Fatal Crash Kills Four ■ • * Ex-Raleigh Residents 4 Victims Enroute To Md. Bar Staff Writer QUANTICO, Va. A oar-truck •ooMent near **»!■ M»rini> base •tty in the early hours of Monday. November 4. claimed the lives of four passengers in the automobile, all of whom had just left Raleigh, N. C., and wen an their way bade to Baltimore. Maryland, where three of them were employed. It could not be ascertained by The CAROLINIAN who was driv ing the automobile, but the Vir ginia State Highway Patrol is said to have confirmed the allegation that the truck ran into the path at the ear. The occupants of the truch are believed to have escaped aerioos injury. Jjp Wm* jF im? w* THEODORE R. BARNES • • . dies in ear-truck crash KM hi the ear wen: Mrs. SSVX iSSim; .. egaSgagg-j vertherwe. Mrs. SBierlhtriin Is the sis ter bf J. Raymond Jones, weß-known Raleigh, N. C. bar bar and church leader; Mias Newkltk is the sister at Usher Newkirk, Garner; and Mr. (continued on fags r» Fraud Try Reveals 2 Families WINTON William Wiggins, 43- fbar-old truck driver of Gateaville, • Northeastern N.C. community, the defendant in a fraud caae here, al legedly admitted having two fam iliea and twelve children, six by his legal wife and six by a second woman. The start line toe* sheet the eatira caae waa the fact that Wiggins allegedly teld the court that his wife was aware of the six children born to the second woman. Re pleaded guilty to fradulently representing another woman as Ms wife in having her admitted to a hospital in Ahoakie for the birth of a child seven months ago. Wiggins waa fined $23 and costs and ordered to pay SB7 35 lor medi cal expenses incurred by the hos pital. ‘ The man said he waa represent ing hit girl friend, who waa identi fied only aa “Mildred” at his wife in order to have his group insur ( CONTINUED ON PAGE St Dr. Leon C. Riddick T o Address Shaw Body At 98th F ounder’s Day Or. Nelson H. Harris, Interim .Founder's Day message Friday President, Shaw University has an- mM&Wmrj, morning at 11 a. m. in Spaulding nounced that the 98th Founder’s Gymnasium. The traditional me- Day at Shaw University wiU be ob- morial service wiU begin at the served on Friday, November 15. |f grave at 10:45 a. m. Dr. Leon Clanton Riddick, minist- er, Fountain Baptist Church, Sum- fjK ®(CONTINUED ON PAOB t) mit, New Jersey, will deliver the ■ B-U-L-L-E-T-I-N! Open Trial Word reached The CARO- s i*k3 '.Mb ™ LINIAN minutes before press gfl|k - > .oW-dßy M time that^ the State football not take place as reported on m m mFA’b K.V“SfJ3ta «■ a JB Os Man, 72 was discovered making the IBMHm final decision uncertain at this GASTONIA - This Gaston Coun point. However, The Litt'- ty textile town na! not *«" as Bines may well be the Sta e tEllfc W*2 B rnuch ' n!<?resl since a venire was champions, dpendin* on cer- drawn to hear the case of a white tain rracial games to be played ■HBIBmHIHHHHHHHH physician who went to the homo this weekend. . || K£t oat. c lUDDICK I (continued on page r> + 4 4 + 4 4 4 4 4 Carolina White Farmer Arrested As SLAVERY CHARGED I The Carolinian i •M^ataiiiultaeaß^aaamaimmgisuuHßmaiaNMtttouiiugmgguMßNguiuuhUßwguaHgßaßMtaiiiUigtMfaimMflNUmuuummuummg'^H North Carolina’s Leading Weekly [ -- - ) J'l I, M«- r , ■.!. J '...X1l ■ ' I VOL. 22, NO. 1 RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1963 PRICE 15c i ■ i —i ■■■■ .■ ■ ■■■a—————— 11 ia i i s.inwi —is saann. i nig— 11 ■mi ■ HigM^uMp————— ————inn ■■ i YOUTH KILLS BROTHER !i+++ ♦ + + + NC HOSPITAL REQUEST SHIFTED ’ , *•: \ > * .. Statesville Citizenry Seeks Action *i wt / t i-M|ri.,' Statesville iredeii county ComnAsi oners shifted the Iredell County Citizens Committee's re quest for the desegregation of the Iredell Memorial Hospital to the board of. trustees of the hospital Monday. Statesville has been a hot spot in the arena of racial problems for some considerable time and a spokesman for the Committee told the CAROLINIAN Tuesday that the hospital was only one of the many issues that had been raised and that they were not relenting, in any wise, to have the barrier re moved. . The Committee threatened a suit to show why the county hospital should not be open to all races on an equal basis. However, it decided to petition the County Commission ers at their Monday meeting. The county heads are said to have told the Committee that they had no ju risdiction ova- the hospital, due to the fact that they had turned it ov er to a'board of trustees to run aa early as Oct 6, 1953, under a 99- year lease agreonent The spokesman told the CARO LINIAN that the Committee bad written a letter to the hospital boasd and that it was in the process of being transmitted Tuesday after noon. It was the belief of the' spokesman that the Committee (CONTINUED ON PAGE h ru^ATl^^J Tamptrature next five Says will averts* 1 to • degree* above norm al, trim little day to day ehaaga, until cool about Sunday or Mon day. Rainfall totaling one quarter to throe quarter* of an Inch, oc c tiring aa rain or ihowor* over the weekend. ■> «* ■ tup.■ v^wßh&'^r « ■%/: • msmm a %-T' ' i» jh, -- - - -ifafc ’ f . if f- ~« I .J* tK.fl&litaillk if iT ' f : b.:iWM HlLi' twtLv k> ... . ■■ 4 ■ i» :' W mm #v 1 a *" -■ ■ a I ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA QUEENS TO REIGN AT THE 26 THE ANNUAL BALL—The Annual Debutante Ball, •poneor ' ed by the Alpha Theta Omega Chapter ot A.K.A will have (seat ed, left to right ) Misses Carolyn Jones of Raleigh, and Hollistine 1 Creecy of Sunbury as In-town and Out-of-town Queens, respec tively. Standing left to right are Misses Faye Eaton, In-town- Maid of Honor, and Sandra Bates of South Boston, Virginia, Out of-town Maid ot Honor. These young ladies, along with more than 100 others, will be presented to society on Friday night, Novem -1 bar 29, at the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium. National Treasurer Os | NAACP Raleigh Orator The national treasurer of tits Na tional Association for the Advance ment of Colored People, Alfred Baker Lewis of Old Greenwich, Conn, spoke to tbs executive board at tbs Raleigh NAACP Chapter I Sunday, at a dinner meeting at the Candlelight Restaurant Discuss ing the topic "How Goes The Struggle for Civil Rights,” Mr. (CONTINUED ON PAOB ») (CONTINUED ON PAOB » I CAROLINIAN , [advertisers I Bin FROM THEM * paob a Norton's Cash Store PAOB 1 Dana’s Bsao Sendee Soothers Pnrnltnre Wholnsic to. B. P. Goodrich Store PAGE S Hndson-Belk —Eflrd’s i. W. Winters A Co. Brook's Appliance Co. „ no Capitol Coca-Cola Bottling Co. PAOB * Acnw Bealty Co. lines Sanders Tllo Co. MeLeurte Parkins Company Modlia-Davis The Britt Company Amhara Pontiac, be. Branch Baaklas A TraetCo. Hayes Barton Lonadry A Dry Cleanins at Ptvc Patou Pspsl-CaU Bottling Co. Eafeigk Paint A Wallpopor Co. T. A. Loving A Company PAOB 7 A! Smith Btrick Co. Wade’s Ante Saloo Bawls Motor Co. Balctfk Seafood Co. Motor Mart 1 PAGE S Colonial Stores ■ B. B. Oaten rnrattara Attempt At Suicide Is Afatee r ROANOKE RAPIDS 4 Donald Carter, a young real dent of the Darlington Community In this textile town, has been charged with murder In the death of his brother,! Robert Carter, who was in an argument and shooting with Don ald last week, died Wednesday at the Roanoke Rapids Hospital. Deputy Judge Dickens of the Halifax County Sheriff’s De partment, stated that the two brothers were arguing about <CONTINUED ON PAGE I) Defendant In Kidnaping May See Gov. NEW YORK Harold Reape. one of the five Monroe "kidnap" defendants, last week wired a re quest for an appointment with Ohio Gov. James A. Rhodes. Mr. Reape, a 10-year-old Monroe youth leader, urged that the governor give him an opportunity to describe the jim crow injustice which awaits Mrs. Mae Mallory, a fellow kidnap” de fendant if Gov. Rhodes extradites her from Ohio to North Carolina. The "kidnapping" charge Is based on an incident during a day of al leged police-encouraged rioting by a mob of 9.000 white segregationists against Freedom Riders end local Negro youth engaged In peaceful PAOB S AAP Stores Gam Watch SRopto Emma Jan* Dress Shop PAOB IS Carolina Builders, tec. Warner Memorials Dillon Motor Finance Bidgeway's Opticians, be. PAGE 11 Consolidated Credit Corp. Heillg-Lrvtoe Washington Terrace Apts., Inc. Community Florist U instead Grocery * Transfer Capital Bargain Store Hunt General Tire Ce. Meehanl-s A Farmers Bank Central Drag Store Tire Sales A Service Standard Concrete Prod acts PAOB 11 CPAL Lincoln Theatre —*— - •—v • Charles T. Norwood Post, American Legion PAOB IS _ Homeowners Mortgage Co., be. King Cole Motel Baleigh Basinets College Capital r»*l Oil, Ice A Cool Co. Tire Sales A Bernice Taylor Badlo A Electrical Co. Dad Tells FBI Agents Ofßnitality nORENCE. 8. C. A 43-year old white farmer, Robert M. Cook, arrested a»yt charged last week with holding a Negro man in slav ery and peonage by tone for six months, was released Friday un der a bond of SB,OOO hare. victim waa Max Roy Mo (OOXTOfUED ON PACK t) P i hB jB |bbb ROBERT MOULTRIE COOK . , . faces slavery rap iaei.ee Fire Again Strikes In v Motel Here Raleigh firemen extinguished a fire Monday morning. * believed caused “hy a wall.Jaeater being turned up too high.Sßkh damag ed two rooms JR Staton's Motel and Restaurant, 319 8. Bast St. This waa the second fire suffered by the business this year. Owners of the property said no (CONTINUED ON PAGE Z) a \ f «S, m i■ n j REUNION OF SADNESS Mrs. Nellie Smith, center, of Oxford, Miss.. And her daughter. Miss istty Smith, 22, are greeted at the ton terminal in Boston, Mass., last week as they arrived to attend the Bor der-rape trial of their son and brother whom they haven’t seen in eleven years. Leroy Smith, Sf, a handyman. Is charged with the strangulation and rape of 65-year-old Mrs. Bessie Goldberg, at her ms— barter Mmet name hut March. Shown, left to right are: Boston College professor Raymond T. Me- Naliy. Bep Beryl W. Choen. Smith’s lawyer, and Mrs. RIU McNally The Smiths wfll live with the Ms* I NaUys daring the trial which began Toesday of this week. (CPI PHOTO). > ■ ----- . jam. - SIT-IN 18 CHAIRED OUT An unidentified yoanc woman rc faaed to leave her chair at the New Or team City Hall Cafeteria last Thursday, sa arresting police officer* carried her and the abate as they brake n» an attempted att-tn daman*tratian. (UP! PHOTO L Abernathy To Raleigh For ‘Freedom’ Dinner - - -dm . Hit Third Annual Freedom Day Dinner sponsored by The Raleigh Branch of th# NAACP will honor the lata Rev. Johnnie W. Jonas, popular Raleigh minister, and spe cial recognition will be given to life members. Hodges To Appear At UL Affair NEW YORK - Secretory of Com merce Luther Hartwell Hodges will be principal speaker. Nov. Is, at the National Urban League’s 1963 “Equal Opportunity Day’ dinner in the Orand Ballroom of the Wal dorf-Astoria Hotel, Martin E. Segal, dinner chairman announced Sun day. The apeaker is a former gov ernor of North Carolina. The League's Equal Opportunity Day Award* in 1963 will be con ferred on H. I. Romnes, president of the Weatem Electric Company, and Harry Van Arsdale. Jr., presi dent of the New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIQ. The. a wards are made in recognition of outstanding service and contribu tion by the honorees to the concept of equal opportunity for all, re gardless of rsce, color or creed. Last year's dinner drew a turn out almost as larga as the 1,400 ex pected at tha Nov. 19 Centennial event, representing a cross-section (CONTINUED ON PAGE I) The dinner scheduled for ‘BQ&y. Dec. 8, at 7:30 p. m. will be -hetdrin the dining hall of St Augustine's College. Invitations have to dube, churches and orgwrna lions requesting a representative. The Rev Dr. Ralph D. Ahfcrijs thy. v '* Jh "han-i*"- m lUptw... **• Dr. Abernathy is pastor or ww. Hunter Street Baptist Church,-At lanta. Qe. and the financial atcrsaa (CONTINUED ON PAGE I*-; Still Free ’ At CAROLINIAN pres* the whereabouts of Charles Gene (Daddy) Roger*, 19-year-oJdTidh or grade convict, who esoaped Friday morning by walking away from his Janitorin post at tha State Department of Labor Bull* ding, comer of Edenton and. Sal" isbury Streets, were stM—wm* address Is listed 03 410 Lee Street. Jpw! Raleigh, is said by Central Prls rn ZV: to iiavo befiu. "k «■ -O* V Ji model prisoner 1 i,,f mm |He was serving a ! term of seven to ? ten year* for lar- IP ’*! ceny arwl anne<l ROGERS ‘the . convict - , (* 1 (CONTINUED ON PAGf 2)

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