THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH. N. C.. SATURDAY. JANUARY 11. 1964 4 Editorial Viewpoint WORDS OF WORSHIP Jesus knew that though the chidren o: Israel had been out of captivity of the Babylonians for five hundred years, they were still unable to achieve the restoration promised by then proph ets. He realized nothing moved forward for them because they were still In spiritual bondage. Cen turies before. Solomon said. "Where there Is no vision, the people perish.” Today we know that both revolution and evolution begin in the minds It Takes More Than D emonstrations While-sit-ins, boycotts, and picketing have wrought many changes for the improvement of the Negro in this country, he has not seen fit to use effectively the ballot. The Negro has let it be known that be wants better housing, better schools and even attend » desegregated schools; but while being vocal is eouunendable. the Negro can get many mu nicipal. county, and city jobs with govern ments if he would only exercise wisely the bal lot. No other technique will achieve this pro gress as quickly as the power of voting in the direction where it counts most. This will be an election year during which hundreds of political candidates will «eek of fice. These candidates will be proposing and later carrying out government programs that will affect all citizens—black or white Yes. Negroes want good government, but they also want eomething more—good jobs with the government. . • Politicians are adjrpt at feeling the pulse of Mia people. They lcnow that the Negro does not use to the fullest extent their responsibil ity to cast votes in the various campaigns. Therefore, they do not pay attention to dis eussional meetings between local and state leaders, Negro petitions and resolutions, and tha like. But they will pay attention to any The Threat To Free Speech On# of our great freedom* Is that of speech, and we saw how effective this could be follow the death of the late President Kennedy. Thou sands of cilisens said many wonderful things ■bout a remarkable and spirited man. The one speaker who perhaps had the most profound effect on our feelings, if you 'ixteneri or read his message intently, was Chief Justice Earl Warren of the Supreme Court. Ha hit hard at the way in which we ? criticize and openly downgrade, a person, an adminis tration, a group or any other body which has an opinion different to that of our own. Many of us are guilty of this. Who knows from what editorial or what free speech or what letter to a newspaper or other means can sow seeds of hatred in the heart of some peopla to the extent of infuriating them to kill? A new and ominous menace threatens our freedom of speech. It is the very extreme per aoo who harbors extreme hate in his heart and Let Others Follow Trailways’ Example Safeway Trailways, a unit of National Trailways operating between New York and Washington, will soon employ nine Negro drivers, six ticket agrnts, six mechanics, and five information girls from minority racial groups in New York City by next sprinp. This specific first step was spelled out in an agreement negotiated between Norman Hill. Allan Hoffman and Velma Hill of CORF,, and Marvin Walsh, executive vice- president of • •hr company. At the same time the company agreed to take similar steps a*, its terminals outside of New York Citv. Another provision of the agreement Is for Immediate upgrading and promotion for pre sent minority group employees in the New York Terminal. Other units of the • National Trailways Where Golc|water Stands - Take Note Recently Senator Barry M Gold water an nounced to the nation that he is in the inec for the Republican nomination to rpn for the of fice of Pr<xuirnt of the United Stages We don't know whether or not you are a Repnbli can; hut if you arr. d retxamine Goldwater* stand on civil rights There is no better way to analyse' the man on this issuer tlian to reflect upon his s’and on the de-segregation of schools In 19b(V accord ing to Cortgressioha/ Quarterly, Goldwater wrote that the lUS) Supreme Court school de cision was not the law of the land because the Constitution gives the Federal Govern specific authority over schools, and the Constitution "is what its authors intended it to be" and "not what the Supreme Court Mvs it is" What is morf. in « 1963 CotttfprsvonV Ou/ir terly interview. Goldwater said that as Presi Addition To Tranquilizers Scveral well-known trnnquilirrr pilK have been branded as addictive by Or Carl F F.**-g of the Addication Research Center at " e U S Public Health Service Hospital located in Lex ington, Kentucky. The Center reports that the confused mental stat£ of persons addicted to these new drugs is akin to alcoholic drunkenness. Dr. Essig said. While they can only be bought on prescrip Ttiß NEGRO PRESS— baffawss that America can best /rad the worla iIUIV away from radii and national antagon . s.-ns when if accord* fc e err mar Jlitfjl|. regardless of race, color or cnod hn human arid /ego/ rtghfs Haring no mar A|| flaring no man—the Negro Prase itnrw to help fieri- man on the firm be- Bd that all man are h-Mt am long at anyone it held back. r V' :s , i and hearts of men. and faith is their progenitor Prom the nature of aJI he said. It Is evident Jesus believed It impossible for either nations or individuals to rtd themselves of objective pres sure while their subjective powers were frtieied. Nor can even a miracle bring a man or to true, mental health as long as any form of negativity is in control of consciousness. group that can deliver a vote which can defeat them in the campaign. It is gratifying to know that Negro parents are sending their children to colleges and uni versities in larger numbers each year, and youths are graduating by the thousands. These Negro graduates cannot all be teachers, law yers, doctors, and ministers. They shouldn’t have to move North to find suitable careers. It would be no more than right that some of them should get jobs with Southern city, coun ty and state governments, because their par ents are taxpayers, too. We have seen that our scattered voting gains very little, and thus we are forced to unite our vote for the candidates and issues that count most, that will make available employment opportunities to every man without discrimi nation. The Citizens Association is presently at tempting to increase registration in Raleigh and Wake County. Be a part of their cam paign. If you are not registered, by all means register NOW! Friendly information or in struction may be obtained at Operation Regis tration headquarters, located at Cabarrus and Bloodworth Sts. in the Capehart Building If there be any virture, if there be and praise, think on these things. who only needs a little spark to set off a vio lent chain reaction. Our country is in a position of serious un eertanity. fylany domestic problems and in ternational relationships arc now larpcr than ever. No one is expected to give up his free dom of, but we can ease the situation and help our cause by using moderation in our words of rriticism of others and issues. We should stop and think before we speak or write about others, then ask ourselv, would we want these same words said to us, or about us. Americans have a very powerful weapon in the words they use to wirld on pohbcarad versaries, as well as with their vote®. If we have anger and hate in our hearts toward a certain politician, let us not spread anger and hale to others who may not be stabl® as our* selves; but rather go to the polls and b>kr out our anger on the voting machine bv pulling the tab for the other man. Then he done with it. should follow the example set by the Safe way Trailways in the New York area. Com pany officials should keep in mind that hun dreds of thousands of Negro passengers ride the buses each year, bringing in millions of dollars of income to the treasury of the com pany. It is only fair that minority groups should receive some high-level employment and up-grading. A keen observer will note that all employ ment gains made by the Negro has had to be • won by legislation or minority group pressure. Wouldn't it be a splendid thing,if white lead ers and high-salaried executives of the great and powerful corporations would voluntar ionaly give employment to Negroes who can nullify for these jobs? dent lie would use Federal authority to obtain compliance with Federal Court school inte gration orders, although he would "first try moral persuasion." Senator Goldwater said: "There is nothing in the Constitution that says a |irrsoii (or a state) can violate the law." Replying to accusations that he was a seg regationist Goldwater on August .V lOh.t said: "1 ani utterly opjxised to discrimination in any form." Brfore Nrgro Republicans consider Gold watei* seriously, they should seek and read what he has said on the issues of education, labor, health and medicare, debt and taxes, farm policy, defense and foreign policy. Pay attention to what leading columnists, like Drew Prarson. have to say about the man. As tir you have done this, then make up your mind atmut the beset candidate to vote for. Then >ou will have done your duty tion. renewal orders keep the patient in sup ple: and the customers grt their kicks legally. When it comes to stopping Fssig says the withdrawal symptom*' can be more severe than heroin. That is a danger they do not count on In order to reduce tensions and the need for tranquthrers. men and women must learn to take their time, relax and live longer Just For Fnn BY MARCUS a BOULWARS ON THE JOB Well, we at Florida A&M University have started our second trimester which will end on April 20. At this time, we hold our regular session grad uation. In December, one of my speech correction majors grad uated; and when I looked over her grades. I was very proud for she earned "A” in five cour ses. Another one of our speech correction majors, a sophomore, earned all “A’s" in six courses. This makes the second trimes ter In which she earned all “A'i": and she Is now getting one of the University tuition scholarships. This semester I am teaching the course "Observation and PraeMcum in Public School Speech Correction" for 6 hours credit; and "Advanced Clinical Practice" for three hours of credit. We have only two young men among our majors In speech correction. THE WEATHER: Here in this area, we are having the most peculiar weather. For two days, the temperature may drop down to 20 or 22 degress; ONLY IX AMERICA BY HARRY GOLDEN THE BIBLE AND OTHER THOUGHTS World Publishing Company Cleveland and New Yorx, is one of the big Bible publishers In the country. It also produces many books on the history of the Bible and more particular ly on the history of the printing of of the Bible. tn one of these books I came across some interestlnp errors made by the printers of the past: The Place-Makers Bible. A printer's error In rendering Matt. 5:9: “Blessed are the place - makers (peace -makers i for they shall be called the children of God.” (A.D 1562). The Treacle Bible from the rendering t>f Jeremiah 8:22;. "Is there no treacle (meaning balm) in Gilead?” <AD 15 B'. The Rosin Bible from the same text, translated “rosin" Un stead of balm> In the Douay version 'A.D. 1609). The He and She Bible. The error in respective rendering of Ruth 3:15. one reading that, "she went into the city.’ The other that “he went.' <A. D. 1611). The wicked Bible. Prom the fact that the negative had been left out of the Seventh Commandment < Exodus 20: 14' It was printed in 1632. The printer was fined 300 pounds. lii This-Our Daw BY C. A. CHICK. SR. •RESOLUTIONS" It Is * general practice of a large,, number of people to “make New Year's resolutions.'' Such people say that the mak ing of resolutions makes them stronger in their efforts to do. or not to do, a certain thing. In other words by making res olutions they set a goal or goals for themselves for a given year. On the other hand, there is a large number of people who do not make resolutions. Peo ple who do not make resolu tions give for their it irons for not making them that they know they are not polng to keep them And, thus they say that by making thorn they simply falsify to the general public as well ns to themselves Hence they will not make them. Even though we may not keep our resolution* one-hun dred per rent, this writer Is on the side of those who moke an nua! resolutions. Our resolu tions express ideals. And. Editorial Opinions Here are excerpt* from edi torial* compiled by Associated Negro Press appearing in some of the nation's leading daily newspapers on subject* of cui - rent Interest to our readers THK LAW AS A WEAPON THE AMERICAN. Chicago "By a 2-to-one decision Fri day. a federal court in Amerl cus. Ob . released five pro-in tegrsUon demonstrators from jail and struck down two state laws under which the nad been hold laws under which four of the defendants. Incredible ns it " seems, faced a possible death penalty " The demonstrators, three laws under which they nad been jailed for nearly three months without access, to bond In freeing them and setting max imum limits fc*r their bond the court voided two Georgia laws on insurrection and unlawful assembly, both dating back to the Reconstruction days of 1871 The msuireetion statue provide* a maximum death penalty. "It seems fantastic that any state should stall consider it a capital crime to demotewtrate in favor of constitutional rights. But that illustrates sn old southern theory about law-: Any crane becomes infinitely worse if it s committed on be half of Negro rights Converse ly. of course, enmity to Negro rights can make the same crime practically legal." THE TW GOES CHRISTIAN THE POST. Washington "The Alexandria < V.- » YM« CA confer* an extremely valu able benefit upon Its commu nity. and that benefit will now be broadened by its wise de- and the next Mine or tour days, it might be in the SO’a and 70'a One catches cold easily. I am also registered to one course at Florida State Uni versity for two houn credit. The title of the course is “Stu tering.” OUR LANGUAGE: One of the worst stumbling Mocks in the English language is pro nouncing of words ending in “ough". For instance, here is a sentence which illustrates how the same “ough” is pronoun ced differently: “A rough-coated dough-fac ed ploughman strode through the streets of Scarborough coughing and hiccoughing thoughtfully.” Here is a poem which should straighten out the language: The wind eras rough And cold and bknigh She kept her hands within her mough. It chilled her through. Her nose grew Mough. And still the squall the fas ter slough. And yet, although There was enough The weather was a cruel tough. (Exchange) The Thumb Bible, so eaUed because it was one inch square and one-half inch thick, pub lished in Aberdeen, Scotland in 1670. The Unrighteous Bible, Cam bridge Press in 1632. The prin ter’s error: "Know ye not that ye unrighteous shall Inherit the kingdom of GIB?” (1 Cor. 6:9). The Vinegar Bible, so called because the heading to Luke 20 is given as the “Parable of the Vinegar" <lnstead of vineyard). Printed at Clarendon Press in 1717. HOW TO TELL A HYPROCRITE How can you tell a hypocrite? The Spaniards have a saying, "A hypocrite has the words of a saint and the claws of a cat.” "He must have his finger In the pie," sayes an English pro verb, matched by the Yiddish. "He sticks his nose In every thing.” "La una mano a la olra lava, ginal Spanish is flmiliar to us ginsl Spanish Is flmiltar to us all. "One hand washes the oth er and both the face." A bit of "white" Southern folklore goes like this. "When a Negro gets property he stops singing." And the most fam ous of all bits of Southern Ne gro folklore: "Last hired, first fired.” but few. if any. of us live up to our Ideals. But I think we are better Just the same by having ideals. Ideals give us a goal or goals toward which to strive—no goals—most like ly no striving. This writer shares very much the opinions of Tyron Edwards who says: “He that resolves upon any great and good end. has. by that very resolution scaled the chief barrier to It. He will find such resolutions removing dif ficulties, searching out for or making means, giving courage for despondency, and strength for weakness and like the star to the wise men of old, ever guiding him nearer and nearer to perfection." All of us < Negroes t should resolve now. henceforth and forever more to stop, cease, quit, and refuse to tell any more jokes which reflect dis paragingly on us—Negores. j Every time we tall such jokes we further enhance the deep aeated Inferiority complex we already have. piston to admit Negro mem bers. Segregation In social ser vice has become an anachron ism. pratlcularly in a city like Alexandria where all the pub lic recreational facilities are desegregated, as well as the YMCA. the Boys Club and. In creasingly. the schools. "By this rote of its Board of Management, the Alexandria YMCA joins every other YMCA in the Washington metropoli tan area in a policy of healthy color blindness.' The vote also qualifies the Alexandria YM CA to rejoin the United Oiv ers Funds, to the benefit of both It mean* that eovry one of the 143 UGF agcn'ie* is now operating without racial dis crimination. and the money collected this fall will be spent wholly on unsegreaatod serr tces. It brings the UCJF’sAown campaign against segregation to the happiest possible con clusion. and reflects credit up on the entire metropolitan area. A GREAT TEACHER NEWS AND COURIER. Char leston. S C. "Few people Ure 133 years, and not all of those hare con tributed much In the long span a'kitted them. One who did perform noteworthy service was Jane Edwards. She taught school until she was 84 and complained bitterly that she was being retired before her time. She lived for 18 more years, and died last week fun of yean and the respect and gratitude of both races "A public school was nam ed for "Miss Jane" on Bdlsto Island. As Dr. Creighton Enunpton. Charleston County superintendent of education. Wil There Be A Civil Rights Law To Ease His Task In 1964? Gordon B, Hancock « ~~ BETWEEN THE LINES GOD’S MYSTERIOUS WAY When William Cowper, the great English poet, was at the height of his poetical powers, we are told that he was prone to moody spells and once In the throes of these spells, he had suicidal In clinations. Once, one of these spells seised him, and he decided to end it all by drowning himeelf In the River Thames. He called a cab-man and set out for the river, and the cab-man and Cowper were soon lost in one of those thick London fogs. They drove and drove, but failed to find the river. The driver decided to stop and peep through the fog at the house numbers, and to his great surprise, he found himself and his fare at their starting address. So Cowper called off the suicide attempt and set himself down and wrote: “God moves In a mysterious way. His wonders to per form." The performance of Ood's wonders Is the only explanation of our being alive or the earth's sur vival. The plagues that God sent upon Egypt's land explain why Phaoroah'a heart eras softened. The East wind that blew at the Red Sea was one of God's mysterions ways. <? When Artaxerxes in Babylon saw Nehetniah's sad countenance and questioned him and found that he was troubled at what waa happening in Jerusalem, he permitted him to return to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem—another of God’s mys terious ways,—and so on, across the years of his tory. Great men have had their place, but God had to handle them In one or more of his mysterious ways. Washington at Valley Forge, and Lincoln with immortal pen in hand to sign the Emanci pation Proclamation, were men being used In one of God'B mysterious ways. To be frank, I see ho hope for peace among the nations unless Ood moves in one more of His mysterious ways. God has an Infinity of such ways. When I see how Communism, like a con tagion threatening to over-run the nations and how democracy is fighting to keep its head above the waters, unable to buy friends for democracy. I feel like Jeremiah felt when he waa God’s weep ing prophet: The world outlook leaves me troubl ISSUES: GOOD AND BAD BY F. L. PRATTIS Tot ANP What and where is the secret of business suc cess which men and women of African descent or orgln fail to find or to understand? When one deplores the paucity and lack of success of Negro operated businesses 'businesses which should create jobs, one needs must be admitting the failure 9t the Negro business community. If one enters any Negro community of sine. North or South, with the possible exoeptlon of Atlanta and Durham. N. C.. it will soon be dis closed that whites own all the principal busi nesses that they want They don’t operate the funeral parlors because they don't want to handle Negro oorpaes. They don't run the barber shops because, in the kind of segregated society we hare, they are not in terested in cutting Negro hair This leaves the beauty shops to us. because they either don't know how. or care to learn, to make the hair of Negro women beautiful. They even leave the restaurant business to us. especially in the South. There Is a minority of Negroes who will rail against the Jews. They don't hate Jews they sim ply envy them. They are jealous of the Jew be cause he enters the Negro community, conducts a successful enterprise, then moves out from be hind or above his store to a more attractive neigh borhood. Negroes, some of them, then claim that the Jew has taken the Negro's money and grown fat with it. It never seems to occur to this captious minor iy that the maney was waiting there for anybody to take. Jew or Gentile. Mack or white. Nor does this minority want to recognise that any man. or group, in business has only two things to sell: products and service. If the Negro entrepreneur enters business with sufficient capital, his failure must be attributed to service, to himself and to his customers There can be no difference so far as products are con cerned. because most products arc standard and sxpre— d it: "in giving, dm made herself great." Scores of her- former pupils, and many other ci turns have reason to praise Jans Edwards and sher- Wi her memory." TROUBLE IN PARADISE THK BO6T DISPATCH. EL t«ii. "What can Chou Befl in Af rica? "Like any other tomtt tat ed In mind. My friends, for many years, have dubbed me the “Gloomy Dean” but when I see Communism taking 600 million Chinese at one fell swoop and see Russia digging in at our very door, I let those who will feel funny about It; but I admit most candidly that I am “Gloomy.” In fact, I see no way out except through one of God’s mysterious ways. The tragedy of it all lies In oar IndeffSrence to the will of God to whom we look for deliverance Can a nation or nations place color prejudice be fore God and expect God to deliver? The greater trouble is that the white powered nations trust in their power and feel satisfied in putting other gods before our God. But the greatest puzzle la to see the drowja trodden Negro imitate the white man even In his godlessness. Negroes are not going to be the righteous remntfnt to save the earth from destruc tion. Can Ood trust Negroes to bufkl an Ark to bargain with mankind, as he did with Abraham who made such wonderful pleas before the gates of Sodom and Gomorroh, will he find among the, sons of men-a Negro who, like Abraham, can plead mankind s cause? Just as Ood can serve in one of his mysterious ways, so can he destroy. I'took with hope and great anticipation at the rift between the Com municts of Russia and of China, The hopes, for peace in the reasonably near future is bound up most surely with this rift between Russia and China. Already between these two powers, the differences have resolved themselves into a mat ter of race. Already China sees the rift as a racial one and down deep in Russia's heart, Russia sees it the same way. Even some far-sighted prognosticators see Russia and the U. S. coming to terms of un derstanding in order to defend themselves against Chinese—whites against non-whites. It is harldy thinkable that Russia and the U. S. will kill off each other and leave the yellow Chinese to lord it over creation. Will the meek really inherit the earth after all? In the current rift between Red Russia and Red China, is God about to move in one of His mysterious ways? no sensible businessman, over the long pull, would attempt to sell inferior products. The Negro businessman may do himself a dis service by not knowing how to manage, how to buy. how to stock, how to serve the special needs in this community. There are many ways in which he may fail to give his custodiers sprvire. Lack of courtesy is only one of the ways. Lack of attract iveness of the business establishment is another. Lack of competitive prices is another. Lack of credit, with a reasonable loss counted in. is an other. S. B. Fuller, publisher of the Pittsburgh Cour rier. and head of a number of cosmetics compa nies, was recently criticised because of what he said in a speech before members of the National Manufacturers Association. When Mr. Fuller flatly states that there are no handicaps which the Negro suffers which he could not have removed by going into business he is leaving room for wide difference of opinion li the national Negro community. But when he in sists that If more Negroes were operating success ful business and creating Jobs, some of the han dicaps would vanish, he is on solid ground Mr. Fuller is not the first to take this position pere have been voices crying in the wilderness ot Negro self-help over the last two generations. It is basic truth that the “beat mousetrap” will se" no matter who has it for sale. If there were five times as many Negro busi nesses as there are now. offering five or ten tim s as many jobs, the Negro would win a respect from U* outside community which he does not now en joy and he would be on the way toward generat ing his own self-support. There is no reason, once the chrfl righto’ or ganiaattons have won their present battle, vhy they should not employ their extraordinary tal ents in extraordinary help and encouragement to Negro business. Egypt. Chinese Communist Premier Chou En-tau visited the pyramids. What eras said hi his dosed-door talk with Prmidi lit Newer, sn the other band, may have been more sig nificant. "Bight seeing obviously is not the prime purpose of this ME- Since their relations with the Soviet Union are strained aMmrt to the breaking point. the Chinese would be glad to make friends in Africa. The tried that, especially in The Congo, with scant sue oeaa- The Chinese may harp more on skin pigmentation and neo-ooioniaJiam, but may do no bettor. After all, in a material they have leas to offer than the Russians.

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