LETS CLOSE RANKS (AiUMO \ *jOji rf> < *^ > k***”**** I *’ ***** sip. opinion or sponteaity of thought witiMutdue regard tomtit basic facts, understands* and knowledge of die premiss or sub ject in question, are as dnnterous to a community as the man turc youngster whose limited experience prevents a wide wad clear horizon in the arena of some of the verifies that must be dealt vrlth. This must be done, void of error or guessing, although the drama, enthusiasm and oratory are very prevalent Last Tuesday evening, at the First Baptist Church, is a case in point Here, a demonstration of individualism shocked even some of the most vociferous, outspoken and fearless of this dor’s standard bearers. In fact the lack of dignity displayed, charged the climate with such selfish personalisation, that visiting white friends left the meeting in disgust It must be remembered that no one has special privileges, be* cause of his presumptuousneas as a leader, to chastise, abuse and ; insult others. These doings show great need for schooling in the prerequisites of leadership. Not only do are need decorum, dig nity and proper parliamentary procedure, but there is much need* ed penetration of the correct aims and objectives in all matters, civic and political, without regard to individuals, but certainly with respect for the occasion as well as far those who are present, and especially for thooe in positions of trust. W* are all subject to error, but errors are sometimes enemies to society. Meetings that may become charged with enthusiasm, eagerness and even anger can amount to nothing, when permitted to take on the many personalities of individuals instead of intel ligent presentation of the task at hand. It is not our purpose, how ever, to say that everyone should so temper his spirits that he would refrain from rising and expressing himself with dignity, forthrightness and honesty on any matter under discussion From what we have learned in attending two special meet ings, namely, one in which a small group of lenders asked John W. Winters to confer with them due to tire fact that he had writ ten his resignation, and another where Mr. Winters asked the group to hear his, and his wife’s considered decision, it is the opinion of this newspaper that Mr. Winters acted unequivocally in tire best interest of the minority group when he prevailed upon Mayor Enloe not to resign at this time. The distorting of the whole matter, as far as the public is concerned, stems from the council chamber, when a fellow-coun cilman referred to Mr. Winters as “John”. Immediately, the telephone and the grapevine squad proceeded to tear him to pieces. The true picture is that Mr. Winters, in this particular in stance, made a distinct contribution to the continued progress in inter-racial relationship here. This is witnessed by the signs coming down at the Ambassador Theatre, through the efforts of the Mayor, who is both the manager of the Ambassador and the Mayor of the city. Had Mr. Enloe resigned, the possibilities are that the whole matter could have resolved in a much more prolonged affair and maybe in court action and the spending of money, not to mention some impairment of whatever good re lations now existing between Negroes and whites. It is because Mr. Winters has been able to establish intelli gent human relationship with his fellow coundlmen, that he was able, in cooperation with them, to accomplish such things as traffic light at the Ligon High School crossing; opening of the swimming pool to all citizens; the appointment of Negro firemen and elark-typista in both city hall and the main library; down town lighting for the third ward area; resolving the correction of the intersection of Tarboro Road and Oakwood Avenue the Oberlin situation on resowing and many Others. It is possible that Mr. Winters has made some afttakes. but there of Represents us. Weshould **'ths#sst four years of Mayor Enlocrs tenure, much has been ae conrntiahtd in Raleigh. Certainly, we have not and do nbt agree with All derisions affecting Negro citizens, made by the Mayor, but he has. in most instances acquitted himself well. He has msde a unique contribution to all the citizens of this city. As an example, we well remember our difference with the Mayor re grading the Joe Louis Park area and its lack of sanitary facilities The Mayor did say that before he leaves office the Joe Louis area would get the necessary conveniences. And so it has. This newspaper can recall no incident when Mayor Enloe evaded any meetings, Ntgro or otherwise, when his office should be represented. All this is byway of clarifying, in a measure, the need for burying all selfishness, and erecting bigness and consideration for our revered institutions, officers and organizations. It will be to the good of all when we can measure up to the needs and demands of our city and our fellowmen, who are trying to do their best for our institutions, organizations and for the city in general and the minority group in particular. If we have been lengthy, it sms purposeful. Too much do we deny the good deeds of some of our people, white and Negro, and too little do we trample evil, hate and bigotry. We believe that much haa been gained in understanding throughout this community during the past week. Much, we hope, has been learned. But there ia still much to be done. This can be Made pleasant and worthwhile in joining hearts and minds in the tasks and responsibilities that await ut in the immediate future. W 1: AT H K H Tbs ftv* gay weather sere out ttireagh Weiiiy. April K t * fellawe: ssHHklSrsSs "Cat Prtgay at aaturSay. NOTICE! The Raleigh OKlmm Asserts ttaa la tavlttag all perrons »W in registered te teat with the body Thursday. April IS. at f p. m.. at the Bleedwerth Street TMCA. Tea are arged to be prevent. CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS race t N .nw i Cash Iter* l un I<M Drts Skep la>ler beta a Biectrttal Ce. r.» ci *r ImMult) Flerlst raua i NcIMS-BPIVt-Cnrl't rat Stale Creaawrr rwtshnrfb r>u G'im Ce. C taka Jane Drew Shea lata W Wlalin aae Ce. Pase e Cateje* r»ery Pe»e Ran" JuTCreuaTir' Hhaaaa laaihe Ce. Baletah Paint * ataOpaper Ce. r Kam i tank Meter^Ce. aa dale Sales WaSaa aato Balaa ra amt Couple Drowns MT. OUVE Even though the faster weather wee conducive to outdoor Ute and many took to the highways and some to the byways, there were these who wont to mid den death, instead of rising to as abundant life. V Tern persona are arid to We met death, by drowning, near boro Sun day. Kerman Boyette, 87 of Albert son and Mrs. Gertrude Allen Bob in son, Mt. Olive, were reported to have drew lied at Outlaw Creek, tcowwiwron raoc n -BIA FROM THEM— a a delee Parana re Ce. i*aob • ttr sum Te« a a Ceaetry Peralta rs uaaJ , MMm toe Waiwer Mwrtais •Msaway** lac. PAM 11 Mrreaaira A PSnears Saab Price's Shan Ssiitaa CaraHaa Purer A light Ce. tsaheri TraaaCii A Qreeesy Pi i ris tat plaeaee Ce. , " rtU ’ ***■ Daa’i Csse Service alas McHsM _ AaSejZsrrtes n,g,ni J. W. Winters Threatens To Quit |The Carolinian LiMMsmssmmmMmMteteateteimtoiMaagteMiaMMnt.. innninteautetenmmMmtemi ‘s * North Carolina's Leading Weekly VOL. 11, HO. 25 RALEIGH, N. C„ SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1963 *RICB ISc Shot At Church + + + ♦ + + + Local Groups In Freedom March t m -- . : sf'JHfal. ' Yf '‘ \ 1 //, ' • UiiH-- f .! • 000 v 5; ■ > * cto wlLtf St flWm mg v - t - T Rm&MWwm ?-??! ?' »■ ■ Ms Bl.'f; 111 , - : .i <^ : f ; '■> ; . r •.%:*> -C & -*w <9-; yy ■ l uffif agtet v«j m ■ \9J , ah PW jTRHN/ ■ M/Hfy ■'wM3m *1 v//Jf> . : 'lwßr' • ) ft//\pr r ) •) • ’1 RALEIGH FREEDOM MARCHERS Part e# the hundreds es Raleigh eitiaene whs mnwlisl Cas tor Sunday, from the Raleigh Memorial Audttertaaa to the Capital fa Hare, and than to the Pint Baptist Church aa a pretest mere. (Top) Mrs. Virginia Newell, Charles MeClain and • eindeni asm holding ban ner*. la the background J. i. Sansem and ether marcher*. CENTER Banner inscribed with Tim dam Per AS People” bourne by (I) John Flemming sad (r) Ralph Campbell, BOTTOM Students es Sheer and St Augustine’s and Chao. limuwe took ea as Charles MeClain holds beams with Mrs. HarvaMgh White and sun. Denied Special Bus Service GREENSBORO - Integration in Caswell County sees bock to the UWted States District Court last week and Judge Edwin M. Stanley : ruled that the If Negro children, who are attending school, with Zion Bishop Featured Freedom Rally Here May sth If. white children, did not hero Re right to mesial bua aarrtoe. Hie ruling was seen ae victory ter the Caswell County School Board. An attorney tor the board drove home the toot that any ha The 1M Freedom Rally, which will be held in the J. S. Dorton A rena. May S, is expected to be well attended for two reasons the re awakened interest in picketing and the appearance of Bishop Stephen Oil! Spottswood, chairman of the board of directors. NAACP. Bishop Spottswood waa chosen whan Robert Weaver was named Housing Administrator. He has** mad* an enviable record aa a free dom fighter. He beaded the D. C. chapter tor a number of years and spearheaded many equality move ments to the nation's capital. Ha presides over the 4th district of the AME Eton Church, compris ing Indiana. Illinois. Michigan. O bto and part of Pennsylvania. The denomination is observing the cen tennial es freedom with a apodal observance and he wee chairman es the committee that formulated the plans. Re is well known in the state. having pestered (Mar Memorial raamMßt to the M ahildsoa mm Mt is the tact that It had net luratah ad medal tranmartatlea to fas (cowthtokp owe am p AME Zion Church for a number of yean. He also pas to red in India (CONTWUEDON PACK *) ODDS-ENDS BT JAMES A. SHEPARD I . ____ To Mi all knew tbs troth and the truth shall make you free.” THERE MUST BE AN ANSWER During the pest few days there ha* been a great deal of undertone rumblings going the rounds rela tive to the part Councilman John W. Winters and the Rev. J. Oscar McCloud played in the decision mad* by Mayor W. G. Enloe not to resign his meyoraty peat hare, We feel there ere one or two thing* we should say with the hope that what we say will help clarify (COTTPrtU ON PAOK St Bullet Was Meant For A Man OOLDSBORO Carl Arils «X Rt g Is said to hwra bacoma so enraged over the atieged slapping es his brother, by Shomas Town send. that ha took his pistol to church Sunday night and decided he would avenge his brother's slapping. He was net able tb hit his Intend ed victim. Instead he struck a 10- year-eld girl Carolyn Darden, whe was standing an tha church steps. She was hK hi Ilia neck, by one et the three ballets that the alleged angry brother, toad ham e to eeli ber pistol. _ The iaiamg eUM aeee teban Is Rayhs MttCltaMlamnah- where me was treated for • flash weunA. Artis was tahsa off te Jail «M charged with sseaull with a deadly weapon. He is mid te have fired as the congregation was going Into the church. located on Hooka River Road, north of the city. Marchers Continue Protest Several hundred persons march ed from the Memorial Auditerhan te Capitol Square Sunday after noon as a protest measure advocat ing ‘freedom For All People.” The porade was quiet and ordarly. Tha group then went to the First Bap tist Church. At tha church meeting Council man John Winter* introduced Louis Austin, editor of The Care Una Times, Durham and aaid to tha marcher* “today we are asaemblsd here for the cause of human tns dotn.“ Editor Austin told tha audience that voting Is important not only to tha Negro but for all es America (cotnaraisw paos s> am A,, WRESTLE ALABAMA STLTE Shown is a Negro wrestled to the gnuul by Birmingham BaEqk during a rectal dcmsnalwtleu broken up by dogs. Chief of FoHee Jamie Mease (scalar with dark hatr» aaM that the man pnHad a knife and tried to kill a police deg as ofneera dispersed the mq#M ME Negroes (CPI PHOTO). 12. Reconsiders After Reassurance Os Trust»Confidence • «w -H Leaders es the CHiaena Commit tee and the NAACP celled a spe cial meeting at tha Ptret Baptist Church her* for the purpose of ironing out dlffereneeo arising be tween Councilman John Winters snd the members es these organi sations over the recant picketing of the Ambassador Theatre, by Shaw and St Augusttna's students Some members of the group act ually took MT. Winters apart on th* around* that he acted contrary to their wishes te asking Mayor En loe not to resign at this time. It appears that NT. Winters, along with the Rev. J. Oscar McCloud had a meeting with the Mayor at which time they asked him to hold up his intended resignation pending a meeting with the leaders es th* demonstration. According to one observer, the meeting degenerated Into “name calling" and abuses, such that whit* sympathisers whs were in attendance left in disgust. A further development, accord ing to the same ebeerrer, came when Mr. Winters called a meeting of friends at his office, to meet with him snd his wife to discuss tha whole situation. At this meeting mft >■ Hto ■ H vA ■ - Hi S fl ■ H H H f/g Ml H WINSTON PKTM PHILLIPS Phillips Held For Illegal Operation DURHAM A* tot* as Wadn#*- day morning Wtnaton Piter Phil* Up* had not boon abla to mak* bond, for hit relaaa# from tee Dur ham County jail where ha ta charg ed with allegedly performing an a bortton on a white woman, who la reported to have given her name aa "Mr* Mary D. Woodard” of Rt 1, Middlesex. The local man waa arreeted on an order from Raleigh police officer* after the woman waa admitted to Wake Memorial Hoepltal, after having been carried there, by amb ulance, from a Raleigh drive-in, where ah* 1* reported aa having be come aick. The officer* are aaid to have re created arre*t of Phillip* after hoa pital authorities are reported to have announced that the woman's illness was due to the tact that an unsuccessful abortion having been performend. Mrs. Woodward la aaid to have told hospital authorities that ahe was sent to Phillips and that she went to his home, unaware of the fact that he was a Negro, and that ha agreed to de the Job far her. She fCONTINUtD on sags n which took place Thursday as I . p. m, it seems that Mr. Winters : had already decided to reeign as . City Councilman, and that ha had : written tha said resignation but bad net malted it Tha tatter eras addies. a to Mayor Rnloa and cop ies were made out te the ether councilman. Excerpts teem tha letter follows: ”, . . Dear M*yer Eafoi^, During the early pari as the year I stated that due te agave Usual dtffteattlee In my beei acm end the leek as Hsu to de rate te ay family, tt weuM beet serve my telereel net te after my services t* the oemmualty yielded te raguceto te agate af ter my candidacy. My farmer ceavtctteas gtas resent health yrebleam facte am te reeansH *r this decision and I sew with draw my candidacy and re quest immediate approval es my resigns Ucn ee ceuncflmsn fee the city. . ' The upshot of th* whole matter was that th* persons present, re (coKTonimiron paoi »>: La. Namer~ Negro As Postmaster LOB A NOBLES PolitMttnS have gestured with it, hopgfhts have sought it and Chicago end New York have discussed It. bdMtr remained for this, “the city of :gn gel*" to do it. Leslie N. Shaw waa sworn lii Monday as postmaster oP'Cc* An geles. thus becoming the first Ne gro to head the postal opera Mon* of a major city. The Rev. Archibald Carey, ard ent Chicago Republican, waa men tioned. during the beginning «f the Eisenhower admintstmtfflfrxail at one time was given the inside IrwdU totha vast mall opaaptfl# f p#*. «a time Re publican meartar «f p* »M'l» vanla leg Mature and |tow head of the TBPOE of w. waa cpngjdered a certainty for the poet fit the city. of brotherly love. Philadelphia. P*„ at one time. He. too, was aide (CONTINUED - ON PAG* t) Wake Man Held On Assault A white merchant, Vance Bay* • born, resident of the Lirzard Lick area in eastern -Wake County was arrested recently charged with as sault with intent to rape a young colored woman. Ray bom was freed under a $6,000 bond for his appear ance in a Virginia Circuit on a charge of rape. t. M. Stay ton. common wealth attorney of Halifax County. Va.. aaid the white man la scheduled to be tried for the rape of pi* 34-year old Negro farm woman. Rayborn was arrested by Wake Sheriffs Deputy Ed Watkina at hi* store on Zrbulon Bypass of Highway 04 The sheriffs deputy charged Ray fCONTWI’I P ON PAGS t)

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