2 ns CABOUMtAM MlPta N. C, IATCTHMT, MAT M, 1—« BOYCOTT STAGED (cnmniD r*«M MOI l) served Seat?" aloof with other jibea. Meanwhile, on* portly grey ing whit* gent stopped to chat with mmt colored he knew and left tell ing them to: “Keep it or. Bverybo dy else is doing it” It was report ed that there was much favorable sympathy in the community among well-maanlng whites' for the de man* of the youths to share the main floor as well as the balcony of the amusement bouse. A man who identified himself as being Bom* Parker, attorney for the theatre and brother of the man ager, Welter Parker, told this re porter that the sign on the door meant that “no more colored will be admitted at anytime • from now on." He replied further: “We hat* to do It because w* have a lot of colored Mends” as he retraced hie steps to the theatre as ws told him that we had once help paint his fa ther’s home when his illustrious brother became a court solicitor. W* exchanged pleasantries with one or two area newspaper men on the scene as the youths continued their picketing. It is reported that the leaders nsd a last-minute conference with the theatre management late Saturday without obtaining a satisfactory a greement It is also reported that the same house once refused to per mit an all-colored group to use the main floor for a special Glow whan no whites would be present Leader of the pickets was Cecil Bernard Mason. Others whom names wo won able to got war*: Doris Johnson. Cynthia Cousins. I ra Dale Saunders. Nathaniel Draughn. Joyce Mills, Carolyn Stiver and Evonne Anderson. Ma son. Cousins and Johnson compos ed the negotiating committee. Wit 11am BuQuck Is Youth Council pre sident AMBULANCE DRIVER KILLS 6-YEAR-OLD BOY (COwtwuxd mom fags t> doctor continued on to Chapel Hill, but returned to find the child deed. It wee then that Batts was arrested and remanded to Jell. He was held under a I*o.ooo bond, which he was attsmptlng to make at a lata hour Tuesday. NO TROUBLE EXPECTED IN BEATING OF BRITT (COWTPW) PBOM PAGE t) an Insurance Company, with which : Mr. Britt Is said to bo connected, resulted In o conversation with Manly C. Britt Sr. When asked a bout the injured Britt’s condition, the senior Britt replied, "It wee not as bad ao the newspaper* stated It, but the N s did give him e good beating. The N «, triad to run him off of the rood and when he would not stop they followed htgs to the drill. Hashed forgot all a bout the N—but ho remember ed them when they caught up with him” The senior Mr. Britt up when asked if the injured man had a family and whether Miss Shehdan was a Mend of the fami ly. It was than that ha aakad to whom bo was speaking and bolng told tha second time that It was a representative of The CAROLIN IAN, he then said that he would prefer the questions being directed at the police, who investigated the incident. VETERAN CHURCHMAN TO BE BURIED (CONTIMVgD FROM FAOt 1) til 19+4, when he wss elected te the bishopric at Detroit, Mich. He headed the third dlftrtct, com poeed of conference* In North and South Carolina, during the lasi auadrvnnium. He was retired in lt • and had been active, however, preeehlng and counseling, until a bout a year ago, when hla health began te thll. He was cansidsred one of the greet pulpiteers of hla time end contacted many revivals through out the nation. Ha waa a familiar flgurt around camp meetings, held annually in the western pert of tho state. Funeral rites for tha veteran pra lota are scheduled far Grace CORONET VSQ BRANOY *43. *23. CORONET •MUM*German cm yam mm —v— ii "■ i—a—ons—sw*M— Chute. Thaw dag l . I p m, Dr. A. P. Month prodding. Tho Ht Bor. Raymond Luther JotMO will deliver tho eulogy. Oth ers achataled to take port or* Bi shops H. & Show, & O. Spßttowaiit J. D. Csuthon. D. C. Pop* and W. J. Walla, along with Dr. J. C Bog gord. SYMPATHY MARCHES STARTED (commnuu room page n tremely disappointed If tho people of the community tad that ao pro gress has been made by tha group. Thera may be other way* to solve this problem, but I believe that the bi-ractel committee la the bast way to do this.” Mr. BeU said. Ha further stated that he hoped that the demonstrations wore nop in protest to tho advities of tha Di racial committee, because he feels . that this group 1s making a con- 1 sclentloua effort to And means of ' arriving at some understanding of J the problem. < This reporter telkad with several ■ interested persons on this matter, and the concensus of opinion is that the bulk of Influential leaders both white and Negro are squarely behind the bi-ractel committee, and they fed that tha members of the committee have been well cho sen and will eventually bring a bout some satisfactory solution to the racial problem which beset the rity at this time. KILLS MAN INMATE QUARRELL (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) Cameron section for three months white stetianod at Pt. Bragg. He is nrid to have bsen recently dis charged from the army. The Harnett County grand jury found probe bl# cause and Mc- Dougald is being held without bond on a murder charge. The Me- Dougalds are nM te have 1 child. f MINISTERS i ELECT TO TAKE ALL (CONTINUED PNOM PADS 1) es and that pdasibly the reason that they are not momhors is baeauaa Uiey have not aakad to boooiha member*. Bov Bite Staphanopouloo, poster of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, wanted |! to know whether the ministers had the right to ask others to do something that the church** have not don* thsmsehree. He said that white churches are still segregated and that the bud neaa men the ministers am asking to desegregate their restaurant* am all members of churches in Raleigh. ODDS & ENDS (CONTINUED FROM FADE t) it now, thorn la absolutely no need * for a now civil risht* organisation J In Raleigh. IkA Raleigh ClttaonE • Association has ihad* several mis take* in Ha efforts to bring about a better way of Ilf* for Negroes in Raleigh. As a cltiaen negotiating body It has rightfully wear headed tho talks In all Em areas of cltlsens rights. Tha Ust at achtevamants ao compltehad by Eds cltlsens group la a fairly long and Imposing one. During all this time the Raltlgh branch of the NAACP has boon standing by, randy and willing to taka over and prooeM any legal ac tion which failure on Em part of tha citterns to negotiate a favorable decision airiit necessitate tha local NAACP la an ana etSa National organisation, wo thereby have access to all th* roseuma* of the national organisation. Because of those undeniable facta, It is hard to justify th* creation of a asperate and distinct body to work in this Odd. No one sooms to molly knew who . te responsible for this now emotion. 1 “The Cltlsens Coordinating Com- * mitt*# " No one seems to know 4 whom or whan it will sod. How- • over, Eite much te certain, its emo tion ha* caused much unroot, mis understanding and mom confusion < than anything sit*. At this Urns wo cannot afford unrest, ihtaundar- I standing and confusion within our ivnka. Aa wo 000 tho matter. It te now time for tha "Citteana Coordi nating Committee” to fade away. ONE TONCI RMD EAT 1 North Carolina tax paid legal i "expert*" have bean vary busy Ear- 1 tag tbs past taw day*, trying to < explain what tte D. L tuaram* i Court did not my ted Monday I whan it struck down eema of tkte i atete’a segregation acta. < Tho assistant Attorney Oeaaral te quoted aa saying that tha esnri’a dec talon does not affect toll state's . Neepam law nar Gam tt step a 1 merchant tram discriminating *. pinatjinyaGa. ha shoos- to dte- * export aognNMttontata" n'ethlgg 1 molly boo boon changed by the | court 's doctelon and Em di orGar 1 remain*. Well these segregationists know and wo know that the court** Gad ■ten data ohang* things On* Gsas not need to be a lawyer te Interpret 1 the total Impact at Em Durham ruling, ft te true that Em court did no tmi* an this atatab tm*>*m tew. licensed*by tha'puhlfcf criminate against a segment at tea public. BUT. tt did my that pandas who went tote those eterdfteai establishments, eat down and adM tor service, could not be armgtod Whether or ad that over rates th* tmepaa* law wo Go act know, whe ther o merchant would allow hte place to bo token over by a grfcap which prevented hie aeattas tha mfuea to serve tet-toa, wo Gh ad kxow? B Bateid W»gm« want t» oacugv ovary add la Em MW Ob fatariah, they am tepaßy Bus t* da aaTlhd te what Em U. ft, Bu- ESS. Omn n com* »* offend beadUM lad CSg i % ' Wm'\ ‘SBr H-r . wk \/-’W. IM J 23jE SISTERS CELEBRATE BIRTHDAYS—Barbara Blount mi Deborah Blount daughten at Mr. and Mn. Jamaa O. Blount celebrated their Bth and 9th birthday by haring parbm at tha ObarUn School. Daborah it tn the sec ond trade and Barbara in the third grade. Ptarioue to tha party tha lint, eeooad and third gradee warm antartainad with a 20 minute magician thaw hf Dink Snavely, director at the Raleigh Little Theatre. PPPP— —— v;*• -***&:■+%'■ r '*%k | -vfi--: '■ • j* ■■ . . '■s*. ' ''• 1b mmt v JHKL fay.'*. :i4L£& •; m ‘ * ■ FULLER SCHOOL'S MAY DAY—Shown above are u Mht W. H. Fuller, Linda Jam Her ri»; her attendants, Arturo C. Ritter (left) and DeOantue A. Toanlinaon, (right). They ate enjoy ing the “Festival of May*, hold recently. , WMTSW "DAWN BREAKFAST' Members of the Delta Chi Eta and Pei Tau Mu Chapters of the Alpha CN Pi Omega, asm at their dawn braaklaat held at Pgsblaa Grill Sunday morning, May 10. Mrs. Daisy Robinson addressed the group. * - • *l* mbmb’ as 1 ; 1 ' VISIT THE CAROLINIAN—Shown is a soup of students add teachers from Fuquay Springs Consolidated School who visit ad dm printing establishment and tha nows department of the CAROUNIAN recently. Goldsboro Centanntals Holds Moot At Forest Lake Club OOLDGBOftO lke OoUhboro | fVierttr of the Continental Society attended e p l *— *-g meeting at Um Pared Lake Country Oub In Omanebora an May U to make fi nal plana Oar their Oenatova to b* (MG them. Tha OelGGinm Cbntt nan tala wlB anrva aa the bcetaaa Member* at the newly end wall toe ham warn lifted and that tenth's Gases were opened to ell to a dimd om aaapla at the dOnHtinmi at pmy *r. Prated ate alright and they am and th«y am in order. But bath pr»- tests and damcnetmttona should b* wall aaaaonad with prayer. Prayer* at trust, prayam at totth. prayem *f thanksgiving, pmyeu of lava, handcar* wwpana am een^Mt^um DID You Know THAT LASSITER’S RECREATION CEMTER b Fun For Tho Whole Family? Join Your Friends There! 419 & Bloodworth St Tel 833-3312 l organised Goldsboro Chapter in clude: Maadamc* Gertrud* A. Cox. president; Dorothy D. Jones, vies' president; Bertha B. Hamer, re cording secretary; Minnie Camay, treasurer; Manetta Stovall, parlia mentarian; Ida B. Aldridge. Katy Zachary, Ruby Wbltted. Mary B. Smith. Kachell Richardson. Brnas tine Lucas, Viola Crowder and Tb ritha Middleton. Th* purpose of this antenteatten te to aid uixterprtrilegod At th* present Urn* Em CqntiMO tate am com plating ted year* pro-. Jad of furnishing tbs girth dormi tory of O'Barry Bchool with drap er tea and ihower curtains. The pro- Jed undertaken for this year te Em furnishing at a powder mom tor th* girl*. Farmers receive tram two to torn* cents for Em whoot tod goo* tote a to cent load te broad. PATEONUS OUB Atotlßllitßf Blue Plate Mayonnaise at 48c A MUM Large Eggs doc. 39c 3 or do*. SI.OO Fresh A Grade Fryers Ik 29c Rib Beef Stew Lb. 29c Good Weiners lb. 35c or 3 lbs. 99c Spare Ribs lb. 29c or 4 lb*. 99c End Cut Pork Chops lb. 45c Pork Neck Bones Lb. 12^c Ground Beef lb. 39c or 3 lbc. $1.14 Rib Steak lb. 65c Dixie Classic Ice Milk sal 39c HORTON’S CASH STORE i4i*»it sol mwmmbm *t. ■wshm.ft Staorams A f gfL Croum \ • '*'. ■ ■ - - v t *47 . & * L ■>, I -■.■•■.m-tem* ■ -- - 4 6mLU.nl /N * 1 opuinuu uiudance BUJka I * Citizens HnU Med The United Organisation hold tto Physician* to fill three vsesneies In Orddeboro. A latter hoe been -V* WPRrtltifi.ma nS. tactSTtotafaS. Other plans were made hr n «Hy wide doon-og ami ptot^p d*Sdtai cSah£dan > nMat!ir > ' Announcement Ike Balotgh Woason’s Voter's Osunefl win mod Ealnrdey, May ». si • p. m. d tha Dario Etmdt YWCA. Plans will bo rnadeto start Vetees RilUliitisu l imm BduniMHi i FASHION! TRinTEjtßf BniMfag Hundreds of Famous Make anara Cotton Drones Reg. 10.96 to 14.96 B°° JUNIOR, MISSES, HALF-SIZES • Aim! Jersey • Daerai Vedas • iaafaurtcar • DripAyMSo • Sydet Batiste • Whip Cream Pastsh at Dark-Tatm ON THE LOWER LEVEL Cetton Dresses 2 <» *ll 6.98 Sinfle Junior, Misses, Half-Sizes • Pesteb or Dnrit-Tonae • Solids, Prtitta, Checks. Stripes Famous Makes Swim Suits R*. 12.98 to 19.98 8" • 2-pc. and 1-pe. Styles e Cotton • Knit • Lastex Sizes 90 to 40 DRIP-DRY COTTON Snmmer Sleepwear *2-^*3 Raff. 2.98 Reg. 3.98 • Baby Doll & Capri Pajamas • Shift Gowns, Waltz Gowns and Sleep Coats. S-M-L. • Seamless Hose 2p™ 89* Plate or lldah spoilt e R#f. L9B and 2^o • Nylon 6lovos I°° White GGd CGUra • Billfolds 88 c • R*.3JB • Sunmer Handbags J 44 1 Nylon Briefs 2 89' taewiiwyto Hhitpia • Cotton Robes 2" Efta** Bm-tM-UO '