I € Found Guilty Os Raping Woman In NC Cemetery WISON Prison tana ranging from SO daus to g-B yean war* mated out Friday to five youth* and a man convicted ad rapine a 41-year-year-old woman who waa vacationing bare in Jon* tram bar Job in Long laland, N. U The alleged attack took place on Saturday, June 8, according to lira. Willie Handy, to* victim. gba teatlfled that to* and • enronte to Haa*p Bynum 1 * MONU CLASSROOM UNITS AT LIOON Pictured am the two mobile rllmnwai to an a* the J. W. Um Tanlii fliittir High School. T« photo Am exterior tot at tba units. ltottm pletare •bow* a social studies class at work. In the right, rear I* Mies Effle Y-argtn, Instructor, A student In ftmramt to lufErlng inf in the elan. The mobile units accommodate SI itsdenh. Own an (seated in Rakish at the foQowing aohoob: Claret** Poo, S; Lonfrtew Gardens, 8; and dWriln.\to Uto eotm "**,»*- v * ndor> - xtshrLEi! ivm EnfieW'Negroes Ask Integration; “Never." Declares Chief Os Police BT J. B. BARREN ENFIELD This south Hali fax County town, steeped in the history at the original ooionlaa (ton at Eastern America, has a* wakened to find Itself deeply in what Is becoming a national se ries at demonstrations, marches and plcketlngs by the Negro com- AMEZ Bishops SeeJEK WASHINGNTON, D. C—The 13 bishops of the AME Zion Church were received in a special audience at the White House on Thursday, September A by President John F. Kennedy as they prepared to celebrate the denomination’s obser vances of the Emancipation Cen tennial. A Freedom Parade on Saturday, September 7, preceded the celebra tions which cover September 1-13. (COM TIN PEP ON PAG! I) DEMONSTRATE at HIGH POINT Two uU-K|TefittM ■,■lllll an shown laat week In front of Rich Point’s AAW Boot Boar Drive-In Cafeteria when ther were skins srrlee. The ■gngatoi has steadfastly radnsed to chance He polter as Bead, when they wennueaM by a (reap *1 between ton and fifteen yootb* an s maall path. 'The youngster* allegedly paaaed by to* first time after Harria apoke briefly to Orator Weaver, whom be knew caauallyv lb* boy* then earn* op behind town, toe pair testified, drove Har ria away with bricks, and took Mrs. Handy to nearby Rest Haven Ce metery, where in* was reportedly assaulted nine tones. munity In sn all-out effort to re move the stigma at segregation from American life. Starting with picketing of the local paOt-time theatre, (which eventually closed Rs doors rather than desegregate) • the local NA ACP Youth Council has spear headed plcketlngs for Jobs In stores and attempts to Integrate cases. Saturday, August 31 saw some forty or more arrests made; and what came near being a race riot, according to both colored and white citizens. The campaign here has been largely directed by Robert Blow, one of the NAACP “Commandos” sent out during the summer to of non-violent demonstrations and picketing in an effort to further the civil rights movement. Halifax Comity is at least fifty per eent colored and on weekends the stores of the towns—Roanoke Rapids, Wel don, Enfield, Scotland Neck, Halifax—are filled with a mass at colored farmers and tenants who make R a holi day and the balance of profit tar all white merchants ex cept a few Jim crowed cases. Some of the latter were a mong the objects of roeent picket nigs. Others have a side fot* colored. The colored eaten Toro el toe defending. Walter Bernard Hardy, 18. eg WUaon; and Dcnnie Weaver, to. to Sto «. Wll - ware declared not guilty by toe toman all-whtto Jury, which only deliberated tor 48 BmfliT liiwm hum Hendraoa, IT, ware not priaeed by Roy Howard, the solicitor. The only married defendant Or ater Weaver, to. was found guilty cl aamult on a tomato with intent te (ctiubhip am mm •> as* a mile away to the colored communities. A variety store has nportody refused to acoeed to toe demand for colored salesgirls, even on a part-time basis. Many picksting arrests have been made there. The town passed an ordinaaot (CONTORTED ON PAM 3) Judge Acquits Holden The wheels at Justice finally turned here last Friday morning afer two year*, aa City Court Judge Pretlowe Winborne acquitted Ed ward B. Holden, 616 Hadley Bond. He is a former Baleigh postman. The cemplaint was identi fied aa Mrs. Betty Brooks, a young white woman who re sides at tsm NewboM Street hero. Holden was charged with asssalting her by bis eondaet _____ e (CONTINUED ON PAM I) discrimination. Many pscaasM tan been arrested in High Point recently, including six atiaistam. The ytckets above an nnidentl fled. ALABAMA GOV. BOWS TO U. S. MIGHT The Carolinian North Carolina** Leading Weekly VOU 91. NO. 46 RALEIGH. N. C, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 196 S PRICE 15c PICKETS FREED + + + + + ♦ + Quiett Joins NCC Staff: Ex-St. Aug. Coach Breaks Contract ENTER ALABAMA SCHOOL Shown above are Henry Hobdy, 17, and m— Dorothy Bridget Daria, 1* aa they walked together to too headquarters of the school board In Mobile this week to regis ter for too 13th grade claasee at Alabama’s largest ‘white’ school. They were sqnletly admitted, along with IS other students, Tuesday W qrriii»y after President Kennedy federaliaed Alabama’s National Guard. (PPI PROTO). Newsman Aids Nixon’s Bid For Hero’s Medal WILMINGTON W. H. "Bill” Snyder, veteran newspaper man and presently connected with Ra dio Station WMTD's news deper merit, has turned over to the Wilm ington JOURNAL his affidavit which this newspaper believes may get local hero Cuarley Nixon a cov eted Carnegie Hero Medal and pos sibly some financial reward. A little more than a month ago, the JOURNAL called Nix on’s feat daring the pinna crash at the local air show two years ago - to the attention of the Fomtdation In Ptttshorgh, Pa. Officials there called far (COWTPfIIEP OW PAGB I) Arrest Six Cleries In High Point HIGH POlNT—Seven men, six of them Negro ministers, were ar rested here Saturday night during a singing and praying demonstra ion at the segregated K. A W. Ca feteria here. Inciaded in the seven was the Rev. B. BHon Cox. a field director for he National Asso eiatlon for the Advancement of Colored People and also an of ficial of the Cengreos of Racial Equality. The seven were released without bond after being arrested and (COIBDIlti)~mi pack n Validity Os Resignation Questioned BT CHABLU R. JONES George L. Quit t, head football coach at St Augustine's Collage for the past two yearn, confirmed a ru mor from his now office at North Carolina College at Durham Wed nesday morning that ho had brok en a contract with the local college to atoumo a petition as assistant coach under Kcn&in H. mentor at toe Dnrhara institution. Qnicit fctdluUd Dm college hare had reneged on promises ssade kthey lcfodty trtfwwiMiHlod Quiett to NSrthCarollna College, has re turned to St Augustine's at Ms own aossrd, according to Oaash Qufott A farmer AH-CIAA alhltte. who halls from Baton Rang* La.. Quiett sdmtMod that he re ceived four years of education at St Aug “without paying a penny” in tuition or other nor average college student as ho was an an a thistle scholarship. Dr. James A. Boyer, president of St Augustine's, said Tuesday ho had received a letter of resignation from Quiett late in August, but that It still has not been accepted as Quiett allegedly signed s new contract in April “which is still va lid." V ' Eto we n _ nowvrcr, soemp ■ t. nrioß, former football groat at both Washington High School, Ba leigh, and North Carollnr Col lege. Durham, waa hired last week to replace Quiett. at 3810 Wade Avenue. Ho is S’, 11” and weighs 190 pounds. He holds the B. S. degree from NCC and is working on his master’s degree st the University of Indiana, during the summer months. From 105 S, the year of Ala gradu ation at Durham, to 1908 he was supervisor of recreation In toe town of Lumberton. He will serve under newly elected heed coach Jooet Cle mente, who Is also chairman of the Health and Physical Educa tion Dept, at Si Aug. Coach Person is married to the former Miss Carolyn Kennedy of Newton. They have one daughter, Juanda Jo Person, A Mayor’s Race Group Gives ‘Good’ Report The 14-member Raleigh Com munity Relations Committee, ap pointed by Mayor James W. 'Jim > Reid recently, mode s favorable report Monday night on the pro gress of desegregation in the Capital City. The committee waa told by re presentatives of motel-hotel or ganizations that toe general trend was good. A survey of concerns in the area showed. In general, that business had not decreased and that no Incidents had occurred in the three months of desegregated operation. Although the names es toe Negro members of toe com mittee were printed In The CAROLINIAN several weeks age, with pscuatarion at the mayor’s secretary, he refused to release any more names until a chairman has been chosen for the group. Members Include representa tives of the Raleigh Chamber of Commence, Raleigh Merchants Bureau and the Hotel and Motel Associations. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 9) GEORGE b QUIITT ... mv at VC College V ■'Sv ' i'~ ■ ipL*', »f'., *■% JOSEPH T. PERSON ... replaces Coach Qulatt • JL, —* --* lfi.*JUl*Zl Held For Murder ELIZABETHTOWN Mri Re becca Graham Andrews, 39-year old mother of four children, was charged Sunday night with murder In the shotgun slaying of her hus band. Bladen County Coroner Gor don B. Kinlaw said Mrs. An drew* was Jailed late Sunday night In the Bladen Comity Jail following the death of AJ (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS == BIA FROM THEM PAGE 2 Horton’s Cash Store Schlitz PAGE S Stephen's Appliance Co. Brittain's Lowe's Standard Concrete ProSnets Co. PAGE S Hudson-Balk—Eflrd’s John W. Winters a Co. Mechanics a Farmers Bank The Capital Coca-Cola BotfUns Co. Appliance Center, Inc. PAGE S -Colonial Storos Acme Butty Co. Community florist a. E. Quinn furniture Co. PAGE 1 ASP Stores Lowe’s Dunn's Esso Berries Betty Gay Hunt General Tire Co- Taylor Radio * Electrical Co. PAGE S Carolina Builder*, Ine. Warner Memorials Dillon Motor Flnameo Ridgeway's Opticians, too. PAGE t Carolina Power * tight Co. Central Drug “Can’t Fight Bayonets:” G. C. Wallace BIRMINGHAM. Ala. Far toe second time in throe months Ala bama's Governor Georg* C. Wal lace hm lest in his attanpts te hsep this state’s school* lily-white. Ibis tone It only took a tow strekm to a fountain pan hold by too Freei dent to to* Ifni*—l states. day the eegregatlsnta stand to toe deftond itto. rsvsnM hy As a result, twenty dents were to twt.gnM classes in too Bh— sad Tuskegeo public schooto. Kennedy todoraliaad Alabama's 17,000-member National Guard, thereby removing town Hum Wal la e«’» control. Secretary to Defenaa, Robart S McNamara, was directed by tip President to urn any force* neeee ■ary to dmegregete too throe dttaf school* as decreed by todsnS courts earlier in to* summer. The Negro students tat insert, ad to school* by looet polic* in stead to being kept away at Wit lace had ordered to* Katamat Guard to do. Governor Wallace said trail Montgomery:; The Kennedy* BUB now taken command bema garrison. The president, con sumed by a doubtful r*'elect!oft, has taken complete charge and the Kenedy force* ere laying the pro* dicate for too Jailing of th*'gover nor of Alabama.” -I seat fight beyeewto," too governor said. Delivering toe Fraelteuf* mandate te WaUao* Tuesday morning waa Gen. A. L Har rison, commander to to* N»- ttenai Guard to illeteme Arrested Tuesday were nin« white men, moot of them for re fusing to diaper** when tad by po lice officers to do so. AMI to to* (cowTtaPip cw MMti : Nineteen Piskets hC ft 1 ft si?ht ft fi SAVANNAH, Ga.—Nineteen do monetratom who hag been In Jab her* 98 days ter lack to bond, won released last week. The nineteen, including Stu dent Nonviolent Coordinating Committee field worker Bruce Gordon, had boon charted with 91.M9 pose* bonds sworn out by white persons. They had to sign e prepared statement by a municipal court Judge In order to obtain their release. WHITE MINISTER, STUDENT GIVEN 18 MONTHS AND .FINE ATLANTA A white end white student were each sea tenced to six months in the com mon Jell, one year on the work gang and fined SIOOO for Integra tion activities here. , Bev. Ashton Bryan Jooee. * If—yeer-old übktu from tout Gabriel, Cel., was convicted to disturbing a divine wsrehln. a uiMitituMUMt ----- *ueik Ase maximum sentence. The Inci dent took place on Juno M to - the First Baptist Chunk to At lanta, which refused admittance panted by a Negro eempauieu. Jonas was accused of “shouting, screaming, and lying down.” ia front of the church. CITES AMEKICUI SITUATION TO ATTT.-OEN. AND GOV. ATLANTA— Student Nonviolent (CONTDOJED Oft PAGE I) ■■ ■ 1 WEATHEII Temperatures next five days win averse* I or 4 degrees below norm al. turning cooler Ist* me*y or Saturday. Halnfatl win bo mode rate oceurtnf mostly ss scattered showers Prtday and Saturday. B. P. Goodrich G. S. Tucker Bros. Lifhtner's Funeral Home £ PAGE 11 Deluxe Grill Greene's Shoo Kepalr Lassiter's Enterprises tUlelfb Seafood Co Pawls Motor Co. PAGE 12 Rhodes Furniture Co. firestone Stores Major finance Co. Emma lias's Drew Shop Silver Bees* Shoo Senter • landers Tractor Cory. PAGE U Samos Bandars TUe Co. Baloifh • Funeral Roma pine state CrtAintrv Ealelyh Paint A Wallpaper Co. Branch Banking * Trust Co. McLaorta Parking Company Smith-Sdhnoan Flooring Co. PAGE IS Lincoln Theatre PAGE 11 Bill's, lac. Turner Tire Sorvteo PAGB IS Tiro Sates * Barela* Wrona-Wan