, SOMETHING TO BUY, RENT, SELL OR EXCHANGE USE THE CAROLINIAN CLASSIFIED SECTION 4 K SITUATIONS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES m CHILD CERE HELP WANTED PEMSONAL ... CLEANING fc NAUUNO 4 \*, Low Cost Advertising PmESk — Low Cost Advertising—wUZssMSl ~ FOR WHAT H AVE you ••• dial TEmple 4-5558 / |ftg&a|j FOR WHAT HAVE YOU... DL\L TErapl. 4-5558 IggEjJ|J 9PW> V^v! ANNOUNCMENTS CARDS OP THANKS IN MEMORIAL LEGAL NOTICES REAL ESTATE ROOMS - APARTMENTS HOUSES FOR RENT Classified Rates ■SUPS .« « • IS gjKL^,. r 40 4. I, *0 .*• Mb We T%e MMh a«rt »litir»Tl»t>nw »«w«i M sw CARD OF THANKS I peraonally wtah to thank all ertEsrsJi savs duriac my raeant Ulnaaa whlla at Me “Sfc. Katie Hunter •14 Towar St > Ratelah. ». C. IN MBMORIAM a nmn to n» late Mr. Aw A- Caoke ft la juat a {aw weak* interval, • haa bean made aad by the tatey rs our friend and and loyal member, both in a material and flm —way. Ha waa ever ready to Co forward in every way ha could, to Brine the beat tMn« to paaa. He never Brad of dotes who* ever he thought would help ana group go tor- ME’ Cooke made hia way by hi* •tea wrtrft. He waa highly eateemed and loved by the group. We will miaa hia tine cooperation, hia happy diapoaitlon, and the rare at atnSune, ha aiwaya brought the group. He leavee a commendable record of loving eerrica in group 9. pstsy to tnt wife tna children in me loot of your loving husband, father, and our devoted friend. Friend after friend departa. Who haa no* loCt a friend? Thera la no union here of hearte. That does not find an and They are not dead they have but Kill's, ?&'is£&r' m '' » tend of peace and rest. female help waited i MAIDS FOR NEW YORK i Many Needed $35-$55 Week nsan^runc (SUARAMTEXD N. T. UVS-D4 MAID -Job*- •» - Pl.MIt. Fare advanced Mallory Agency. Lynbrook. N. Y. “EDUCATIONAL” Civil, SERVICE. Prepare at home —... for t<OM gBRVICS. P. a Boat 405, Raleigh. H. BEAUTY SHOPS Oom^nj^gtrjfoten LAUNDRY pur wJHimm FOOD SPECIALS Coopers Baavß-Q B foAva^ar. SERVICE STATIONS !|pcrs wao a. Mood" “ MOTEL iMOTfg TOtJSUfI Dim INM—can S write tor raaervattena. ® Jamal- Privy, CT 8-5044 LEGAL NOTICES tfggffiSTOraffga: irr-rr-' late of Wake County. North Carolina, thia is to notify all persona tf>« State at said Hi~t —■* to exhibit them to the un dersigned at U Bast Hargett Street. pLigh. M. C- on or before foe 90th day of May. MM, or this nottee will be nr bar of their recovery. AD persona Indebted to tea estate will please make immediate payment. T °L TiUnmfi BANK. Administrator, C.TA. Nov. M, tt| 90; Dec. T. Mi Garden Time VI It L GARDNER N, a State The miracle of blooming plants at Chrietmaattme te wrought by poor commercial newer grower aad pour florist, who carefully faring a great variety of plants into bloom tar poo—cyclamen, a aalea, pdnsettta, chrysanthemum, begonia and many others. As gifts, flowering plants arc perfect. As bualncaa gifts they are cetorfnj aad teng hl|pta{ri!ta they always give the patient a Ift he or she wffl not seen for get. Whatever yea do, don't target the stmt-ins. Bouquets of bright red cama- Uons wIU add a festive touch to table tops. Man some Christmas greens In large containers to add touches of greenery throughout I the bouse. ' “Closing Costs” Bitter Surpiss For Unwary Purchasers Os Homos The ritual of “closing costa” toak two billion dollars from four mil lion American families who bought bouses In IMS, writes Murray Thigh Bloom in the December Read er’s Digest. In “Closing Osate: A Beaky Trap far Unwary Henw-Bqy m,- Btoesn says, “Probably in no other area of American con sumer transactions is ao grant a ten exacted from tnraemt pnrehaaers largely unprotected by tew.* The beam buyer us ually cornea to tee elcstag una ware of what Has ahead of Mm, to be confronted by charges tar “mortgage placement," “tax es crow,” “We insurance” and tag to aa mate aa fIAM. For many, these tees make a nightmare of the first year at own ership, cause a postponement of mute-needed furniture, or simply cannot be afforded, thus ending the dream of home possession. One of the most annoying items on the bill is the mortgage placement fee, otherwise called a “mortgage *erv ce charge” or “loan origination fee,” paid to a middleman for obtaining the mortgage ion the house. It can amount to one percent of the mort- Dr. Dowdy Renamed Dy Nafl Group GREENSBORO —Dr. L. C. Dow dy, dean of instruction at AAT Col lege, was last Week re-elected to a second term as secretary of the Arts and Sciences Division of Hie Amritetten of State Uafvevottos and l9tekmTeMduoted a4 the Am£ cltioc's annual mooting in Chi cago, Dr. Ddowdy was named to the Executive Beard es the The Association has a member ship of 129-state supported colleges and universities. Dowdy, who came to ART In IMI as professor of education, was pge moted to dean of the college's School of Education and General Studies in 1056. He served as acting president from January, IMS thru September of 1868. WWT» O—ips tghwli /r HEAR &OQD TUI M6e\ / SAID ABOUT U. «. 1 I RAVINRS BONDS. I I Wfiy MUST M IMF I 1 „ HIEHm 4 -I FIRST TIME IN THIS AREA For Immediate Help Consult Mrs. King AMERICA* READER Is your trouble natural? Do yon mom to be ereased la tack. • '\ * ' any iu body er mtad? Has the cm yen leva changed? dee MRE . vmnmeea ‘ Are you overcome with cendittons beyond your ooatrei teat are not natural? Mrs. King can re move them. Overcomes spells, bad tuck and evil influences of aB kinds. During many years of praetloe. Mrs. King has brought together many in marriage and reunited many who were separat ed. She telle you who your friends are and bow to overcome your enemtae, How to gain tea one you mote derire. She reetares tost King can advise on tow suits and buatnere speculations. xee LUCKY DAYS AND NUMBERS FREE WITH READING Ml Remenber Mrs. King Is Not An Indian Render Ucmutad By State and County * HOURS: t A M. to • P. M. DAILY and SUNDAY (Oared Wednesday) ALL WHdJOME 8 MILES NORTH of KENLYi U p 0nU.5.301 1 / 2 MileS.of Lucama » "■ u - Satisfaction Guaranteed! Look For Name Mrs. King On Hand Sign! Permanently Located! and, where there is no mlddle man. ft to simply a gouge. Another souroe of eleatag irrita tion—and a heavy burden on the unsuspecting home purchaser—is the tax escrow. This moons, accord ing to Bloom, that the now home owners are “paying in advance a year’s taxes on their house—to pro tect the mortgage holder in case they didn’t meet their payments.” Bloom quotes a title-insurance axe* cutive: “Well, it’s customary. The bank gets the advance tax money free, lends it out and collects a stable ARE YOU THE DETECTIVE? “I cannot understand why she should have dona thisl” eeba tha middle-aged, Wiliam Telford. “There I was, ao tern at band . . . raking leavefc in tha yard just shout B 0 feet from the garage bore ... white Inside the gagage Ellen waa .. and be breaks off sobbing. You stand at the doorway of the two-oar garage situated at the rear of Telford’s yard, and you gaae down at the body at his wife, Ellen, white now lies on a tarpaulin on the oement floor at the empty garage. Just five minutes ago, Immediately after your arrival, you helped Telford out her down from tee overhead rafter from white Telford told you he found her hanging a half-hour ago ... and new your eye Is oaught by some of tee symptoms at tee harming ... tha bluish face, tee protruding tongue, tee rape marks aa Mr throat, “Bute a shock this was,” exclaims Telford. “X had no tnhmatton at all teat Ellen was even considering such at hing. Os oouraa, tea was rather moody at tenet, and we had our little arguments . . . she was of a very Jealous nature, and resented it very mote when ever I even spoke to another woman. Her latest peeve was my new secretary at tee office. But I never gave her the slightest reason to mistrust me br my faithfulness, and everything seemed quite normal tele afternoon. As I’ve already told you. Z was ratals leavee In tee yard hen about SO feet or ao from the garage. I heard the back door of our house dam as Ellen came out into tee yard, ami I saw her strolling teroug tea yard. Then I went on with my worrcl became a little thirsty and started toward tee house for a drink. As X passed the rarago 1 happened to look into it . . . and then Am was! X was too teqoksd and rick to nvft ter several minutes \ . . but finally X ran into the house and phoned you.” “Aren’t you tea BUI Telford who has been written up ]R a number of aperte magaalnes for your exploits as a hunter?” you then ate. “And Sfqn’Oou the man who received a number of ettateme lot heroism-while seating with the Marine# during Wirid VM Bf“ "Why. yes ... but what has that to do with .. • "I think it ha RUenty to do with this case,” you break in. “You’ll have to oomo with mo for soma intensive quaotoinlng. This doesn’t look like Suicide to me!” SOLUTION 1 (OJOUI •» Jnoq-Jiaq • JQI Sum* req tol p*>n*X TteguMni menmre re Nftwnre moot OTpnu reaei re puv uiTtota upop tno oj Xmreipeuiißi reoisea oq re pettmtap oe uaeq aawq pmoqe ’pwjemvq «l «> Munftn pua qreap qqpa seouafasdxa reop jequnti a re uopfondai ep <fflt ‘pjojiaj, gqa uoreai qouuaa nog ‘sowp puoow oqq uj 'jpamq Streq o» jjo tettdumr etejoq pooqg aAvq ppvoo uwmoa oqq qapia uodn epftia largo jo xoq 'jrvqo ‘tooqe cm punoj nog ‘aow(d yuu eqt m • »' • • BOTTLED IN BOND MiLLOW CORN KENTUCKY 9 STRAIGHT M corn NBBk WHISKEY n] •20 I^l 100 MEOLEY DISTILLING COMPANY, OWENSBORO, KENTUCKY - «• ' amount es tatanet am It unto the very day toe mo«sy has to ba paid Over w taxes" TMta eearek Is a ligttlswii charge esrept whew It is mb esßtary to ga ttaaagk areay ask es pa bile reeerto to areka tre* teto > rerepamai r 'Jatatata sear eh la mtaatoe. Many leaden in the real-estate field feel closing costs should he modified or eliminated entirely. LOUuikUHAZ December 3: L. Lomax Speaks At Vs. Union RICHMOND, VS. - Louis Lomax, the releheated American Journa list, will be the keynote speeker for ike 6th Biennial Oeroor Confer ence at Virginia Union university early December. Deen Wendell P. Russell announced the meeker*! name last week end stated that he would address tee entire faculty and student body in Baroo-Stavens Auditorium at • a m. Tuesday, De ecmberl ’ aeaneameM said. “This year's Conference promises to he ear meal Important wa have had. £ RALEIGH SEAFOOD Fresh Seafood Daily mo m davie rr. dial te uius LET’S TALK a STEPHENSON’S AUTO SALES WW 3231 a Wflmhigton Street TE 3-9555 Across From New Charles Raleigh, N. C. N. C. Dealer NO. 1402, Thunksgi ring Classic Spec iaht Teachers Plan No Money Down On Cars From $50.00 To $2995.00 *63 CADILLAC 4-Dr. iqaa bp H. T- Air Conditioned. tllfkfti ’63 PONTIAC 2-Dr. ' J *63 FORD Galaxie |a qma f 500, 2-Dr. AtUfJ ’<3 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. Sedan. Fully Equipped. gCR M A W including Air Condition. - *62 CHEVROLET IOOA sr 2-Dr. H. T. Impale. Extra Clean *6O CHEVROLET 4-Dr. Sedan, Straight Drive. 110 J F 6 Cylinder 1t940 *6O BUICK 4-Dr. H. T., Power Brahes, iu pa m Power Steering. R. to H.— JldnpO *62 CORVAIR flf| AP *6l CORVAIR flylo - Straight Drive. Low Mileage M~kCp«F ’59 FORD 2-Dr. H. T. Automatic Trans. ' t 4 *59 PLYMOUTH fIAA - 2-Dr. H. T. Fury ltfcFtf BURL ALLEN’S I 'tongue With an es tee witty aioggae and available in books and bp word bf mouth, ami might avoid moot unfortunate situations kg merely heeding tee wisdom of experience—but 100 many persons and organisations are 100 indlf fqr or resentful to aooept there b *ltor t *«H»Np)a. “Pint things first." is a good motto ignored by too many responeibie XtaMghltee. They want “a cultural city." which, of course, cannot be Indus trialised. But we know that mod* am industry eaten to culture demands education 1 What BIG-SHOT Raleigh darent want Is tea in depend - aaaa teat tedwetry offers to tea cowman man yet they desire tee industrial dopare hath la terms es the esnsaltaats we empret^aadMhe^aistnttp^ri This year’s Career Conference grows out es the realisation that Virginia Union has a targe num ber es college students, at ell levels who ere in need of further intertaa bon concerning career poasihiUbre now open to them Following the keynote address, toe student body wtll be divided Into interest groups. Bate group will have a consultant assisted by s faculty member, who will set as chairman. Interest groups win run every hour, except far e brief pe riod when foe consultants will have lunch: resetons will allow twenty five minutes for Consultants’ pre sentations end equal time for stu dents to ate question* centered a round their areas of interest aad have foam answered. RALEIGH, W. CLteTTOAT/UUlipK M. ISM 1 |ITTr ' deeire tern enough to try tar ing to team by putting hud The *Mero*and more ioeal etttsens atsraspenl TRADE NOW FOR A NEW IMS MERCURY -L GET EXTRA-TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE-NOW RAWLS MOTOR CO. «• nnmnui n. mn n Mm DMk, no. am S Top Car Buys Os The Week •CA CHEVROLET Convertible. Rod and OAAC “U Bjidt fxTw *C7 MERCURY 2-Door Hardtop. Blue and dgAe Rod. New overhauled motor ♦C7 BUICK 2-Door. Hardtop. Very Good fotaf w* Transportation. HUPm 'tA BUICK 4-Door, Hardtop- A very clean, OAftg good car. Rteolal *CC BUICK 4 Door Hardtop. dCAIT Ere it today! *« PONTIAC 2 Doer Sedan. New overhauled ffCAP motor, straight stick. O—»CC chevrouets 4 Doer sedan, etreighi ojoe *“ ■Met' flpaetal prioa. v*7ii *57 S 71 * 01 " JDoor $695 »CC PORd' 1 boor Hardtop, Beautiful OAAf Pink aad White oetar. NO DOWN PAYMENT WITH APPROVED CREDIT! NO PAYMENT OVER fM.tl PER MONTH WADE’S AUTO SALEB 228 E. Cabarrus St TE 4-6417 or 4-6418 \ *SB CHEVROLET fJlo *p *57 BUICK 4-Dr. g£A w Sedan, Real Clean. OcFth *57 CHEVROLET fx *57 OLDSMOBILE 2-Dr. .. A . H. T, Real Sharp § cfd ’SB PLYMOUTH4-Dr. IJn , H. T. Automatic Trane. 429 tR *57 OLDSMOBILE 4-Dr. fAA - Sedan. Good Shape Dlft) *56 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. 7 s „ Q p Sedan tBcFtM *59 CHEVROLET «„ M ~ 3 In Floor, Convertible JH43 *57 FORD Fsirktne gAA m 500, 2-Dr. Sedan w9crtp *55 FORD •295 *53 CHEVROLET *195 ’4B FORD *89.95 aztd otfter faotory? cittea eitouid be team a more comfortable Uvell- S&tT , lbSd*riS? m on ftig eamtnge. PLAY FAIR! 7

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