" v s ipWP3& Jr**^3 'ill H REMOVED BODILY An unidentified white women demon* rirmtor from the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), 1« taken bodily from a housing tract by Torrance, California police last week. She was one of 150 demonstrators, including Academy Award-winner Marlon Branlo, picketing the rite to protest alleged racial discrimi nation. Thirty-three persons were arrested on charges of trespassing. Brando was not among those arrested. (CPI PHOTO). Four Get In Check Pmt Raleigh men began serv ing sentences Sunday ranging tttm two to 88 man the far fraud r lMnr obtaining State unemplpy t menr benefits. i Wmh Nabbed In Asheboro ASHEBpRO C. J. Invett, po lice chief here, said he arrested four Negroes and four white youth Tuesday in connection with an in cident last Saturday night in which four whites were wounded slightly by shotgun blasts. Hie chief said- the fear Ne groes are charged with engag ing in an affray- in which a— deadly weapon was used, and tee whits bays will face raps of disorderly conduct. The 8 remained unidentified. Lovett also said that eleven per sons, including one Negro, had been arrested in a crackdown on loiterers. The four white youths were in-.. jured Saturday night when a shot over 100 white persons gathered in gun discharged near a crowd of front of a recently integrated mo vie theatre. Seme white youths Jeered at a car containing five Negroes, police reported. The shotgun is said to have discharged as a group of white youths ap proached tee Negroes who stop ped their ear shoot one Mock away. Asheboro's city council is expect ed to consider this week propose i ordinances pertaining to street gatherings. Preliminary hearings are sched uled for all of the accused on Aug (CONTINUED ON PAGE I) Meredith Graduates August 18 OXFORD, Miss. <ANP>—James H. Meredith, the first Negro to enroll in the University of Mis sissippi. Is slated to graduate Aug. 18, thus becoming the first of his race to be awarded a degree from the 115-year-old university. Meredith. 39, who is sched uled to receive a bachelor's legree hi political science, said he had every intention of picking up his diploma in per (CONTINUED* ON PAGE 2) Police Alert FBI, Armv As Crisis Worsens CHICAGO (ANP) - Ai « racial crisis in Chicago's Englewood sec tion worsened, Chicago police alert ad the Federal Bureau of Investiga tion and the sth Army Headquar ters in the event that local author!- Hag Olid flffiftanr* Terms Frauds The men ware identified as Wilbert Junior Am arson, 16, who received 16 meaUts; Bob- 4 by Louis Amerson, 80, two i. months; belle Jones McLeod, fit months; and Cloe Ervin Sanders, 28 monthsT Boby and Wilbett Amerson, brothers, reside aft 709 Car roll’s Alley; Sanders gave his address as Jl9 Cannon Ave nue; and BffLeod lives at 10- 14 Nassau Btreet. - The 4 were ordered by Justice of the Peace J. E. Marshbum to pay either a S2O fine or serve a 30-day sentence op each count held against them. The trials (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Ridicule, Arrests Top Race Front NAACF HEAD MADE TO HAUL GARBAGE CLARKSDALE, Miss. P.ve Ne gro teenagers were jailed here re cenly after they staged a sit-in demonstration at a Walgreens Drug Store. The five were charged with tres passing. and held under $2Ol bail each. They joined 85 other Negroes behind bars, arrested during several days of protests here. Included among tease in jail Is Dr. Aaron Henry, Btate NA ACP President, who Is being forced to work on a city garb age truck. James Jones s field secretary from the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Com mittee (SNCC), said demonstra tions would continue. BAIL REACHES $40,000 IN DELTA VOTE CASES GREENWOOD, Miss. Bail for M Negroes arrested here and in nearby Itta Bena has reached over $40,000. Thirteen men and 4 women held in Parchman Penitentiary have SSOO and $750 bails. Forty-seven men and women, now in LeFlore County jail are under the same bail, also. ALBANY WOMAN CONVICTED AFTER 40 DAYS IN JAIL ALBANY, Ga. Field secreta ries for the Student Nonviolent Co ordinating Committee reported last week that a 20-year-old Albany mother was convicted of "destroy ing public property” after she spent 40 days in jail awaiting trial, and was then returned to jail pending another Grand jury charge. SNCC worker Barbara Schwartz baum said today that Mrs. Lannie Mae Thrower, mother of two chil dren, was returned to jail on a Grand Jury charge of "assault with (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) The trouble was sparked when two Negro families moved intq previously all-white blocks in the arga, located on the city's south west side The Incident has been described as one of the city's worst racial outbreaks in at least two MAN ACCUSED IN RAPE OF WIFE’S 12-YR.-OLD GIRL ESC Gyp Nets Road Terms The Carolinian VOL. 21, NO. 41 ~ RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1963 PRICE 13c Chapel Hill Mayor Issues Order Jim Crow Banned i- Mr*.Urn*. . as* v \v |b . xih m m fm** j* * v * 'a" » * ■' >’-'f't. > PICKETS HOLD TIGHT Pickets hang onto chain and crane’s unloading gear atop cement blocks in Brooklyn, N. Y. The blocks were about to be removed from a truck at construction site of Downs tate Medical Center there last week. The demonstrators were protesting the alleged segregation in hiring for public - financed construction projects. (UPI PHOTO). Youth, 14, Admits Brutal Slaying Os Medic’s Wife WILSON Word reached The CAROLINIAN early this week that Ronald P. McGee, a hefty Opportunity Conference Announced WASHINTON, D. C. Vice- President Lyndon "B. Johnson an nounced this- week that an Equal Employment Opportunity Regional Conference will be held in Detroit, Michigan, August 15. Hobart Taylor, Jr, executive vice-chairman of the Committee and an attorney in Detroit before he joined the federal government, will participate in the conference. Abe participating will be (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) years. | In one of the more serious inci dents following three consecutive nights of rock throwing by whites, four, youths Thursday night fired shots from a ear through the win dow of a tavern in the area. North Carolina ’s Leading Weekly 14-year-old youth residing In New Jersey, hog confessed to the bru tal strangulation-slaying at Mrs. Mamie Jeon Darden at Mont clair. N. J. This report was made by the Essex County. N. J. police. Mrs. Darden, wife of Dr. Walter T. Darden, a physi cian, who is s Wilson native, was beaten with a hoe in the garden of the Darden home at Montclair. According to police, the youth oonfeased both to the fatal at tack on Mrs. Darden and an axe (CONTINUED - ON PAGE 2) Correction Last week’s CAROLINIAN incorrectly reported that Ra leigh Attorney Herman L. Taylor had been granted fhre years to pay a fine of $20,000 (CONTINUED CM PAGE 2) A man and a l«-year-old girl saffered facial cats in one of several instances of rock throw ing. Sanford Harmon. M, said he mod Sheryl Abels were hit (COMSniID ON PAGE X) Official Policy Os Town Cited BY HILLIARD CALDWELL CHAPEL HILL The Mayor of Chapel Hill issued the following official policy for all businesses la Chapel Hill, last Thursday hoping teat this will help aolva sumo erf tee problems facing him. As of to day there remain about 18 tMrfpao* ses that still practice racial discrim ination. Mayor Sandy McClamrsck issued th*„followlq* policy; “In keeping with the founding .precept* qf Om United State* of A- TaWteb.ijWd,'pursuance «draft# goal of eqtfil rights and opptetflhi tS* for aU ueqple. I, as Maflr of tee Town qftplape! Bill, do Hereby proclaim Mu it is the official po licy of thls Town that there be no diserhninatiph praclced on the be sts erf 0 perten't race in the opera tion of places erf public accommo dation. “The Item erf Chapel HOI hi Its administration of municipal services, hi tee hiring arf its em (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) Picketing Continues In Raleigh About 20 pickets are demon strating daily In the Raleigh area, according to Miss Catherine Rusher, spokesman for the Com mittee for the Advancement of Racial Equality. During a demonstration last week by the pickets, Miss Rusher said her brother. Durell Rusher, (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) W EATHE R Daring period Thursday through Monday tamporature* will average I to 4 degrees above normal over North Carolina and I to T degrees above normal over South Csrobda, Little day to day changes until turning a little cooler Innday and Monday. EalnfaU will average one quarter to three quarters of an Inch oeeurlng se wtdly scattered afternoon and evening showers be coming most numerous over the weekend. CAROLINIAN : ADVERTISERS Bin FROM THEM PAGE TWO Horton Cash Grocery PAGE 1 Capital Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Southern Furniture Wholesale Co, Capitol Bargain Store Mechanics A Farmers Bank Provident Finance Co. PAGE S Hudson-Belk—Eflrd's John W. Winters A Co. G. S. Tucker Bros., Inc. Lightner Funeral Home Dr C. L. Hunt PAGE S games Sanders Tile Co. Raleigh Funeral Home Mans Plano Company Pine state Creamery Raleigh Paint A Wallpaper Co. Branch Banking A Trust Co. PAGE 7 Raleigh Seafood Co. Wades Anto Sales Jtawls Motor Co. Sanders Motor Co. Ante Discount Co. PAGE S Colonial Moras > B. E. Quinn Furniture Co. Emms Jane's Dress Shop Hunt General Tire Co. PAGB.S AAP Moses m m-K ■|i|| m mMm V JOWT TYSON s ftmJed bead -r 5 — T Tyson Is Held Over For Trial John Tyson, 43, arf 330 Btedeoe Avwiue, charged with flrst-de rape And burglary, was bound over to the Wake Superior Court Monday, Hollowing a hearing In City Court No bond was allowed and Tyson is expected to be tried during the September term of of Court Tyson is charged fit separate warrants with breaking into the home ors Leroy Rainey on the night of July 18th and raping Rainey’s nine • year * aid grand daughter, (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) State News —IN— Brief BAPTIST ASSOCIATION SETS MEET PILOT Hie 97th Annual Ses sion arf the Wake Baptist Associ ation and the 44th Annual Session of to* Woman’s Auxiliary will meet at the Pilot Baptist Church, Pilot August 14 and U. Th* public is invited to hear great speakers during this two-day ses sion. (CONTINUED OH PASS B Bandera Motet Co. Barco, Inc. PAGE IS Carolina BuHdera, ted. Warner Memorials Dillon Motor Ftnaneo Ridgeway’s Opticians, BkS. Deluxe Hotel Bareo, Inc. PAGE U Tire Sales A Service Acme Realty Co. Wake Auto Service Cmstead’s Grocery A Transfer Carolina Poway A Light Co. Standard Concrete produces Co. Taylor Radio A Electrical Co. PAGE U Lincoln Theatre Schlltz Beer PAGE 14 Budwelser Bees Turner Tire Service Hill*. Inc. Buffalo Battery Shop PAGE U - McLeod, Watson A Lanier La Bane Distributing Co. PAGE IS Rhodes Furniture King Cole Motel Dunn's Esso Service - Firestone Stores “I Didn’t Do It," Says Dad Os Seven “I didn’t do it,” moaned Bi of seven children when a CA: him with charges made by his 1 ing Douglas of rape. The alleged Incident took place tn the early morning hours of Bunday, July Si. The girl, whose name Is being withheld by this newspaper, at tends school at Holly Springs. Dougla* was M brought to Ei - lelgh after his wife had talked M L,> to the flairs, i! fs victim, and had the child ex- lEr" .upy,. ' i e mined by a n, irby physician * who oorroborat- . JH|Bi ed the fact that * the child had been sexually ate bused. He was DOUGLAS lodged In the Wake County Jail on a charge of rape. Victory At Motel Cracks Urban Bias NEW YORK—The NAACP Le gal Defense and Educational Rind, Inc, last week announced victory in a suit that establishes the legal path for challenging dis crimination taking place in any ur ban renewal program. The decision, handed down a gainst a Tennessee motel chain, goea further than President Ken News Photos Ri-p \djrn CU,R>n P.wHI D N.Y. I t,IU l»,w. ronfwnc, Jul, 88th, “no white man, anymore, Is going to tell me what I should do in the field of civil rights. ’’Powell said Negroes should “blindly’’ fol low black leadership in the Integration movement. The outspoken Representative fr i Harlem said he totally opposed N. Y. Gov. Nel son Rockefeller’s proposed “quota system" for hiring certain per centage of Negro and white workers. jlk i**yr*f >.OiMr Plte ~ jFWmb\ .wjß tfySK i fjß Sfejjft World heavyweight boxing champion Sonny Liston (third from left and wearing hat) helps form a eivll rights march In Denver July 28th. The inarch comprised a walk through downtown Denver to mail letters urging Colorado legislators to help pass President Kennedy's civil rights package. Liston did not make the full march. iplapSjL^y B*t WJf Wf £ ft ft Patrolmen John Santino I kneeling on arm), and John Hoffman (on ground) struggle with suspect at capture scene last Augum Ist. Patrolman Joseph Benson holds police dog “Donner,” who flushed the suspect from under porch. Capture followed shooting in which Patrolman James B. O’Leary was killed. Three Negroes were arrested after O’Leary tried tried to stop a reported fepldup at a liquor store in Boston, Mass. (ALL ABOVE ARE ft.PL PHOTOS). nice Douglas. 2 7-year-old father IROLINIAN reporter confronted 12-year-old step-daughter, accus*. On Wednesday, July 34. Doug las was taken to Fuquay Springs . Recorler’s Court where he waa bound over to the Wake Superior Court to await trial during the ‘ September term of court. The maximum penalty for rape in North Carolina Is death In the State s gas chamber. The wife bf Bruce Douglas waa contacted In a tobacco field near horn* 1 Monday afternoon. She j said that on the morning of the reported assault, she left the i house about 7:00 a.ih. to visit her mother who lives nearby. “When I returned home," Mrs. Douglas stated. "I found my 13- year-old daughter very upaet and nervous. I asked her what the (CONTINUED ON PAGE *) nedy’s executive housing order of | November 20, 1962. and used the j Constitution as its legal founda- I datlon. Jack Greenberg, director-coun sel of the Legal Defense Puno said that the U. S. Federal Dis trict; Court ruling "denies the right of Holiday Inns of America to de .(CONTINUED .ON PAGE 2)

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