2 Murders Mar Yule Holidays The Carolinian VOL. M, NO. 9 RALEIGH, N. C. SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, # 1964 ■ -PRICE 15c Raleigh Scene Os One-Pay Session: NAACP Vows Action Now 75 Leaders Converge On Capital City the Nartli Carolina KAACP Adult and Yuuto Councils ud College Chapters interrupted (Mr holiday vacation* to return to the Capitol City to aaeperato with to* MM# KAACPud Clttoene Association in registration ptegrame peer t&e etato. Sr. Chartm A. MOLean and Newton kflno, tocel NAACT proxy Balph Campbell, the Me. Charles Ward and Bab Shep ard haatod the eHaie whtoh ehehana to organise leeaf reg ia District TWo toe eery alive (DWllUilP cat pagb t) Hearing On Murder Rap P.ostponed The bearing of Dallas Ortffln. S 3, originally eet for Monday. De cember 30. baa again been delay ed. The preliminary is now eet for Monday. January 6 in Cl tv Court. Griffin, who murdered hie wife. Mrs. Mary Winston Grif fin, 47. on November to. aa hie horrified daughter looked on, m'l not afford to hire a lawyer at the tbae of kb ar- Not, although he did talk to a well-known attorney short ly after he was returned to nelrtgh from Clayton, where he fled la aa effort to caeaye the tow. Alton W. Komegsy. an attor ney. was named by the eourt (uemiiete on ww n future families hold GET-TOGETHER A hmaar nunan for the tunhe* ot Clubby Checker end • toThenoee h tfdtromed on the face* above. Left to right are: Event, Chubby 'a father; Mr*. Term Lodders. mother I m sjjjl IEH . VEHIML : Ek *£C2P^ ROBESON RECEIVES WARM GREETING — American Paul'Robeson (cantor) k greet ed warmly by his eon, Paul Jr., and the /offer’s wife, Marilyn, upon arrival in New York Decem ber 22nd. It is the first time since 1958 that the 65-year-old singer has been in the United Steiee. There were reports that Robeson, long associated with Communist front movements, had become disillusioned with Communism, but his wife denied that this ie true. (I I PI PHOTO). Tragedy, Violence Led Top 10 News Stories Os Last Year The year 1988 will go down in history as one of greet tragedy marked by the violence of tho.«e opposed to the ideals of democracy in America. Five es the top sen news sto ries were el violence. Four were related to seme way to the Inc rrend efforts es Kegreca to attain their full rights as dt ttou as Frcoldest Sylvauua O tympta es Tags wee the flrat marder as Ska toad as an As rtcau nation. k This was the conclusion of the editors of the Associated Negro Press after reviewing too siDiifi cant news events of the year and making their selection of toe top ten news stories. 11m four which adn art relat ed to the civil rights easayaign Kennedy, too^bmsbtogjf ot f iancee; Catherine Lodders, the bride-to-be; Chubby Check er. Ueee Lodders. and Mn. Eerrie Beam. The Lodders family arrived from Holland m December 26 to meat Chubb/e tofts. (JUPI PHOTO). kntedjtear WMdSar^Mara'to Meere to Atebaasa. It to also to be noted (bat Ala bama figured in tores of the stories in a negative reaped 5 toa Binning* ham church bombing. to* murdaa as Postman Moore and too show down at toe Univunlty es Alabama. Victims Die Over Minor tesuesHere BY OMASUM A MBS fleund at kaaat two local familial saddened baeausa et the deads as aturdee. white too majority ad the tSSi*T*4&S&' * the {eUdays Bdward OieWge Janaa. tt, as «U 1-fl Mat Wtotb toU seto Mamnietot S^g^gSaaMn K ehargal wttk too atwrdWof ta.rjßsrt.Trrr' - aarira.'s&s want asetoar, Mr*. Antoa Broueou. 43. repertod to p*U*a effleeta that eha add bar sou wee* arguing aver a drepcord whan Seam antarad the room. Ba allegedly shat her aan rcoNTWotn oh mm n WDWABD CeOKMI JONM wife of D. Gregory SUII Held ATLANTA (AWP)-While ether Amerteam vtere JoyfaUr BStabrat tag Christmas to ttotar bonus. Mn. UOUn Oratory, pregnant wtfs of nationaflr famous comedian Dick Oratory, was languishing in an At lanta etty Jail after bar arrest on Christmas Kve ter partteipattag in HouhThw ■ WB® Violent Cwtrdlntttof iPHPMV I tfWe W®® husband by her Me to answer the charge. She had raSuor d to post a $lO9 bond after she was arrested, preferring to spend Christmas hi tcaenmvaa on ream 9 Smoking Blamed In Man’s Fire Death ~ Herman Fhrt, *r„ was given #. nal rttas Tueaday, December 11, ene-room frame house, located oa tha Bock Quarry Road, about six miles east of the city. The services ware held at a rural church ta Wake County. The body of Fort, IT-year-old "*rkar. ■■■ who has lived in r field. Clayton, Sa V" and Auburn, was tSg£>% discovered by a neighbor who M :.- spotted the blare j1..:, ; .■' at 9.30 Saturday LlflßßSftfg night, and at- S tempted to open j gj | the door, but f|fl found R locked from the inside. FORT ** ■ K CLARSNCI sAwpnx. m Mitchell To Spark Mass Meet Here BT staff warm The Faurth Annual Maaa Mast ing as the Balaigh CMoans Aaaoda lion will ba held an Sunday, Jan. 13, at 3:10 pjn. at the First Baptist Church hern Featured spaa bar will ba Clar ence n First Baby Mr. and Mrs. fbaxteu Boas are the parent# as the Aral ba by barn at Wake Memorial SgtflTCma l'tw'Baes family ’featotTS Wendell. Bento Üb^tonh ftbe'andher toby will to fltow erad wfb gift# from many la- Mgk merchants as todtaatad an pugs t «f this week's Tbe*CA BOLIVIAN wffi net to able to carry a photograph as —Mitt and baby until the neat Wake County Coroner Marshall W. Bennett who was contacted by The CAROLINIAN Tuesday night said Fort probably tall asleep while smoking, starting the tire. He ruled the death accidental. The body was Identified hy On. dy Burnette, owner of the house, who stated that Fort had lived than since It was built about tour yean ago. Fart worked as * (arm hand on Burnatta'a property. Bo* Med Burnette, who Uvea acor* Dr. Davis Given $500: Church Honors Departing Cleric f On BirW afternoon. Deo If. to an umrnasl and jhletesy making Um!Mila?^Spyk3t>in' honor *of Us main ssr^r-i tha wtwden atraetuie which had barttn Baptist Church burned to too ground. Idto than 7 monttto « mm to ttMir brand now. modern structure. Not only was the ohuroh building new but Ms Midp* meat, near putoit. paws, furniture including an up to data, futty equipped kitchen to the toaantttt, wars all new. This modern mira- Fire Brings Sudden Death To 12 Members Qf Family CHARLESTON, A C (AND - Christmas Day brought tragic daath instead of happinaa* to 13 members as • poverty-stricken family tor*, who perished In a Ore which de stroyed their bom*. Included among the U victims tear* • miner chil dren. The tire bars was on* et three holoeusts which took a toll of It lives in three cities. The othgrs were in Spring Lake. Mich, and af tor tragadlaa’atrarib* *«f Mrs. Mary Lea Jrkaaaa. 47. and hat fcaetond, Walter. SL Mrs. p—CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS «— ' Bin FROM THEM as rptsr?. SirtsM^wMh-.... noser* SS*Ce* r ' 1< * tnSr ttta't gtoctrtral Cs. pao* e ■aCsea-Selb—cnrS's I. W. motors * Co atseCsrC Concrete ProSecS* (an* Jena Dress Shag. Ths Coca-Cola Bottling Co. is eta if Bon PAOg S Oalotge raasral Bamo Acme Boatar Co. lames BsnQors TUs Co. McLoarta Partins Compear MoClla-Ositi TZ&KZTL. Branch B« atlas * Tram Co. BaMfh SoafooC Co. ausraurs. 6 " Contra! Brit tamo Kar?^-" ___ gyßri/Bal-88. too O feei Co. «*■ Mm Mm,. M Ohm Mm rnsEL^s*; L ABueh- . EFuaEaneuM, awinjyfa wntn im mnwr ▼ win l tery Fin Deportees* arrived on the scene. According to Burnette, flames gushed up about BO toot as ha and tha neighbor opened the dOgn- Sot off about 100 yards %«n tbs highway, tha bouse was nor near any other buildings. DA OBADT A DAVIS do was iMptoad by tbs dynamic leadership of Dr. DavU. who lika Mooes, generated such a spark of faith, truat and confidence that his followers, exceeding their own fondest hopes, found those hop* (coNTiwcoa on ra— ti Lifelong Pal Faces Death Bap WABHINOTON (ANN) A Ufa long friend was arruaiad bora Christmas Be* and charged with the death Howard oni (convtnw mm n Wohstor-Btrts Grin | CoUogs Cart Orororr " Capital tree earn Stars Major Plasms Co., I nr. Gass Bassos Hatters B Ctsaasrs Capital Bargain Mors Larry's Cot-Bat* Grorrry g Mbl. o. *. Tartar Bros.. Inc. Grosman's Utki Shop TMoms B soorg Shop lanu lans Dross Shop ft. T Grant s _ BalOtgh Permtaro go. flo&'s •’lt'SU Voraltorr Mother * Daaghtor Start, lar Thomtl roog Mirtot Goal* Mra4o«r*ronas. the. FAOI I# Warner* tt« mortals *"* It star_Ptpaaeo _ nmgowajrs opnemns. me. PAOB n CBM. Briggs Bsrdware Horn WAir&ppss.*. PAOg B Vhilts • PAOg M MsitsDi * Paramos Bmrt Hart Ooarral Tiro Co. B. B. Betan Paiartua Bn. a rsTJO* Toiraps httognta a BoaMp Os,