very active in community and church work. She is the former Co ra Dobbins of Rt (. Fayetteville. Among the guests attending were: Mr and Mrs. John C. Elliott Mr. and Mrs Forrest Williams Mr Littleton News HONOR ROLL RELEASED LITTLETON First semester honor roll compiled and released by the principal's office at Mclver School shows 102 elementary and 37 high school students achieved an overall average of “B" or above during the first semester. Those making the honor roll are fisted below: FIRST GRADE “A" Honor Roll: Henry Faison, Jr., John Willis Faulcon, Jr.. Ricky Hill. Ester Johnson “B" Honor Roll: Dexter Alston, Jose ph Brinkley, Samuel Fogg. Thaddeus Jenkins. Andrew West. Willie Mac Als ton. Nelda Bobbitt. Theresa Zollicoffer, Larry Dowtin, Gloria Norggins, Al freda Taylor. Helen Faison. Wayne Vonzell Mitchell, Horace Palmer, Bo nita Knight. SECOND GRADE “B" Honor Roll: Clara Powell, Milton Solomon. Ronnie Powell. Brenda Clinton. Debro Lynch, Rudolph Pltchford. Ida Faye Hicks. Donna Manley. Melvin Brown. Jac queline Hopkins. Doris Powell. Eartha Williams. Samuel Dowton. James Als ton. Patsy Alston. THIRD GRADE "B” Honor Roll: Etta Bemetta Lee. Margaret Snow, Doris Pitchford, Larry Williams, George Tillery. James Zollicoffer. Randolph Zollicoffer. Cynthia Alston. Sylvia Alston. Marilyn Johnson. Mar tha Johnson. Evelyn Pitchford, Eva Price. Carolyn Silver. Simone Solomon. Evelyn Wilkins. Veronica Yelity, Ote lia Lynch. FOURTH GRADE "B" Honor Roll: Doris Burgess. Gertrima Colev. Eloise Dowtin. Shirley Fogg, pnda Gilchrist. Francis Hopkins. Mima Johnson. Mary Price. Richard Alston. Jack Brown. Junius Hicks. Larry Lewis, Clinton Powell. William Powell FIFTH GRADE "A" Honor Roll: Karen Denease Weaver **B” Honor Roll: James Medlin. Essie Watson. Sandra Parker. Pamela Faison. Laurann Brown. Charlie Zollicoffer. Kenneth Price. Jack Johnston. Gaynell Brown. Beryl Ponton. Walter Barnes. SIXTH GRADE "B" Honor Roll: Jesse Alston. Joyce E Alston. Dorothy Apex News BY MRS. LOUISE COLVIN The Senior Choir was in charge of the devotions at First Baptist at th% 11 am. worship service. The pastor. Rev. W. T. Bigelow readjthe scripture from the Book of St. John, 14 chapter. 1-11 verses r His text was tt&en ; from the 37th 'Mjjjjt chapt. of Jere "g miah 16 - 17 vei - 4v s Sub J<* ct “I< Tllere Any Word 11111118% M From God 0 ’ Mrs. Lottie B Page sang a . at the First Baptist Church. All parents ajid friends are invited and potential boy scouts recently begun at First Baptist A newly organized society was The first meeting was held at First Baptist Monday night. It is the Dorcus Society. Mrs. Docia Evans is president: vice president, Mrs. Ethel Lyles: recording sec retary. Mrs. Minnie Jones: assis tant secretary. Mrs. Ruth Hunter: Mrs. Maggie Cofield. Mrs. Louise Colvin, publicity chairmen: Topic leader, Mrs. E. H. Williams: pro gram committee. Mrs. Francis Marrow: Mrs. Mattie Marrow, and Mrs. Mabelle Mangum. Twenty nine ladies are enrolled. Mrs. N. M. McMUUon is the music direc tor of the society. • A correction from last week. Mr. Charles Thomas of Raleigh, formerly of Greensboro was Emcee for the Male Chorus anniversary The offering was <128.00. FKBSONALS and Mrs. Dan Elliott. Mr. and Mrs Abe Elliott Mr. Jeremiah Elliott. Mr. Charlie Elliott Mrs. Clara El fiott Mrs. Mary R. Penme. Mrs. Pauline Goodman. Mrs. Rosia B Oates. Miss Mildred Smith and Mr Jimmy Kirby. Coley, Larry Faison. Katie Fogg. Isaac Johnson. Claudette Solomon. Alphonso Tillery, Breda Williams, Carolyn Wil liams. Patricia Wills. Whit Snow, Wal ter Williams, Carolyn Gilchrist. Sally Faye Kearney. Mable Tabron. SEVENTH GRADE—“B’* Honor Roll: Roger Len Taylor. Milton Williams, Shirley Alston. EIGHTH GRADE “B” Honor Roll: Evelyn Alston. Bumetta Harris. Mi chael Graham, Geneva Coker, Robert Taylor NINTH GRADE “B” Honor Roll: Selma Rainey, Raymond Arrineton. Frank Johnson, Claiborne Faison. L’w is Skelton. Leon Zollicoffer. Flovd Lewis. Linda Faison. Annie Fauldon. Hagans, Emma Long Johnso-. Sallie Johnson. Gwendolyn Newel’. Ruby Peguese, Mary Powell. Doroth 11 Price. .Mary Sledge. Annie Willia-rs. Louise Brown. TENTH GRADE “B” Honor Ro’l Lillie Alston, Oneva Faulcon. Carie-r Lynch. Addie Powell. Joyce Fi-i--{: son. Dollean Williams. Blanche 1 Mary F. Mills, Mertls Brown ELEVENTH GRADE "B” It- Roll: Evelyn Williams. Nathaniel C ■' er, Roy Roger. TWELFTH GRADE "B" t'o 11 Roll: Helen V. Daniel. Corine F -it: Evanna Gould, Monwillia Johnson. Evelyn Phipps, Helen Yelity. YWCA CALENDAR The following is the calendar for the Young Women's Christian As sociation. Sojourner Truth Branch, for the month of February: Sat.. Feb. - Music, Piano. Voice and Organ Techniques, 9:30 - 12 noon; Hat Making. 4-5 p. m. Mon.. Feb. 11 - Arts and Crafts, 10 - 12 Noon; English Essentials 7-8 p. m.: Parent Education Com mittee Meeting. 8-9 p. m. Tues., Feb. 12 - Clothing Con struction. 11-12 Noon: Reading and Vocabulary Building, 7-8 p. m 1 Typing. 7:30-9:30 p. m.: Y-Teen Committee Meeting. 8 p. m. Thurs.. Hat Making 10-12 Noon. Voice and Organ Tecchniuqes, 9:30. Sat., Feb. 16 - Music. Piano, Voice and Organ Techniques 9:30- 12 Noon. OODTWISTSIN THE NEWS MORE TEETH. MORE MONET CROWN POINT. Ind. - Clarke Hockney, a first grader at Solon Robinson school here, was quite ex cited each time he'd lose a tooth be cause of the money the “good fai ry would leave under his pillow. While staying a few days with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Swart of Demotte. he saw his grandfather cleaning his den ture plate and said. “Boy. Grandpa. I bet you'd really get lots of money if you'd put all those teeth under your pillow." THIS DRIVING IS KIDS' STUFF EDISON. N. J. A daring voting motorist looked squarely at State Trooper Edmund Dehaven and said proudly: “There's nothing driving all you gotta do is step on it and steer." It was the driver's first fling be hjpd the wheel. And it wasn't a bad bit of motoring except that: 1 The driver was only 12. 2 The car was stolen. 3. The 90-mile-an-hour whirl wasn't nearly within the speed li mit. The trooper caught up with the speeding auto after a 10-mile chase. A 14-vear-old boy was found with the younger one. The boys were returned here and held for juvenile court action. Mr* Mollie Mitchell celebrated her 81st birthday recently. Mr. and Mrs. James Canaay an nounce the birth of a daughter. Bherry Anita, born Jan. 21st. at Memorial Hospital. Mrs Canady ts the former Miss Josephine Chavis of Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Minerd Mangum announce the birth of a son. Ter ry Duke, born Jan. 28. at Wake Memorial Hospital Mrs. Mangum is the former Miss Mary Duke Richardson of Rhamkatte.