MENTAL TESTS FOR THE SLAYER OF M. EVERS JACKSON, Min. Smiling boadly and making wisecrack* for re.vsmen, Byron de La Beckwith, accused slayer of Medgar W. Ev es. former NAACP state field sec* retarv for Mississippi, entered the State Mental Hospital Thursday. The 42-year-eld fertiliser salesman from the delta county of Greenweed, handcuffed to a sheriff, waa moved from the county Jail te the hospital at nearby Whitfield for a eourt erdered mental examination. Beckwith was lodged in the max imum security section at the hospi tal. Handcuffed to Sheriff Bob Gilfoy for the move, the smiling Beckwith is said to have been a picture of Joviality. The sheriff and a deputy drove Beckwith the 10 miles from the Hinds Jail to Whitfield. Tbs examination will deter mine whether Beckwith Is men tally eamnetent te stand trial far the Brers killing. He will remain there for at least ene month. If declared sane, he will he rstnmsd te Jackson te stand trial V net, he will remain at Whitfield. Beckwith, married once, divorc ed. remarried and is presently se parated from his second wife. The question of his sanity was raised by District Attorney Bill Waller after Beckwith reportedly Democrats Defend Act OfLeader Young Democrats of this state defended the action of their presi dent in changing the site of a Joint State-Southern YDC Rally because of segregation practices of the Sir Walter Hotel last week. Carolina Hotel played bead to the annual seaaten, amid rumors of opposition to the site change and open opposition from a a former president as the Young Democratic* Clubs. Approximately N Negroes were on hand far the one-day meeting Saturday. Parioni attending the meet adopt ed a resolution expressing full con fidence in President Dave Reid of Green vine after Reid explained why the change of locations was n, Reid read to Am executed eesn mittee of the YDC * tatter which he wrote on **r » in MW to a scorching tatter received from State Utilities OwwWwr Worthington, wfto had Masted Reid’s action ton site legates who would attend the see- In his answer, Reid told Worth ington: the change in the site was "in what I considered the best in terest of the Democratic Party in seeking to avoid the integrationists* • (CONTINUED - ON PAGE *> NAACP Pres. Sends Reply To Critic Editor’s Notes Following is » letter sent to Sam Worthington, former State YDC president, who was critical of ths action last week as State Tseng Dem ocratic Party president Dam Rati la changing ths meeting (He from Sir Walter Hotel te Carolina Hotel: Honorable Sam Worthington N. C. Utilities Commission Raleigh. North Carolina “Dear Mr. Worthington: "Your failure to deny author ship of the letter to Mr. David Reid relative to the change of meet ing place of the State YDC here in Raleigh, as recently set out in the local press, leads us to conclude that you are admitting its author ship. As direct targets of this sland erous and vulgar epistle and inas much as its author is a public offi cial of the State of North Carolina whose salary is paid by taxpayers, we do not feel that we can allow your degeneracy to pass unnoticed We do feel, however, that comment upon the particulars in your letter is unworthy of and inconsistent with the principles to which we hold. "In view es yeur utter disre spect far the Negro peepte e# this state, whe comprise a targe portion as the total population. It aopoars to ee that yee are totally Incapable sad anqoall fted to held the high petition as Commissioner au ths Utilities ' (CUHTnSt’EP ON MM f» Elks Cite LBJ For ‘Service* WASHINGTON. D C Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was commended last week by tbs Im proved, Benevolent. Protective Or der of Elks of the World for his contributions in sup* p£tTtoThta- embodied to the Declaration of Independence. In a letter of commendation to the Vico President. Hofaoon R. Rey nolds. Grand Exalted Ruler of the 450.0®-mtmber Negro organisation mid: -Tour active. ataesrs and da gave vague answers as to whether his last marriage was happy or not. Evers was shot in ths back as ho arrived boms from a mam rally in the early'tesorntog hours of Juno IX He died almost Immediately. A fingerprint found au the rifle used to ahoot him, a SMt Enfield, was found the day as Beckwlth£* f ’ trip to Whitfield marked the first time he had been out of Jail tinea his arrest June 22. hours of Juno The Carolinian ■HHMIIWMIW" iiiiimiu i i 11 » North Carolina*s Leading Weekly VOL. 21, NO. 40 Nation’s Governors Evade Rights Issue MM 1&. - 1 •&.. ■ ■L ■ •. ■ B A m AM ATTY HERMAN L. TAYLOR „ ~, given S years to pay Taylor Gets Time To Pay Back Taxes BALTIMORE, Md. Th# United States Court of Appeals last week set aside a lower court ruling that sent Attorney Hermow Leroy Tay lor of Raleigh, to Jafi. Concern •- bout the case has been expressed by many people across the Eastern shore of the nation. Taylor, a civil rights attorney, was charged with toeeme tax evasion after he filed a mtt to speed school Integration to Ra leigh, where ha reatlm at M E. Lepolr Street. He was sentenced to two yean (CONMNURD ON PAGE X) News Photos Ah - LYING DOWN TO TAKE A STAND white Snne'their*ebtor^tmTau' aTssuateutriia work at the Down state Medical Center in Brooklyn. New York. Pußea made 49 arrests. Mr V* IVnH ii Kr"' wt I ' 4 . \ a^H; mr p i iTTfliwhuSliß rf^rnr^^-lSf Smsr tan te re low Nacre meßhUp la MMhl ttaha unions. (ALL ABOVE ARE DPI PBOTOS). Mystery Shrouds 3 Deaths RALEIGH CITIZENS ASSOCIA TION VOTES TO BOYCOTT SEARS’STORE RALEIGH. N. C. SATURDAY, AUGUST 3,1963 Decision Abolishes Committee WASHINGTON (ANP) The action of Hm Nation's governors in abolishing their resolutions com mittee to avoid voting on the civil rights ianie rsvetborrated back to CapitetTßll this iyHwrSlanßta "cfiumari t Cem arittaa bearing foam during ths taterragaMan as Pranklta D. RoaaoveH, Jr., who had Just completed tiirimaay to onpoert of tea equal iniunitniw; Rooaevult. ken at tea late PraaS dent and currently acting secreta ry of tea Deportment es Commerce waa being grilled by Sen. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina. After his question. Son. Hugh Scott, (R-Pm.) a civil rights sup porter told the chairman ha wanted tea committee to recall Govs. Bar nett es Mississippi and Wallace es Alabama “or any aid gover nor” to ask them why they abol ished their resolutions committee. The Governors, umattog at their Mth anneal conference to Miami Beach, EU.. voted Man day (Jaly ») to sbeUM testa reaeietlens committee to pre vent a imahrtien of Guvs. Nel son Rockefeller of N. Y. and Mark 6. Hatfield as Oregon. ergtng a strong civfl rights ptat- The vote was a strictly partisan (WW'INUEP ON PAM *> gj H u OLIVER H. EDWARDS .. former Raleigh rbaMent Mortieians’ Ex-Prexy Funeralized WILSON Oliver Hasel Ed wards, past president of the North Carolina Punaral Directors and Morticians Association, died hare suddenly while preparing to attend church services Sunday morning. Mr. Edwards, well - known here aa owner and aaanagar es the Edwards Puaerpl Heme; PM E. Nash Street, was a member es the Wilson Hawing Authori ty fair a number as yean. Bant hi Wtlaeo County, he aepent seme IT yean in Raleigh aa a funeral director and busi nessman. Ha lived to the 2te black es Cam dee Street and the (COOTHTPEP ON PAGE 1) I State News Brief DUNN PICKETING HALTED DUNN Rev. B. H. Felder, lo cal leader, mid picketing has halt ed to tela Harnett County town, at toast for one week. President of the local National Association far the Advancement of Colored People chapter. Rev. Feld er said picketing was called off due to tea formation of a bt-ractal eom feetmwuEP on page *> CAROLINIAN 1 ADVERTISERS - BIA FROM THEM tarter Dadto a’BcSS Ce. Bay”.-*’. MH*. 17,1,1 "* **■ temtedai m Ca. fan s Esee Service Sewer-Waders Trader Cerp. PRICE 15c Boycott To Follow Refusals BY CHARLES B. JONES Maas picketing and a general boy cott of the Sean-Roqbuck Depart ment Store, located ’’in Cameron Village, was voted unanimously last Thursday night by the Raleigh Citizens Aeaociation. Ibis action was prompted by the store’s alleged bias in its hiring policies and other Job opportunities denials te Negro citixens. The decision waa made at tea 'regular bi-monthly meeting of tee Association, heldl at tea new Chavis Heights Recreation Canter. Mrs. Harveleigh R. Whits vice-president, tad the meeting in tha absence of afasjgmident, the Rev. Dr. Grady Whan contacted by tela reporter Wednesday morning. Mr. Hunter mid ha had no comment on tbs proposed demonstrations and buy cott. Ha dW say. however. “I will be glad to meet with an Individual, but no groups. I am Just an Individ uall myself. There is not any dis crimination going on out here to my knowledge,” he concluded. (CONTINUED ON PAGE ») Picketing Spurs Move By Mayor Negro and white pickets protest ing segregation policies, paraded Thursday in front of tha Velvet Cloak Inn-Motel, Gateway Rest aurant and the Young Men’s Christ ian Association Building. All three are located on Hillsboro Street This was the first demonstra tion In mars than a month, fol lowing an announcement that a large group of local baalneaaea wore lowering their racial bar riers. A white sophomore at N. C. State Collage. William Phillip Parka, aaid the picketing would continue until tee three places open their doors to (CONTINUED ON PAGE 1) Temperatures will oversee near normal with worm weather eon tteutns. The normal high will he St, normal low, n. Batnfall wfll average aronnd one Inch with octal ring widely scattered Grander showers mostly afternoon and ere- PAGE • A*P Mores Betty Gey PAGE Id Carolina Sufldesa, tea. Warner Me mo rule PWea Motor Finance Btdgeways Opthlam, foe. Deluxe hotel Bare#, tee. PAM U _ _ Mather A Dausbter Fash leas Mechautcs A farmer* Mat Uustead** Grocery and Transfer Standard Concrete Products Co. PAGE It Caroline Power A light Ce. PAPE Id Firestone Casual Pamtture A Appttance Co. AGastesrtnu Centers Acam Beatty Ce. Cionaaatry Florist Central »ar»sSere PAGE M „ Uhedet Par altars Psuetoent Finance Ce. winter's Beauty Shoppe Etna |6aie Motet PtcV'faS’ i : fi 'd| ft I I '■ 4 ii KflUMBr J jfif * v%. JHpp u ;J| % . ibp: "-**■ -mm n v# t IK tR ppnß ■ ■ .... JBBffWr MARCH BUTTONS Miss Batty Holton, a secretary as Washington, D. C. headquarters at the National Aeaociation lor the Advancement of Colored People, displayed, laet week, buttons that will Ha heed by participants in the March on Washington August 28. Mors that 100,000 par sons are expected to taka part in tha civil rights demonettkthm. (UPI PHOTO). Three Bodies Found On N. C. Highway; Police Are Baffled RUTHERFORDTON Local po lice and Mate troopers are Investi gating tha mysterious deaths of two Negro youths and a Negro man, found Just before dawn Saturday sprawled on a highway near hers. The driver of a tractor-trailer truck reportedly saw what ha be lieved to be two logs in tha high way qnd said he waa unable te stop before hitting them. Upon in vestigation. he found the two Ota Jects were humans. Nearby, on tha shoulder of the roed was a third body, dead but apparently not a victim of a truck or automobila. iw»UMlu heaui Shown above pickcling in front of the YMCA on nillibire Street are aeveral members of tha newly-formed Committee for tbo Advancement of Racial fassl- Ky. The group also picketed the Velvet Clonk Inn-Motel and the Gateway Restaurant, siiMtg ntow for Negro patrons. The demonstrations were still te program at CAROLINIAN pram thus Wednesday. Above photo was taken bast Thursday night. - Clerics Back Good Neighbor Group BY J. R HARDEN ROCKY MOUNT—Ia an mtpra cedented action July 24 soma thir ty-eight (38) clergymen of tee In tegrated Rocky Mount Ministerial Fellowship signed and published a Statement of Resolution endorsing tha action of tbs Mayor’s Good Neighbor Committe. which set out last week to get greater consider ation for the City’s 12,008 people of color in the matter of employment, education and use of public and privately operated facilities cater ing to the public. Mayor W. B. 'Billy) Harrison and Good Neighbor Committee Chairman Jos Brewer had facte a larg* audience at St Jahn AME Zion Church (D. L. Mahay, min ister) and asked for cassation of 'all demonstrations while tha ONC endeavors to obtain tha desegrega tion goals of tha local colored pop ulace being pushed by the Rocky Mount Voters and Improvement League (VAIL), with the aid on a recently reactivated NAACP Youth Council. VAIL voted si moot unanimous approval as the moratorium to picketing. All warn dead before being struck by a truck or car wheals. A passing bus drive said ha also saw tea Objects in the road and allegedly verified tee story told by the truck driver. The dead wars Identified aa Norris Cartla Logan. 22. Donald Keith Hannan, IS, both of Ashe ville; and Lawrence Edward Lagan. 11, as Baltimore. Md. Thar trio left Asheville Friday night In what officers said was a blue Ford. The missing auto was reportedly found later, about five rpllea from tha spot where tee bo The statement from tee mini sters read in part as follows: “We the undersigned ministers of the Christian gospel, called to serve as pastors and religious leader* of the Rocky Mount community, bear • special responsibility for th* moral and spiritual guidance of its people. We call upon them, end especially upon the members of the churches, to recognize that “Suicide” Victim Dies WILSON Miss Dort* Jana Moore. 14-yanr-oM tocnl ratotesri. who was straek hr a ear last Bandar night to aa apparent mtota* attempt after she lay down la the street, died early Wednesday mam tag in a toeel haepltal. _ . , . Mias Mssre snffseed hand nad pelvic tajnrtoa after being dflm hr n ear driven by CtaytmWayn# Clarkjrf told them that she was ttrad and wanted to din befem MHiH “^n■‘lTf ■l?!us?"! r l?.*l l H*i nTkui Sunday. Jaly M. Shatawrrirtel hy her £rtk»Sar C 'tri!to Dav#* Mtodk atttwZmfgfmadlEfi- Sternal grandmother. Mrs. Mary D. Moor* si New York CHy. idle* war* discovered. Police art baffled ss to why the thran worn J found to on* location and tha car in anothar. Officers admitted that tears is a strong poaaibilllty of foul play as a cause of the death. A highway pataatasaa rap art ed that be stopped tea terse I •hart dtataaee from wham tea car waa found, said they had been drinking, but warn sat intoxicated enough for arrest At CAROLINIAN pram time in vestigation was continuing. the dignity of every man la a cen tral teaching of our Lord and Sa vior Jesus Christ.” The preamble continued: “Wherever human per sonality is injured by prejudice, discrimination or contempt, the spirit of Jesus is denitd . . . “Gat ing to the point the statement said: "We recognize that tha Qiurth (CONTINUED ON PAOI *»