THE CABOUNIAII —-- - RALEIGH, Jf._ C„ SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, IM4 12 ■——— ■— » ■ I 1 ■■■■""■■■■■■■^^■MmMDWeaWaeaaßWWWMWUMWmaMWWmMMeMeW^MaapHmaaWWM Dixie College Student May Try For State Legislature ‘Most Serious Thought Os My Life,’ Says FAMU Grad OCALA. FU. (ANP)—Jesse Mc- Cray, a 28-year-old Negro who laat summer srved aa an aide to Secretary of State Tom Adam*, hinted here thi* week that he may run for the atate legislature in the spring primaries. "I will aay thi*,” McCray told a reporter, "I have not yet de finitely made np my mind, but Dick Gregory Fails To Push Assault Charge WASHINGTON (ANP)-An as aault charge against James Me- Phail. 35, was dismissed for want o f prosecution last week in the Court of General Session when his accuser - comedian Dick Gregory - failed to appear. MePhail had been arrested and freed under S3OO bond after Gre gory accused the man of hitting during a backstage argument at the Howard Theater September 26. while Gregory was performing in Weehington. INSURE YOUR HOME AGAINST FIRE —Consult— YOUR LOCAL AOENT BANKERS Fire Insurance Co. Durham, N. C | Firestone MILEAGE BARGAIN • FIRESTONE Champion Now Treads Aimflad Mi Tlm lo^laa V Vvv wn Yaw Ows Tim V Sams Tread Width >/ Sams Tread Depth ,V Sams Tread Oaslgn V Sams Tread Quality You Don't *• N * w Flraatona Tires Need Cosh O O w,w " IUCKWAU Yeur OU Tim Make the HmUmmi W. Dews Payment —'■• - ■ - ALL SIZES AVAILABLE Firestone Stores 4tl FAYETTEVILLE BT. TB 2-SJ/4 WILL YOU OWN YOUR HOME IN '64? As little as $350 down and payments as low as $75 per month, can give you ownership of a well built, comfortable home split level, 2 story, or ranch. Open houses every Sun day in beautiful... * ... ' o Biltmore ★ Hills Estates Building Co., Inc. 47W YADKIN ST. JOHN WINTERS CO. RAI4EKJH. N. C. M7 E. MARTIN BT. RHONE m*lltl PHONE VA MIN It is the mast serious considera tion of my life." McCray, who will receive his law degree from Florida A&M Univer sity in April. 1964. has been an ho nor student throughout his univer sity career. In 1959, he was selected outstanding debater in the national collegiate debate tournament where he competed with debaters from such institutions as Rutgers, New York University and the University of Pittsburgh. McCrary served two years as a first lieutenant in the U. S. Army Intelligence Corps before -entering Florida AAM. Last summer, McCrary became the first Negro to be employed in the administrative offices of the Florida secretary of state when he served as an administrative assis tant to Adams. The first hint of McCrary’s In tentions came here December 23, during a mass rally at the Conve nant Baptist church, where the young law student was a speaker. NIGHT'S REST COST HIM THREE MONTHS BALTIMORE (ANP) Willie Frank Brice. 43. has had three months added onto his 14-year term In state pen on manslaughter charges. Sentenced In May. 1955. Brice learned from his attorney that a parole was pending. He be came so excited he walked oft the work detail, and went to the home of a relative “toget a good night's sleep." He Intended to return to the pen the next morning, and police were on hand at his rela tive's house early to see to it that he doesn't get any other Ideas. DRIVE SAFELY! \ fll •~ r t-^. t ' v? . I BHpr ■ ?ra Wr^— NCC COEDS' MISSION t*our youngsters who are en rolled at the O'Berry School lor the Mentally Retarded Golds boro, display gifts from North Carolina College coeds and pose with the donors during the girls’ recent visit to the school. The NCC group, members of the Civic Committee of the college's freshman women’s dormitory, bought or made the gifts as pert of their annua/ project. They are left to right; Misses Marjorie Dun aton, Louisburg; Catherine Jordan, Oxford ; Ernestine Vines, Wah stonburg; and Janet Sima, Avondale. | CROSSWORD ♦ ♦ ♦ By A. C. Gordon | umm u nan lIIIIIHIIIH HIM tin mumm HBB MBBBH iIBB ■ umm iibh ■ Uililßflß HBBililß iiBB umm umumuu uumumu ■ umm umm u uiiiia muuum mmb ttlßßil B ÜBBB HBBKIiIBKIiIBBB iIBBB MBBB across J** • W lurry *jtnt* dtvic* ( • EnMraum* 11 m*dl* M - An objKtiv* IS • Unit 14 • Cry«MUl*»d vnpor 14 • Thing. In Inw 17 • Ftaan 11 • Ttb* lay* l ncltei JO - Tim* p*nod Jl -gywnvrf 33 - Tw*cklt* J« • Ml*CU»* 24 • lav* being 30 - Kngrtt 31 - fcwlUon 34 - M*t* forma** 17 • Promrli 34 • Qu*rt» I 14 • Adept (thaw 42 - Coin 44 • F»*»» 44 - Mu*leal eighth not* 44 - To *br*d* 4* • Doric** un*d la popular *poxt Do’s And Don'te S Disagree But Do Respect the Opinioot of Other* 14 • Nautical meat » - Imm*tur* person* DOWN 1 * Social event* 2 - Building •xtennion 3 - Compass point 4 - B«aeb«ll team 3 - Senor'* v*« 4 - Boxing dm* Iplurall 7- T»vem* 4 - ... th* m*rl' * - Or* I 10 • Attend 11 - Format Frtnch rr.tran r I hihinilMflsTUptl biwr.ri fi nfa>w itiiiri Muiumri U 33111 HU'i.J ' k) UliJUttl. tJUJU LTUtr nriwnrpi m ir.’iir c*> <« k'iiiri' laruo bi bIM 11 li lltlU 1.1-iIU f.MWIi'H I'III *1 Ut'itilU r^ronriiMFin-iy S'KII It) U-t-tl Trans-World Airlines (TWA) perishable cargo jets are flying. Five hours from the Sah Francisco- Los Angeles area to New York with fresh fruits and vegetables. Overnight to London. These new jets hsve a 90,000 pound cargo capacity and make it possible to transport the highest quality products to market twito a minimum of transit deterioration. i A. A. McMillan Is Wake C’nty Heart Fund Chairman Dr. L. M. Massey. President of the Wake County Heart Associa tion, announced today that Repre sentative A. a£ McMillan has ac cepted the post of County Chair man of the Heart Fund drive next month. Mr. McMillan will work with local leaders to each communi ty In informing the public about flu many aerrtcea of the Heart Aaaeeiation and aeUclting sup port for It McMillan is a Raleigh attorney i *nd a graduate of Wake Forest College. During World War II he served five years in the U. 8. Ma -1 rlne Corps, spending three years in the South Pacific. He served as Wake County Representative in the 1961 and 1963 State Legislatures. 12 - A grating 15 - Moisten* 17 - Anger 18 - Title of re epee t 20 - Levels 2 - Dert I - Rodent *8 * Man'* name - Extern* 1 24 * Beginmt ,4 of recreation U • Noisy tmf 11 i * To autpa;.* 13 - Mis . Slutep J 4 • Standing fcoom Negative Ui’b ) .18 - M>de*t 36 - One a style of writing 40 • Mr. Swan 41 * Time periods 43 • Profit 44 • Comrade* 45 • Incumbent* 47 • Serpent 4S * Rogutsh 50 • Ancient Egyptian •pint 51 • Erbium (cbem,) 52 * Rase on Balia