IMfe I ■ s ’lflVHHfli '"mmw i a ' Wk wbr jft jg^^^^^UKK^^^ESUtEHMBBBBm. "W* ;>-jH m*JttkM |. ,| AT VALENTINE PARTY These are some of the couples who had a delightful Valentint dance at the Meadowbrook Country. Club Saturday night. From left to right: Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Saruom, Mr. and Mrs. Georie Height, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lewie, Mr. and Mrs. R M. Whitley and Mr and Mrs. M. G. Batey. GOSSIP OF THE MOVIE LOT BY CALLA SCMVNEB FOB ANP AFRICAN FILM FEATURES VIVID ANIMAL SCENEB HOLLYWOOD (ANP) Twelve year old Pamela Franklin, one of COOKING Wr Q' costs i** s LESS THAN ANY OTHER AUTOMATIC FUEL GAS COOKING Is the most economical, automatic way to cook. Modem Gas ranfes cost less to buy, less to Install and much less to operate . . . less than any other automatic fuel. Re pairs on a Gas ranee are rare. Burners are guaranteed a life time. Many Gas range users never have called a service man even after 10 or 19 years. ... JfcBWiJHWiIJHN 318 Hillsboro St TE 2-3761 tooj PINE STATE 7] // CHOCOiArtf m' i j 4 m * I I II I U dßiifjß - ■ - ■ ■ m L mm ■v-'r* M H mm ts ■ ■ ■B ' m 1 • I-'-'" K. - ft m MIME ARTIST AND AIDES When Frana Reyndere, Dutch-bom pantomine artist, appeared at Bennett College, Greensboro, last week, he was assisted by these three students. Left to right, Misss Andre Mast, of Houston, Txhs; Carolyn Snead and Paulette Grant, both of Philadelphia, Pa. NCC Graduate Gets TV Role In ‘Premiere’ NEW YORK (ANP)—Actor Ivan Dixon, who plays David, a research scientist In “Chain Reaction" on ABC-TVs “Premiere," presented by Fred Astaire. Thursday. Feb. 21, agrees that work in the acting pro fession may be limited for those of his race, but he has no complaints, himself. “Between stage and television. “I've been busy since 19.V1 Even before." the handsome actor says, “but. I've been lucky too. Anyone would be with a' friend like Sid nev Poitier." Dixon considers Poitier his best friend and has been stand-in. dou ble and stunt man for him in mo tion pictures and on television. He also worked with Poitier In “Raisin in the Sun" on Broadway and in the motion picture. In “Chain Reaction." a part he landed as a result of producer Dick Berg's catching him in “Raisin” < n Broadway, Dixon envisions the character he plays as an African— from Nigeria. “It seemed to me he studied at Oxford," Dixon says. "It doesn’t ray that in the script exactly, but Data ‘N* Chatter BY DARCY DEMILLE FOR ANP CHICAGO rYom Hollywood to Harlem. . . Heartell Cassius Clay will retire from the ring shortly and devote ms time to emoting be fore movie cameras. This I’ve gotta sec. Dinah Washington, who received ouite a bit of adverse publicity fol lowing the milk toilet seat cover bit. could have silenced many If she cared to reveal how she plaved Santa to several Chicago and New York City orphanages. This Lady Bountiful role Isn’t a new one for Miss D. She has been the giver be hind tons of lavish gifts to the pa rent-less at Easter and Christmas for many a moon. Didn't the Sarah Vaughan-C B. Atkins hassle really begin before they adopted a child? And Isn’t It true that Billy Eckstlne and his Carrol have again made a date with Sir Stork? Speaking of babes and babies, both Nancy Wilson and Aretha Franklin got what they wanted, boys. Nancy la receiving tempting offera to tour the European circuit if she can make an April 1 dead line. Aretha. Detroit's contribution to the entertainment world, ssvs she will get bark to work a* soon as the baby is old enough to travel Can't stand to have him out of her sight. I don't know If Lena Home knows It. but she has a big fan In newspaperman Robert Sylvester Robert can be credited with the 'quote-of-the week' regarding Mis* Horne, he .said: “Lena Is probably the only wo man in the world who can turn her back squarely to you and still force you to listen to every note she sings. Some singer* come and go and I have been watching this one for 20 years and if she ha* given any evidence of going I haven’t noticed It yet. w ay ■gLrjjß ' '' . TO APPEAR AT *T. ALOIS TINE'S—Beta Baflagt, pianist, who will ha peasants* in *«««< •I Use Entry Health an* fine Arts Center, by Use St. Aagna- TbanSay Vehnu in order to play a part one has to know the background of the char acter. “African students are dear to my heart. I was one in 'Raisin’, too." Dixon was well qualified when he took to profeaalonal acting. Hav ing graduated from North Carolina College, he took graduate work at Western Reserve University In Cleveland, Ohio, and attended the American Theatre Wing and Paul Mann’s Actor Workshop In New York From’then on, It’s been up hill for the actor. 'T've done ‘Twilight Zone." ‘Have Gun. Will Travel,* ‘Caln'a Hun dred,* *Laramle,‘ 'Dr. Kildare,’ ‘De fenders.’ and ABC-TV's 'The New Breed,’ to name only a few," Ivan says. "But, what I long for most Is s continuing part In a series. Few of us ever reach that plateau," he ndds. u\roL\ THEATRE RALEIGH. N. C. STARTS SUN., FEB. MTH For 4 Days S BIG FEATURES “TARZEN THE APE MAN” DENNT MILLER “TARZEN and the LOST SAFAIR” GORDON SCOTT “TARZAN FIGHTS FOR LIFE” GORDON SCOTT STARTS THURS.. FEB. MTH For 3 Days “COLOSS OF RHODES” RORT CALHOUN —PIus— “THE 3 STOOGES IN ORBIT” BEST FRIGIPAIRE BUY automatic washer 1 -last-priced FRIGIDAIRE peed, 2-cycle Washer! • Fresh, running water rinses! s Pumps lint sway automdicelly ho Altar to cleenl s Spins clothes drier therf any other automatic! # 3-Ring Agitator action deans dothee Inside end out-without beating. s Also available in Porcelain Enameled cabinet—model WCOASP-1^ “$197 p“wk “ JL With Trade tw« minor _____ FRiGIDAIRE =■ (Uuut&gfcGi % PARKING 0 « 3c: ** STS m CABOUMJUI MUHHLW. (X, RATPHPAT, FEBRUARY A INS j mttßßßr JH f jjßs& _dmMm Bl h B B : -:ss %£ 'J "• '« J >, as|''-' 'Ssli ‘ f®fl| , fr ' S , W g B JABBERWOCK CONTESTANTS — Rocky Mount mam ban of Delta Sigma Theta sorority amounop contestants who wilt taka port in the annual Jabberwock, March 19. They are, (k ft to right): Mattie Edge, Fimtops ; Ernestine Gould, Littleton; Na vadia Mercer, Carolyn Edge, Gloria Boddia and Eunice Elba pi Rocky Mount; Wattrina Milk, Spring Hope. Not present whan photo was made: Jo Frames Smith, Rooky Mount; Gladys Jfir raff, Tarboto; and Framaa Shelly, Bottkboro. The Jabberwock will be divan March 19. (/. B. HARREN FOTO). t V ,|(■l -. 1 1 ,• He ,m (> ' U Mil-, u-il v .flu. v - ) l DIAMOND . '•'..t) -V ' * INTERLOCKING r .■; > bridal pair - 4v .*• - f r ■ \j—7—TV v-- p,~. ai^^mnmigmtPkßdPMpmma »» r -^lr.UtotAil^S If, j/ YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD GEM WATCH SHOP m FAYETTEVILLE ST. TE «-•*■• M FA £enturi{ (tub ffierifaefa STRAIGHT BOURBON $2-30 $3-35 *■ PINT 4/5 QUART •mmi mum mm must. mm mm simhet mm mm. n mv 13