Freedom, Jobs Now, Speakers Tell 200.000 D. C. ‘Marchers’ mm PBl j ppr • ... /r :’,fi....^ y Biß * ,# #; jnM| .^Hj^Bßr Jr v, ■ JW " __2s2V»_JHHBHHHI BBSHMa bhHHI ■yg|9 V lili IIP*. » \ A ™B t Bigli:U»gJgM r d^R wl' vlJr isSUb iaEßmmß!s& .» m\ &%&£ss&. RALEIGHTTES MAKE WASHINGTON TRIP - Shown shore an a portion of the M Raleighites who tnnlM to Washington hr ho nrhr Witewhy morning to pnrtietpate in the gigantte ‘march’ , halt WihuliT, Aag. M. la lower photo, left to right, an? Ralph Campbell, president of the Raleigh NAACP chapter, Or. Grady O. Haris, prrrirtnl of the Raleigh Citiaena Association, the Rev. J. . _ - ,L—_ - ■ - ——- - - I »wi ■•;M> : -jfcfrf*r.> .gjBBBB BMP B&Bfc jfO yiaM M '*J ■ 9r\ia*** jjU» f* mg IyaWHBjPJI - lw| mJ 0*& **32£2L ** m- f y i^^ p i^^^EEE^Bß&l'-foflJfc.l tSSSfimiL-. ** 1& awO&OE® §R dAdtittS P • Jttl Hy jBKHHK n - j<«« iai #mm ■ KSSg^as 4> tfrlg J ilEafl j Est p J Tbs Marsh on Washington began Jhere early Any. 28. Carrying signs, demonstrators move aloof Constitution Avenue. *v ~ . _ « .... . ._". ~ *. ’ , _L-_i^i. J .. '; la-, _ V -- jHBf wjKBtT |M , - y^ JrxeFJSBk i ilr ms 'll ■ r JHP SmZmßQiki \ *-4i* iPlif* Wmwn fat this picture is a portion of the 200,00® demonstrators who had assembled In D. C. for the ‘mnreh’ before noon Wednesday | I «v ‘- f .* ; • >■.%•.. ; - Yoons hands D. C of rlghu WaririiuhOP^ Some t.m^lD.^C.Jiattonal j Oscar MeCload, member RCA; J. J. San tom. tmaaarar, RCA; the Ear. I W. Flemming, RCA meariwr; and Bra. HsrveMgh White, chairman of the Washington trip committee, and RCA meotber. la right photo la A. Philip Raaiolph, New Perk dtp, who cine tired the ‘march’ Men and nnrtnred it U fruition. - • > The .Cajrqliman | VOL. 21, NO. 44 RALBIOH. N. C„ SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 1963 «UCE 15c ‘Dead’ Boy Lives ♦ + + + + ♦ 4 *4 Winston-Salem Teacher: Poag Heads 20, OOOShriners Capital City Represented In ‘March’ - MM*— As CAROLINIAN press Urns neared, the crowd* in Washington, & C. had already passed the EM,* 000 mark and demonstrators were continually coming in from all ov er the United States agd soma for eign countries. The march wae termed “Ams rtsan sad sSs3S*v, They cams stagSg. chanitag, sad en occasion, waging. Them wars religious leaders, aama of thousands of ordinary eltt- Editors Netet There wae no way to determine Just how ma ny persons left by car for Wash ington Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning, bat it waa known that several local citi zens drove. Them known to have mads the trip by charter ed bus are listed below: Making the trip from Raleigh and surrounding area were: Mrs. Harvs leigh White, Mrs. Hortense Flem ing. J. J. Sansom, Mrs. Rom Lyons, Or. Charles Lyons. Mr. Ralph Campbell, Sr., Rev. John W. Flem ing, Sandar Fleming, Miu Marion R. Whits, Mrs S wade Wanders, Min Catherine Rusher, Mis. Msble Wright, Mrs. Rosa T. Curtis, Mrs Barths M. Edwards, Rufus M. Whit ley. Mr*. Novella Dun*ton. Also Lawrence Lightner, 11, Rem bert Malloy. Sr.. Eugene E. Bern ard, Miss Ross E. Curtis, Miss Beryl Sansom, Mr. Rambert, Jr. Mr. Jeff ries. Ralph Campbell. Jr. Miss Don na Winters, Miss Mildred Campbell. (CONTINUED ON PAOP I) Skeleton Discovered By Dog Pack ABERDEEN The dlwnsrabsrsd skeleton of a man believed to have disappeared tn 1987, was found scattered about a colored cemetery (CONTINUED ON FAQ* t) CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS PAGE I Borton't Cut Store PAGE 1 ■mm PAGE f Hudson-Belk—Sflrd's Duns'* Emo lerrlce Mm W. WWm A Co. Mechanics A Parmer* Bank PAGE • James Sandor* Tile Co. BaMch Pnnoral Homo Mao* Plano Company Pin* Etat* Creamery Baletcb Paint A Wallpaper Co. Branch Banktoc A Trust Co. McLaartn Parkins Company Smith-Johnaan flooring Co. PAGE T Baleitb SanlaoS Co. Wade* Ant* Sate* Bawls Motor Co. M. C. Teachers AaMrlaflrm AAA Auto Sates PAGE S Colonial Storm B. E. Quinn Pumttur* Co- Boat General Tire Co Taylor Radio A Electrical Co Standard Concrete Prod acts Co. surer Bon* Shoe PAGE S AAP Storm Bareo, Inc. .Wake Ante Barrie* North Carolina ’« Leading Weekly ” J £> »r S <.< I 9 - v THOMAE FOV POAG «» Meredith #., V ' , ’ Endorsed For Senate NEW YORK Jamas Howard Meredith, 10, was endorsed by the National Civil Rights Party, In a draft, as a candidate for Congress from the state of Mississippi. It was reported here Sunday afternoon. Meredith became the first Ne gro graduate of tho, US-year old University of Mississippi whan he was awarded a Beche (CONTINUED ON PAM f) Charlotte Boy Revived By Quick-Acting Medic CHARLOTTE Freddie Las Jones, 16, owes his “second life’* to an Iraqul physician. Yeung Jones rspsrtodly “died” at tbs Char lotto Memo rial Hospital early last Thurs day morning after a knife was thrust Into bis heart aa a result of a fight at the Oeklawn Com munity Center ta Charlotte. Allegedly stabbed by John Boat, 17. tbs youth ran two blocks and then collapsed. Tbs Incident took plfd thi Center. An ambulance was called imme diately and took Jones to ttva hos pital's emergency room. Emms Jan.'s Dress Ebsp Bob Bernard PAGE It Carolina Builders, tne. Warner Memorials Dillon Motor Finance Ridgeway's Opticians, Inc. Deluxe Hotel PAGE 11 Carolina Power a Light Co. Usbtners Funeral Home Wash!n(ton Terrace Apte* Inc. Provident Finance Ce. Acme Realty Co. Town a Country Furniture Ce. PAGE IS K*L steel a Supply Ready-Mixed Concrete Ce. Long Meadow Farmers, Inc. By rum Lumber Co. Lincoln Theatre PAGE M Standard Concrete Product# Ce. Ideal PlumMnf * Beating Ce. Seaboard Coffee Service La.itter Enterprteee Charlie Batchelor Raleifb Paint O Wallpaper Co. PAGE IS Srhlttx Buffalo Battery (top PAGE IS Tire Salee * Service Firestone Stares Major Finance Ce. Umstead Grocery St Transfer Fraternal Leader Is Family Man WINSTON -SALEM* Thomas Foy Poag, 68. of 1184 N. Highland Avenue, this city, was elected Im perial Potentate (National Presi dent) of the nation’s 80,000 Negro Shrinsrs on Friday, August 88. in Pittsburgh, Ps„ scans of the annual convention. He succeeded Attorney Genoa a Washington of Chicago, UL Mr. tal k s teadier es aastk- Wtt| t<4 tatad 'kereVlfV £££? Nia B. A. Agree at Lincoln Uni versity in Pennsylvania; re eeivod the M. 8. Agree at tbs University es Pennsylvania, IMe College. Pr. and did poet graduate work ot AAT College, Greensboro. The new Imperial Potentate is married to the former Mies Mol lie A. Allen. They have one child, Mrs Elisabeth Anderson, who is employ ed by the Urban Redevelopment Project in Atlanta. Ga. Poag, who ascended to the top poet from that es Deputy Imperial Potentate, has alee served In the Imperial cabinet aa Chief Rabban and national advisor to the Daeghtrs of lab, auxiliary group. He was also the first Illustrious Potentate of Setho* Temple No. 170, here; Past Master of Salem Lodge, No. 130 and Commander-In-Chief of King Solomon Consistory No. 64 He Is a member of the Phi Bote (CONTINUED ON FAOg S) | The youth was placed in an ele vator and was on hi* way up to the operating room when his heart I suddenly stopped besting. The Iraqul physician. Dr. Akram Nejib, a resident doctor at the hos pital, who was In the elevator with Jones, quickly cut open Freddie's chest and began massaging his hoert. After two minutes, tbs heart beat es Freddie Lee Jones re sumed Ita* beating. He was re ported In critical condition after the operation. Boot was arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon and is scheduled to receive a hear ing in the Charlotte City Court this week. Sex Assault Charged By Woman Here Mrs. Margaret Sarvls, 19-year old Raleigh housewife, of 1420 Soalee Street, told police officers early Tuesday that she was sex ually assaulted by a Negro Intrud er, who allegedly broke Into her home about 3 a. m and threaten ed her life. The woman further claimed she was blindfolded, her mouth gagged and waa forced to accompany her attacker some distance from her home to a railroad track where abo ■aid the attack took place. Police reports show that Mrs. Sarvls stated she heard a noise In the back yard of her home a bout 2:45 a. m. and a few. minutes later heard a noise in her kitchen. The woman said that she got out of her bed and found a man sitting at her kitchen table. She (CONTINUED ON PAGE I) wnuus .», ... : If. Mitchell Given Fiiial Rites Here Funeral services were he!i Sat* urd&y, August 24, for Norman Theodore Mitchell, Sr., 81, at the- First Baptist Church here Where he was a member of the trupte? board and finance committee. The Rev. Charles W. Ward, pastor, of ficiated at the 3 p. m. services. Mr. Mitchell died Wednesday at Wake Memorial Hospital. A native of Columbus Coun ty and a graduate of Alh'-m Academy, Frank linton, Mr. Mitchell began his career in' Insurance at the age of eigh teen. associating with the North Carolina Mutual Use Insurance Company at Wins ton-Salem aa district manag er. (CONTINUED ON PAGE J) Integrated Businesses Are Named W* * Editor's Note: A Ibt es tho la te grated businesses In tho Ra leigh area that have eeaoeated to servo the general public without regard to race, was UR display In many Raleigh chur ches Sunday. Several churches distributed the circulars of mo tels and betels, restaurants and Indoor movies now serving all patrons. The complete Hat fel- HOTELS AND MOTELS Alamo Plaza Motel. U. S. 1, North: Carolina Hotel. 228 W. Har gett Street; Downtown Motor Inn 309 Hillsboro Street; artd Howej* Johnson Motel. U. S. 1, North. RESTAURANTS AND CAFETERIAS SAW Cafeterias, 338 Fayetteville Street, and 2042 Cameron Street. Sauls' Barbecue, U. S. 401 South; Table Supply Delicatessen. Cam eron Village; Villa Capri Restau rant, 3625 Hillsboro Street; Ray’s Drive-In, Hillsboro Road; Pgr- Golf, U. S. 401 South; Person Street Restaurant, 610 N. Person Stmt. Marcus’ Delicatessen, 195 S. Wilm ington; Little Pigs of America Rost-. (CONTINUED ON PAGE *J ‘ WE AT H F.H jj Temepratares Thursday thisukh Monday will average near -or •omawhat above normal. A Btoli warmer Tbariday and FQwy taming coolar over weekend, goat- - tend almost dally showers re i thunder showers win avenge awe* - half to three-fourths of aalneh of *

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