2 Tffg ?HITOUHfjUf RALEIGH, If. C- SATURDAY, JANUARY If. IM4 SHAW NEEDS MONEY NOW! . . (comann non pao* i> thdr respective cities sad towns, borrow SI,OOO and forward the »««ey «* •hsw«dv«fßr. A year, if necessary, can be used to a die bank bMt In At meantime thaw Univeftety Cant get Id « back, pay ill debU and begin a tetirb inrdsd building pin. Those as m who believe, as we are earn the minister, who preaches It rmc tawdey must, that ire more hlmid ta give than to receive, aan tint no better way to deiuonetrtle It than now by sMng to a worthy educational cauee far the on-Whig genera- Should the 1700 to 1800 Baptist churches respond with s check for an average of SI,OOO. thaw would receive $1,700,00, enough money to retire its debt and begin a three to five year building program. Should the churches decide to renew its efforts for three years, Shaw could then have some $5,000,000, enough to completely raze and rebuild its campus and lay aside some for its endowment fund.. The CAROLINIAN believes the time has come when we must learn more how to share with our institution#, our chari table organizations and the perpetuation of those things that have played so greet a part in the moulding of a better way of life for so many of us. Through North Carolina Baptist churches alone $5,000,000 In three years is not too big an effort to guarantee a second 100 yean for a great institution that is now approaching its 100th year of service to education, to the Negro cause and to the Ame rican way of life. Nkrumah Safe After sth Attempt Made On Life ACCRA (ANP)—Assassin* mads another attempt on the life of 54- year-old President Kwame Nkrum ah of Ohana hare last Thursday, Jan. 2, and thair score is still sero. Unlike the late President By]vanus Olympio of the next door nation of Togo, felled by an assasin's bullet on the first try last Jan. 16, Nkru mah has smergd unscathed after five attempts. This Uase, the amaaata fired fire ehete at the Preside*! from eleee ranee, bat the sale cas ualty was a security gaard who satasqaenUy died ia the atill tary hospital. He was the 14th person killed la attample on the President's life. The newest attempt occurred Just as Nkrumah was walking toward his car parkd outside Flagstaff House, the White House of Ohana. The frustrated asmaaln, not imme diately identified, waa nabbed right on the spot and hustled away to Jail under heavy guard. Within minutes, pollootnen sur rounded Flagstaff House and squad rons of armored cars from a near by army camp threw a cordon around tho entire area. Top police and military officials were sum mond to the President's office, for a conference on emergency steps to be put into effect. The fifth attempt on Nknunah’s life comes on the heel* of the tree* N. C.-Born Priest Assigned To Area Where Jesus Lived (Special Te Tha CAROLINIAN) JERUSALEM lira*ll Sector' —A North Carollni-bom, newly-trained Benedictine Monk, la*t week be came the flrat Negro priest ever to be aaalgned to the Holy Land, where he presumably will mlniatar to the spiritual needs of Israel's African Catholic students. He la Esther Renat, 31-year-old native of Winston-Salem, N. C. Ordained on August l, IMS In Burlhagtao, Vermont, Father Reeat, arrived here with Abbet (Bishop) Lee Red off es the Benedletlne Dermltlon Abbey en Meant Zion. Be will be sta tioned at the Abbey's branch priory at Tabgha en Lake Gali lee, along whose shores Jssea Christ once walked and preach ed. * It could not be ascertained whe ther Father Renat requested the as signment in the Holy Land or was assigned there by his spiritual su perior! In effect, he wlll.be doing missionary work In Israel. Father Renat, a convert te Catholicism, was baptised In IMS. He studied for the priest hood In Rems, at Leevlan Uni versity, In Belgium, and at BL Benoit an Lae Seminary In Quebec. Canada. He was or dained by Bishop Robert Joyce In Burlington. Vi The young priest professed hit COMFLRTKS WORK FOR HI D SALISBURY—Miss Lin ore Smith. Associate Professor of English at Livings tons College. Salisbury, was officially notified that aha has aom plated ell requirements for the Hi. D. degree at the University of Pittsburgh this month. The degree will be conferred at the June, IWt Commencement A native of Mon roe. Mist Smith received the A B degree at the North Carolina Col lege, Durham, and the Master of Literature degree at the University of Pittsburgh. A member of the English faculty at Livingstons since IMI, Miss Smith was a Danforth Scholar In 1338-00. THE CAROLINIAN Puhiuaina compaay “Cowiins »h* Carolines" Publlskoe by the Carollnlea MS i Mania SU**< Ralrtfh H C., tISSI i Cnterao a. Second Class Hauer April i. IS4O. at the Poet Office to Raleigh. North cerottno under the Act of * toreh ‘ «55t*aUPT10N RATES fltu Montbe *»« Soles Tex M Pwble L to Admice."iAddrees*^ ssr-s AgalgsmaSoO Puonarara *» MjdtHOP son trial recently concluded in which two of the accused were sentenced to death by the Special Criminal division of the Ohana Su preme court, thr*e others acquitted, the Chief Justice Sir Arku Korsah set down by tho President, and Nkrumah ruled the trial and ver dict null end void. The trial was the aftermath of the fourth attempt on Nkrumah's life, last August, when a grenade was thrown at him while he waa louring the northern frontier re gion of the country. Charged with trees a*, hat ae qaltted were farmer feretga minister,’ Ake Ad Jet; farmer In formation minister, Tawsl Ad aamflo; and H. Coffte Crsbbe, former seeretery of the rating Caaventlen People's party- Sen tenced to death an the chargee were Robert Beajemia (richer*, former eppesitlea (United Par ty) legislator, and Yaw Mena, a former civil servant In the hubbub that Immediately followed the trial, the chief Justice was fired from his post by ths Pres ident because lie failed to inform the President of his verdict before pronouncing It in the court to en able the President if necemery, to prepare the country to moot any eventuality that might occur as a result of tho verdict whatever it was." vows in the Bettedlctin* order at the Weston, Vermont Priory. Although every Catholic priest takes vows of obedience and chas tity, a candidate for a religious or der as was Father Renat, is also re quired to take additional vows and pursue special studies before ha Is accepted. At the conclusion of hie studies, ranging from two to three ytors, he receives a special degree or title such as 0.5.8. as did Father Renat ■HAW UAH GUARD—Ben ny Lake, eohomoreo guard for the Shaw Dean, ia a good ban handler and hag boon meet ef fective on outside shooting. Beware Os Frozen Ponds "A frostn pCnd offers graat temptation to many. With little ex posure to this winter occurence, we seldom have training or oppor tunity for safe practice or rescue on tee," says Thornton B. Morris. Water Safety Committee Chairmen. Wake County Chapter, American Red Cross. “Without th* proper knowledge and experience with ice, many accidents may occur." With winter weather here, there ere periods of time when our poods, lakes and streams are covered with ice. It to unusual In this area for a coat of ice to form to lately sup port people for led skating. There are times when what appears to be sate at the edge may not be safe at Teens: Ydur halp to needed! Join the Teen Age Program (TAP) of thi MM March of Dimas by volun teering at our local National Foun dotton office. 1963 SAMPSON COUNTY DEBUTANTES Left to right, so a tod: Mieeee Annie McCahp, Dianne Paye Mai nor, Marian Donnell Grantham, Mae Evelyn Pope, Haiel Joyner, Geraldine Mai nor, Yvonne Lawit, Helen M. Broneon, Mary Arm Rich, Jocelyn Moore, and Patricia Am Ban nett. Standing, left to right: Miaaaa Ruth Ella R obi neon, Varneetine Btnnatman, Nora Becton, Carolyn Daloit Ball, Dorothy Sampeon, Donnie Newman, Nettie Raynor, Paulette DeVane. Gwyn Piahar, and Jeanette Marie Mcßae. "QUEEN" 07 THE BALL Miss Yvonne Luvenla Lewis, daughter es Dr. and Mrs R. M. Lewis es Clinton reigned as “Quaen” es Urn Fourth Annual Debutante BaO held In Clinton recently. Miss Lewie, at present, Is a senior at the Painter Insti tute, and upon graduation In June es this year, she plans to attend Pratt Institute, Brook lyn, New York to stud/ for a career In designing and earn imerclal business. Basie And Ferrer To N. Y. Fair BY CONRAD CLARK RED BANK. N. J. (ANP)-Count Beale and Mel Farrar, two of New Jersey's native sons, will develop a stage act for their joint appear ance In New Jersey's 300th anniver sary celebration at the New York World's Fair. The Count was bom in this city, while rarer was born In Elbtron, New Jonty. Baals and Farrar are now star ring with Tony Curtis, Natalia Wood, Henry Fonda and Lauren Bacall in the forthcoming Warner Brae, motion plctore production of -Ben and the Single Olrl.” The picture la the Technico lor film version of Helen Guriy Brawn's beet-eeUlng book. Forum Set The Bloodworth Street YMCA. m B. BSOodwsrth Street, will bo the aeons Friday. January It at I pm of a Public Affair* Forum. Raleigh Attorney Archie A. McMillan, who la also a member es the Bouse of Rapre ssntaHvaa from Wake Comity. wtUdtoUM the "LOU* Federal" arty rights. Ha will be present ed by Dr. Cart B. DeVan* mt Shaw Uulverrtty. B. L. Balferd. YMCA aueeuUvo secretary. wIU preaid*. The public to Invttad. DR KING “MAN OF THE YEAR** (coNTtNvan rnoM faoe n aUlaneo of 100 or ao chuich-ori entod groups. "He has neither the quiet bril liance nor the sharp administra tive capabilities of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's Hoy WUktna "Ho baa nn»»e of the eophtoUca- Don of the National Urban Lea gue's Whitony Young. Jr., looks Young's oßpertonee In dealing with high echelons of the U. 8. business community. * "He has neither Urn haven tlwires of the Cengr— of Ra cial EemtUty'e Jamas Farm- Timely Tribute Paid To Retiring Concert Artist PRINCETON, N. J. (ANP)—Ma rian Anderson, internationally fa mous contralto and Metropolitan star, was paid a great and timely tribute last week when she was named in a nationwide poll as one or, the raw mlHtanee of the Student Non-Violent Co-Ordi nating Committee’s John Lewis, nor the bristling wit of author James Baldwin. “Yet be possesses an .inexpres sible capacity for empathy (rap port, contact) that ia the touch atone of leadership. By deed and by preachment, he has stirred in his people a Christian forbear ance that nuriahea hope and ■mothers injustice.” Pew can explain, Time said, the extraordinary King mystique. The Time award was similar to another given King earllei In the year by the Catholic Interracial Council of New York for his leadership in the civil rights strug gle. WASHINGTON BEAUTY NOW LBJ’S SECT (CONTINUED FROM FACE t) plane After the President had at tended the Philadelphia funeral' of Rep. William J. Green, Jr., a strong Democratic stalwart In the Hones es Representatives, Miss Whittington then accom panied the President to the LSI Ranch In Texas where die spent the day working and * playing at the new Presiden tial White House In Johnson, Tex., eoam 65 miles from Aus tin. According to her mother, it was the first Christmas Gerry has spent away from home in many years, and her mother confided that she was lonaly and aha felt Gerry might be too. Beside*. Mrs. Whittington told ANP mat the was slightly worried about how har daughter mlghrbe taking out working in the rarlfied air surrounding tho President of the United States. It appeared that this was a re flection which had not escaped Gerry, and so on Christmas Day sha called her mother to tell her that everything was tine and that she was receiving the greatest hos pitality in the home of the Presi dent where she stayed while in Texas. » And if Mrs. Dorothy Whittington needed any more assurances that her daughter was in gobd .hands, it came. For before Gerry had finish ed talking with her mother, the President, himself, talked with Mrs. Whittington and told her that Gerry was doing a splen did Job and that she should not worry. President Johnson, apparently re alising that there had not been too much time for the beautiful and single daughter to discuss her n«w status and Job with her mother, told Mrs. Whittington that Gerry was a wonderful person and ap peared to be happy and that she would be home soon after the holi days. KNIFED IN CHEST AT OWN HOME (CONTINUED FROM FVC.E 1) Officials of the Raleigh Police De partment said that, McClain inquir ed. during his second visit to the Spencer residence, whether a Miss Catherine Blalock was inside, and carried on a short conversation out side. in regard to money allegedly owed him by this woman, who lives ' In the same block as the victim lived. The officers also related that Jealousy could have been an- i other motive since McClain was supposedly a boy frind of Miss Bla- | lock before he waa sent to a prison eamp near Lillngton after being convicted on e charge of larceny in December of IMS. j At the time as Spacer's death, the ether eecupant es the bouse. aside frees the woman, waa Allan Spencer, an elder brother, whe Is alleged Is have gone In futtte persuit es tho etteehor. white Mtoa Blalock ran to telrahens tor an istte lanes. McClain, according to police rec ords, waa born on August 6. 1133. Spencer’s birth date eras April K taw. Wake County Coroner Marshall W Bennett, who arrived on the scene at 10; JO pexamined tho body and ordered the ambulance I driven to proceed to Wake Memo rial Hospital, supposedly for an of- * of the 10 most admired women in the world, the only Negro selected for the honor. Tho tribute to MBs Apderseu. who war Nn M an the list that Included such other Interna tional celebrities as Mrs. Jac queline Kennedy, Mrs, Lyndon B. Johnson and Queen Elisa beth of Britain, earns elate on the heels of her announcement to retire from the concert stage in 1966. The list of fits world’s 10 top women was published by the Gall up Poll here, after the renowned survey agency had sampled opin ions of both men and woman throughout the nation. The Gallup Poll asked these in terviewed the question: "Which woman that you have heard or read about living today in any part of the world, do you admire the most?” They chose, the 10 Most Admired Women in IMS as follows: 1. Mrs. John P. Kennedy, 2. Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson, 3. Queen Eli zabeth 11. 4. San. Margaaret C. Smith, 8. Mrs. Dwight D. Elsen i hower, 6. Clare Boothe Luce. 7. He l len Keller, 8. Princess Grace (of Monaco), 0. Mme. Ngo Dinh Nhu, 10. Marian Anderson. Miss Anderson did not make the list last year. ficial ruling in the slaying. A large crowd gathered outside the home after the incident but only authorized persons or those having Information pertaining to the case were admitted inside. Assisting Det Sgt. Smith was de tective Sgt. Jeter H. Bowen of the Raleigh Police Department along with several patrol officer*. McClain ie being hold without bond, pending a hearing in City Court. Funeral services for Spencer were conducted Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Lightner Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. B. S. Alston officiating. Burial took place in HUlcrest Cemetery. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Mary Spencer; two brothers, Samuel and Allan Spencer, and oth er relatives. THREE EXPLAIN “LITTLE FED” PLAN HERE (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) ting them In the Senate to give a parallel from each county regard lees es ala# (one House *n population and one Haute on geography), which he de scribed as a balanced system. "Wo are faced with the prin ciple of representative govern ment," he eta ted. Clark stated that legislative ap portionment is the most controver sial in 60 years. Wake County would have three senators (auto matic re-apportionment) to reflect population. Attorney A. A. McMillan, ep paelng the plan, stated that the election Jan. It, la tho meet Im portant tine* 1666. "The future es North Carolina la at stake." ho said. “North Carolina wtU boa state divided against Iteelf unices w* detent the "Little Federal Plan". “What la had for Wake County, to bod ter the state. Wake County wfii lee* two seats In the House of Rop reeentative*. W* would be hopelsely unrepresented. There would be bitterness between large and small eonnttea. The amendrtent hi not little’ or federal'. Counties an created by state legtalatten and can bo sheltthed by state legtalatten. A permanent wedge will be driven between large e sun Use and aaaalt counties which will adversely affect every emis and man In this area.' 1m een sladtd. “NOT GUILTY,” DAD PLEADS IN CITY COURT (COMTWfUBP Faces FAGS t> jittered returned to hts ceil at the 'Wake County Jail after probable cause eras found. No bond was al lowed. Wad* Anderson Womack as 60S W Lenoir Street pleaded not guilty to the shot-gun slaying of hit bro ther, Albert Womack, on Christmas Day. Ho wee bound over an a charge at second-degree murder. Hi* hand waa set at $3,000. but at CAROLINIAN press time, b* was still languishing In the, Wake Coun ty Jail for lack of bond money. _ Wemaeh aß—adly itoel^hJs Bob Hayes Off To Fast Start In 1964; Ties Own Sprint Record At Bowl CORAL GABLES, FLA. (ANP)- flpring champion Robert Hayes litmotod himself mid Florid* ARM University on i spectacular and luccassfitl start of 10S6 on New mXaati £*«?£?the 5»-y£d aStaunom ss nutaa to victory ia the 440-yard Apex News ■Y MRS. LOUISE COLVIN APEX We failed to get our news in last week, due to getting our days “crossed up.” We hope our readers will understand, and we shall try to do better next time. v Our annual Chrismaa sermon was delivered to us by our poster, Rev W T. Bige- » | * low. His text was taken from Saint Luke. 2:34. His subject was, "The Child that chang- '' : - ed the world." It KiMßpgßyii? was a very good message, fitting for tho season. During the serv ice, Mrs. Minnie MRB. COL. i « Jones presented $31.00 to Rev. W T. Bigelow, on behalf of the Pas tor’s Aid Club, for Christmas. The Male Chorus waa in charge of the devotion. On Sunday night, December 22, the annual Christmas program was presented at First Baptist The pro gram Was very good, and our ChristmafttMce were beautiful, and loaded underneath with gifts. All officer* of the church received spe cial gifts from their particular or ganization and for some it was their biggest Christmas. On Sunday morning. Decamber 29, 1936, we held our first fifth Sunday morning worship service at Hirst Baptist Three of our choirs were in charge of the devotion; the senior choir, Junior choir, and the Male'Chorus Mr. Lovelace Jones (directed all choir*. They perform ed beautifully. Rev. W. T. Bigelow delivered a very good message as usual. The scripture was taken from the 27th Psalms. His text was taken from the let vere* of the a beve scripture. R4v. W. M. Phillip* was present and the attendance was very good. FUNERAL SERVICES: On Sun day afternoon at 2 o’clock, funeral services for Mr. George Washing ton Mangurn, were held at the First Baptist Church. The pastor, Rev. W. T. Bigelow, officiated. The nu merous cards and floral designs and the crowd attending the eerv ice. attested to the high esteem in which he was held. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mas Ball MsAgurn, four tons. Geo.. Jr, Wayne, Eric Dale and Samuel; three daughters, Carolyn Joyalyn and Jewel, all of the home; his mother, Mrs. Minder Mangum of Apex; three brothers, Leo, and Matthew of Washington, D. C.; and Menard Mangum of Apex; six sis ters, Mrs. Maggie Cofield, of Apex; Mrs. Ludle Margart Jackson, Mrs. Dinah Thomas and Mrs. Ethel Anne Harris, all of Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Jessie Ray, and Mrs. Phyllis Ray of New York City; and many other relatives. EMANCIPATION DAY: The First annual Emancipation Day service w4s held at First Baptist at 12 noon on January 1. The pastor presided. The speaker was Rev. L. T. Daye, pastor of First Baptist of Mebane. Others participating on the program were. Rev. Leon White, pastor of Christian Chapel, who read the Beth men ar* expected te be tried during the current session as the court. Edward Coolidge Jones. 22. of 311 1-2 E. Worth Street, also charg ed with murder in the Christmas Eve slaying of his girl trind's son. Milton Edward Lawrence, also 22. waa scheduled to receive a hearing before Judge Winborne on Wednes day, January 8. PARHAM IS NEW MGR. OF N. C MUTUAL (CONTINUKD mow nor I) ares Henderson, his hometown, and ptaotd third to a tour-man Parham Is a member of to* Cot ton Memorial United Presbyterian Church of Henderson, where be has served to several official capacities tor many yuan. He is a Maura, a Shriaar. a member of Omega Pal Phi Fraternity; Board member, Vance Organization; Be ia married to toe former Mia* Low* Mao Alien, a teacher ta Hcn- Hayes' IteMic* cam* durtog the first annual Change Bowl Invito* Hon track meet at to* University Miami Hamavtt»HHtM-re* anhw by tte tar , official slackers. It might be that ho ia accustomed Kennedy Proclamation; the original Emancipation Proclamation was read by our paster. Mr. P. A. Wil liams, tho former principal at A pex Consolidated High School and Mrs E. H. Williams, pianist On Sunday, January 5, tho senior choir was in charge at ton devo tion at tho First Bapttat morning Worship service. Our pastor, tho Rev. Bigelow, de livered to u* o very interesting me uige. His text was token from the 3rd chapter of Joshua, 4-6 ver ses. Subject- "Journey into the un known.” The message wea very fit ting, this being the beginning of a new year. We can certainly say it * the beginning of an unknown ouroey for the next twelve nonthe. Many visitors worshipped with us. Two new members were added. Our goal for this year is to add at least 62 new members to our mem bership. YOUTH FELLOWSHIP HOUR: Our, first Youth Fellowship Hour was held at First Baptist Church, Sunday afternoon at 6:30 and last ing until 7:30 pm. It waa for all our youth of the community and not restricted to First Baptist youth only. It to to teach them Christian Ethics, and to educate them biblical wise. They will be Sown film* of the Holy Land, Jeri ian'a life and Moses* life, along with many others that our main li brary will furnish. Our first film shown which was very was "Afri ca Disturbed”. Those working with the youths in the absence of our pastor, are Mrs. Blanche Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilkerson. On Thursday evening at 7:30 the Citizen* Club will meet at the A pex Public Library. The president of the club, Mr. Fred Richardson, invites the’public to attend. Issues that will be of benefit to every interested and good citizen will be discussed. PERSONALS: Mrs. Alberta Cot ten and daughter, Floya, apent the holidays in New Haven. Conn. They visited Mrs. Cotton’s sister, Mrs. Ezzell F. Pumis, who was in the hospital there. Mr. Cadd Colvin of Newark. N. J. spent the holiday with his fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Herndon and daughter, Cathy, spent the hol iday* in Tuskegee. Ala., with Mrs Herndon's parents. » GLOBAL PORTRAITS Now that we have come into our New Year, 1964. which gives us opportunity to make a “New Beginning” even In our thinking, ‘Global Portraits' will embody a somewhat new Format letting its wonderful readers know about noteworthy happenings the world over as well as about noteworthy personalities ... So, we begin with menticxi 6f the coining “NEW YORK'S WORLDS FAIR" which seems to be creating quite an inte rest among peoples in other parts of the world, many of whom are planning to make sure their hotel reservations art in now tor the Spring and Summer. Snch reservations an Inelod tag these from Camnctotagtot Dr. mils Saunders as Nassau. Bahamas and a group from her Nanas Academy wh* will visit the World's Fair and also attend the NBCL (National Beauty Cultsriets League) Con vention the first week In Au gust at New York's Sheraton Atlantic Hotel. Pope Paul VI not only stressed Christian Unity at his recent 1963 Ecumenical Council but released a statement of his planned visit to the Holy Land this month. And Stre&k O Lean Meat lb. 29c Bayer’s Aspirin-iOO’s Reg. 79c bls9c Fresh Spare Ribs lb. 35c or 3 lb*. 99c Rib Steaks or Boneless Stew lb. 59c Coffee Shop Pure Coffee lb. 55c PEACOCK’S Pure Pork Sausage lb. 35c or 31U. 89c Kleenex Tissue-Box o f 600’s 39c Sliced Pork Steaks lb. 49c Rib Stew Beef lb. 29c End Cut Pork Chops lb. 45c Good Weiners lb. 39c or 3 Dm. 99c White Potatoes-no. 1 10 lb*. 39c HORTON’SCASH STORE to Mich record-making perfc <**n- Cii, hut afterwards Kayes whs mo dest About Ma achievement. He ad mitted: “The wtos helped the. ! c°uM| feeUtmtMhefe." tjtora? ‘^^^ihiE^tefrai^rnd emtiu, Grady Smith at 94 se eeuda. and Robert Harris, 94. Hayes teamed with Harrir, Smith and Joe Williams in winning the 440-relay In 434 ascends. In winning the 330-yard event, Hayes was Just one-tenth of a se cond oft the world record which is hold by Dave State, who has since retired from trade competition and ia now a Miami surgeon. Sim* clocked Hayes in the 320, which he negotiated in 20.1 seconds. Sime said Hayes had about six miles per hour gust behind him In the 220, News Deadline The CAROLINIAN regrets . kernel ewx news tola weak. However, If ear Hews eerre speudeute will, la the future, matt their news ue that It ar rivet a* later than TUESDAY meriting, thou it wU net be left Chief Lauds NC Cop For ‘Scare’ Shot WASHINGTON, N. C. Patrol man Windley Moor*. 88. a rookie on the local force, was praised by Police Chief Phillip Paul last week after he had been arrested on an assault charge tor firing a pistol into a service station to “acara” a white man, whom Mow* declared, had threatened his life. The first Negro officer eu the local fares. Moor* has only worked far two months. Despite his arrest, Chief Paul, wh* bir red him, said “from all reports, ho la doing a fins Job." Moore slated that he had gone Into the station to tele phone his wife, when several white men taslde began to make insulting remarks direct ed at him. “At lint. I Ignored the remarks, bat when am fel low persisted, 1 told him to cut It out.- The patrolman continued by re lating that at this time the man put his hand in his pocket in a threatening manner and said “he'd take care of me right now.” It was then, Moore explained that he fir ed a shot through the door of the station to scar* the. man. - Moore said he reasoned that If he didn’t do something to scare them, somebody wuold get hurt After the incident, Patrolman Moore got a friend of his to take him home where he called the po lice. He said he we* prepared to go with the men to the service sta tion and “atraighten these men out.” However, instead of this course of action, Moore was ar reted himself by his fettew of ficers and charged with assault with a deadly weapon eu a warrant signed by one es the men who had taunted him. Un wood Karl TTrtpase It could not be ascertained by CAROLINIAN press time what fur ther action was being taken in this unusual case. since, according to historical notes, “Pope Paul will be the first Pontif to leave Italy voluntarily in 199 years, since Pope Pius VU went to Paris in December 1804”, tills Is surely NOTEWORTHY NEWS. Per haps many would enjoy a trip to the- Holy Land • the land where Christ was born, lived and died. .. With the mail pouch running over with salutes to the Ist* Presi dent John F. Kennedy, and aslo to President Lyndon Balnea Johnson, 'Global Portraits’ graciously ac knowledges all and surely adds those groat names to the *Global Portraits' Hall of Fame. DRIVE SAFELY!