P. O. Dept. Creates Inter-Racial Body THE CAROLINIAN VOL. 21, NO. 21 NAACP RESENTS SEAR’S ACTION A TTY TA YLOR ’5 TRIAL TO BEHELD IN VIRGINIA U. S. Circuit Court To Rule On Appeal ALEXANDRIA. Va. Attorney ] Herman L. Tbylor, Raliegh, N. C practitioner, who appealed a two year prison tat*, out income tag chargee, will have hjs gAe review ed by the Fbbfffe XjFcuH-Ofurt of Appeala here. Monday 8:30 a. m.. in the U. S. Post Office Building. Len Holt. Norfolk, Va. will ar gue the case in Taylor'a behalf. He is expected, according to a news release purported to have been sent out by the Southern Conference Educational Fund, Inc., that he is the object of prosecution, initiated by southern agents of the Internal Revenue, who were inspired by Taylor's militancy In civil rights cases. The North Carolina lawyer la Mrs. M. A. Horne Implores White Baptist Missionaries CHARLOTTE Mrs. M. A. Horne, president of the Woman's Baptist Home and Foreign Mission ary Convention of North Carolina took race prejudice to the door steps of the white Baptist Woman s Missionary Union here last week. Mr*. Horne pictured racial pre judice as a cancer that had eaten into the heart of mankind and was WEATHER Ths five day weather forecast for the Baletgh area bectnnlns Thursday. March 11 aad continuing through Monday, March 25, Is as **ifmperaturos wtn avsrats near normal with dally change* In tem- Cri tores. Rich and low tempera re* *4 • 4s. Very little or no rate expected. I !■ TTW JP • t, I * Mk > . ■■*o > ** mm '‘ *9~ "• SBp | *•■ -*~- . t / '« t i>. £ i r:t; . * . ' BW ■ ‘jrjJfZnK+s*L*' . *9* j£3^B|IMS Aft P _ Cj i «•* 4pr .. P '- ■ X ’ -P fTZSBftw <«mb. ‘ Rl flufeA PROTEST RETARDED INTEGRATION Atlanta. Ga.: Mam Ina jUki if*- fna City HaH atm abaatJttoNegra North Carolina’s Leading Weekly RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY, MARCH «, 19S» pictured a* a defender of Negro rights, in die release. Taylor was indicted, along with hi* former law partner, S. C. Mitchell, after they filed the original suit, attacking school segregation in Raleigh. Inetjme-tax charges were filed a gainst both Taylor and Mitchell in IMI - just after they had filed a new suit to speed school desegrega tion. Mitchell's case is also still pending. Taylor denied any fraud on income-tax reporting, but h* was convicted and sentenced to two yean in prison. The sentence was probated on-condition that he pay a <20,000 fine and <2.000 in back taxes. He appealed, and the Fourt Circuit Court of Appeals cut (CONTINUED ON PAG! » breeding fear and insecurity. She pictured it as a monster that wss undermining the true qualities of the principles that Jesus Christ came to the earth to establish. The speaker praised the Union for having opened a new door to the ultimate ending of racial pre judice. by having representatives of another group come in and talk about the monster. More than one third of the persons attending the session, in which Mrs. Horne spoke were members of her organization. This is said to have been the first time that Negroes have been invit ed to attend the meeting of the white organisation. "Racial prejudice has no part with Jesus Christ, our Lord," she said. "This prejudice is world-wide (CONTtyrUXD ON PAGE M Sk ---' t v JgLj . B| Wjm Ik vR| ATTORNEY TAYLOR Loan Fund Feature Os Club Women More than 2000 Home Demon stration Club women are expected to converge on the State Hair A rena, Wednesday, March 27, for the 27th annual meeting of the State Council, at 10:30 A. M. Governor Terry Sanford will ad dress the morning session. He will be introduced by R. W. Shoffner, director N. C. Agricultural Ex ten soin Service. Howard T. Pearsall, chairman of the Music Department. AdtT College, will be In charge of the music. Larry Hardy, baritone, of AAcT College Male Chorus will be featured with the chorus. The pro cession will be led by the Honor Ouard of the ROTC. AAT College. Rev. Cleo McCoy, director of Religious Activities, AAT College. (CONTINTJttD ON PAG* I) grmrl faat enaagh toward ttwmaUtß. Marchers listened auietly to A lira, sang mw hyant, aa< dlwiriri There were m Incidents er arrests. (ETI PHOTO). •PRICE 15c Child Is Denied Privilege -tR*- third monthly meeting ifif the local chapter of the National Association for the advancement of Colored People met Sunday at the Martin Street Baptist Church, with Councilman John Winters as the principal speaker. “We live in changing times, and both white and colored people must begin to think anew and act anew," Mr. Winters said. The speaker was introduced by Mrs. Virginia New ell. Several reports were given a mong them was one of importance outlining what had been done in the area of job opportunities Ap proaches were made to Sears Roe buck regarding an allegation that a Negro child was rushed out of a bathroom in the store. The commit tee said that a letter was sent to the management and that Sears was give until Wednesday to make a mends or the store will be picketed. A report was made on the new Charles Store. It appears that Ne groes are employed there only in menial Jobs. However. Ralph Camp bell, president of the local chaptej said that a sign was placed on tne grounds asking for applicants and that very few skilled Negroes ap plied. “If we are to fight for better Job*,” laid Mr. Campbell, "we must apply at places in need of such help." Mr. Winters listed improvements that have already been made in the Negro neighborhoods. Such as ad ditional lights, psvements and the proposed straightening of Oakwuod Avenue at the intersection of Tar boro, a comer which is considered very dangerous. (CONTTNUFD ON FAGI M 10-Member Committee To Explore Raleigh made another move to become more democratic in its ap proach to better relations in em ployment conditions when it vai revealed that a bl-raclal commu te had not only been formed to explore employment, promotion* and working conditions at the poet office, but had had one meet ing. Postmaster D. Staton Insooe, In an exclusive interview with a rep resentative of the CAROLINIAN, said Tuesday that the committee was formed to implement the practice of equal employment op portunities in the post office. He was asked what the func tion of the committee was, he promptly replied, ‘The commit tee has no authoritative power. It is its function to act in an ad visory capacity." (coienmisD on pack *> Selection Os Jury Baffling LAUIUNBURG lgnorance hat never been a virtue, but it. coupled, with an interracial love story, will stand out prominently in the trial of Truemiller and Pinkcy Polston. two sisters who went from rags to riches, almost overnight, the state is expected to contend, when court resumes, after a lunch recess, this (Wednesday* afternoon The trial, which has attracted world wide attention is the result of chaqpes being brought against the two women, for the alleged An ■ lawful taking of *1«,000.00 from the safe of the Motris Funeral Home Both of the women are charged with robbing the aafe and conspir ing to rob the safe. Pinkcy was s maid for the owners of the busi ness. C. H. Morris and his wife Truemiller worked at a local hos pital. The combined weekly income of the two was reported as being less than $60.00 per week. The trial began Wednesday morn ing. after a grand Jury found prob able cause Tuesday and remanded them to the Scotland County Supe rior Court. Court attaches and in terested persons were of the opin ion that selecting a jury would re quire some time The jury is said to have been selected by about 12 30 p. m Upon the completion of the Jury, the court adjourned tn reopen at 2:00. Judge Hamilton Hobgood. ait ting for the case, began the testi mony, In the afternoon aesston The Jury, all white, ia composer of Scotland County citizens. rang ing from cotton buyers to workeri In a watch factory. Thry are Ker mit McKenzie. J. FI. Wallace. M T. Ficklln. Z. V Hearn. John W Clark. Thomaa T. McOtrt, W. T Genes, John W. White. Erneai Tucker, Steve Barnwell. Marl Tuttle and C. L. Twitty. Rudolpl Hicks Is the alternate Mosley Boyette, solicitor. Is be ing assisted by Jennings King anc Joe Cox in the prosecution of tin case and Gilbert Medlin is defend (CONTINUED ON PAOV. 2) State New —IN— Briefs SAMP AON TEEN-AGE GIRL SHOT. MAN lltil.D CLINTON James Luthri Parker. 23. of Parkersburg, arrest ed Saturday in connection wits he pistol shooting of 14-year-oIC Sander Arlene Gibbs of Garland pas been released under S3OO bone pending a hearing set for Marcl lb FARM BUREAU MEET AT GARNER SCHOOL GARNER The 15th an nual meeting of the Farm Bu reau Federation la slated to get underway In the auditori um us Garner Consolidated He bool, at ld:M Friday morn ing. The meeting Is sponsored hr the N. C. Farm Bureau Federation. Inc., and ia held fur the nun-white members us the organisation. WOMAN CONVINCEH MAN WITH PISTOL KANNAPOLIS A 62-year-ol( man paid the supreme penaltj here Saturday night when he at tempted to have a woman accom pany him some place that she savi she did not want to go. Mrs Earli (CONTWttD ON PAGg 2) -umm ■ r , . ... -'4S.IE * J &*, H-SMK M ■BBHhhHhIbI STAND UP AND READ Albany. Ga.: An unidentified Negro family sign applications for library cards at the Albany Public Library March 11 as the city desegregated the facilities on a “stand-ap" basis. Tablet and chairs were removed from the libraries operated by the city, forcing patrons to check out books and leave. The libraries had been cloaed for several months since they were the scene of re peated racial demonstration. UPI PHOTO). * KNIFE VICTIM DIES OF FRIGHT bh _ 4 " m S j fi'i M Bit. BUN( IIK IN YEMEN—SANffcA, Yemeni United Natidfi Un dersecretary for Special I’olltlral Affairs Dr. Ralph Bunehr (rye gtaaaeaf, ghakes hand with Yemeni tribesman Airing a visit here re cently. dr. Banc he was on a fact-finding teur of Yemen, llpon his arrival In Cairo a few days later, Dr. Buneha said he was appalled by the social conditions in Yemen, but Mid he mw no fighting there. The American representative Mid Yemeni Premier Col. Abdullah Hallal had made no demands on the United Nations, but had sought tech nical aid “and l!N help In establishing peaceful relations with neigh bors." i UPI PHOTOI. Ligon High School Uniform Drive Organization Is Completed The oi gani/;)l ion which hopes to coniplelr the Hi ivc for $'!,.>00.00 to buy uniforms foi ,i |o<| men Lignn High nisidnng bund, has now been completed. The list of persons making up this group includes the following names: fj. H Keck. fJcneral Chair man; Rev. D N Howard, ministers and churches: .1 I) l.ewis. mass media communication and specril PresUlent JM< lf Saiutes PrvHs II Wk Obsorvun vv WASHINGTON. I) (' ln a ti'lbute to the Negio Pi ess on .Is 13Hlh anniversary. President Ken nedy has declared that in spite of hardships Negro newspapers have "never stopped working toward the goal of equal opportunity.' The White House message went to the National Newspaper Publisn era Association oh the eve of the founding date of "Freedom's Jour al.“ the first American Negro news paper. which was launched by John R Russwurm on March 16. 1827. and in salute to NNPA for its spon sorship of the 25111 annual oheerv j CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS PViL 1 Ho rl«r» i ( dsh fit or* pwr j l»inr hUIF < rfdinff' todvhinjon T*rrd»r ,\pt« . Ir»r. Raredin Bor MdnddfO C'vmrrtt Froduilk Co V AGE i Hudhon BFlhA—Eftrrl % Inhn to tolnlrrs And to National Budget fler\trc, |nr. Prlff'i tohell Affvlff gtnrru 4ane Drr»» Ihop tfer hanl« % A Farrner» Bank Ktmtorell », Inc. Page C Llghtner's fvneraf Home totephenMHl't Mublc C o. 4ear«. Roe tone l t C o Pine HLaLe Milk *. Ire Cream Raleigh Paine it W nil paper Co. Johnson-Lamtoe Co. Amerkan Credit Co. PAG< 1 Ante Disronnl to. Rawls Motor ( o. Weaver Bros. Rambler Wage’s Ante Sales * AA Ante Sales Carolina Motor Sales Wuflaloe Balterv Shop Curtis Equipment In. events; Mrs Alzona P. Roberts, cosmetologists; Mrs J Dudley Hin ton. civic organizations; Henry Worth, county snd slate employ ees: D H Keck, educational msti lulmnr; A E Brown, business croons and Individuals; Dr. Janies T Thomas, professional groups. Gilbert Hunter. Barber Associii ((ONTlNLF.ll ON PAGE I) ance of National Ncgto Newspapri Week March 17-2.1 Said the Preside!: "When John B Russwurm pub lished the first Negro newspapei on March 16. 1827. human alaverv was tn entrenrhed institution in our nstion Only • small hand of Americans In that period had t firm faith in the coming of freedom Their faith In the future was in spired and nurtured by the Negro new spa per "Looking bark at this period one must observe that despite serious eionomic hardrhips the A-neric.in BUT FROM THEM . Raleigh Hrslnolf rv-h s , l oh'Vit.il stores 0 ». Wiilnn rumilurt «n t* V*-». » A< P More. r< X Set sit e Stores Neilonal A., n ol r olleie Women PA'.I 1* p. (. i fvm I o of Raleigh t arollna RoilSers. Inc. Deluxe Hotel Warner Memorials Dillon Motor Ftnenra Sut 'sn i Opllrlans, Inc. PAGE II Plre.lttne Sterns Carolina Power A Light Co. Arm- p.rxltv Cn. Birrn Inr f 4.11-1) rr>-HoStr Baritsar* C*. PA OK II l.m< ton Tbeatrn PAGE I* R tones S urnHure Co. Hunt General Tire Cn. Hake Aute Servlet Kins « ole Morel Provident Finance Co< Dunn . E.so Service rinulv Reanlv Shop Raleigh funeral Mom* WINSTON SALEM Thtre U a faying, T Just at soon have you kill me a* to scare me to death." Ac cording to a diagnosis into the cause of the death ot William Jack ron Crosby. 33 who died at the Kate Bitting Hospital about 9 a. m. Sunday morning, the result of a neart attack caused by a slabbing, about 6 a. m. on the same nwrplng could bear this out. Crosby was admitted to tha. hos pital after he had been stabfped in the left arm by Myrtle Coleman Dcrvin, SI. It is reported that .he two argued over moony and when there was no apparent agreement, (CONTINUED ON P*OE I) Ex-Council Woiranßids For Post KINSTON Mrs J Hanni bal, who made history as not only the first Negro to be a member of the City Council, but the first woman, has of fried for the post, subject to the coming primary. Mrs. Hannibal has been a dynamic force in the Ufa of the eity and has been In (hr forefront to make Kinston rnnsrlons of its rrsponalbllity in all Its citizens. There are ten candidates aspiring for there vacancies, for four year terms. This promises to be a real bat ; lie Seven of the cHndida'es are Democrat* and three are Republi can* The filing of the Republi cans have also enlivened the race. There Is much ronrern about the apathy of Negroes to rtf later. The hooks hare been (CONTINUED ON PAOE ti ! Nrgio Pit?* ha* n \< r ptoppr.l (# ontinlh* on PAor ?> ODDS-ENDS BT JAMES A. EHEPARD "Let he whs l» allknl fault east the first stane." ADAM CLAYTON POWELL It it not conceivable that any per •tori l» lir mg in right eould pr would defend the junketing md absentee practices of New York t'nngies T«n, Adam <‘ 1 ntort Po v .• I As f.u ns w<- are persnna'ly concerned, we would prriJHife a con. i; itn t tonal amenilmeut rpaking it aridatoiv for each member of Congress to porsofiall-y ‘answer earh roll rail unle.s.s prohibited from do ing m> hv illr -os or by an excused absence bawd upon legitimate rca .son The above should make it appa rent that we base no intention of defending Congressman Powell* nexcusable shennanuank We do mwever defend his statemwl that the reason so murb hue •MW is rmiw*d about his »* simply ; >ffiuv hr is * N##ro. A look a thr absentee and tfav eling record of many w htte COfl gresMtien is bo'h revealing and shocking It is most revealing when you find that the record of Con gressman Powell In these areas is quite mod'-st compared to the re cord of many of his whits col leagues The highly touted, Con gressman Harold Cooley of North Carolina has not only out travailed and outspent Congressman Powell but he has had the gall to state publicly that the only one he haa (CONTINUED ON PAOg •