BUDDING CCIENTISTS Joseph Bebbs, at Richmond, Vo., (extreme right ) performs Experiment with electricity during physics does of Netionel Science Foundation's Summer Ins titute at Bennett College, attended by some 82 high school Juniors and seniors horn 24 states and tfw District of Columbia. Facing camera, left to right are: Frederick Fkrjandc, of Strabenm, Pa.; John D. Teter, Gallon, Ohio; and Roosevelt Johnson, Spartanburg S. C. The unidentified young ladies are recording the experiment. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! Relieve sneezing hayfever Uss Dr. «sw* Draw Diirlrh STOPf4(//*;NOW!A '"Esther’s JSf'ifv “save vrUd lorn of hoar by dwtfroying aeolp bocferto a»d ¬it%>o~~& trMtaMnt f&r bmitiwj Iwir ibiw ' -b^1 ' v^ ;: end ollwf ifcin ipoPi o product datiyw#d ** r ** > °** ■■*"»> ®