SOMETHING TO BUY, RENT, SELL OR EXCHANGE USE ThE CAROLINIAN CLASSIFIED SECTION K., SrTUA JI?!! S m ~ w - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ' Jff CHIU* CAME 9KLP WANTED PERSONAL CLEANING * HAUUNO H2+it \k Low Cost Advertising /wS —Low Cost Advertising—jxMEfct A for WHAT HAVE YOU... DIAL TEmple (-5558 / FOR WHAT HA VK YOU ... DIAL TEmpl* 4-6888 I^HTP® 6 ** ANNOUNCMMNTS GARDE OF THANKS IN MEMORIAM LEGAL NOTICES REAL ESTATE ROOMS APARTMENTS RENT Classified Rates <»- •* V* .... fitSC"" 4 1 t 2 »%■ rite al^SuTSttSSrs 3Sg?«arst«r CARD OF THANKS HELP WANTED! ■ FjEMALE HELP WANTED! - KALE HELP WANTED! TAM AMD STOCKMAN S^'tsSTS# nix'! y«w Shop, 101 r»y«tt*viK Btroot Balslgh. EDUCATION MM AMU STOMEM imPKD wyy or Colo Md. Work In ClvU lonrtoo. |umgjp^| sgg&aßffiSnggß^r * - g™***?** i vsaoows tmt’axAxma, ms ggfflßHtg J *“ 'Formal wear ORES' '■ POOD SPECIAL! BgJUjT" (Oar Specialty* 1% tad (Utahan las s paw a rt. rr SERVICE STATIONS j^rsarass*— MOTEL “SffsarJTM oo Drtro, TB 1-OOil- SPECIAL NOTICES SIM BOXES SOB MHIM.-g»B; gSgo Vanilla and Pappaa. aan LEGAL NOTICES -1. IISJ as Admit* IStTS tetarittS O. asss£ ss t J^jraTjjSg undarslanad at Route *• Jytffi asSKir c *i*S; 37 £; bar «f racovary. All Smooa Indebted to the astato wOl nitsrt make immediate payment. c Ad« WA&comrrp ,A s.vs.’s&jjjpS s ■ ißgsgem . LEGAL NOTICE t£tm*2 ÜB. u*d*batag dMdSnat^M^ lll^ af a | gw wmjgSE wvan» About M per sent at Worth Ca rolina rural tomOao cookad an wood stares to 1880. amtaßtog to the U. & Conns. Walnut Terrace Notes BY HUH CAMNAOY DOOffiW or PACK US haattat to ear tees wa have a now and procreates den mother, Mrs. BrunhOda Lofton, lira. Lofton atone with ftoe member* of Fade 1M took part In tha bald reeanthr at ted State Ite Oraund. The theme tor tha Pack wm •'Woriahop and Habbtoe." Announces Graduating Program The John W. Lifon Juntor-Ssnier High School will hold tta graduat ing exerdaaa Sunday, June A and Thursday, June A Rev. Paul Harold Johnson, who will have a daughter In tha gradu ating ctaea, will ha th%>*>eaher tor too Baccalaureate service Sunday in toe school’s auditorium at S p. m. An active PJA member, Bar. Johnson, has served Ligon School in many capacitloa during tea lad few years. Although ho only received Me B. a degree from Shaw University la IMO, ha began prsariitag la IMS. In IMI Shaw Pntrardiy conferred the degree es Dodor of Divinity tor outstanding aervleea In tha fMd of religion, education, and stole activities. For toe pad twenty years, Dr. Johnson has served as minister es toe Martin Street Baptist Church es Raleigh. Ha has served en tha Recreation Commtoslen es tha etty of RalaMto tor ntao yearn and to chairman of the executive Commit tee of toe Board es Trustees es Shaw University. Ligon will hold its commie* ment Thursday nldit d $ to the speakers win be Barbara McCoy, who finished at tha top es her slaas to ha aimeimmd valedictorian and rtiihtfirhir Hunt, mtetotarian. are expected to roestvs their dt sloaes on that night ■mg* “"' . 1 Wfcvs&*a& ;' i^^^^B''lray!^#>M:; ril^^H4- i ;“ & Bid Si • ''! ‘ A r : :-,®* 4 \ 9 |’ •> v ->’f ft- j: $t w I I w~v - | fl B£gg£ ..-, n DEDICATES CHURCH —77* picture thorns sosnss that center shews many ol the peinolpah who took port in tha dsMoo took plocs at tha dedication at St. John AMJE. Eton Church, Hon. That Ror. J. E. Qarratt, Bishop W. A. Stewart, prmidini Rooky Mount, N. C„ recently. The tmstsss are shown at tha prolate; Rar. D. L BlaUay, pastor; Row. R. J. Falknar, D. W. extreme hit. Tha commodious uni modem building is ssan at Andrews, us oratory, church at tension and the Rar. AI. Hud top center. Tha building oonmditto is mt the top right- Bottom son, host praafcttn| aWar. , " ll> ■■■"■ lll 11 "■ - * mmenrn a.— ■■ ■ ■» »"f ■ ■ ■'■' ■■—■■■■ ' ' ■'■■— Bennett College Graduation Week Activities Listed mi week activities at Bamssd Callage will get under way on fit day. May 11 whan das* day exor cises are held to toe Little Thwtoe at S p. m. That Bight at 8 o'clock, tha Oroek esttnTttmadkkhtoay madams boys ware aU ante what they mastoad • rad rihkan m aradit ter thair work. BSya parttotpattag warm Jama* Braun, toad dartre!!. Anthony HBte n arenas Jsnss. slang with A a Carmioheal, Jr.. Dsn Chief; Mr*. Osrmiehad h alas a 4®o mother. Co®* rSTs naator*imwvsnTfrsm all of hie little playmates and relatives. Timmy wm fait by a ear i Haknan St, Saterttay aftornaan. LRTLB LBAOIIS TBAM For the first tea hi too history of Walnut Tamm • mUe league team will parttcipato to too C. K I Itflititar** Little League. The teem is being coached by Mr Jtoneo Oile* and his assistant. Mr. Mery Christmas, Tha ante efalec ttoas of the team are to build gaad dementals of basabalL The toam played tta first ptpettae same May B, to tha Washtegton School Ball field at 3:30 p. m. Strong pitianwg jg throughout too season by Ate, Omnedy. CMte and Mangnun. The Mg bate ad Bridges, Harris, tetter, teas and Maya are expeetad to pivlla tha oftonaiva punch to hrip toe toam to accomplish Us goal. Presently too toam la without • gpanaor. an fart wasted parsons are nfcod^to^entast^ltoJL^srianad MART POTTO SCHOOL OXFORD Thirty-tour pttfOg es date TB with their tsachar Mrs. B B. BMdtag toured toe Mata ■eum, Cipitol. Museum and Ba laigh-Duibom Airport to Raleigh. Thursday. May U. The highlight of toe tear same —W- - - M. e_ M w WeSklae wmm MPVMBWITI JO9 waiKUH es OraavOlo County task tone ant team his busy day* wortc m greet "asm president Is Rato B. Wabhc rim sem|K m'towfsrlAtetefand ropelrlsrl Marshall Taaosy. tragedy. -Modi”, adapted by Bob ten Jotters teem Bniptdaa. and diractod by Mlsr Claudia Finger, will ha parlor mad on tha torrsos of Ptettter CteaL Tbs rtrta of "Medea” will be play ed by Mias Ann D. Florence, *6s, of - ~i'i.i, r.r.w. a i min i» ■ SPEECH MAKERS Mrs. Lois Kitmoy, instructor at English, congratulates winners hr ths recent public speaking contest conducted at AST Callage by tha Deportment at English. The winners moUtotn Mttorightt Rom Whitts, Qteetobeto\ Prank Turner, Richmond, Ze., and Ar noU Robinson, Wilmington. . bbt. jambs ft. uvrra Cooper School Nows cxattow - mam u. cm* M mm BHwol will M MJMe •I4 m. tn Qm Mhoei grntortum Ml tt tor. Jam* S. Baffin of WmBMcMo. D. C. win bo Am opook- JTofiSis KE2? i b. By SwSwsfe 0 * Orsensbora Saturday, at It a. 01. toe te OmdtiaU AnooisHoßi will hdd Us annual moating and at 1 to m, reunion graduates will bo honored at toe All Bin sit Lunch son. AWIw classes are UK mt. ISO, I*4B, ISM and ISIS. Tha ann ual choir oaneart at S p. as. will bo Xonowad by too tradtitonal saaopua illumination. nnonewt ADvranasM! RALEIGH SEAFOOD , Fresh Seafood Daflj 410 a DAVIS ST. DIAL TB t-7749 TRADE NOW FOR A NEW j 1963 MERCURY ' GET EXTRA-TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE—NOW RAWLS MOTOR CO. W Filimwui *T. IWMI R MNI iww Ho. IMS 4 Big Specials *66 CADILLAC fAQ m Coup* DeVille OcPtF *57 OLDSMOBILE sfQf Pordor Sate i— ePcf ts 18 MERCURY map Hard Top HkfWsß 16 FORD V- | QO m Fairlanc “SOT tVCTeP B&H USEB CARS Hwy. 64 East Rt 5, Raleigh OOIMURB BATHROOM JACKSON, MU (AMF) - (lev. Bai Baroatt, who bogie toe peer set state to the nation, wm cvnicis •d by tan Madasipptans who eonddsrad amslva bis tnslsllstlnn es a geld plstod batotvem tn too privy was Installed at a east as 41SM0. Serna radiants to» Barnet* an pandltura smsssslvi fa vtew es a tetogi£ tanteter oduenUm and IHB eAßoumuui GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY WADE’S AUTO SALES »ee buicx block ad white. laasiWi o/ai» *** one owner. ss®* *S6 SS2S n T! m :. , T t . SOS wss , sis : .“ $795 >oc mkrcury lartEw. «-*„ birfarp, porno same *• b««ta. »«ar ataarln*. » 5? OLDMJOM MEM*-r $895 *■■**'* $995 »eA cßsvnoLar aa-Atr. aiaw, same •• btos and white. WT9 *53 «£"*-» 8505 MsST*"*.****.. $595 *57 ford, ad and white, pawar braha. ** Mae *• sad pawr staarint. fW® >57 oaivaounw <*>. hardtop. Mae FREE CARS jg&'SL'&rsrs ia.iasjaaa ss SSSSSS SSSBffl. *m romuo Abenlntelj NO DOWN PAYMENT wm appbovid oßKorr . ICMNT Osa Ts Ohaoaa Fata Fanaeato WIB Mo* Bsassd SMJt Far MMh 228 E. Cabarrus 81 TE 4-6417 or 4-6418 a Come In And See Our Beautiful New Styling For 63 And Cheek Our Prieue Before Yen Buy Any Car A Satif led Customer Is Our Best Asset Weaver Bros. Rambler jjhCWIUBA^—AM W. Unttr It »T 9 |»4}f| *?f‘iHMtoßh MM weed QBr wpw—fie w# Omdbrvb Ml ombmiosmmm.ll 44M KAuuoa n. a KENTUCKY Gentleman Kumidiir tiHAMiir SBOURBOM WHIBKKY s/s or* IJH m proof barton bisthumo comfampt 11