Vheeler To Address J. C feith University Grads Iwgafo*:!**.*"*W-- •y. fit'* \ ‘.tT.’ A# Jnhtinn p nmniiiiivii •wunwii v< jCMMMWo. an n EM ■WW f» wiva wm mac ea* went# Mfftei to toe University togfc tow tog. tor to at 4 p ; IpQgSgr, ■■,.»>.ji, hm. Nits Haney Glymph Awarded iStv Scholarshin For 63-64 BigS mJZjftTc. ~* Stototo mr%3Tf^rS r-4 ■ —■■■ 1 ■■ ■ ■'"'■■■■■■■ " ■■ ■" M —GEM WATCH SHOP 9H iMmniui n. n moi - - - - - - * - * ~ fc 1 STRAIGHT I[ KENTUCKY BOURBON * 4^?t. ' I »“*•' f)|g I I ■ ■ assssss ty of Edinburg. Scotland. Other activities during earn- M*to 10; JO Saturday morning; toe Oen matting to • «n Setuidey aftenwen end toe reunion of the deetto el Oto im Md tto aii eiMe wmmm+rn be h*M at 11 a. m. Saturday mom vrti* tSrtite* **** tomtom tor BTAduaU&l clftWli totyg t& tfcj an Saturday evening. la mtobd. bar mother 1* baton dtaiA tampan twptepatoM ttato aK.ir.igßLS taSr ■to amd— l* avnp w•* fluently high tor bar to be wato MMaMMaaiLieeJia F£-1 ftoaT |^ <^^ totStoaf bgrieanurt; Sndto Swatta. Dana at ton Stbeat at Naldagiwtoato blaiaadto. Dana at toa Bahaa! at lb ftodkminA 0 mawmo# VWmm mi* rn^mmi mm? f*fSS Mmi tfsm mkftmfCdMimmb T ~' ■■ ■*■■■ '*■•"■— »■ !.———■ y..{" .p .1 !■■; ■» I«"«e»i n Ex-Fraternity Head Buried After Committing Suicide S!! ki. Im SS. sSi t tS Si £? JSfK Orttn hfltfMlii "nflkilci WBn iMd a wee h mo® A revolver wttteund sear the bo dy, toay sate. toui ton. tow todbA toe be#, MM puttee be kator at a* ratom tor hi* Mbm atoaUa. mJUS’toftof rnSSU aSSS Board from lb* to USL He alao waa the flret Negro ean didate tor Benuehe City Council running lb HO, lb A native at Cpatohurg bad a graduate ed Vlrgtoie Heawlaery, Pmn detoee Head beta tor atoatol M yean. Pmn fIU b tamer president and board cbalrmaa at BurroU Memo. rrssJ^yrs cjajjujjuii'to National Dental A*- j i »_ nrt .L wmi •sw*i in race rvasuoim pe^sa* lama at an to tor ranlal aemMltoe Ia ftpeniße 4m Md ltotodt,'ba > l taaaren MMttkiMttHMl Oftto % 4M Ainu- Ae^pie^^l^^ir On Hi* Home Front ■W» *■»-»- ttob) LAXOSCAPINO PLANNED Sunty" Tuck, home econemiaa amt raoaito they 4b yd B wmlmptotmt toatady tor toaaillee iateraetad to tautoaik tot tbeir bamaa,” odd* lilaa Tu*k. It waa pointed out toat famUtee Ibould aal wait uaUl toe bourn la omwM|k||4 KJmw lindff ninf tnit V. —wwkilto b||w. Bt JrTi" —m wau* P«n nm| mm neimm * SAVBS ON CLOTHINO At the OraenrlU-j Home Demon itration Club maettag, Mb. Bawto Inman pw bar aiaibtot npert She lepartod that toa ant e Junior 4-8 leader. Janice Crawford, hnd hetpod two tomlUae aarao mare burn *1 ab their tlrtfitog bIU by teach ing toa hatopialwn la amke aba [tonjSyrVlMiar. imaa e- draw Or aage CauMy an building a tone tain am aaaaant block homo by Bx tdMtobJPtob HA 7b According to ito agaai topliw mantto T am>a to toa bama at Mm Plante and helpod har raentaa furniture while ISU Hyi Am ftcnin Aunt ftMtoUben after bwy * j S i n?r‘ W» bMbMaw erb wtth be gbgar- Ibe temp* too Hurl as an topwtabb aewehedy atoa prteta and beta 1 putadi and H la ap- Miblii way. jsScSs^iSr^Sfi^^^ * T' —» "■ ■— ■mawwwwwmmt e m ■ ■ ■ ■' am B. PEANKUN JACKSON Commencement Sated At Durham Budneas School OOMRAM Saturday, Am lat l> m wffl be a awawNMi day MotoitwheW ortba watoa^tottob** many tonlliea. Meada and alumni. Tba meeker tor toa aaaaelan will be toa lev. E. ftoakUa Jackeoa of Wiahtogtoa, D. C. Bav. Jackeon b a prominent figure In toa atoll rtgbte atruggle p anpa and a Wbo-1 lar. Ba 1 toe author at two books, •nm fbH drown Mtafator and Hy Cbureh.” Or. Jackeoa km traveled extenatvely throughout to* warid; and wm be able to relay to to* gtedbatoig jbudaatt earn* of Me n ! wm help them la Yes, We All Talk bPSSCBI TO OONVWCS The purpose of too eptoch "to convince" Is to eheage toe Uaten eta’ beliefs. TUt ipeeeb be* to do wtth to* aceeytanoa at Mam oc opinion*. Naturally, toon, bo attton B regulrad. Tba meeker pratebte bla Idee* aad trutoa m be earn to and he endeavor* to abend* toe audience'* belief* about Me preposition. Sup pose that a meeker talked about action would bo expected, but toe saeaker might taped toe adherent* at segregation to toang* tobir mind* about tba matter. Dleeuteloo usually jrecedm de bate which may be followed by de cist on, making. Any pbup he* to* power to make dedelen*. such as the lmdere to SlraUnghem: bnw ever, toa daeMan at them leedeie dM net get to* suppert at munici pal officer* at toe city. BSAMJto: My public meekbtf pwnphld beat ervelop**te* Soul war*. Florida AMI University, Box llb-A, Tellxhawoe, Florida. What brad he dene next email to moot a tfttflHt might os well b* done today. If you are well aad ■Me. Summer Fun Feature Os Out-Door Cooking , ? W*wejbd..g.' an opportunity to baba ton entire S'iG'tS'—£2*«”CT mmu. SS^mSmSS^lSi nyai "Add ccurm bat dog* aad ebb* steaks are modvtb* ground STtSmalbg er bar beeutag. Outt that ebareoel watt a-ttffttwrc as^y ‘ttgj AbSSrSH^^SIbS braaata etlwA uaaoßr tea broO COUNTRY Gentleman * DISTIUID LONDON Otf OIN •SMOOF ftbffllal frubt mn dials SOBB/^5 i Em * ls 9/ f « JJmjKjßv/ m .. SNtMSr J. k DOUGNCtTY'S SONS, Im., (Hitfflwt i PtiWndaipblb. Pb. v ■ - ' ■ i —. -'j. V «. . «*;„, ■ 4 bjbb_ rsft «M^ I Er I ft ■ ft ft ft ft I ft OTHRB 2pi ftH £flk 4i v ft- ■• ■ IT TAKES CARNATION AND PLENTY OF IT TO BUILD A BOY LIKE THIS r« Itw artra Vitamin oln Carnation twlpi P* *» mmBH aporkla In Mt ami*! Cwnadon haa twig tha Vitamin UfiUgUjflß j * D of ordinary milk. In ovary douNa-ricfi dropl Ivan f *»» «* «"• JilLKj/ - . •> .. . - *..*..* •* ;■** 4. ■ *:*&£ -(SW**. ' *']»%*■« iIV .^vSOif--'.? npjnaw u ft UfflmtT. Stf ML «M* ‘ t~ w ~ ad bad baibacd* aauoa added.— Christian amphadw* that to* oodttag ttma All toa ran mould bo eookod tram IS to is mtautm total ttam lb* bad fA my -u wc 01 am* d to diab to ma ton State Federation Os Garden Clubs In 14th Annual Meet at *^^GtSii*Tlb!?Hft l |?flr^ i Proctor ToSptok To Vet* Union Graduate* umuftim va. Dr. Samual DaWttt Praetor, Aawatok* Oteaator, ar«an.sss& urctoa* Ifowtoy^ J»ma I. at tlrgla Baa%ld!mu > wui ttgmtttt oAiuildAtoo to* fcodvoioF mB Am* pea, to tor badbolor at dan da g-*— FOR REPAIRS TO ANT TV PHONOGRAPH TAPE RECORDER TRANS. RADIO anylSiau. APPLIANCE CALI TE 2-3960 VA 8*2343 TAYLOR RADIO & Electrical Co. -Tba ltouw That Sonde* •ullt" IM B. MABTW ST. Jtjts r^yaa i S3 ■ tetetot acSStomMSy «m bb wd lb Mil Ms 14 St AMT Col- Idto Bnmdto MMto tow bear to attend, tba Saw top*** Age BeatoMkhtten." toB Sa aantod draw wm betd an , btewtaato ■ mmipm to mni pnmm lick annuel ttut 'BNHMB BRRdiRB® end be aw* to attend and mdto — 1 11 11 mo 1 11 ■ »mm , ~ jBflL %h llyiy y i|Mi ii 4^■ iii ill yi y i"«,.. f j fj|SpQSBSto ii iTtiPri T> tK 3