R |-I 't* fc--X' jra*SSiM&:. , <-7ay;&.3.w 2CL.}>, ■ x -v- - i.yly:^' W .1 -V. -'3E? W/ *■’ >:.v3sFl* ■ - N X \ v ‘. N SnlV ■ " < > i vnnK : *!§■§&. v' w£jFs\ w v : 4 WOMAN OF THE TEA* * ' - ! ! that happened when Mr*. Vir- BUS V. .< date Kim brooch Newell «u Oml* honored u the “Women es the - a- -fjvfgZ ■ A principal* are shown at the re • - '‘•'^ m ‘i‘i' i J :, “ M *-. Rr*' oeptloa. L-r. Meedame* Nora. Lockhart. Vivian T Brown. Em '■': v *ls’ , «* *-’r ■ dred T. Fames and Dr. Ellen 8. : Al.ton The renter picture show. ?n ! ‘ ; H Dr. J. a. Boyer presenting Mrs. r s; r Newell the plaqoe. Admirer* are H#-* • J witnessing the preeentatloa. Dorothy Lane presenting a pla- STATE « BRIEF FIRE VICTIM BURIED taMil aervieee for UtE Beatrloe Harris, who died as the re •ußs of barns sustained, when her clothing caught Are. as she at* tempstd to light an oil stove, at her home, 704 X. Jones Street, SaMN order, wen held from Ughtijer’s Funeral Hons, Tuesday. Burial uew to the Oberi*- obbbSSoko *riu O aR WT **** SfSL w SS to tohTsoStorbaeM# hyw whrttow* beito prepare goad ton rdtoHins.** the Bow. Jews added, “toe caaaet ■an the Mgtaat hens relatione wtth seivtog the ftaMmif as the rases by laioi piiitoii We we efCat* » eaU a uialhy at the fMOTT BeptW CtatoULdtoeple agpegfeexM sob tt really won’thaypea bat in we emmet taw the highest baaeen reletteaa without atMaywe ynbtaaef tho vaeee by teter-aarrtsge." DEATH CHEATS COURTS Doth is believed to have cheated the courts of Pitt County out of an opportunity to try Samuel H. Weathingon of a total for Ms life, when he died here but week, as the result of a gun battle with a local officer. He waa the object of an intensified man hunt, until he was found a abort distance from when the shooting occurred. PEACE CORPS MAN TO SPEAK The director of the Pesee Corps program to Africa far the pest year will apeak at the Human Relations Conference d the Baptist State Convention March S at the Forest HiUe Baptist Chnreh. Dr. Sam eel DeWitt Praetor, president es AST College to Greensboro, will discuss “Racism, a World Done’ during the 7 p. m. program. TOWN WANTS INDUSTRY . pRXNCSVIUiE PrlnoevUle. second town in the nation to be ehartered as an all-Negro town, uuietly observed its 78th annlvenary last week. PrlnoevUle. adjacent to Tsrboro h progreasing, although slowly. Mayor W. Ray Matthewaon and other eity commissioners have made several industry-hunting trips. The response waa good, the mayor said, “but they want the people in PrlnoevUle to oome to where the industries are. and leave their homes her*. 'This to exactly the reverse of what we want," Matthewaon mid. PrlnoevUle folk like living hen and don't want to leave. FUNERAL HOME OPERATOR J TRIAL IS DELATED THOMASVILLE The trial as Rtweed Ttamae, 78. Negre Fu neral Heme eperalee tare, charge* wHh deleting a sMy erdtaaaea with regard to depth as a grace to CHy Cemetery, was eeatiaaed yesterday to March 11 at liie rega-1 es Ttamaa* attorney. Negro Fishermen Figure In Cuban Mig Attack KEY WEST. El«. fANP> Two Negro fishermen last week were tfie centre! figure* of an interna tional incident that could lead to a ah noting war with Cuba. The men are Pari* Jackaon. skip per of * S 3 foot shrimp trawler and hi* crewman. Benjamin Washing ton. In spite of frantic hand sig nal*. the two reported that a Cu ban MIG Jet fired on their boot in the Florida Strait* last week. Tie incident aroused a number of Congressmen critical of the ad ministration's handling of the Cu ban situation to urge that Immedi ate retaliatory step* be taken. Under pressure of the criticism. President Kennedy ordered the de fense department to take what ev er steps are appropriate under the circumstances. Meanwhile. Cuban official while admitting their MIGs were in the area, denied that the boat, the Ala. had been fired upon. Gov. Sanford Sticks To Job Promise NEW YORK North Carolina's Gov. Terry Sanford said Tuesday that his state is determined to see that the Negro, one-fourth of its population, ultimately has equal economic opportunities with die White populace. After addressing a luncheon of UWrttsW ON MM O No on* was injured. “He (the MIG pilot) circled s round and came in low a-ahootin’ —we could even see the pilot,” said Jackson. 44. “We hit th* deck and lay thara.” said Jackson. “It really scared me. God. I was really scared. “We just lay there because thara (CONTINUED ON PAOE 9 -CAROLINIAN— ADVERTISERS PAGE I ■ertea's Cash Mora PAG I 1 Pakiit Sendee Ce. es M. C.. lae. The Casual Csra-CeU ■sWWag C*. beau Jane Press Sbsp NaUaoal lodget Sendee, toe. Central Drag Star* PAGS I Hedsen-Selfes—Bflrd'a lehn W. winters and Co. Grtffts Peed Store Price’s She* Sendee Mrehaek-S dMParajers^Deak Cwu» Tstnueo fames* Co.^ PASS I Weaver Proa. Eaathr Wade Ante Bales U^lnJMd 151 Yean Old First Baptist Observes Anniversary First Baptist Church win be on* hundred and fifty on* year* aid March 4th. In recognition of Ms un tiring service to humanity sad of the significant iol* this historic church hat ployed In th* tevwlop ment of tbo r*Ugtou*JfiC of North Carolina, th* memfcfMßtfP «n oh servo tbo annhmfiSt 0 on 4 My service, Sunday- MoMI iSth. lkoy will bring financial gifts for bar an he* birthday and listen together to on* of the oustanding ministers of our dkgr. The committee Is compos ed as tha 11 group laadsrs Os th* enuren. (CONTINUED ON PAM 9 Man Risks Life; Saves Fire Victim CHARLOTTE Whether Alfred Alexander read his Bible before he left home on Feb. A and ran A erase, “Greater lova bath no man than this that a man lay down at* life for his friends” or whether It was a natural impulse to save his part-time employer from being burned up has not bean disclosed, but tha City Council gave him a (CONTINUED ON PAM 9 , w K AT H K K TwymiMti mbs! Off Bsyfi HifinAy diroiib iMMMt R® ivtvaci i ft* BMiftw tatow Mr narsday atsht. -Bl» FROM THEM PAGE • Csisalal suras E, E. Rajae Punter* C*. PAG*s''* - * Btr AAP Stores Tire Sales A; Parries wSTS* ftorti * hstetgh parr ~* r **■ CsrsMaa Power aiRHC*. IsiNUCi Ms* ap teaden Grssa Oaaoaa* PAMU page y* e * r * rr, " irnr PisstyNjagy vw. SkßtßaiS Hems taa s Ekse Osrstea Wake Auto Servieo BIRTH CONTROL BILL AIMER AT HANDOUTS +♦f++ + + + + + Intermarriage Theory Hit By Charlotte Mayor The Carolinian VOL. 31. NO. 18 RAINES WINS RIGHT TO CONTRA CT IN RALEIGH + +‘ + + + + + Student Strikes Teacher Court Acts JtßastFwr Officials Janus C. Relnea, local master (dumber, was given a right to en gage hi th* Araotloe of plumbing, in the otty of Rnlelgh. as a Jour neyman. by a restraining order, teeued ter Judge William T. Btc kett, February 19. The order was luuod In favor of Raines, oa the result of a tem porary Injunction proceeding, Brought by him, against the City of Raleigh, the City Council of the City of Raleigh and R. O. Wat (CONTINUED ON PAOE 9 Youth Uses Board On Teacher CHARLOTTE The matter of school discipline got much consid eration hero this week as the re sult of the arrest of a 14-year-old boy tor th* alleged hitting of a West Charlotte teacher an th* head with a stick, David Wiggins. M. member as lb* faculty as West Charlotte High •abort was said to have bean hit aa Cm head, bp tha boy, with a piece as weed, about 8:48 am., Monday, whom ha ta alleged to have paddled Friday. Th* incident la said to have happ ened while Wiggins was sitting *t hta dash, reading soma papers. Th# youth Is alleged to have walked up behind th* teacher, and with out a word as warntag, to have Adam C. Powell Blisters Sen. Williams WASHDfGTOW (ANF) Dapper Adam Clayton Pewall last week aatd th* recent Senate attack oo him was composed of cgual parti of fiction, inaccuracies, and racial prejudice and easrrtsH that ha has net “abused' his Congressional pri vileges to any greater extent than any eOier member at Congreee. *Tm not expecting to be treated batter than any other Congress “Soapy” Williams, Sanford In Durham DURHAM "Heavy-handed Communist sellout against Negroes in Bulgaria and Guinea" have tirnigtil quick and sharp reactions in Africa. Assistant Secretary of State G. Msnnoa Williams said here North Carolina’s Leading Weekly RALEIGH, N. C.. SATURDAY MARCH. 3, 1963 IB ” ■ jiL B®jH b t , • t n - 1 “& I Hll 1 V SJP B I Hr M CLOSE QUARTERS BaJttmare: A grant as female prlaeners alt stop each others’ lap* as they ride an eemsrawded police van frans a precinct to th* city jail bare February 11, They are among sev eral hundred yanng psagla, mainly Negre students from Morgan Mato Teacher* College who have been arrested ta tha last several days when they tried to enter an “all-white" movie theatre. DEFENDS CON DUCT Rep. Adam Clayton Powell (D- N. Y.). Shown at his news conference In Washington, defended hta conduct aa being no different frees many ether members es Congress. He sate he was being criticised keeauee he Is a Negro. Tbe veteran Congress - man has been the sub ject es a round as con troversy regarding his long stormy poMtlssJ career. HIP PHOTO). I H *£> A ' ’*’* Jm. %^r Assembly Asked Fer Birth Ban A bill to curb Ullgttimate birth* in the state and to puniih repeaters was introduced in the State Senate Monday night by W. Lunsford Crew of Halifax County. The eastern solon. who comes from a densely populated Negrc county, is reported as going so far aa to ask that any tether who sired more than one illegitimate shHd would be subject to the discretion of the court after a hearing, on committing a m tad earn eanor. had been held. The Halifax County senator fur* ther set out in his MU that the am* ther of Illegitimate children who refuses to prosecute the tether should be called Into acount la support of his bill, he charged that the praeent laws “tend to encourage rather than discourage lllegltima <*•“ 4^ (CONTINUED ON PAOI I) Job Bias.. Claimed' At Roxboro DURHAM The extent of the government order on equal employ* ment is being watched by citiaons of Durham and Person counties, as the result of a complaint filed by a number of people, who said they have been discriminated against by the Roxboro Manufacturing Com pany. The complaint was signed by Floyd B. McKissick. representing (CONTINUED ON PAOg 9 Queen City Executive Blasts Jones CHARLOTTE The controver sial Rev. Charles M. Jones, who has been tbe target of segregation tit* for a number of years, was back ir. the news this week, due to the fact he raised the ire of Mayor Stan Brookshire. The Queen City is said to have become disturbed over the toct that the Chapel Hill white minister is said to have expressed his view on Interracial marriage, in Greensboro Sunday Person* cloae to th# mayor art said to have felt that th* city head went along with the fact that Rev. Jonr* was In the Get# City for bro therhood week and that there had been an evident fact that there bad been a practice of brotherhood, be tween the race*, even to lister hood. In the fact that there had been a crossing of color line* in sex rela tions. felt that Mr. Brookshire be came enraged over the fact that Rev. Jones advocated Intermarri (CONTlNUED ON PAOE *1 ODDS-ENDS BY JAMIB A. SHEPARD “A little child shall lead team.” A LETTER OP PITT • W HITE FOLKS MONEY”) The Honorable John H. Kerr, Jr., Dear Sir: Your wholly unpro voked and unjustified attack upon Dr. Lewis C. Dowdy, acting presi dent of ART College, has provoked a great deal of anger and resent ment from Intelligent people at til # races within this state. Although we know that any J statement-.made by you or by any * one else relative to “whit* people? money” (tax money) being glean It Negroes Is so erroneous that it does not deserve notice. Hi* thought no curs to us that Instead of becoming angry and resentful about tbs re- • marks you made to Dr. Dowdy, we ttiould all have a foaling of pity (CONTINUED ON PAOE R PRICE 15c