THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY SI, 1961 10 The Raleigh S C EN E PERSONALS Robert Morris, Wsrtaw; David Royal*, Newton Grove and Leon ard Artis, Dunn, were vlaltln* in 'he city over the weekend. Mr. Lawie A Penny, D-ll Wa*h ir.fton Terrace celebrated hie birth* day, on Valentine'* Day. Feb. l«th. Belated birthday greeting* to you Mr. Penny. Miss Annie Lee. a student at St. Augustine's College and residing in Washington Terrace went to New ton Grove for the weekend to visit her parent*, Mr. and Mr*. Jea** Lee. Mr T. Gibson. Pubic Relation* di rector nt Bennett College. Greens boro and Mr. M. Belton, Public ite rations director at Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, stopped by for a vi*lt at The CAROLINIAN Friday afternoon. feulte a few people attended •Valentine Parties" during the pOst weekend. Hope everyone had a good time. Claranett# Durham did. along with har friend*, Betty Baugh. Ruth Oataa and Antolnatte Monroe. Miss Wllla Mae Davit motored to Durham Saturday along with a few of her friends. Gueae they had a wanderful and enjoyable trip. Miss Lepa Eure, an employee at The CAROLINIAN wjll celebrate her birthday Feb. 15th. Hope the doesn’t have to work too hard that dajy. Happy Birthday Ltha. Happy Birthday to M!*e Mattie .. —. I .... nr-ssssimtmhm i WYir er\ Geraldine G Brawn's 3 Personally Speaking I : The fetlewtng srttol* reached me too late laat wMk to be Included in that iwue of *0 p*»er. How* ever. ! ate grateful to tns sehdto and hop# she will M« fit to l#t m# hear from her again aoon. Serving aa hoat and haatoaa to thg Saturday night Couplo Club wire Mr. and Mr*. Hubert loir* hourgh. following the aervlng at roektolla gueata enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner. Enjoying th# even ing wore Mr. and Mrs. Edward Haywood, Mr. and Mra. Lewi* Flagg. Mr. and Mra. Nelson Feebler, My. and Mre. John Roberta. Mr. and re. Nathaniel Blount and Mr. and Mre. John Blount Needless to aay they had a delightful time. Sarto wish 1 had been there. February 16th waa the birthday Cordons Gin *025 pint ’ 13.60 4 IS Qt I m* 1 . j HNt» wi#mr»wesm.unu.u Pepei-Cola Bottling Co., Os Raleigh ttugrr, north Carolina •> til, tb j-iori Watt*, 5G6 S. Peraon St.; May fran ca* Young. Washington Terrace; Ann Smith, Peraon St., and Mr*. Jannla V. Little, 1 Hyde Tarraca. Mr. and Mra. Lavender Goldaton and Mr. and Mra. William Rochelle were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mr*. Luma* Horton In A pex. Mr*. Horton and Mra. Goldaton are co-worker* at the Apex Con solidated School. . Mise Deloro* Penny and boy friend, Lewis Stevens of Garner, visited relatives and friends In Washington Terrace over the week end. Mr*. Lovie Edwards, 3 Brunawtok Terrace haa bean stricken with a stroke end la confined to bed. She Is the sister of Mrs. Margie Davis of Washington Terrace. Mra. Ed wards 1* reported as resting nicely. Why not atop by to visit her. we are all wishing har a speedy recov ery. Miae Dennis* Perry, a senior at St. Augustine * College, is doing her office practice work at McLel- Isn’t store, downtown Ralolgh. Den ntso la the daughter of Mra. Doro thy Perry of II Dare Tarraca. Mr. Clartne# Roger*. Rt. 1. G*r ner, wa* admtted to Wako Memo rial Hospital Tuesday, fab. 19. We *ll with him a speedy recovery and la taking all hit friends to stop by and viilt him. Mr. Robert Lawton of Durham, we* • vliltor in the city last week, while hare he also visited in Wash ington Terrace. at my lltOa trltnd add neighbor Trisha’ of R-l Washington Terrace. I took kar aonfi* cab* <1 wonder who at* t?> Hog* you have a vary happy birthday Patricia and live to *4* many many mdre Trish Is th# daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Alton ta Al*ton. Coming from miadalphle. Fa. last Wednesday to mind tom* tlm* with her grandpanntg and other relative* and friend* w*a Little Miss Dflore* Darctll Smith. Why Os course she brought her mama and papa with her. Th*y afa Dolores (nee Johnson) add Purcell smith Grandparents vialted wen Mb. and Mrs. Raoaevalt Smith of 1104 Had lay Road. Other nlatives visited by them Wan Mr*. Beals Byrd and family at 1017 8. Peraon Strsat Lula and Charll* Simmons at Wal nut Tame* and many other*. They mad* the return trip to Phlsldtl phla on Mon. Purcell la a post al amployaa to tha city of Brother ly Love and Da* is doing substitute work ta th* school system. Hope they had a vary pleasant ntum trip and an enjoyable stay while horn*. I would Ifko to eompthnoxt per sonally tha four young ladioa who volunteered their aarvtoos at Wake Memorial Hospital recently. Thay an members of th* Oandyatrippors Team in th* paraona of Rogtnald Smith. Billie Tucker, Dorothy Shaw and Freness Williams. HaartaU thay wan at mush assistance and thatr service* ware greatly appre dated, especially by Mrs. B. B. Smith. They gave up weekends of plsasun and fun for them salves and brought rolalf and pleasure to many others. (Could have been thay still had fUn. bringing Joy to others) My compliment* girl* on being unselfish and a Job well done. While on th* subject of volunteer sorvtoo - Sunday, Fob. Mth is Noart Fuad Sunday and many wo man will be out to collect for this worthy organisation. Thay an vol unteering their Mrvieaa and I hop* you will ad* fit to respond favor ably. Many ban contributed al ready pdrbap* through other sour ce*. bat pldaw make it worthwhile tar these who wJU gin aa hour or two Sunday and rdtprod wtfb a do nation. Up amount will bo too small. Lot mo thank yeu to adnne* tor yaw cooperation. mpadaUy to th* folks to th# Wtabtagton Tar ns# and Madonna Acne area. Want asm* tip* on bow to boa good hoateas' Check with Mrs. Mary B. Smith of 1101 Bhamkatte Road- Sh* was a vary gracious host*** on Saturday night to sev eral couple* that included ms and min*. W* had a very good tlm*. aatlnc. denctns and dotan what I My Lady's Doings In And Out Of Town BUSY BEE CLt’B The Busy Be* Club met at the home of Mra. Florin* Smith at 13- 07 S. Person St. After the devotion, the president declared the house open for business. Many things were discussed. The hostess served a delightful repest. Members pre sent were: Mesdames Margaret Mint*. Mary L. Jeckaon, riorin* Smith, Lovie Young end Cornelia Moor* end Mr. and Mra. Samuel Osborn*. TYPICAL TWELVE CLUB MEETS The Typical Twleve Club met Monday night, P#b. 11 with Mrs. Carrie Lu Burgee*. After the busi ness session the hostess served a delicious menu of baked hem, stuff ed apple salad on lettuce, green butter beans, candy sweet potatoes with marshmallow* topping, hut roll*, ice cream, cske, coffee and candle*. Valentin* decoration wa* used on each table. The members enjoyed playing whist with Mr*. Annli Jones and Mr*. Ann Wabb winning tha prizes. Members present were Meadame* Ann Webb. Elizabeth Wilson. Mil dred Williams, Iris Spence, Carrie Lu Burgess and Beal* Me* Stroud. Mr*. E. Wilson will be host*** to the next meeting on March 11 at g o'clock. FRIDAY AFTERNOON BOOK CLUB The Friday Afternoon Book Club met Feb. 15 at the home of Mr*. Pinky Hall. The president presided. After the businou seaion we* over, Mrs. Nsncy Devan* recited a Val antine poam which was enjoyed ny ■ll. The hoeteea Invited the mem bar* to the dining room which was beautifully decorated for St. Val entin*'* Day. We were served a de- Hcious dinner. Guest present was Mrs. Mildred Chavl*. Member* pre son. Nency Devane. Carrie Laws, cbael. Marie Moor*. Pinky Hall. George Burch, Mary Bryant, Bclva Lane. Oma HBywood, A. B. John son Nancy Devane. Carrie Laws. Nora Lockhart Paul Lana. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr*. Nor* Lockhart. IDLE-A-WHILE SOCIAL CLUB The Idle-A-Wblle Club h#ld its regular moating at th* horn* of Mra. Dorothy Jefferies. Meeting was opened with ■ violin solo hv Jennifer Jefferie* followed by quo tations by the member*. After the business session was over w* were served delicious refreshment* by aur hostess, afterwhlch th* ladies played plnochol# Prizes were won by Mr* Louise Nunn, Mr*. Hazel Wllll*m*. Mr*. Lillie Taylor, and Mra Catherine Holden Mr*. Tay lor. a former member, now honora ry member we* our guest. RALFIOH LINKS CHOOSE The Ralolgh Chapter of Link*. Tnc. met In January at th* home ol Nannie Inborden. Link Julia Delany. president, presided. The varlou* committees gave re port* and communication* were read. Julia Delany will serve »* delegate to th# Area Meeting in Birmingham, Ala. In March. All member* ere in deep sympa thy with Catherie Wlntars in th* passing of her mother. After the business, several guest* were Invited to play four rounds of Bridge. A moot delicious repast was served. Invited gueets: Mesdames Alma Williams. Flnrles* Turner, Julie Jons*. Nora Lockhart and Misses Morelia Ijine and Margaret Bugs. Members present: Mesdames T Clerk, E. Constant. M. Cook, J. De lany, M. Flagg. E. Hamln, O. Har ris, Oil* Harrte N. Inborden W Kay. C. Lawe, D. Otev. V. Sanaom. M Tavler and M. Wheeler. ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Ruth Chapter No. I Order of the fester Star held their annual elec tion and Installation of officers re cently. Patro. Mr. Dave Reid. As sociate Patron. Mr. Charles Irvin". St : Worthv Matron, Mrs. Marv S Greeno; Associate Matron, M s Patti* L. Higgs; treasurer. Mrs Ar rin Miller: secretary, Mr*. Lilli* M Hodge: First Conductress, Mr*. Mo zelle D Merritt; Associate Conduc tress, Mrs Bessie Che via; Warder. Mr*. Alyce Battle; Sentinel. Mss Nsnnl* Morgan: Spaeial Bacrotaiy. Mrs Marjorie Dunaton: Recording Secretary. Mr*. Carrie Lawe; Adoh, Mra. M. W. Williams; Ruth. Mr* Nora Bandars: Esther. Mrs Cleo Parrish; Martha Mr* Iren* Price; Meets Mr*. Esther Michael AIHUI MOLD MEBTINO eamee naturally. On* member of th* party however wants to know why is It she has to work when aha attends. (Could be that lb* ain't no guest, but Just plain ole home folk. Not making excuses Hattie•. Thank* Mag for a wonderful, re laxing evening. Olad end Cat. Biv ens. Murphy, and Lawrence were there, too. Clubs J& XT, A A -Jt'i§ #:i ~9i JK^r» jb n jS * t.>§ , '-’^- v ''?->'■ '%yrk-.i j|pjl|aS: *'• *** m *** •■■k V ’.,*4 aElr -x * ‘ r ''-iaMra* -’•.. --• ?«5 ;%M^HHr l»f A« i &L#ot y- v.» -%r ' :*: t '^TT^^^ f fMlWiwlfilßnißH^Mß P!W WI V. j :I Wm : «* ''■■ -•-%a«BlM *§li^foffejj| < - Wj S[V Vj J> ,y, •> *:£&%;■< /TV jKSHHkBHkMikkQkI <*.. r-.s:?mfc4L.s., ■ ■*■.£*.£%£&,* ' x \ ' AT LINKS DINNER PARTY The husbands of the Greensboro Links, Inc- won »Jae guests it s recent ft. Valentine* dinner party held at the Greensbora Holiday Inn. for which fftradarsrs W. A. Street and E. F. Corbett won hoeteaaam. The Link members an, from left to tight, anted: Mooduaaa D. S, Coley (not shown) R. H. Ramos, Clyde DeHng olay, J. S. Leary. W. A. GoMsborengh, Willi# Woods, David D. Jonas and Jolla DeCoata, Charleston, 8. C.; and Mhs Georgia Lattiner, and Mra. G. C. Sim bins, Mra W. J. Hughes and Mlae Geneva Holmes; Mesdames: O. W. Slrnktas, Jr., G. A. Edwards, W. L. T. Miller, E. F. Corbett, and W. A Street, (not shown). The husbands an: Dr. W. R Baraoe, Clyde Dffaa gnlcy, W. A. Goldtborough. J. B. Leary, Willie Woods, Dr. W. J. Hughes, Dr. Goarge C. Dr. a A Edwards, D. I. Coley and W. A. Street. Til iff M IM 1 1 1 fi ii—mi Hi 11111 m ih'm ■~ iPFWii u i i mi\ ii u— mm i I |' 1 aJl mill 1 if. r-' IT I* wyi * II •r. I . ■I *, vr’t M f 1 T T lif* I ■ SI I I v' v FOUNDERS’ DAY PARTICIPANTS —Mamban ol the Lucilja Huntar School PTA.whm cal abratad thair 66th Annual Pounder* Day, February 7th, with a pageant entitled U PTA Corner» afonos". Lett to right: Ada V. Ahton, Willie Crump, Nina Silh, Anne Dunn, Edward Currie, Ada rina Kurti, Walter Davenport, Edna MeLaan, Ramona Dillard, Fatima Youngblood, Kattia Scott, nd Clinton B. Ligon. t MAY LI BROACH . Help ne O Lord, to keep ftret thing* ftret and to eotoein the word our greatest wealth. Help ua to speak wholesomely and that our word# wIU be pleas ing to Thee. And that our Uvea will always repeat Christ. And that our household will always be known as a place where Chrlat rules we pray. TUPPER MEMORIAL BAP TIST—Church school began at 9:30 with the superintendent, Miss Dorothy Allen In charge. Morning worship began at 11:00 with the senior choir In charge of music The Phi Lambda Chapter of Al pha Phi Alpha Fraternity held its monthly meeting Sunday evening Fab. 10 at tha home of Brother and Mrs. McDowell on Co* Streets. Hosts for this meeting In sddltlon to Brother McDowell were Brothers W. C. Davenport, R. H. Tool*, F. A. Toliver and C. L. Hunt. Brother* present, M. W. Akin*, Jr., R E. Bell, R. L. Barfield. Chapter Secre tory, M. O. Batey, J. B. Cbrlatmes W. C. Davenport, J. W. Eaton, G. C. Exum. C. Goins. Chapter Financial Secretary J. Jones. Jr., Chapter Prsidcnt. G. L. Daw*. F. W. Lewis. R. W. McDowell. M. L. Taylor end D. J. Webster, Jr. Th* following Committee Chair men mad# report*: Cittienahlp Committee. M L. Taylor; Courtesy Committee. D J. Webeter. Jr.; Ed ucation Commtttss. R. t- Belt: Cul tural Pi ogram Committee. C. Go ins; and Awards and Scholarships. W C. Davenport. As a rasult of th# committee reports, tha members a. greed to have a Cultural Program In the fall and also soma type of af fair this spring for th* purpose of raising fund* to support the Chap ters plan* for making Awards and Scholarships to the schools In th* Wtk* County area. An Alpha A ward of Merit is to be presented each year to a member es Phi Lambda Chapter In recognition es outstanding service to the Chapter and the Community. Also soma type of recognition I* to be given to Past Preeidents of the Chapter. The Chapter Historian. Brother Q. F Newell is In the process of preparing a brochure giving a his torical acount of Phi Lambda Chap ter ThU arcount will include in formation about the beginning of the Chapter, member*, outstanding aehievemeta of the Chapter and In dividual members; Programs spon sored by the Chapter, ete. Thu bro chure should be completed by Founders Day. The Ciiitenship Committee plans to sponsor a program in April in connection with Alpha Phi Aipna Annual Citisenship Week Observ ance. The Education Committee of Phi Lambda Chapter te planning a program to coincide with National Education Week. The next meeting of the Chapter will bo held at th* home of Vice President and Mrs. M. L Wilson in Setae. March 10 at I p. m. Charles H. Bynum, now director of the Interest to! srUvWta for the March of Dimes National Polio Foundation, was formerly an edu cator. At onetime head of th* de partment of education at Langston (Okie » University, he later served aa esstotant to th* president of Tus keg** (Ala.) Institute (ANP> under the direction of Mis* Vel jean Myers. A great sermon waa presetted bp the pastor, the Rev. D. N. Howard. Sr. Hls subject waa "The Obligation of the Church.” WILSON TEMPLE METHO DIST Church school began at 930 wtt hthe superintendent. Miss Nannie Morgan In charge. Morn ing worship began at 11:00 with the senior choir In charge of mus ic, under the direction of Mias Nannie Morgan, organtot, Mra M. M. Kelly. An Inspiring sermon was preached by the Rev. O. W. Bur wick. WILLIAMS GROVE BAPTIST —Church school began at 9:30 with the superintendent. Mr. Phil lip Alstom. Morning worship be gan at 11:00, with tha vooal choir In charga of music. A very chal lenging sermon was preached by the pastor. Ray. J. H. Bryant. YOUNG MISSIONARY TEM PLE CMS Church school began at 0:00 with the superintendent, Mra Dalle R. Ford In charge. Morning worship began at 11:00 with the Junior choir in charga of music under the direction of Miss Olorto Howard. A very powerful sermon was preached by the pas tor. the Rev. J. N. Leverette. ULY QP THE VALLEY FREE WILL BAPTIST Church school began a4 0:40 with tbs superinten dent, Mr. Meek Arthur in charge. Morning worship began at 11:00 with the senior choir in charge of music under the direction of Mr. WUiie Henderson. An inspiring aennon was delivered by the pea tor. Her. Rivera ST. ANNAH FREEWILL BAP TIST Church school began at 10:00 with the superintendent, Mr. William Lyons in charge. Meriting worship began at 11:30 with the senior obotr in charge of musto. A great sannsn was detlv. •red by the pastor. Bov. L T. P OMUK BAPTIST Church school began at 0:00 with thorn rnintsndsnt. H^Waitor^Oarttos at ffirnSTSSTju-kw choir in chaise of musto under lbs direc tion of Mra Gaston Pulley, organ let, Mr, Gaston Pulley. A wonder ful sermon was delivered by the pastor. Dr. Orady D. Daria Hls subjeoi was “Lord Teaoh Us Te Pray." Honored guests for the services were Andean students studying st Shaw University. Jg£g Z2l*l£S*s¥*l 9:00 with the superintendent. Mra Peart MnDonsM ha charga Morn ing worship began at 11:00 with tha moraine ebotr in charge of mtato under the direction of Mr. won a great snmion waa by the pMtor th* Rev ; 8t Mark. Wto subject waa “What _ c*m school began at 19:00 with the superintendent. Mr. Walter Price in charge. Morning worship be gan at 11:09 with the senior ebotr ta charge of musto udw the dl r itoUn «f Mra, WeOto Herrington, by the Rev. E- Meson. PONT BAPTIST - Church school began at 0:00 with the su iii iliileiMtont Mr. W. N. Taylor in charga Morning warship began at 11:00 with tha Ydung People's choir in charge under the dfttof tion of Mrs. A. H. Jonas: organ ist, Miss Joyce Cooke. Morning prayer by Deacon R. W. Rand. Rev. Ward brought a very IruMr lng mesuga His subject was "Christ Will Remember.” MORNING STAR BAPTIST Church school began at 11:00 with the asst, superintendent In charge. Morning service was call ed to worship by the pastor. Rev. 8. R. Spencer. The Junior choir was in charge of music under the direction of Mrs. Hood. Rev. Spen cer delivered a wonderful message from the Book of St. Luke. His subject was “Work.” BTU was held at 6:30. The sub ject discussed waa “The Equality ot All Men.” RUSH METROPOUTAN AMIZ —Church school began at 0:46 with the superintendent, Mr. Jes sie Degraf fenrealdt in charge. The Junior Church services were con ducted by Bro. Shelby Tolar. Morning worship began at 11:00. Rev. Harris delivered a wonderful message haring the title “Uni versal Prayer.” At 7:30 the Young People’s Missionary Society ob served “Victory Day” in memory of its founders and organtoera. SMITH TEMPLE BAPTIST Church school began to 10:00. with the Bupt.. Mr. Elbert Sanders in charge. At 11:00 Rev. Ray made the call to worship with the seni or choir in charge ot the musto. Rev. Ray brought a wonderful message from the subject “The Hlghwey.” 11 ' ' Savage-Young Vows Spoken Mis* Evelyn Derime Oevec* end Sgt Rey E. Young pledged their marriage vows Sunday Feb. 10 at th* home of Mr. and Mrs. Will ism Murrey, 319 Idlewild Ave. The bride to tha daughter of Mrs. Evelyn Savage of Raleigh. The groom to stationed at Fort Bragg. Mtoe Frances Savage, the bride 7 * sister, was maid of honor, end Mr. Aarthur Hawthorne was best man The bride was given In marriage by her uncle, Mr. Willtam H. Mur ray. The Rev. D. N. Howard, pastor of Tupper Memorial Baptist Church officiated. ' Tha room in which th* wadding took place was beautifully decorat ed with different kinds of flowers. Special guests were: Mrs. Bailey and children. Out-of-town guests: Sgt. and Mrs. WUiie OweM es Warsaw. Mr. Max McCarr. Mrs. Hester Freemen. Arthur Haw thorne of Greensboor, Mr. and Mrs Rustelf Williams of WUlard. Mr. end Mrs. Herbert Dixon. Rose Hill. Miss Maggie Williams, Wallace, Miss Sandra D. McGee Teach and the bride * grandmother. Mrs. Nel lie Dobson. Other guests included Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Humphrey, Mr. Bdgm Evans. Mrs. Julia Navels, Mrs. LU- Mis tola Evans, I^Cttw^Uh* all of Raleigh. Soane of the friends and gnwto remained for the reception at which punch and cake was served. The bride and groom will raid* In Ra leigh for a while. Annual Music Festival For Catholic Schools Held Tha A— nil Musical Festival far Catholic schools in this Ddlocoo* was bald an Sunday. Fab. M in th# Father Fries Gymtorium of the now Cardinal Oibbona HUM School in nal»||V Groups from the Cathedral School, Raleigh; Our Lady of Lourdes ffehool, Rakdghi Saint Monica’s School. Raleigh; Immacu late School. Ddurham; Saint Mary’s School, Gold*boro; and Cardinal Oibbona High School, Raleigh. Each group sang numbers that showed all of the techniques of superior musical training. The voices were well blended, well modulated and the enunciation end pronunciation was outstanding In all group*. Each group showed a marked improve ment over the previous yean. The parents of the children of Saint Monion’s School won very proud of the performance done by their children. They sang th* fol lowing numbers: O Deus Ego Amo To, 18th Cent - Montani; American Hymn, Maxwell - Keller; Sstcal A way, Negro Spiritual; Orchestra Song, Trod. - Aaustrian. After the concert Bishop Waters Hood of the Diocese of Raleigh spoka Ho congratulated the singers and praised the superior work of tbs good Slaters who taught them. Ha eoHcratulated tbs parents for thatr ooopsmtton wMta the Schools and Taotnara. ISSNSMSWWSMSSWSSSSWSa Hldjittiij'i ORTISIANS, 100. W—MOOONPMa—eaaaaaaaaed* : MONUMENTS Stoot 19*9—MarbU-Orsnits Oxr seat* Man u *aa.M, (Mix* urf HnHn Come to Show HmS Yard for alee EBfMfl uon s** ova Wmaffimm too Memorial* at Low Coetajafl You don't k agenta ban. Bxy Mree* WARNER MEMORIALS mt Wjwm, sgO. j«.°- Bka*a ii Finance or Borrow On Your Car Through Tho “X Dillon Motor Finance Co. 1M a David Phone TE 3-3231 MAKE EXTRA MONEY SELL -The- Carolinian Your own state newspaper, with news of your community while it is still news. Liberal Commission Fill out and mail the coupon below at once. ! THI CAROLINIAN ! . SIS B. Martin at , itatafh. N C. , • Please send detaOe of he* I can earn money selKne i j The CAROLINIAN in my moaraoity. I tfcaklcan sell , • wpta aufch. i • MAiaa - - 1 • l « ADDRESS I 1 CITY OR TOWN 1 After the FaathraL open bouaa was bald at the New Cardinal Gib bons High School Building which waa recently opened In Sept, 1963. Outstanding feature* of the buidl- Ing an: the modern language lab oratory, th* modern Science Lab, Muaio room ad Library. All of tha classroom* an light spacious and well furnished. Another outstanding feature was th* beautiful Chapel to tha Admlnistntion Building. Many questions have baon asked about cold damage to plants caused by th* severe temperatures we have had this winter. Mon about this next weak. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! DELUXE HOTEL Member of N. H. 8. Oku, Comfortable Rooms Mlaa Lnetlla OriswoUL Prop ttS E Cmbarms 8t Raleigh Phono TE 3-6806 Everything For ... BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING • LUMBER • MILL WORK • ATHEY’S PAINTS • HUILDUNG MATERIALS • EVSSWIN HARDWARE Dial TB 2-7563 CAROLINA BUILDERS CORP. 317-219 N. Dawson St RALEIGH. N. C. PRINTING • Commercial • Social Consult Us for Reasonable Eatiinatea Prompt ir Service Phone TE 4-5558 —The— CAROLINIAN PUBUSHING CO. 518 a Martin Street Raleigh, N. C

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