Raleigh Losing Dr. Davis To Durham Church "* liHrr MU Clergyman, Civic Head Top Choice The Rev. Dr. Grady Demui Davis, who has served in many capacities in Raleigh for the past eleven years, is considering re linquishing all of his duties to assume the full-time pastorate of the 900-member Union Bap tist Church in Durham. When -contacted by this newsman Tuesday, tire minister-educator would only say, “I am ponder ing the offer.” Doan «f the Divinity School at Shaw University for the asst M roars and pastor of the 200-men her Obsrltn Baptist Charcb for ten yean, the en ergetic Dr. Davis also finds the BaJetoh* tton. Members .of the Darhata church, whose pastor, the Bov. A. 8. Croon, tied last May, * Sj vis as their now pastor" ’ “Or. Doris is well-known In *hs Mty, state and nation in a minis ter, pad orator .f note. It was under the guiding hands (CONTIN ÜBB*~ON PASS *) - no! ON Nude Body OfWoman Discovered BTATESVILLE Sheriff Charles Rumple reported Sunday that he had charged Rob ert Henry. Green, 40-year-old Ne gro ex-convict with murder in the hizarre death of a white woman In surance agent, whoee nude body was discovered Saturday in a Ne gro cemetery near this town. The victim, Mrs. Dorothy Racers, aloe «#, had bean badly beaten and was shat t times. Dr. Barry Underwood. t*>« ner. said two ballot wounds in her bead eOnaed death. Sheriff Sample said he had else learned that Mrs. Rogers has bean at the heme of Green earlier Rotnrdoy. Bloodstains were reportedly dis covered in the bedrdom, kitchen, bathroom and beck porch of the defendant’s home, a three-room a partment- Blood was also found in Green's automobile. Rumple stated. There was evidence that some thing had been dragged from the (CONTINUED ON FAGS *> ■ — iw t "’ll' nwiniijm M auDsCMflwi ts. *«k ; MWCBT f 1 i K « ? i'vt|l% JE A^^gßnJMMMtyKmLOa Bm . y j]kjj||ff|^^^f ■( :▼T▼▼+♦♦ . 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ > “God Is On Our Side And We Will Win:” Mrs. King ——w———————— ■— ■ - ——— - - • .i. . —-•■■■ ■ ■ : ‘i f i The Carol/man i . inipi t im> m PJ,' l"ii n , i _ip«ee»wsn^ North Carolina’s Leading Weekly VOL. 2!, NO. 51 RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1963 PRICE 15e Motive Still A Mystery MAN HELD IN CEMETERY DEATH BUS CRASH HURTS 23 m<9 a '*#**#*£'& •• , -.«.«ww x*»w SL. > v- V' yBHMRM9MS9^p^HH| ; R^NNNRmRH^BPRSmI^^H^'' .x —. idpie i - —-2. X ..- A, -cjtk*. LdHhßßßdxyMw ck 'SkvAY . BPia I ■ - . 1 l " , y'' | ." M \ mSßsmn : / M M n, 1 ,, RALEIGH PRO GIRD STAR IS DIRECTOR John Haywood Baker, Jr- left, Raleigh native, de fensive end for the Pittsburgh S tee term, professional football toam, demonstrates hie traffic directing technique to Patrolman Robert Gainer in downtown Pittsburgh last week. The f-foot seven-inch Baker, weighing 257 pounds, b recreation director for II prisons in North Carolina. Ho Is a graduate of the J. W. Ligon High School here and M.C. College, Durham, where he wee an outstanding leetbell player. (UPI PHOTO). Mayor Reid Names Harris Leader Os Bi-Racial Committee Os 15 Several weeks ago. The CARO LINIAN printed a partial list of members of Mayor James W. (Jim) Reid's new Bi-Racial Community Relations Committee. At that time, the daily papers were denied ac cess to the names, but an official in Mayor Reid's office made several names known to this newspaper. At another closed meeting last week, William C. (Buck) Harris, Raleigh attorney was named chair* man of the Committee, heading the 15-member organisation which re placed the Committee of 100, cho sen to handle the May racial di sturbances in the Capital City. Other members of AM earn- mUtm am the In. c. W. WM, Dr. Nm L. Ferry, CM Bstebsßbask. J. C Penny manager; Or. P. «. BsMnaoo, 4MB at H. gugaMlasb Cal iaga; inln. J. Oscar Me* CM, Jfte X. Caldwtel, North Carolina Choaeelor; J. j. San- afJlh- Wako County Muniit Aa tectottaw; W. Ml Thenye—. Nn piSlit N ChroUaa Poor er and Lljrht Co.; John Alton oteto Mitt aUtaar, B. Poytoa i!^ 1 W»«or r *Hot«l* T *L Malooli H. Hmt, vice-prate Sent of Ciralßg 01000 Work, larving u on ox -officio mombor (CONTINUBD ON PAOB *) (CONTINUED ON PAOB *» (CONTINUED ON PAOB I) 00th Baptist Sta te Meet Set CHARLOTTE— The 98th An nual Soon on of the OeneraJ Bap- Uat Mate Convention of North Carolina. Inc. and the 14th An imal Bcasion of the Laymen'* MC Shriners Honor Imperial Potentate WNSTON-SALEM Prank W. Murrell, Imperial Deputy of the De sert oT North Carolina, Ancient Egyptian Arabic Oordar Noble* of the Myatic Shrine, announced that Norn Carolina NoMoo, their wive* Musicians' Bus Plunges Off Highway, ROXBORO—Twenty-three mu* Mam rnt* Injured, three eeri- XnatttUM band. yfcrUirmd tteton jjjkw eMI of Rosbortt gh P. $. 1M Curryfi M pS&rim. the bus wwftfcpie Mm an em iMAmaljM alter founding a nmfMnta A. Lassiter, XT, the driver ul a teacher at the Wwiirwa school, said ka mnfrnl whan ha mm uc «wa* cwnirvi wnen nt nm etr the shoulder Os the high way altar aeiHat another w* hlala. Admitted to the reneu Me. three el the iinaitw; Ollle Waller, It, rib fractures; Miss Water McCray, 11, eoneuee tens; and Miss Patricia Eadley, It, Modi fracture. Other members of the band awe treated for bruises and cuts. Hie band was on its way to perform for a football game with the Benderaon Institute team. Presbyterians To Aid Cense WW YORK, If. Y. - United Presbyterians will be asked to con* tribute to a special fund to aid the victims of the nation's struggle for racial Justice. A minimum of SMMM will be sought through a special affariug In the deneaafautieo’s MM churches on Race Sets- Ksm Sunday, aeat rob. I. Adoption of the porpoeal came last week at a meeting of the Unit ed Presbyterian General Council, permanent advisory body of the IX million member denomination. The funds will ha used to pro* vide buO for those arrested in civil rights demonstration* and te meat the easts of legal aid for such per sons. They will also be used to re lievo the financial distress of the families of those arrested. A The efferhig will alee make A passible to euppleaeat the salaries es United Presbyterian mhitatara ae that they may re main hi troubled areas when League Convention will be held October 21-31. at the St Paul Baptist Church here. The boat pastor a Dr. Jama P. Wert*. The theme of tho convention ta, “The or sweetheart* would be here Thursday, Oct. 24 at 8 p. m. to at tend a banquet and dance, in the BaUaneae. Boot Dine and Dance fCOMTDHI— ON PAOB f) V I ■ I® : ' V *""-Or T» X ■■--*■• V • f W : BK . .5 A- ,*1 ’ * WL 1 <■ v-^' 'n, & H / V MBS. BING AUTOGRAPHS PROGRAM Mrs. Coretto Scott Ring, speaker for the Uth Animal Women's Day services at Pint Baptist Church bars Sunday morning, autographs a program of her ap pearance above. Ptcm left to light art: The Rev. Charles W. Ward, pastor, Mrs. King, Mss T. Lorraine Cumbo, Wmart Day chairman; and MBs Jacqueline Scott, a member of the ohureh. Record-Breaking Crowd Hears Wife Os International Crusadei tin. Martin LuthorfUng, Jr dkace of some 1400 peruana here hMftiia revolution that jg rfbev up ■id RMhjfiH orowd attending Day services ad ihe Pint Bap tist Chureh. The Program was ably presided ever by Mbs T. Lorraine Cumbo, Women's Day chairman, who Introduced the Using as her subject, "A Chris tian Looks at a World in Revolu tion,” Mrs. Coretto Mbtt King de livered a moving address to a hustled audience, which overflow ed the church, its baloony and the auditorium in the basement ‘Must Have Courage,’ Says Proxy WASHINGTON, D. C. The pre sident of ART College lest week told e U. S. Senate Committee that the problem of preparing Negro youth for the demands of the na tion tor well trained manpower “must be dealt with courageously.” That was a part of a presentation delivered by Dr. Samuel D. Proc tor, ART president at hearings of the Sub-Committee on Employ ment and Manpower of the U. S. Senate Committee on Labor end Public Welfare, held hero on Thursday, Oct. 17. Dr. Proctor appeared before the group at the invitation of Senator Joseph S. Clark of Pa. “The problem,’” be aald, “maat be dealt with by mn than perfanctiouary gaataraa both by the kifh*r sducatlon community, the private span •eea of educational pragriaia eminent*.” He said there are aeveral basic •(sumptions which Should be ac cepted from die outset: that unem ployment of Negro youth i* pro portionately higher than tor the nation, attributed largely to hi* lack of preparation tor Jobs In the highly technical Job market; that Negro youth have brought to their early adulthood intellectual deft- Marks of True Witnesses.” The first twe days will be devoted ta the work at Lay men under the sab-theme, “Laymen Witnessing Per Christ.” The Annual Sermon will be delivered by Dr. Otis E. Dunn, of Asheville, Prank H. Marshall Is president and be win deliver his annual ad dress en Tuesday morning. The parent body will convene beginning Tuesday afternoon when the annual sermon will be deliv ered by the Reverend George Dudley of Rocky Mount. The theme of th convention will be discussed by the Reverend Cbarlea (CONTINUED ON PAGE i) By Charles ft. Join* , First L*djr of the Southern dvi Sunday npraing that, “God R « ofttiKsjHpM, wM* »£*jUhpW rexfioiur xnuis were oocrevea in the eudbnoe by this wr'tor. , The strikingly Attractively speaker aald: "I’m find that God has seen fit to use my husband and myself in thb revolution. Wo havo boon at tacked, threatened and our telephone baa. on eecslon. rung incessantly, but if necessary, we an willing to make the Su preme flesh fire *' A. Marlon. Alabama native, Mrs King also stated: "The word revo lution has not always been a re spected word. It suggests change as was proted by The ‘Spirit of '76', ‘Hitler's revolt, and the revolt which took place In the Roman Empire when Jesus Christ was born, chancing the whole dowse of history forevermore. “Something has happened dur ing the second half of the 30th Century,” She continued, “reminis cent of the early Chureh. We are Seek Knife r i Bandit In Stabbing Police officers in Raleigh are atlU searching for a knife-wield ing bandit, who is alleged to have stabbed Everett* Lewis Lee, 36- year-old white resident of 610 Woodburn Road, early Saturday morning when Lee told the uni dentified Negro man that he had (cowmnicD on raos t» CAROLINIAN —» ADVERTISERS PAGE I Horton's Cash Start Mother A BeaghUr PAOB t Brittle ns Standard Concrete Products Co. Mary San* Drtsa Shea Washington Terraco Apts., lac. PAOB » Hudsoti-Belk EHrd's Mechanics A Farmers Ban It The Capital Coca-Cela Bottling Co. J. W. Winters A Co. Csylor had in A Electoral Ce. gteetous Stores James Saad*re*ill* Co. McLaartn Parking Compau) Murray Hr* Service, Inc. sSHssrs.. jte£!ub a itetet >t A a tlaUMPer Co. ■mirk lehaeeu Flooring Co., t. A. Loving A Company PAGE 1 A! Smith Hoick Co. Brook's Appliance Wade's Auto Sales Bawle Meter Co Baleigk Seafood Ce. PAOB t Colonial Stores B. B- Quinn Furniture Ce. NBSH > nfuis mavtTDeni* ptsuiuu ail* i our side and we *f« going to win era. Chrletbußty haa no unless It OMA bu applied to sur be free and lira in* slavery and oppression. The only problem existing between the Ne gro and white Is that of Justice or injustice. Ood works through poo— • pie to fulfill bis mission, s' The authors of eur ,C«a> % stltution must have been «- vluely inspired, aopaetaßr ‘ (CONTINUED ON FACE I) ~ Dunn Cleric Gets 60-Day Jail Term DUNN—Recorder's Court-Judge Woodrow Hill lest Friday lenten cod the Rev. B. D. Psider to two 30-day prison terms upon oonvlc tlon of aiding and abetting racial demonstrations hi this Harnett County town August 7 and 10 of this year. Attorneys for tip Rev. PeI (CONTINUED ON FAGE t) W EATH KH jss%jts ssrsff’jfi rhaass laSIcaUS SuaAay aad Haa- Say, avaraglßS iwrmal ar a torn dcfreca above for portad. Data fall averasing lew than H-twh oc cartas maialy at bats tag aag ■ear aae as partog. Hunt General Tire to. Dunn's Eeto Service PAOB t AAP Btoret Town A Country furniture Co. PAGE IS Carolina Builders, hsc. Warner Memorials Dillon Motor Finane* Ridgeway's Optician*. Inc PACK 11 C. A M- Promotion Lincoln Theatre Carolina Power A Light Co TZ PAGE U Llsfctnor's Funeral Borne <— PACE U Carpet Center ”.#od's * A ISe Store _ Auto Discount Co. toy's Americas Grill Daniel*! etching Store Capitol Bargain Store Larry's Cat-Bate Grocery anl Motor Sales W. *. Grant *. . ." tssaitsssst. - Helllg-Levlna PAGE IS . Seklita Boor Z' ' , PAGE M Capial Foal Oil. Ice A Cate Ce. Bateisk Business CoOags B sms e was re Mertgage Co., hm. - Community Florist Umstead Grocery A Trsnefet King Col* Motel Central Drug it*re N. «. Mutate Ufa tea. Ce, I .<■;

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