HHHBBBHHHH SLAIN COUNCILMAN This is the scene to the effiee es Benjamin (Dnke) Lento. CUmp iH«- mb, m Wftcen examine the efftee and the bedy fee tones. He, atlO fcariißHej hi lrtMt li t part rt Mood. (UPI PHOTO). World News Photos ■l* >-■ ' 7 .;■ '- m?»v JB’v?-^iiS§\ FLEEING APABTMENT Thto h b aeene of a mother and her children leartai aa apart- amat taflttaf, in Chteagp- after a fire pet nnderway in the bail- ding. The mother has one child and the eon holds another. (UPI PHOTO). a..’ J|: & - ft *■' *.L? : ‘ w ( Cousin Held \ In Death Os Teacher i FAYETTEVILLE Bctram l Evans. 40. was held, without the I privilege of bail, for the Cumber- ; lend County Superior Court Tuee- < day morning after a hearing of a ' charge of shooting Mm Leona •- Jackson. IS. after a quanto in bar home, last week. Evidence presented at the hear ing according to Sheriff W. O. Clark, revealed that there had bevn a drinking party at the bouse and that the telephone rang and Evans demanded that Mrs. Jackson an swer it. She is alleged to have re fused to answer the telephone and ' that Evans reached into a closet j and brought oat s 410 gauge gun | and sbot thc woman thru the neck, j (lONTDIUEB ON PAPE »> ODDS-ENDS i RT JAMBS A. SHEPARD I Leito." *** ***** ""** "A NEW NEGRO UGH SCHOOL” i A abort while ago. a local new*- I paper reported that a group of No- J woea to the Meshes section, hod j petitioned the Wake County School f Board for “a new Negro Ugh J schools* A wording to tho news sto- I 2rt t Uxat*the°»«inr CrZtoljMeehool ■ now serving the areas, arm inode- i quale to serve the avert of a mod- J era high school. SLAIN COUNCILMAN SUPPORTED BY JEWS Spurned Lover Killed The Carolinian VOL. 21, NO. It RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY. MARCH 9, 1963 PRICE 15c RACE ISSUE MUDDLES MONEY IN ROBESON MURDERS KIN ■ JBH ■yL.vj ■ 5l FRATERNITY GETS LIFE MEMBERSHIP - Dr. J. E. Thomas la shown os he receives a life membership In the NAACP from Ralph Campbell, president es the Raleigh chapter. The membership was bongbt by the local chapter of the Omega Psl Phl Fraternity. Dr. Thomas was the principal speaker at tha kickoff meeting for the NAACP membmhlp drive. White Youth Charged In Bus-Truck Fatality DURHAM One man is dead two men sustained minor injuries and a white youth faces a murder charge as ths result of a truck school bus accident at 7:15 Monday morning. T. B. Parham, 513 Nash Street was caught between the cab of nts truck and the left front door and hie head was crushed as the truck overturned twice on Route 54 Rob ert Garrett. 34, and Frank Daniels, 41, who wars riding with Parham suffered minor bruises. The accident is reported to have happened when Wayne Cates. IS year-old white youth, who drives a Southern High School bus drove CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS —g Bin FROM THEM M« t ■mu Jtac Drta Mat IwM l lilt Mar* WlMcn u 4 C*. PtM Mat* Cmanr NCfluuri A Farmrrt lut Kama Jaar Prua strap •■ear Watch Shap Saathara Fa rattan WMralr (a KaMart Caacrat* Pretacte Ca. PACK • Ma*i*a Belht—Btlr* • Tawa A reeatry Fara Hare Wattaail Mirt Karate*, tar Batetgh Kavtagi A Lau Aaa'a rat* K HlPtau Paaeral Bam KfpßtMM'l MMk C#« •care. Beaheek A Ca Fla* Mata Milk A lea Cream ■alatfk Patat a Wtßpapar Ca. lakam tamki Ca. Kmrrlna Create Ca. PABB t Kaatar-Kaaiin Traetar Cara fkaraf Be* A KMIa Fa** Mara fcakMAr c#. ttrTT PACK » Ca North Carolina** Leading Weekly into the path of tha ear, at It pam ed the driveway of his home. Garrett and Daniels told State Trooper, T. H. Ashley that they saw tha school bus approaching ths highway at a slow rata of speed, but felt that tha vehicle was going to stop for ths highway traffic. Cates is reported as saying that hs drove onto the road from the driveway, because he did not eee anything coming. The bus is alleged to have bean six and onehalf feat onto the high way when it struck the right rear side ot the truek. which swerved fCQdrnNPEB am pace I) PAG* t UP Marat Brttrlia*—Old* rea r Sheet tartar’*, tar. laptUl Mar* Prptt'CaU Ca. at Balelfb Carattaa Bat Mart. lac. Oetas* Betel Waraer Mearartalt Dll la* Mater Pina nr* Mtawty't OpUclaat, lac. PACK II - . 12*7 Tarker A Brea.,' lac. I tear Beaity C*. CaraUaa Patrar A UiU C*. PAOt U Prlca** Shell Saretr* Pattaraaa-Frailer Bacar* Shop CaMtaa* Graccry A Traatfar C*. Barca, lac. PabHr Servtca Ca.. «f K. C, lac. PAOB M PI alter Wkaltttlr Ca.. lac. Taraar Ml Saralce. lac. Jaa. MaraAk't Pramallaa PAOB U Kara-PM PaAtlnerart Plrettaa* Marat PAOB M Ktleigh Paaeral Brat Beal Oaaeral Tire C*. *»ab» AMt ferrtra Bka*at Per altar* PrarMaai Flataia C*. Plgglr-Wlgflr Daaa't Baa* Seretc* Bkt« cal* Metal School Bonds Questioned J By Citizens ‘ LUMBERTON Ths proposed two-million dollar bond issue tor Robeson County schools has be come a hot Issue in this farming section, so much so until no one seems to know whether a refered um will be held on April 16. Everything seems to have been In readiness and the bonds looked as If they would get by. The trouble began when J. J. Johnson. Fal-- mont. John Sessmons, president of ths Robeson County Chapter of ths NAACP, and James Chavis, along with 30 other citizen*, filed a pe tition, thru George R. Greene, Ra leigh lawyer, attacking the consti tutionality of the propoaal. Tha petitioners are said to have taken issue with the fart that ths money, coming from the bonds, was to be spent in building segregated schools. There Is also a bond Issue vote scheduled for the town of Lumber ton, on the seme date. No oposltion Is said to have been registered a galnst that proposal. The matter is now said to be In the lap of the Local Govsrnment (CONTINUED ON PAOE t) Problems Os Men, Races Compared DURHAM A Chapel Hill min ister, who was recently the cantor es a storm of eontrovery about In terracial marriage, told a North Ca rolina College vespers t-uHenaa Sunday tha problem* of man of different races and the problems of men of different naitons have the same solution. The Rev Charles M Jones, mln -cr nf the Community Church of Chapel Hill, speaking on the topic, Thr Everyone,” emphasized tne common factor of humanity in all relationships between men and de (CONTTNURD ON PAOt t) Funeral Rites Held For Woman 93 Mrs Msriah Hinton Locklear. 63. of 1527 Battery Drive, one of the oldest citizens of Wake County died here Friday and waa buried in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Tuesday The deceased was a staunch church worker, a member of the Mt. Olivet Cross Roads Baptist Church, and waa the organizer of the Christian Endeavor at the New Bethel Christian Church. Poole Rd where she once was a member. It is said that she knew more about (CONTWIitTim PACE I) f* "tv. 1 ;*r,-v -- ji'*-n»->ite^(*.rT4,*rin A ...’ . J. VERNON PARHAM Virginian New B. M. At Shaw Dr. Nelson H. Harris, Interim President, Shaw University, hai an nounced the appointment of J. Ver non Parham as Business Manager. Parham Is a natlvs of Petersburg, Vs. Ha received the B. S degree from Hampton Institute, Hampton. Va„ and has done further study at Altanta University. He has had previous training a* a payroll auditor of the Internal Revenue: Student Account Clerk. Bookkeeper. Purchasing Agent. Ar kansas AMAN College. Pine Bluff. Arkansas, and Business Manager. Mlaeiatoppi Vocational College, Itta Bena. Mississippi Mr. Psrtiam Is aaairtod and has two totildrant J. Vernon. Junior, age 10 and Bharon Rosa, age T. STATE # BRIEF TO CONDUCT CLARE Pi re Inspector A R. Woodllcf will conduct a class on rmergenoy fire proceedure in ’'Hospital and Home Tlpa." at the Thursday, toStth 7. meeting of the Wake Memorial Auxiliary. The meeting will be held at the Aaaembly Bldg. Mrs. Elizabeth Reid, president of th < AuxllUtft, said Mrs. Thelma Keck, only Negro member of the executive Board la also recording secretory of the goup. reprerentr u. r. at trade fair DURHAM—John H. Wheeler, president of the Merhawies and Farmers Bank. here, was selected as s"dele*ate to the In ternational Trade Fair In Tripoli. March 5. Mr. Wheeler left * for the North African nation of Libra recently en his wnp-rtss* the Trade Fair. •” COLLEGE STUDENT FUM FLAMMED WINSTON -SALEM The players of the age-old film flam game have no respecter of person and will prey on the learned as well as the unlearned aa It developed here this week Ml«s Effie Lee Howell, 31-year-old, former college student waa thrown for a loss ad-14*660 Miss Howell told local detectives how she met and unknown rtWDii the street and fell victim to the “con” game. The Howell girt jfed that the woman approached her and told her that she wantortwo divide a 410,000 “find” with bar and requested that she put flfee money In to show good faith. FIRED PISTOL Ed Brown. 63. ot E-44 Washington Terrace waa arrsate£» and charged with aaaaaß with a deadly weapon and TTnddrtfT Taylor, 36. es E-44 Washington Terrace was arrested en a 6an«| Politician! Pawn ForJ Syndicate! CHICAGO (ANP)—While poliee ware delving into possible gambling links, associates of professionals slain Chicago alderman, BepJanm F. Lewis speculated that political rather than personal motives ware responsible for the sensational mur der. His death reduces the number of Negro councUmen to live. How ever, it is a Negro will succeed him. Lewis, dapper M year old na tive Georgian, wee found slain .Id his plush new ward office hand cuffed and with three bullet holes In the base of his skull which (rt lire say were fired at close raqgp two days after scoring his greatort political triumph last week. Though the city's stormv noUtoyf ihstory has been marked-* vs of killings and kidnap; *, h was ths first sitting a’ murdered here. P Negro politician ot g (CONTINVBD tBN VACS t) Blighted Doomed § Urban renewal is being talked in Raleigh and should the recom mendation of the City Planning ! Department be carried out mostOf : the area now inhibited by non- I whiles will be affected. Planning Director A. C. Kg]]. Jr., Informed the City PaUMrs Monday that a neighborhood ana lysis has been completed, width suggested renewal for four argm. The area which Halls depart ment -recommends be given flßt consideration Is that bounded-jpr Cabarrus and Lenoir Streets‘on the north, the run of Wnctv Branch Creek south. Florrfjje Hi reel on the w est and South Baa aon and South East streets on (BP east. In support of this recommenda tion. the analysis states that 79.3 per cent of the residential struct ure* in this section are substan dard ~ It la suggested In the report t£gt redevelopment of this aecwon would foster completion of fljh city’s thoroughfare system, oqen the southern section for develop ment. act as an upgrading facts' for Boylsn Heights and remqye the largest blight area In the clip. The other three area* for whtdih urban renewal Is recommended icostwintn on ea»» n Temseritsr* nest five gay* MV R salsa Tbur*gay aag ronttnulag rases Monday will average S few detree* below normal and pre cipitation • round an Inch Tbnra day tbroash Monday. Risk and low temper*rnro* g and ts. Par*, lag cooler toalgbt and Ttisreday. Moderate temperate re* with *man day te day change* Indicated re mainder of ported. Bala likely a boat the weekend.