I 11 n n pip 11 pp i nup i iup i i BB| B I HV 9 B HIP IV I HP I B I I I I Ini I H ■ H H H H ■ H H b flHj MB I ■ B B ■ B _. ■■ B B B B W: m WW b B H B B ■ B b B B b B b b ■ B m b B B B BB B H Ih| B B B B B B B '* •■. -'' v *'~'&^' s .■, i ' l 1 - * * * . ,v " I p ! ! I s . DOOMED BUS: PahokM, Ffa A wnckar tom,aid • but in which 11 Ntfolmm wotbm mowma mm on# crnrnoon warn n piungea into amp cifw. in# wormtß wore returning from in# Mk (OH PHOTO). Salassle High On Kranedy ySjri i£&3S'jA» Ts. sited States" Selassie told 'Jbws 'mmjiMM phn’tod to-Wt »» **J5 STtsSTttidt *vtSL mm J9SPS&T affiKLariißr «M softened la tte oondemnattoa of racial dtoerlmteettaa to Su V sited The rmofartton tank Alston To Be Tried For Fire |m la St Chany Hospital it ax paeted to ha teld Is tha Superior Court ad OalUsrd Couaijr whan Thomas mat) Bdtoan Alston la triad tor tha allagad boning ad Sm Mow ‘Pi*-* MeSiodtat Ctomb la Alston. oos sd Sm fint of ids laea to ba picked from Sa maim ad a Marti CaraUaa college. was toga* W Sm * Leals Cardinals protniaiag fint bsewnen la tha nm* jars, la aald atetos ■saat mada war effort to dotar mine the iraaaoa tor Sm strange ao* Hcnmd triad vatalMo waa tt^ Ha csmT'baek h«ra and was indicted in ltot, for Sm alidad burning at tha church. Upon being arraigned, a court order was toned. which ant him to Goldsboro, tor mental übaei tatlon. Ha hat bean in tha institution tinea that Him It was reliably ispoiled that doe* ■ tors at the Goldsboro institution ruled that he eras’ mentally able to plead to the bill of indictment a gainst him and ha eras returned here; over the weekend to teee trial. It eras not leaned what his plea erould be. Whether tha court will decide that he eras not ad a sound mind when the act was com mitted was not determined. Harvard University Professor Contrasts Years Os Man’s Life art taring to one of toe fcn* ly gnat m of history. Wo an Bo tag Ji.no boot of yoora and At worot ofyeors." C. tat own Pol sanity told taw Unfeor eold News Photos Jm In <pAgfcftita| || AJm || 4Urnk hj|ag|>| W|ai|(|M nAf«MMtaan||JjMM||jM^RPwto£taf|gfc Clmmi pMuor Hidi IM ■akr mm w Vnmnm# VMiod or nm M MmMMWm*, iui fMMid fht OoKiiw'a ad SshjOt Badh ataSento were hanyMat ( WM|qflU AT PSMCATOMf m p .non who tosh S^T^wdey. 1 hrtdtogwla hallt to aS as ££wtthmi ■ddlHsns far hgnlahtijga. b-r, MUmy 1L M. Wmw. mkmm roues ion mans AWAY - A ptataotadhae BaMgh pe* “ tone whMa yeath saw foam Ina sd if Ntgow ieaooaataotoro etoamM Anna atote ngattam ffienom toSmmhasdhpiamS’tobmp then apart (OTI PHOTO). CeaOMM MW • (i •' -v :* ' v BILL WOULD BRING GESTOPt The Carolinias ■ ■■ - ... j VOL. 11. NO. SI /n Fayetteville CROSS BURNED Legislator Seeks Law For Eatery ; * /;•** ‘ ;*i<i . j^*/-.; v^i'SPHlW^' 1 - •r rtmim samwami K L WWHW WMWt !«• gust m—n >r ljtrtn r«i to ly Sm sl»?qigNp<r?Spr. |t «it« * crtiM ter HMnloi bodgMCte State Bouak r^eJEteisteisrii^ f ifcdmited. •A «KWA •bttteA •oUteteA u#iA InatfertaA «aOMAtel trite <1 «n --eouraged or gPMfcml (thrff to flMb J I iSSlßtioQl Hf Sot LilwdnTul— ltev« boon mad* that #m#Hl aatiac prirllagaa. Tha «cp#w aolen la bollovod ta bava atmaikla bfll at tea NAACP and •ay atmt group teat would attampt WWWiteSi NW te Christian Crusade Gaining BAUSBKT A report on flte "Cruaede of Brangellsm" which la balnc protected bp tha AMS Zion Chwoh. In connection with tha ‘'Cantonnlal of Froadora" revealed that tea movoment la paring off on Hi vorp baginning It waa planned Mmp’T' K. Smith, Mobil* Ala, who prated— over tea 10th dtetrtet, which H etylod a mJaalon rwri»iMMM 4lJ and mraibirahad bean addad In hla dla- Sante America, la chairman of tea propaot He —ported Sm addition Thurman Visions New Frontiers tan* raiMMamtoofeo Taoodey toaTtho trontfen of fcoodom wcro being not to mm Iwo. but tho Job woo Our from botag dona and toot tooy btfLo pajM. ptoy, In pushing toJU'SS tap W A K or* ton toon Baaday toot too "Mow Ago doonodod a Now Mon.” Tbo prolate woraod too graduotat toot tooy bod • groat port to ptoy and toot tooy would not do Justice to w«op/obdHi patrons if tear did not toon top Jmoop onto o proyor Dr. Issjssrin L Mays Offers Ged Te $L Augustine’s Graduates a^v:r::cMtatr=^ JtMWMMtonaad Btosnio tonbto ljtayo at^&nb aanOstotgh At North Carolina *» Leading Weekly I f A N ' Jr ‘ |#v Br % \ H • ■ CONTESSNCE tea- la team, last, OrecnvUia. «, C, pwtelant Stndent fl-r-wnit wornMnw^ WU^- demanatratiena nadateTla'onMitkm hut vote. Captain Jaokaan waa aaaignad h tha iamanat—Uana. Ha sad hla ag Bennett Professor Convicted OREENSBOXO - Or. Zllxabote L*Th—w P and four white college atudant* Richard C. Wald, 19; Hil da Elisabeth TOylor. I* Minor S. Usabeth Dick, 18 and Chart— O’- —m'Stadoaftr—pa— charg— Tuaa day becauae of damonat—tlona ear*' Iter tela monte. Judgment waa continued for aix montha provided each paid M and court coet. Their attorneys gave notice of appeal, fa— Jackaon of OroanvUl* A ’ wi— alao convicted and appaalad ta 1 tea higher court ful haart and an nadantandbig ntod ad toolr wppwtolbiHWaa to a strife-riddon world. Tbo Ante day of too closing ox* ordooo of too AMS Zion collogo be* gaa onto a dedication of too fUO.* 000 Variek Memorial Auditorium Bunding Bishop W. J. Walls, stnlor pndato. doUsorod too dadlra teHsl addroaa tbo sotoron ohurcb* man sntollsd too oirtaoa of too founder of too denomination and Md that it was fltttina and prnpM toot too building tor tbo nano of too nan win, through his dootro for freedom to practicing too tonata ad ton Christian religion. (ceammmTam mm n toot wo teso had to opond nflUoM in Bodornl Courts and Nagns ysutba bnon hod to go to Jail by too toon* floods in ardar toot too Amortoon drsons night oone true and In no* dor toot democracy might Uso to United States and too world, tt moult hero bean wonderful indeed « Americano bod lesod donomaor an wnU and toair Chrtat ao dooriy RALEIGH. N. C, SATURDAY, JUNE 1,1563 Tha torn white Guilford CoOapa students wan arrested la a cafe* terla lias whan they refused to move until Negroes demonstrating outside tot wen admit* tod. . . a statement to edteet that they which wan taking plaoa to re sponm to demands for total dmsg ngation of sU public toeUltiao and to tha city government Several pointed by Mayor DoridSato* and ethers unofficially, wan meal* tag with a view ad flnStog aetna •ofaitioa to tha natal pruhlans eg •» rty. ii—-gy Warmer throo4h Wruir CBm * JSS> teSwaear Sm wSBS. W hs«f teeh, mJUffjm waa! )»■»! (ka*«n ahaas yrtesy. Lm£.*CMnaur. r -9iltiif..?frnsn gab snmrttoc* CAROLINIAN , ADVERTISERS] —gg—, Bin FROM THEM 1 ■PRICE lSe KKKSign Planted In Driveway FATITIWILLB Attorn* Arthur U tana ttM The CASO UMIAIf Tuaad* attarnoon teat ho nao no iaea *a»i pw'P'w^nji teat ha waa |> 4a yard about 1 a. m. Bund* and -^t W^.”a U td I ttut , hTno3cl ad that aomathtng had bam burn* ad fat tea drive way whan ha anaa s^gsay , i?ta , s tea Ara had not eon-anvil all «C tea malarial tent had (naan uaed. Mb than iiaHHterttej teorlffa of figb —MI an haukton ipraalod tint • avia aatebSt— of a era— had baa-rliteted' and wao atei natedwmir tea' ofhaara ar* rteoA the ww tea aaeend of taw teal tenlt teat In tela ana, which bad rateal hurt—laattona. Tha flrat la allagad ta have takan place on tea campua of Fayottavilla State Tha• chare Cellapa, about midnight Sat* urday, whan a amoka bomb la —ld to have amlodad. fconrur—an pa—■> Two Suspects Hem In Robbery-Murder Os White Woman i BUItOAW - The fhet that WUIJa Plana, husband at Mrs. Hasal Pierce. white supennarkat awnar, offend a reward lor Sm amat and canvtation at the parson, or par* aens, ngpanalUa for the holdup* •laying at kta wife, last Dae. ft to mid te ha tha moving taetar in Sm arrest at lam Thomas Murphy, 40. and OssDe Joyner. M, to connae* Mon with the tailing, both at Wibnlngtoa. Ths two lonpSionaMn wan bM^ftohasTmst'hy*ths l£ymr*!d ltoatm**Tha tosy to hovotodf- NAA CP Fites Suit To Limit Congress BY H. L POffTBIXIO-NANTON Negro lmdsrs all over tha coun try have always deplored tha fact that to spite at Sm wholesale da- pam a _ galatth ySsglens. ... nsMso inns * —r r~~ co. £sSk rr ****** Dnmli Sdaa uomoiio TerrorTo A :;- 'r'-' ill 1-teM" w—v - -,- - wwuMMAHm* liiifßT 'S *^ir3u^ tea onward mme Negro— MHgte KaMSh awalte tea daoM—sS A« Victor f. Sell, chahmaa W *» srsjsasa.’vrass tent tea cam—lttac had aada —K tedarabia pregrna, ataea ha iten ad a atetaaaont ta tha pap— Fri day. it waa baUewad that tea pall _m *b- dtefteg' vfi wnnsi wjwiiim^ teat tea ghidnrtg bava bnsr— dad teat laHaf la In tight —TIM Jmm wm be no tetenr aaai to jplcketbig. 'S-aBCT pniy true* all—ted SlHm— would naaaia In eftaot teSS MS aanouMomtat la an te High Patel a white <mmrote> Haniat waa baatan bp a ' Stob bl white* animated ta num|MbaMS ad In tha te—aTtS^Bk? I ****' 4ararga»e tea waa boor* ffiteßl a truce Friday. aftefN—Mr —MI Clark oonferrad wHh liaailhßi sided to escape, hr another, who was tha driver ad the got*eway*ew, The allagad tooottog h-pM If have boon witnessed by ftp year-old daughtar. lha gasman to oald to ban satarad Sw oton and that Sm taUtaTaalted Otoj. " Tha ton men am ebsrgad wM murder, according to Thoshet L Bradshaw, chief deputy sheriff for Ponder County and wm ho Mad at Sm Soptssrtbor tom ad Supartor Churl Murphy to sharped as toe trigger-man oeidjojtaes kri*The MMtortd to MWrftog wild and Sid net tat tha man. nisi of Natron too iMM to note fromdtairtctwhan oSStolfagre voters tft Inttaidliid rotoieo oongrooaionol rogroMntayog to sroao whore tola snususn sadato Notional Assooiitkn far iM toss vancomont of Coiorod Bsogto fta Tuoodoy. a federal court auft aalt. tag for a rsdustton of ttngtaMA from stotoo that dang Nanon tog right to onto Ths NAACWnfIsMO Implsmontotton of ooctlon STPf »* Mto Ansnibwasd to ton fl'iaHEM ODDS ; ENDS namXSSagrnSS^m Nsgrsn making n psotoot molt on rayottonUto to. Inat Santoor toad truly snainlima 2 lOHA CM -

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