- ewpom • yir JFK ASKS LAW ON CIVIL RIGHTS COORDINA TING GROUP ASKS ACTION NOW | The Carolinian | North Carolina *s Leading Weekly !VOU SI. NO. S 3 RALEIGH, W. C, SATURDAY, JUNE IS, 1963 , PRICE lit Dr. W. Clark Shot; Shoots Intruder Condemns Those Who Hesitate Persona who have watched the actions of President John F Ken nedy in the past two daya and who have had an opportunity to study the speech made on civil rights Tuesday, say there is bo doubt that the chief executive means to use every avenue available to add the douMe standard that has attended America. Mr. Kennedy made it clear fa) his approach to the Alabama situation and his address that- this was no (oowthcpsp on page a Integration Roundup The CAROLINIAN in an attempt ta get the reaction on the death knell of segregation around the na tion found that it is being marked with Mood died, death, manhandling and fores. Hera she Some of the happenings. The Mississippi field secretary of the NAACP was shot to death out side his home early Wed, scant hours after a nationwide telecast (CONTINUE!) ON FAGS *> - '■ >. '* *?'" " v ; '* I ■ • if* A#A' r "- Jr- - * ***» f . . J LEADING THE iwMWitrM i *«M|il £ »■ aTftM to *•*■. toft (Ml. aa« MBm Mr hatt, Both Men Reported Improved pteafat Cabarrus UP MttchoU told a CAROUNIAN re pranentittve that he was not say ing anything until the end of the week. He gave no reason, but con tinued to say, “I will tell It all then.” He was Interviewed from his hospital room. The entire matter ta hard to un derstand. when one takes into con sideration the events leading up to the shooting. Aooording to Dr. Clark, an unknown man is alleged to have called hia house, on the evening of June 6. and after being told that the doctor did not see or talk with patients on Thursday afternoon, began.using obscene and abusive language, over the tele phone. The caller Is said to have gone into a rage and said that his wife had died and that he wanted to go (CONTDVUSD~ ON PAGE I) Protest In Reverse COLUMBIA. 8. C A $25 fine was Imposed Monday on a former Pennsylvanian who objected to ihe Columbia Hospital's segregated fa cilities. Edwin Samuel Sloan, 20. a resi dent here for nine years, took bis 13-month-old son to the Negro e mergeney room of the hospital Saturday night and was told to go to the whit* unit a Mock away. . “Black, pink, Mua or white, my baby is sick and I want It treated ” witnesses quoted him as aayiag. t Ordered out, bs went to Ihe white unit, loft the ctaJM and re turned. A white employe si the Negro unit mid Sloan railed him “s big fat slob” and threatened to strike him. Solicitor Pou Taylor fined Sloan $25 for disorderly conduct. sjpt. W. F. CLARK , . , protects home with .28 Congressman Powell Dodges Arrest NEW YORK CITY The stormy Representative Adam Clayton Pow ell got some relief from a Supreme Court Justice here recently when lawyers for the women he is al leged to have defamed asked that be be arrested. Supreme Court Justice Abraham J. Gelltnoff re fused to sign an order presented by the lawyers. The order had been sought by Raymond Rubin, lawyer for Mrs. Esther James, a Harlem widow who in April won a 8211.500 jury verdict against the Congressman for defamation of character. Mr. Rubin told the court that the judgment had not been paid and (CONHKUKP ON PAGE 2) ath^^ Temps rstarei sot five Says win avers** S to * Sesrees below •oratal, set mack say to Say changes. Showers HfhUy about Saturday and will average a boot a half tech. Slit as* tow tom aerator** tor the Paletch area Sl at. ta dura along aMs the grasp. Other edshe who helped ta supervise. the dsmsustrati*— an: Inineh J. W. fftmrir— M. W. Morgan. K. Ones, A L Metals. Mr. sal Mrs. Herbert Newkirk. Mrs. R. O. Was then. Mrs & Sstath, Mr. sad Mrs. Brtssew. Mrs. HetaMs. Mr. MsWsß. Mrs. fssift. Mrs. G. B. Hsmßtas. sad Mrs. H. f. Csftatf. Dignity Os All Pnople Demanded Efforts es the part of The CABO LOGAN to pet a Mpert from the Bt-radM Commit*** felled W*A morning when Chairman Vktar 9afl dMRMIdI BMV* Kft MMhfd, gramme smr— •• lAU ars?«Ji Commit!** releaasd the following statement for ft* Ceerdldktlng Committee: The Citizens Coordinating Com mittee expresses grave and contin uing concern regarding the slow pace of efforts to eliminate segre gate and discrimination In Raleigh businesses liscensed to serve the public. We have been counselled to have patience and to help provide a qui et and calm atmosphere in which the bi-raciel Committee end others could work. We believe we hove been patient and have exercised due restraint In this matter. Yet, the leadership of this community has failed to harness and consoli date the positive forces for good here that have made themselves clearly evident The bi-racial committee has been strongly silent since issuing Its “famous” statement indicating that (CONTWOTP ON rAon b In Raleigh Mystery Raleigh 1* still trying to deter mine the cause of death for two of Its well known persons. Richard Williams, 40, and Robert Lee My att, 15. The two died about 12 hours apart at Wake Memorial Hospital : Sunday night and Rondsy morn ing. Friend* told Th# CAROUNIAN . that the two had been assn riding together Sunday and appeared In th* beet of condition. Williams Is said to have had a lingering illness snd Myatt was said to have been told by a doctor that bs should take it easy. They were raid to be friends snd that Williams was employed by My att at his Southside Grocery, Blood worth snd Smith!leld Streets. They are said to have been admitted to rnHWi HfflMßwL JH Sfe- JH SK fl JKF MEETS WITH BUSINESSMEN ON CIVIL RIGHTS—Pres. Kennedy meet* In the East Room of the White Home June 4 with a Stoop of prominent Iwlmwinn to enUoi their aappart for the otvfl Lexington Is Quiet; Sets Up Committee LEXINGTON Mayor C. ▼. Sink announced Tusaday forma tion of a bi-racial human relatlona committee to solve problem* that eat off a race riot her* In which one whit* man was shot to death and another wounded. The' committee la composed of five prominent white man and five prominent Negroes. Sink said the committee would seek to iron out rarlal difference*. Rioting broke out hare Thursday night and one white man died with a S 3 caliber bullet In the brain. A white photographer wai ahot In the back with a S 3 caliber bullet aa he sought to photograph the slain man. Several Negroes and whites were arrested Friday and Saturday in connection with the riot. At the same time he announced the formation of the human rela tions committee. Sink, released A latter from twp NAACP officials, who asked for complete daaagra , gation In Lexington. The demands included alimlna* : \ JnQslgbfaoro \ Students Areßrrested With Theatre Tickets GOLDSBORO Goldsboro po lice arrested Negro demonstrators for the first time lost Saturday. Thirty-three high school students war* arrested when they refused to leave Robinson’s Drug Store or entered the Paramount Theater ev en though they had tickets. Rev. J. W. Simpson, spokesman for th# group of student# who went to Robinson's Drug Store, was ask ed to leave but refused raying there were white people being served and why should he be charged for trespassing when they were not Shrouds 2 Deaths Wake Memorial Hospital shout the ■sms time, around 8 p. m. Sunday. They are both raid to have been stricken after being together dur tag th* day. Williams, who lived with his mo ther, Mrs. Janie P. Williams. 720 6. Blood worth Street Is raid to have complained of being sick snd was pronounced deed shortly after ar riving at tbs hospital, about 8:10 P Myatt, who Brad with hla wife, tha former Alder* Hinton and two daughters. Shells and Angela, 712 Bailey Drive, alao complained of being sick and rarred to the hospi tal about th* same time. He Is re- CAROLINIAN . ADVERTISERS Bin FROM THEM * f*AOK t R B Qatma Furattur# Co. Mortoe'. Cub Grocery »“«*»'« Coacrett PreSocto Co. Klee Col* Metol T,l ** tr * Eh oSet V« ratters Co. Buffets * Co.. •atMcrs. lac. CsroUna* BetlSsrs lac. Cl volte Beset? Coitef* SUworUli Flroetoao Stores mtte£ MoETrtaaaeo Sitsr'CJ*^- A sake re Peattec. lac PAGB II Mocbsatrs * Parmer* Beak Sere-Pit Upholsterers Taylor BoSlo A Electrical Co. Oeoa’t Bsso Sonic* Sosa W. Winters * Co. National BeSfst Sendee*, lac. UaMtoaO’s Grocery * Transfer Ca. Bams Jane's Dram Shop PAOB S Provident Plaaac* Co. Samos Season Tils Co. Heat General Tiro Co. ■etetgh Peasrel Mini PAGB 1* Stephanas* Me— Co. tear Bcalty Ca. Haas Pleas fern near PAGB U Ptao State Creamery WMbtastoa Terraco Apto, lac. fabasia lambs Co . Wake Aoto Sendee --y pa— * Wallpaper Co. Price's Sbell Service PAGE f Blots* Beset? Shop Bawl* Motor Ca PAOB U _ WaOos A ate Sale* CarottoaPewsr A Uf* Co- B. A m. Use* Cars PrHebarS Paint * Glass Co. Woavsr Bras. Bambtor VAOE U C# - ESraVto. C tion of white and Negro restrooms and drinking fountains, upgrading of Negroes In city Jobs, equal Job opportunities and employment In city clerical lobe, integration of public schools on a geographical basis, more recreation facilities for Negroes and appointment of Ne groes to various city boards. The letter was from local NAA CP President Clarence Roberts and R. T. Jamerson, vice president of the local chapter. Sink also announced the appoint ment of B. K. Long, Jr, a Negro, to the City Oolf Comm Baton The mayor said he wanted to do all in his power to improve race relations and head est sacial dis order. He said that While he thought time would solve the prob lem. the bi-racial aoanmlttse was a step In the right direction. He emphasized that the city has . no ordinances pertaining to segrs i gation and that NegroSP Interested in clerical Jobs could apply like > whit* persona. Rev. Simpson and th* students re mained ta th* drug star* until they were arrested. Milas Kelley, spokesman for the second group of students, at th# ■am* time was visiting tha Para mount Theater. He and tha student* were arrested and charged for trea pasatag. At the time of their arrest, they were not questioned as to how they got their ticket*. All who were arrested were re leased without bond end ordered to appear In Mayor's Court Thursday, Juno 12ttu ported as having succumbed about 8:80 Monday morning. Du* to the closeree* of the two man end their deaths coming so close together, an autopsy was ord ered ter Myatt. The CAROUNIAN eras told that the result of th* au topsy was not svsfloble to tbo pub lic and therefore would net bo giv en out The Informer at Wak* Me morial Hospital, did say that any chemical analysis would not bo a vailsM* ter aeuiotiiuo. Funeral oorvlcra tor William# were held from the Raleigh Funeral Home. Wed. at 13:20 p. m, with fCONTPCUf P ON* PAGE I) rights program he plans to send Congress this wash, The siesuiliss. numbering one hundred, are connected with firms operettas widely I through the South. (UP! PHOTO). Mb' .*****■*. ’NKhaaev- - • .f* Magazine writer, Sylvester Leaks, tells his listeners At'ESPtfkm rally "I do not believe In non-violence.” Leaks went on A* toil Ida armed and wanted to vote “By God they would vote.” Pwßpra drama tise feelings of sponsors of rally concerning treatment ofNcgry. BSHBk'a/J \ y£sjxM Wr\J i jrW, , Deputy Chief J. L. Kay (right) calls for paddy wagon In Jackson* Mlh., u six more pleketc were arrested In front of a downtown dWi ' Another officer Is seen fathering placards and American flags. ' -.T'. ~'"Tv • T : T 4, Demonstrators, Including several children, gather In the lobby of Bishop's Reotanrsnt In downtown Oklahoma City. They WON re fused service snd the restaurant looked aB rest room * ***!*%,& rankngi Mm? ssa.j ■ d -v Jf* , . Wjt ' **, BPV; i wpmjmm ' y" «pB "lOm '& * EM m: wifnm I (Left) Blood running from his forehesd sfter being strurtt by a policeman's club, an unidentified person watches as poUee qaeO a Hot which started In Philadelphia at the scene of the NAACF picketing of a school construction sit*. (Right) Vlvlsn J. Malone. SO. of Mobile, one of throe Nagro stu dents who are to attempt to enroll at the University dJbMHlaa desegrrgstlon bid, It shown In Mobile June 4th. (ALL UP I PHOTON). (Left) Cleve McDowell, tl, the second known NegMTßnMkMes at the Univeraity #f Sthetatappi leaves the Lew School after begfn- t entered. (Right) A whH* man. guards the SAW Catenate ta down tewn Chattanooga. Teu*. to prevent Negroea from obtaining aartaeo after a group tried ta seek entrance. Vtotanee broke oat n Ami ttaM after this picture was taken.