THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH. N. C., SATURDAY. AUGUST 17. 1983 6 ' jlP* *fyl; jt WBt ' - ’ * ? «t'* } ' %%1r« : ~' -&vfeL ifck iis LOTT CARET IN RICHMOND The Tenth Anual Youth Seminar of the Lott Carey Baptist For eign Mission Convention closed recently at Richmond, Va., after a successful gathering at Virginia Union University, location of the annual Christian development conference. In above photo. Dr. Wen dell C. Somerville, center, Convention executive secretary, presides at “first cup” ceremony during pic nic at which The Coca-Cola Company. Atlanta. Ga.. furnished refreshments. From left Is Alan Kendrlx, Washington, D. C.. James Brown, junior counselor, Dr. Somerville, an unidentified lady counselor, and Harry Bradley, special events department, Richmond Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Inc. Young Mother Os Quads May Have To Accept Relief Funds CHICAGO (ANP) Fear wai expressed here last week that Mrs Delores Harris, 13-year-old mother of identical quadruplets, may have to accept Aid to Dependent Child ren funds because of the family's worsening financial status. Mrs. Harris’ mother, Mrs. Nellie Smith, has been supporting the young mother, the quads, and ano ther Harris child, Shawn, since the Harrises separated last March. Mrs. Smith says she has been pay ing $l9O per month rent on her daughter’s apartment plus her own rent, which adds up to $275.50. Several companies have made mi nor contributions to the quadrup lets, but no long range plans for their care and support has been worked- out. It was rumored that Pet Milk and Carnation Milk com panies were interested in sponsor ing the quadruplets. According to Mrs. Harris, neither has made ant concrete offers. Mrs. Smith reports she is sup porting 11 persons on her husband s < Lawrence) car-hop take home pay of SBO a week. The father of the quads Ber nard Harris, 23, has promised to give bis family S2O a week, but, thus far, has only contri buted one week's support. Har ris, an assembler at Interna tional Harvester Co., allegedly has S9O per week take-home pay But, his wages are reportedly tied up by creditors. Meanwhile, a welfare spokesman explained that because of the un usualness of the case, mrs. Harris could get welfare aid, although she is legally married. She would also draw money from an emergency aid fund if investigators feel war rants it. The Harris family has received limited help from outside sources. This included diaper service from Johnson and Johnson and a supply of Modilak Baby Formula from Gerber Baby Foods. Both services are now running out. Mrs. Smith sadly confessed that she could not pay her own rent on time because she had to pay her daughter’s, who rents six rooms in the same building. "We can’t hold out much longer," Says Mrs. Smith. "I don't know wnat I'm going to do. 1 also have to put my own three small child rifth school." “ commented that a represen tative from Democratic Congress man William L. Dawson's office Telephone: TE 3-9395 JAMES SANDERS TILE CO. License No. 1939 Ceramic, Asphalt, Rubber and Vinyl Tile •19 ELLINGTON STREET RALEIGH. N. C. Simplicity..: V and Sood taate are all present dflujf ' conducted funeral service. They have always been noted for the yRp \ iW •teple beauty of their service. wWJ|/ |H 'TOmV families. Our Quality Is The Best OUR PRICES ABSOLUTELY CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD FOE VALUE RECEIVED. Raleigh Funeral Home Day and Night Ambulance Service *22 E. CABARRUS ST. DI AL TE 2-283? called and asked what help the fa mily needed. Mrs. Smith wrote down the amount it would take to support Mrs. Harris and her five children weekly and sent it in. She hasn't heard from Dawson's office since. It was thought for a time that Pet Milk would follow the policy that it did with the famous Fultz quads (take charge of their full DEAR SALLY DEAR SALLY: I "m a girl of 1C and just beginning to date. Here’s a question on which I haven’t yet been able to get a good answer. Is a girl always supposed to kiss her date goodnight at the end of the evening'’ Is it a "must""’ LAURIE. DEAR., LAURIE: Certainly not. If you don't feel like kiss ing a boy goodnight, there Is no rule that says you must. A kiss Is not the price of a date. There are some tactful ways of handling this, if you"d like to spare the hoy’s feelings. If your family Is still up when you get home, you can ask your date In and say goodnight in the full view of Mom and Dad. If not. Just be sure to have your thank-you's and good-night's all said before you reach your door—and then don't linger. DEAR SALLY: There’s one wom an member of my bridge club who insists on blotting her lips on my best linen napkins when I am serv ing the snacks after one of our bridge sessions. She has doen this a number of times and she must use a brand of lipstick that is par ticularly indelible, because I have an extremely difficult time remov ing the red stains from my linens Do you think I should speak to her about this, or what? F.D. DEAR F. D.: I can't recom mend your speaking to her about this. What I can recom mend. though. Is that In the future you furnish paper nap kins to your guests. There are lots of very attractive styles and designs on the market and, except for strictly formal enter taining, they are In perfectly good taste. DEAR SALLY: I get along real fine with my wife's mother and support,! but a spokesman from Pet said the company has changed its policy and is “no longer in the baby business.” The Fultz quads are believed to be the first American-born identi cal quadruplets. The Fultz girls are expected to enter college this fall in Salisbury, N C. Both sets of quads are Negroes. | father, and think the world and all of them. But, although I've now 1 been married to their daughter for 1 almost two years, I still don't know ; what to call them . . . how to ad dress them. Mr. and Mrs. seems to formal and stilted. And I can’t bring myself to calling them Moth er and Father, as I hear some other people calling their parents-in-law. I'd like to call them by their first names, because that's the way I feel about them, but I hesitate to start this for fear of appearing too forward or disrespectful. Will you please advise me? KURT. DEAR KURT: The solution to your little problem Is very sim ple. Ask your parents-in-law how they would like you to ad dress them. First names are quite usual these days, but do not begin this until the older people sanction it DEAR SALLY: Some people have a habit that puzzles us. These are the people whom we meet out some place and who during the course of conversation ask us, "Why don’t you ever come to see us?" But they never ever set any definite date for such a visit. What should we do about such invitations? GJB. ° DEAR G. 8.: If you reajjy like these people enough to want to visit them, you have a right to phone them and say, "If you’re going to be home this evening, we’d like to drop in and see you for awhile.” If they accept, all well and good. If it happens that they are go ing to be out on that evening, and still do not set any definite date, then you can aafely as sume that their previous Invi tations were Just so many words. DEAR SALLY: After going steady with a young man for al most a year, we recently had a disagreement and broke up. What bothers me now is that whenever I meet certain friends, invariably they'll ask me about this boy, and I don't know just what to say. Should I tell them what happened, and why? Or should I just try to change the aubject as quickly as I can? GINNY. DEAR GINNY: H yon Just say, “I haven’t seen him re cently," and then change the subject to something else, that should tell your friends all they need to know. A detailed explanation Is neither neces sary nor in good taste. City Hall Sit-In Asks Work Halt NEWARK, N J. A citv hall sit-in began August 9 in this major northern New Jersey industrial center. At 4:30 p. m. last Thursday ten members of Newark CORE en tered the building and sat on the floor of a hallway leading to the office of Mayor Hugh Addonizio. “They will stay overnight and the sit-in will continue there after until the mayor acts,” an nounced Robert Curvin, presi dent of Newark CORE. Specifically, the group wants the mayor to halt cosntruction at Bar ringer High School, which has been picketed for the past week by Newark Coordinating Council. a<, city-wide civil rights group witl which CORE is affiliated. - , PATRONIZE OUR - ADVERTISERS? 1 With Faith... * You Are Never Alone Attend Church Regularly llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'l’lll'TlllllllllllllW for the Days AHEAD Even now trees are being felled, cords of wood cat, in preparation for cold winter days which are sure to come. Woodcutters are preparing for the days ahead, to bring comfort against the cold. .... * To prepare for our future "cold days,” periods of sadness, times of bereavement, and times when we are tempest tossed, begin now to attend church regularly and let God, His Church, and His people help you to meet any situation in life. (( Blessed be God , even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father of mercies, and the God of all comfort ; who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God” 2 Cor . 1 :5,4. |n|HMH Hli Hi lIL 8 m Hh vraKm • •v.y^--r^g9Wflflßy > *B«j«wßßßKßßßHSßft *•»< Mh. j«HW!igWWBSMBHBa xfc, x x-x •, i THIS INSPIRATIONAL 111 CSS AGE APPEARS EACH WEEK TO HELP MAKE THIS INCREASINGLY A CHURCH-MINDED AREA. IT IS OFFERED FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION RY THE GENEROSITY OF PURLIC SPIRITED INDIVIDUALS AND DUSINESS FIRMS. MAUS PIANO CO. Pianos * Organs to meet the needs of any Church 4U Fayetteville St. TE I-48S1 • - MURRAY TIRE SERVICE. INC. 4«1 S. Wilmington St. Phone TE S-T7M Raleigh, N. C. AUBURN PONTIAC. INC 3823 Hillsboro St TE 332-3987 • BRANCH BANRING A TRUST CO. 4 Convenient Locations hi Raleigh "Ton Hare Friends at Braneh Banking and Trnst Company” * MdLAURIN PARKING COMPANY Eafeisli and Other North Carolina Cities '* * I*U3GH PAINT A WALLPAPER CO, ■Gray Sea! PUnts 4M Downtown Bhrd.—TE I-|7t) • SMTH-IOHNSON FLOORING CO Hardwood. Tiling and Ilnnlf m

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