I - 1 11,11 ■' - ■ a 1 I m % -||£' ' k « * *mmm 1 * f BHSt *»r i 'jsix ~/jfe; X. ■ : >s& vi.ifej, . i'^^lii^iurfeMl QUADRUPLETS MAKE DEBUTS Looking at his four daugh ter* born in Chicago last week is Bernard Harris, 23, shown on the led. His wife, Mrs. Delores Harris, 19, gave birth to these four health* girls, shown with nurses. Odds are 780,06 to 1 in quadruplet births Wm'' 1 am B ■ --Ov. j PPKf i *'sx HI I 1 CATHOLIC NUNS DEMONSTRATE—Nuns from a Catholic high in Chicago are shown above participating in picketing at Log oi* University’s Lewis Towers last week. The group protested alleged djasstmination against Negro Catholic women by the housing facility «t Loyola. • %•* LBttSA&fc yLv jH# : ,>v F : B MSB Bml| ? >4® J ' <^'3fiß Mrs. Autherine Lucy Foster, key figure in University of Alabama integration ease several yean ago, is shown In left photo abovo with her new-born twins, a boy and » girl, born loot week in Houston, Tex as. On the right is Prince Otoukere NJaka of Nigeria and Ms bride, the former Miss Linda F. Lee, of Downey, Calif., who were married last week. They will return to Nigeria in 196* when the prince eons- Metes hbS'wtucatien. > *> ' • * k 4Sh -Jp* fw W> 'ifil kßv JiSdk Hy;** • Mbs Joyce Bordensve, IS, is shown at left being canted away from road leading to Jones Beach in New York last week after dem onstrating. On the right, Harold Trent is shown holding hi* daughter Claudia, 8, just before being carried off roadway at same beach on July «th. £^BBBl' ' TW? .g^Bßh % a *drs* ,nnmaC? , l, - • ML aw. JKkr*;.' t V jE*9Bkk ifl^BßCNr * ■: ] ■ C • * •• P*v > €rM.,f tStt r*. '•Jk WPWiJ 11 iii ATTEND “SUMMIT” Leaders and heads of six national Negro trgaaixations meet at New York’s Hotel Commodore July 2nd. where they plan a "nation-wide campaign” in support of President Ken nedy's civil rights legislation. Shown are (left to right): John Lewis, Student Non-Violent Co-Ordinating Committee; Whitney Young, Jr., National Urban League; A. Phillip Randolph. Brotherhood of Sleep ing Car Porters, and National Negro Labor Congress. Dr. Martin La ther King. Jr.. Southern Christian Leadership Council; James Farm- Sh Congress of Racial Equality; and Roy Wilkins, NAACP. (ALL A ■VE ARE UPI PHOTOS). Man Held In $6,000 Theft fCINSTON Prank Pegue is now in .tee Lenoir County jaiL nursing a JkQoulder wound, w here, he hqs a ehance to thi-ik through the-de h du that landee him there. Oiyde Kennard, Victim Os Bias, Dies Os Cancer In 111. CHICAGO lANPt Oat of the , mwt tragic civil fights stories end ti. here sigmfically on Independ ence Day. July 4. when Clyde Ken nard. 36, died of cancer in Billings Koapitel. Burned from a possible earlier He was toe object of a search to find the man who is said to have pulled a $6,000 robberty, at toe (CONTINUED ON PAG! I) deatje, in a Mississippi jail cell through the efforts of Comedian Dick Gregory, Kennard. a one time University of Chicago student, sac : ificed his‘life in an attempt to in tegrate the University of Southern Mississippi. _ ■ a D. C. MARCH SET The Carolinian .•;• \ • >v.v***v*.•.*. .•' ‘ v.'.v/* '■••'.•.• *•* *• •' VOL. 21, NO. 37 RALEIGH, N. C.. SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1963 -PRICE Isc NO CLUES IN LOCAL CROSS BURNING CASE + + + + + + + Anton fl The Greats: Mays Steals Show Mystery Surrounds Incident The recent cross burning, st the home of Mrs. Ethel Green, lilt S. Person Street, has set oft mixed e motions here in Raleigh. Mrs. Greene weuld Mke far (the entire matter to be fergot ten. while seme relatives sad friends feel that ths presence sf a white couple, ta the home, b net toe sewduelve to her well being. There era ethers who feel that there will be ne mare incidents and that all will be well. The incident took an internation al status when a local photographer for United Pram Internation, at (catraoniaßOto paob a> Boy, 6, Drowns In River Harvey Pulley. Jr., six-year-old resident of 106 N. Carver Street here, drowned in the swirling wat ers of the Nouse River Sunday af ternoon whan ho and other mem bers of Ms family were an an out ing at a spot sometimes railed "Ra leigh Beach.” located about throe mile* east of this city. Pulley's bedy wee putted fram the muddy waters es the river about throe hours after bo bad disappeared. Hb death was the ice end drowning in Wake Ce. waters In leas than a week. Aaron Montague, 14-year-etd resident es the Knigbtdale area, was drowned last Thursday af ternoon In a farm pend. Beth boys wsre Nsgroos. The smell whirlpool where the body was discovered, near the Mil bum ie Mill, was searched by the Raleigh Rescue Squad for almost two hours before his body wss found. Strong currents had wssh fCOtmWVßD ON PAGE f> State News —IN— Briefs NAB THREE WITH SAFE MAYODAN Three persons from Greensboro' were arrested here last weekend and charged with stealing a safe containing $1,200 from s local variety store. Officers became suspicious at the sight of the car perked elongride a reed a bout J a. m, searched toe vehicle and discovered the safe in the trunk. The safe was taken fram the Park and Shop Variety Store earlier in toe night. Arrested were: Charles W. Mayo, 38; Me brother, Theodore Roosevelt Mayo. 27; and their female companion, Mb* Do rothy Baker. 21 All were jailed in He was «tMM Is M d tempt ts esratl 6SM la Mi and prtsaa as ■ eoeoooorj^l2**a North Carolina's Leading Weekly IK sk-^MTWMUr,.-.. 1 ml Mmnn >f, - \ ■ Un 'M rm Jn, V O fU . IB X"~ * “WE ASK FOR JUSTICE" sign b carried away along with Its owner oo passive demonstrator b hauled from road near entrance to Jones Beach. Long bland. New York, aa July 4. The unidentified picket woe protecting the refusal of Long Island’s Park Commission to hira more Negroes and Puerto Ricans. (UPI PHOTO). White Cleric Accepts Call To Va. Church RICHMOND, Va. The incllna tion of Rev. Robert W. Hare to ‘go into oil the world and preach the gospel’ must have been an Im pelling factor In his accepting the call to pastor the First Presbyteri an Church her*. The Rev. Hare b a white min ister from Raleigh and Is be lieved to have received * good Indoctrination to serve congre gations es any race, in view of the feet that he ha* been the sn ip white member es the Cap* Fear Presbytery In to*'Cataw ba Synod, which embraces the Negr* churches es North Caro lina end southern Virginia He preached Mb first sermon Sunday morning and conducted ho Chief Os Police Denies Violence Reports In N. C. WILL LAMS TON Lloyd Banka chief of police here, Tuesday after noon disputed the claim of Golden Frinks, a Negro leader, that ‘'seri ous violence” was narrowly avert ed Monday night during an anti segregation demonstration. Sea* 28$ Negroes staged an orderly demonstration Monday night, walking to pair* and staging freedom song* on the stops of City Han for a boat M ■taste* white white by (tend ers allegedly watched. The chief said. “We've got the situation well in hand" when asked m a 13-ysar-eM ysstb'i testi msy that Ksmurd paid him I* ataal ihs chicken teed. Kcsinard had served two years of tba p—tww when he waa released _ (comnrom m rsot o ly communion. He is said to hsve been well received and It Is believ ed that he will have a successful pastorate at the church. He comes here after serving aa assistant coordinator of religious af fair* at North Carolina State Col lege. Raleigh. He is a native of Pittsburgh. Ps.. and was graduated ftom Penn State College and Me- Cormlck Theological Seminary of Chicago. He was ordained in 1902 First Presbyterian ts affiliated with the Presbyterian Church, U. S. A., northern division. Hia denom ination has expressed deep concern in making brotherhood work and his acceptance is believed to be one of the first signs of the church's de sire to make this a reality. for comments on s telegram sent to North Carotins Governor Terry Sanford, urging him to intervene to prevent an outbreak of violence. Banks said he had not asked for assistance and does not plan to. Ft-inks admitted sending the ap peal to Sanford. Frinks is a field secretary for the Southern Christ ian Leadership Conference. In Raleigh. the governor’s of fice said that Frink • telegram bad been received, bat that the governor had no comment on It. Frink's telegram informed San ford that “an unruly mob of aeveral hundred jeering white surrounded tbo marchers, kicked some, burned some with cigarettes and serious vi olence was only averted with the arrival on the scene of local police officers. Frink informed Sanford that the local police force is not equipped to handle a mob of the size and temperment of the one Monday tCOMTiniEP OH FAGS t) August 28 ‘Marching’ Date Set NEW YORK (ANP) August 38 was selected as the date for the controversal massive march on Washington in aupport of Presi dent Kennedy's civil rights pack age and a 11,806.000 drive will bS launched to continue the fight for civil rights, it was decided here •nst week. At the seme time, the summit meeting of the nation's civil right* leaders was informed that more than 100 civic, labor and religious organizations hsve agreed to sup port the Washington demonstra tion expected to be the largest In the nation’s Msory. T-p loaders from seven major (CoNTnstTEn ON PASS r — Parents Ask For Jim Crow CONCORD School integration is said to have taken an about face here Monday when 10 Negro parent* are said to have appeared before the Cabarrus County School Board and asked that aegregat'on be continued, that the crowded con dition in so-called Negro school* be remedied by the building of another-such achool. The segregated-minded pa rents arf.„ alleged to hsve told the School Board that thetr ap pearance waa due to a survey made by them. In which it waa found that 338 parents wanted the schools to remain segregat ed. They asked that a new high school be built In the vicinity of t h e Shankletown Elementary School, on highway 39 The propo sal became more confusing when the report disclosed that six pa rent* even wanted to continue send ing the high school students, from <CONTINUED ON PAGE *> NAACP Ends 54th Annual <. > Convention CHICAGO. 11l James H Me redith. pioneer Negro student at the University of Mississippi; Chi cago Mayor Richard J. Daley; and the Rev J H Jackson, president, of the National Baptist Convention, created much friction at the 54tb annual convention of the National Association for ihe Advancement of Colored People which waa held here last week Mayor Daley and the Rev. Jack son were booed and jeered off the rpeakers' platform Thursday. July 4. by more than 100 chanting, ugn cerrying demonstrators, some of them, white and some wearing beat nik beards Daley and Jackson were attempting to issue welcomes to an estimated 13.000 persons as s«mbled at Chicago'* lakefront Grant Park Dr Jackson is pastor of this city's Olivet Baptist Church Roy Wilkins, executive secre tary of the NAACP. was also heckled. The demonstrations, according to one source, were expression* of Impatience ever the slow pace of integration. They shouted at Wilhibs. "Black or white, if you ain’t with os, you've get " (CONTINUED ON PAOX t) -Av-Bfc i2v mllßfSgiSf I -AS'lpßß jb m ;v aBBPBBSW^fo A 'j , fl rr J4K A L jm ■ ii Hi B & lfct>. I i 1 Ba. Pklßßfc. i Kr.V. 81IUTTLU SW ORTH ADDRESSES PICKETS The Rev. Fred L. SHuttlesworth, former official of the Southern Christian Lead ership Conference of Alabama, to shown above addressing several thousand Negro pirkets prior to a mass demonstration in Danville. Va., hut week. The pickets later spread over downtown Danville pro testing segregation at City Hall and in business places. Many persona have been arrested In the racially-tense Virginia eity. (UPI PHOTO). Freed On Morals Charges, Woman Still Wants Trial A 38-year-old Benson white wo man, charged with prostitution, in sisted last week in City Court on a trial after the charges were dis missed against her and a 82-year old Negro bellhop, Linwood Car rington, 513 S. Wilmington Street. Assistant Judge Kenneth Wooten told the woman. Mis* Elsie Me- Lamb, who was arrested at the Park Central Hotel, that the prosecuting witness, George V. Morgan, has left North Carolina. • The wemail replied. "Well, eon 1 g* bock t* 101 l and wait until he shews up to have- a btoir She rentoeided that «he bad beaa fa lady »crimed by Morgan and wanted a trial to " clear bar name. Officer* were sent by City Court Friday, the day of toe trial, to the place where Morgan was employed, but were Informed there that he Willie Breaks Own Records As National League Wins CLEVELAND, Ohio —Amazing Willie Mays, star center fielder for the San Francisco Giants, by steal ing two base* In the 34th Annual All-Star Baseball Game, and scor ing two runs, also stole the show while competing among soma of baseball's moat Illustrious names, Tuesday. Mays drove In two runs, scored twice and stole two bases for the favored National League team which emerged victorious by a score of S-3. Some 44,180 petrons booed the New York Yankee contingent on the losing American League team. (CONTINUED^ON PAGE X) W EATHER - —• Temperature! Thursday through Monday will averate 3 to 7 de grees below normal, temperature* remaining below normal most of the Ume with temperatures to ap proach normal Sunday and Mon day. Showers or rain about Satur day. will avarags about one-half Inch. CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS ■ ' Bin FROM THEM PAGE I ■bodes garniture Co. Rotcoe-Orlffln Shoe Co. Pritchard Glass Co. PAGg i Hud ton-Belli—Eflrd’s Soho W winters A Co Mechanics A farmers Bank ■lns Cole Motel Provident Pittance Co. Binma Jane's Dress Ehop Finite Beauty (hop Wake Auto Service Klmbrrll'a garniture Co. PAGE « Raleigh funeral Pome Janies Sanders Tile Co.. Dunn’s Esso Service Standard Concrete ProMcte Co. Mens Plano Company Pine State Creamery John ton-Lem be Co . Raleigh Paint A Wallpaper‘.-Co. Branch Ranking A Trust Co. PAGE 1 Sir Walter Chevrolet Co. Raleigh Seafood Co. Rawls Motor Co. Carolina Motor Sales Wades Auto Sales PAGE S Rotcoe-Griffin Shoe Co. Hnnt General Tire Co Taylor Radio A Electrical Co. had gone to West Virginia. Accord ing to law, he cannot be forqgd to return to testify against Mis# Me- Lamb. Carrington was charged with aiding and abetting prostitution. These charges were also not press ed for lack of a prosecuting wit ness. Solicitor Robert Hedrick and Judge Wooten advised the woman that if Morgan shauld return to the state, the case would be reopened She was alao advised that her pnly other recourse weald be to file civil charges against Morgan. . - "I’ve never been see used of anything like this before." aha said. "I went eay I haven't made mistakes aa any human has. but I a net guilty as this," she concluded Efforts to locate Carrington for his version of the incident by The CAROLINIAN proved fruitless. . Ti WILLIE MATS j Lincoln Theatre !PAGE » ASP Stores : Betty Gay | firestone Stores i R E Quinn furniture Ce. | Venetian Bllnda PAGE 1* Carolina Builder*, hie. Warner Memorials Dillon Motor finance Ridgeway's Opticians, Inc. Deluxe Hotel Barco. Inc. PAGE II Washington Terrace Ap*., Inc. - Brtuun Shoe Store U instead Or or try A Transfer CW Acme Realty Co. PAGE 12 IJghtner't funeral Borne . PAGf U Carolina Power A Light Co. PAGE 14 Nelson's Wayside Tenser's Tire Service, tec. Hills. 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