t ... * . FACES IN I She news - * . *•' /V* •’' * -r '■ : Mm MARIAN ANDFIt SON % /**•’ ... Vw / 'l-l, ‘ ■ f.,.< '!. .-..., t JOSS ALTHEA GIBSON IBM Mtti WASHINGTON plaato, MUMUiofld ksf retire* meat « • imirt artU last Thursday during New York press famous contralto, 55, said she £S£££r: GMh an Easter Sondv concert Haa on^ii^A. od tint she would begin a car eer in wnfirnfanal golf, becom ing the first of Imp race to do so. Mbs Gibson, who was a ten nis protege of Dr. Hubert A. Ea ton. Wlhntngton. N. C., spent several years In the Tar Heel State. She also holds the Wim bledon championship hi tennis. The late Mfan Dinah Washing ton, shewn h bottom photo, died early last Saturday morn ing. rnnilflr of an overdose of Nenplar fill* In her Detroit, Web. heme. Known as the "Qnosn of the Bines." An offici al rating to her death wffl net ha made antfl an autopsy report h complete In about two weeks. She h remembered far this area fur her currently popular hit tana. "What A Difference A Day Makea." (DPI PHOTO)- — mmm — ■l ■ ■ i !■ . ■ . ....... ii»ii ii. ■■ .-"-.ii . ■i.ii.m— mi i—.. - . i—- *■ GIFTS FOB HOS. rI'ALIZKD CHILDREN —Mrs. Lyndon Johnson Is Bum ttWMtai Mn> «•■ ImM If Mrs. Mu F. Kennedy, to hospttaHsed children si D. C. General Msepltat M week. Mrs. Kenne dy tins originally scheduled to make tbs visit, MB asked the new First Lady to take osar her appoint ■Mat. (OTI PHOTO*. ‘ • --V , -v* » XK - • ' At Chapel Hill Eateries; Sanford Next: -r : ! ■ . '&* r • vlsr DEMONSTRATIONS RESUMED «W.’ . . . . 1 ...» • ' «V • ' * A Wife-Killer’s Trial Delayed f . • 'j' « 4 . . " ■■■■■ o"W ■ , l i.iwenmw ■ .a— | THE CAROUNIAXj North Carolina’s Leading Weekly • ’'* . ' ' t _ C-~ VOL. IS. NO. T RALEIGH, N. IBM session, as the churchwomon Os the year. Boot an enviable record oo a cAorehman. He h the oldest protestant bishop, la taanre, now in America. He was eIeet fCONTDOJED ON PAGE » -.. , , Marine Says 2 Women Robbed Him JACKSONVILLE A Ounp Lejeune Marine told local police officers Thursday that two young Jacksonville women robbed him by picking him up as he was hitchhiking and forcing him to hand over S2B. Both of the women an colored. They were arrested Friday. Laaea CpL Robert A. Bal dwin testified at a prelimi nary bearing that after the women picked him op in a station wagon, one of them "staph something” into his (COHTtNUSD ON MOB » 1 taKS*' T#• t m It attorney Trank CistfWk. SOM/ SpMNB I, ‘ that he will appol talMsM Coart to on effort to says his i, I *?"*,, ST' —| that *2* CUMIlUvst MwM'wMlg dam will fils a motion before Judge a iy wihii &sstkef fln C \ssttetn trict Court bore. He weald not wUl*be booed, aor whoa It wffl be filed. Crawford. 29, was con victed fca Winston-Salem of the rape-murder of oa right-year old girt. Qoveraor Tarty San ford stayed his execution, which was set far (art Friday, natfl January M. UN. Homemakers Os 5 Counties Meet Wl3Bs—The District IV Horae Ee onomics teachers of Granville, Vance, Franklin, Nash and Warrkn counties, mot last week at the North Warren High School, Wise, with Mrs. Juanita Powell, chair man, Nash Central High School. Nashville, presiding. The group was fCOMTIMtJBD OH MCI I) Defendant Enters Court Without Attorney Here • ■. ___ BT CHARLES R. JONES Dnllao Oriffta, 53-yeer-old na tive of Clayton, who has been charged and definitely Identified by hie own 11-year-old daughter aa the murderer of his wife with five pistol shots on N< rember 3s. after breaking into their homa an 9. State Street, will not reoetve a preliminary hearing until Mou | Strt. Mary Artis Winston Ortf ] fin was pronounced dead on ar- BEHt 9 r trtgh’s City Court Monday of Ilia week, under heavy police award, Ist minus aa MMstaer to reproaent him oa the capi tal charge. - - ' if- Solicitor Robert T Hedrick told this wrttlr that Griffin expressed a desire for a lawyer shortly af ter his arrest, and supposedly talked to a veteran barrister at this time. However, Solicitor He -1 ‘"T"""* 1 v " * State Meet IMNAACP Youth Held BT J. R. HABREN GREENSBORO—A t a special meeting of the combined adult NA AGP and Youth Council and Col lege Chapter officers held hero in the Hayes-Taylor YMCA, Saturday, December 14, a comprhensive NA ACP Youth Council program waa projected tor Ms 4 by Youth Presi dent Quinton & Baker, a junior at North Carolina College. Durham, and his staff Including the Rev. W. E. Banks, Thomasvllla, state youth advisor. With a budget act at |M#O the youths anticipate a state-wide leges, high aehoeta* and earn taraws'l tor MtTskwt with (CtIWTOItIBl) ON MW »> - ADVERTISERS — BIA FROM THEM MM ■ am SrStmCoMr, u.r*- not Steta CrooMiy tV.'mni * Cs* AMM he. MOO Snpptr thn^ NeSrihs-Devts sstSirnsrsM. SS?r ,r, ~ f * x * u " i ** SSsSS a MM 3 Cstaoisi OUr— _ WST/gST *• Dsa’i Ksm Service SibUn«.*h^c. cofcM W ° r ** el— * ' *"* lilegl toss OffiM c. On ha— Hatters * Ctsaasrs driok said, if Griffin oannot af ford an attorney, then the eourta win appoint someone to defend him The shooting took pace at the residence of the late Mrs. Griffin. fcowTwttma m bam at Pickets In ni oi w tsae Gnapel Hm Are Jailed ftoent demonstrations, on the eve of Christmas, are Musing some concern in'the state, duo to the fact that there are thorn who may spend the holiday season behind bora. According to information furnish ed the CAROLINIAN by Chief of Police W. D. Bloke of Chapl Hill. Wednesday morning, there were BO persons in jail tor having taken part in whdt seems to be a con certed drive on restaurants and eat ing places that still segregate. The demonstrations are said to have begun Friday and continued through Tuesday night. It waa re ported that 38 wore arrested Tues day night, after o complaint come in from Clarence's Bor. The group ta mid to hove been mixed about SO percent Fifteen were released on bond and 18 remained In jail. They Joined IS others who wore ar rested earlier. The action is mid to bo gaining momentum and Includes all ago groups. Among the first to be ar rested waa on 80-year-old retired white minister, who accompanied tour other whites and tour Negroes to Pines Restaurant Friday. The demonstrations boor the ear marks of prewious such actions, which have not happened in Chapel Bill since early fall, when there was a protest e otOBB, «* . : : * ;i. ' HAh v J • ~ 'IHB iw WM^wflLi v*- 4 HV. ' ip %*•. .|*TBr H jh| A ... 1 Hk r/i ---‘£l jsßjl 3bMmBHKB . tugg ATTEND STATE NFA CONFERENCE a. Officers of the North Carotins Association of the Now Fanners of America loot week attended the three-dsr annual I radershlp Conferenoe held at ART Col lege. In the grasp, from loft to right, oeated. are; W.T. Johnson. Br.. district anpenrhor. State Depart ment of Vocational Agriculture; William Hunt, Ymnceyrille, president; Boy Wttsnu, Warsaw, first vtca president; Rawell Harris. 111, Cdnetoe, second viee president, and G. K. McKratham, Jr., third rtoe pres ident. These standing are: Lemont Mathis. Clinton, secretary; Alvin Midgrtte, Burgaw, treasurer; How ard Thomas, Goldsboro, reporter, and W. T. Ellis, district saperrieec. fiants, Jr., la chairman of the groups organised two months Dr. Charles A. Lyons, Jr., com mittee vice-president, in a prepar ed report for presentation to the State-Wide Good Neighbor Coun cil, said, “A climate Mists in Ra leigh in - which more progress is possible. Though this measure of progress may seem small. It la nevertheless progress snd we hope to continue to build on this foun dation. tor he admitted firing a shotgun > bloat into a Negro home. He la Charles Ronald Grooms, 20. who poll** said admitted firing the blast Into the home of Timothy Hayes, 42. No one was known to bo Injured In the shooting Police said Grooms declared be shot into Hayes' home In revenge because he had been out on the hand by an “unkown" Negro in an altercation last Bept. 18. PeHce apprehended Grooms a short distance from the rroKTOfciiT on paoi *> Or. Lyons' report further* pointed oat that the pace of desegregation ta Raleigh waa partially ‘'stimulated by the crista created by the street de mons trattasts to the spring and rammer of 19M.” Noted also in the report was thi tact that seven Raleigh department stores, and tour grocery chain* now employ Negroes as clerks: that three industries now hire Negroes tor office work and the production force; and on utility is actively seeking Negroes tor positions that in the past, hove gone exclusive!] to whites. NEWS DEADLINE! The deadline for news and photographs for the Christmas Edition, week ending December 28, Is Friday, December SB. In keeping with former years. The CAROLINIAN is ragnesting all persons having general news, hometown news, photos and sports material for publication in the above mentioned Issue, to Moose bare K in The CARO LINIAN’S office. $lB E. Martin Street, Raleigh. N. C. no later than Friday, December SB. The Christmas Edition wffl go to prom on Monday, December 28. Thank you tor your coopera tion.