4 Agt > • ”*' ■ >. ; A 1 •' '•'.gr* !( *"( j/f 1 • h- s' />>& ■ Negro Leaders Nix Sanford’s Proposal Claim Point SfflNot Understood r citmm B. JONES “Mr. Chairman, I move that this meeting be adjourned and that we go back homq for bigger and better dmonstratioas,” aald an A4T Col lege atudant With the aoeandlng and enan tme— approval of ttb mat lap, ease Me Nagreea rejected a li-mhmte appeal by Governor Terry Sanford, Tneaday morn ing far an end’ to ttaaa daman atratlena in North Carolina. La ter hi the day Negreao were heard staging hi the vietaUy es The aeaaiona were held In the eapitol building's State House of Hepreeentatlve chambers. The foverrtbr, introduced by former State Adjutant General Cbpus M. Waynick, High Point, who waa Sanford’s personal repre aentativf at tha meat, began his addraaa by appealing to reason and goodwill on the pert of demonstra tors silking full racial equality. Immediately after the governor delivered his address and shook a few hands ha left die chambers, «wmanm cm fact s> Suspended Term For Rev. Perry e Hev. pastor add fiiabore aahoal prinot ehjuwmlna^d^vdMSl ’ BzrzrPS'B only foy-naiiauel eandldktas mat la BeaaWa far tecnf eea#- datee. Be alleged that ha aedar nadHstw twice. Her. Parry once enjoyed the rep utation of e political leader in Sampson County and was not only eought by. office seekers, but was tcomntvia~mi mm n State New Briefs - MAN Elf J.EP BT TKAOf WHITEVILLE A young em ployee es a local hotel was struck And killed early Monday by an At lantic Coast Line freight train on the western outskirts of town. Careaer J. B. Long identified Me victim ee Cliff erg Powers, 23 yean eM. The body wae ee badly —Ulatid that peattive til late Monday afternoon after Powers* permits had baea locat ed. The eoresMr haa net set a data far aa iaqaaat, bad said be will rale later after his tnssotl gatiaa has been ramplatad, ■OLb WIFE IN MATE’S DEATH BESSEMER CITY Mrs. Mary Leu Smith, 93 and Allan B. Bell, M. were charged with murder Sun day in connection with hi death of Mrs. Smith’s husband. Nelson B Smith. 92-year-old operator of a concession stand at a textile mill. Smith was Shot while he set in a chair in his living room watching a television program. The victim was shot eight times, mostly in the head. The murder charge wae brought against Bell, e married meat cutter, by Mrs. Beil, who was later arrest ed and siao charged. No bond was allowed.' No details relating to the motives were available at press time. fSEEK TBANSFEBS AT DCRHAM DURHAM The Durham City Beard es Education disclosed last tcoernxpxp es» run t> Jackson Authorities Hold White Mississippian In Medgar Evers’ Death JACKSON. Min. A C-yvar oM nlnman (ran the Delta city of Oimvood, Byron de U Beck with. m arrested bere late Bat orday night and charted with murder In the sniper-type slaying at Me dyer W. Evers. 37, state field secretary for the National es. Colored People here MwdMkitM Nedml The Carousiak VOL. 21. NO. 3& JFK Presents The Greatest U. S. Civil Rights Bill Yet + + + + + + 4 2 Commit Suicide News Photos s * 1 ~ 1 Hundreds of Negre demonstrators assembled opposite the White House loot week for a march to the Justice Department to protest ra cial discrimination in the nation’s capital. A prayer meeting was held prior to the march. The body of Modgsr W! Bean, slain Nagre Integration tender of Jackson, Miss, was laid to rest in Arlington Motional Cemetery fol lowing military services there tool week. Be widow, Mrs. Myrtle B Even, and two of their throe children are shewn seated at entranto right. (ABOVE PHOTOS BT CPI) One Brother Dead, Another Is Charged DURHAM “The wages of sin U death” eaa be attested to by Robert Lee Barbee, 39, 90# E. Proctor ot., as he recalls the kill ing of his brother in a gambling game here last week. .. torney reported that Beckwith turned htm—i* in after betna in formed that his house was being watched by FBI agents. Om Monday, the sales apt North Carolina's Leading Weekly RALEIGH. N. C., SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1963 Freddie Lee Barbee, 417 Henry St., died as the reeult of a ballet which penetrated hie sheet, near his heart, before he reached the ‘Man £ sahrt to i■mdT'pSte *arter 1 Beck withs arrest by ths FBI Satur day night. arS** tegmrtat Ma ?Cd VaTf BX to Bsekwlth at Oraanwoed! flea of the tm Congress To ActOnTop Rights Bill . WASHINGTON (AND l# the strongest itaUmtnt an , But even 1. ihw hi* Bftoaaga could b* mad to the CongrOK, tot em dediwted to Om states faa and "amaatalatlon’Mtad anngtatat^M pragram that daal* with equal «*• tommodations in fAtMif firlTfUty daaagragatlon of ichors; fair and full amptayment; oosamiartty (hu man relation*) service, and addi tional proposals that atraegthan «• latini governmental pragram* to houatog, employment gad aduea tion. The heart of thia new legialatfcm ia the propaaal* on equal accommo dation* in public facQltia*, and ta the chief raeaon why aouthera Democrat* and northern Republi cans are already scheming on ways to eliminate thia part of the lagiala tion entirely, or cripple the whole “civil righto package” if this sec tion 1* not watered down. What exactly did the President ask for to the area of aqual accom modations? Ha began by prefacing his re quests with a laudable tribute to Negroes' demonstrations of raoant weeks which, according to Kenne dy, “have again underlined how (tOWIBIUa OM SAGS to Tension Erupts In Wilkesboro I NORTH WrmCBBBORO ———■ The rising tide of racial tension visit ed thia faction of the state Sat urday night and a group as Negro and white man decided that they would urn knirse and ptotda to •bow how they felt about the Both group* hara pomled po hee officers, hi that they have not shown too much inclination to toil the truth about the whole matt*. Cheater Lewis Tidllno, 39, who to said to operate a poolroom and ta also work aa a part-time movie theatre handy man, to be ing held for aeeault on Ourney Branch, 39-year-oid construction foreman, with a deadly weapon, to-wit, a M caliber pistol, used with intent to UIL The aeeueed sue to said to have taMefjtosraJhat hows* Mjemd "STa 'tndTm* ed. Be to farther alleged to have retd that wtoa he segto toeed Me nnatmiei that the den Hawk slgbts which want to bttodadppl, all to a Grenada gua One* of the sights was traced to a Wt »S«y SSSd by wiwsttwnog attorney Teryer a relative of Beck- nbi a- J •PRICE 1S« j JOSEPH WBlW't'hK • « • hangs aslf in primp 2 Suicides n porta mf-mj] . .jt Avpuricu ’ In Prison ometaA of the State Prison Department revealed Monday that two Inmates of maxlam security prison unite have token their own lives. The latest victim, Jaeeph Webster, U-ysar-oM Negro of Parent Cfty, tried to hang himself Jane 11 and died the next day at the Central Fral- The Billy Prlvobt, 31, poisoned himself on June ft. Suicide was ruled in both cases by Wake Coroner Marshall W. Bennett. Webetor was ssrvlng four to six yean for laroeny and an eight to 10-year term tar breaking and entering. Prisons Dimeter George Banda II said the man at tempted to Mil himself on Jans 11. by tying a sheet a round hie nock and fasten taW the other end to the cell’s upper ban. Then bo alleged ly Jumped off the eat. He was out down by a guard and a physician was on the aoeno in about two minutes. The physici an reported the victim was crausd but ooosctoua at time. » Webster was transferrsd to ths hospital hen but died the follow day es anoxic brain damage due to. strangulation. Cross Burns In Kinston KINSTON The secrecy Met has clothed the burning at s cross rear toe home of Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Hannibal Saturday eight was taken off Monday night whan Po lice Chief Fred 1* Boyd said that ne arrests had been made but a thorou* inveettgstiea was being Bttorts by Tbs CABOLOOAN to reash Mr. Boyd proved fruitless Monday. His assistant told the pap er that up information concerning toe matter would have to come tram Me superior. The enH waa made to aa effort to determine the soaresy. The paper learned that an "wraps* sa toe story, in aa eflart te apprehend toe perpetrators. The pellee eMef is mid to wm too eel of while jjwstte. The bat that toe officer is said johavo mason the 2rt*tom*he hod*s C and would be forthcoming. M ■ ■ ■+ *» # * . ■ A Tl , ■ .--n; I I ■I ■ M |p i; : : * '■ ■ ■ -'-4- ~~~ , '^ l tip ■ ■ ■" . jpjpSP JB : Sf! ; J 1 "§?Jp JM p s- y p 4 j AT CAPITAL MBBTING Shewn above are, left to right: Attorney rioyd B. McKissiek of Dur haa who repr—astiad the bums demonstration leaders sailed to Raleigh by Gov. Terry Sanford Tassday morning; and Belly ML Alexander, state preeldent of the National Aaooaiation for the Advancement off Colored People. Negro leaders rejected Sanford’s proposal for rmtiag mans demonstrations and de parted freaa tha eeeslen vowing to stage “bigger demonstrations.” President Cautions Leaders WASHINGTON President John P. Kennedy Saturday cautioned e “divided Negro leadership" against violent demonstrations • or those that breed violence • to their anti segregation drive. Tha wisdom of 0 Mass demon stration la Waahlagteo was report edly questioned else. This demon stration might oonvasna over 100,- 000 .—P*"" °* Capitol mu. No be* courted out if dm admtatetra that’s ctftt rights tagtalattaw is IMdte a toils Kennedy dtd> ne task for . com plete holt to demonstrations which jmve been staged recently hi the !SJw#«S2? - *°“’** 1 “ Both Negro a4| white desegmga* tion feeders seam if the PreSfent of their all-out support tor hta pending civil righu legisUtiosk' Some Nagreea allegedly told news men that demonstrations wUI ba used to dramatise this support sad these manifestations may be cli maxed in August by a mass march on Washington. Saturday's White House confer ence conluded at least temporarily Kennedy’s unprecedented series of appeals to mall groups of leaders from many fields for a voluntary and peaceful end to segregation in public places, private business, housing, labor unions, churches and schools. Before leaving here en a 10-dey trip to Europe the President took another step toward helping Ne groes get Jobs when he signed an order setting forth procedures und (CONTINUKD ON FAO| t) Clinton’s Citizens Discussed CLINTON According to Infor mation fumtahed The CAROLIN IAN tha citizens es this section es the state ere net too much alarm ed over the fight being staged to (MWttropTsit FACE «) h t Temperatures Mir uarmal with tiew warming trees first pest es parted, rainfall will avsrass a tsaaS ass-half Inch ta acattsrsS •hewer* mostly Saturday nisbt and Sunday. CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS PMI t Hertea's Cash Oreesry Uaceia lhastrs PAGE I Ttrs Salas S Sanies clvtlU Btaety Collect gams lut i Draw Shay Prevteaat riaaact Co. Washtafton Tarried Iftt, tne. Mother a Denfhttr VAGI S ■eSsse-asni—gflrS'i Saha W. Winters a Ce. Met hastes * Pinners Bank Lassiter's Recreation Center Tewa a Cenatry Parattur* PAGE S Ralelch Peasrsl Homs Hiyheneon Matte Co. Juui annSors Tils Co. v Mass Pinas Cam P—7 Pins Stats Creamery lehneee-Lemhe Ce . BeMsh PaM A Wallpaper Ce. PAGE 1 Weaver Pres. Rambtsr B A R. Uses Cars WsSss date Sales i«ieriit!Sr , c«!* IW Mass Meeting Is Set For City Thursday The Citizens Coordinating Com mittee of Raleigh plans a mass meeting here Thursday nlfti. June 37, et the Pint Baptist Church. All citizens have been urged to attend. At this meeting, many important matters ere scheduled to be dis cussed. Newsletters have been dis tributed to the majority of Negroes in this vicinity. Apprextnutely five,weeks a ge, Mayer WUltam G. Eniee waa isisimWs fee MdsblUhlae s IS-men bi-raetel committee, which bee met during tola time to effect a nw*ner es Weises and oommaftnlteM flat the Bought Information Worthwhile (Aa EditasmQ tTtm Citlgeni AesodaUcm to pftodtafc the t* dallar ie on re cord, according to information in jßi*'daily newspaper, as being opposed to the continued operation of the Rlehafti B. Harriaon Public Libfhky. Their reason ia that the main library ia centfsl tyMigh to serve die entire city except the northwest section. In a recent survey by a team of library professionals called in to tell Raleigh its library needs, cast Raleigh was recommended •• well as northwest Raleigh for branches. A subsequent bond issue was launched and favorably voted upon for theee recom mended needs. In fact the site of the Harriaon Library was chosen at the comar as Bast Lenoir and Rock Quarry Road; and is Still in the process of procurement. The CAROLINIAN ia naturally on record to “deraciaHre" everything used by the public—Harriaon included. This how ever, does not mean that there should not be a library located m a predominantly Negro neighborhood sponsored by the city and operated for the entire public. We bdieve Raleigh would gain more through following the bought advice of professional library surveyors titan it would in curtailing tome of their main recommendation simply because Harriaon is to be moved to a more convenient location to serve (•it Rilcigh. Instead of Harrison, as such there undoubtedly should be a branch of the main library in some area of east Raleigh; and in thia branch there should be a department to continue for some time the much needed personal interest for Negro children by the library facility We trust the dty will follow through with ita plans to satisfy the bond issue for library needs and keep faith with the wishes of the majority vote on this matter although we appreciate the keen interest in the economy of the city’s affairs by this group of prominent citizens who recommend Harriaon'* scrapping. Gregory Says: Whites ForceNefroesTo Admire White Women CHICAOO fANP) Declaring that the snubbing of Negro women lUletch SeafooS Ce. PAGE S CotsaUl Stores Dean’s Esso Sanies B. g. Quinn Perattars Cs. PAGE • AAP Sterns Plrtstone Starts llasUst Grocery A Transfer Cs. StaaSarS Concrete PreSocto Cs. Waha Ante Service PAGE IS Caroline Pattern, toe. Warner Memorials DUlse Motor Ptnaneo - ■lSgoway's Optic leas, lee. Dome Motel PAGE 11 El aim Beauty Shoe Price's ShsU terries tamer Basis A electrical Ce. Carolina Power A U|M Co. mwp SKSS.’Vernmw. Ce. Tha announcement sent eut bf the Citizens Coordinating Commit tee sky* to part; “Let us not sto back and gloat and boast ot hev tog won a victor/ Ta do as would be a grave error.” All pereona desiring Jobs, accord ing to ttia newsletter, are urged to contact Dr. Charles Lyons’ office at the North Carolina Teachers As sociation, 138 E. Hargett Street, where information concerning Jobs Is avallabla. The Shurch, located at the comer of Wibhington and Morgan Streets, ia pestered by the Bov. Charita W. by whites creates a distorted pic ture which unwittingly forces Ne gro men to admire whits women, comedian Dick Gregory said the whites have only themselvm to blame. When a white man asked him re cently if he liked white women, Gregory, who is famous for hWsa tirlcal wit on the race question} re plied: l “You’re damned right I like waits women and it's all your fault You can’t advartiae Bufferins (tablets) without a blonde. So I need s blonde to help me get rid of uy headache. "Look at the Miss America Pag eant every year. You don’t see any o' my dusty sisters in there, do you? No, you don't So. you see white men have forced white wo men on me. "I you give me some Mack girls in the Mias America Pageant Una and acme black winner* wearing the Mias America crown, the only time you'll see me with a white woman is when I'm bolding her tor he police." A staunch eppooenet of rectal segregation. Gregory bite bean to the thick of toe civil righto fight to recent week* He led Negro vhter registration marches in Greenwood,