Police Rescue Pastor From Angry Members Rocky ML Minister Unharmed BT J. & lABMN 80C9C7 MOUNT tb» km* unMarlng fir* of discontent in tho Mt Zion Pint Baptist Church. Bev. George W. Dudley, minister. uportidly, fM«nt Mar to tho point of QHiptfflfi durtni a meeting which ended in an abbre viated session attar a visit by two white policemen who. allegedly, had bean summoned by a colored eSMuty attest who is a member and cttoar at the church congre- T*. absence of contact with the Bee. Dudley, whose telephone wig not answered ■ after repeated cells—Sunday afternoon, this writ er ! learned that tho officers did visit the church upon call; that no anpsfc were made, but Oat coun eel was held with some members who had been church officers prior to the period of disunity in tha * h>U g£ipag cants at the presence tnunwwogp m pam n> Appeals 3 Suspended Sentences Louise Warier, 46. day Ml City Court. ■ i week In c search of nan-tax paid m Uquor, Mrs. Fra ■fclzler, according to ■ reports was In bed whin the of w—M—fleers strived, MBS. FRAZIER and tho tour cope are said to have “sWed" a half gallon Jar of white whlauey fan from the bed when ahe get out of It The offlfera also tostifted that (Cffimraß ON PAGE S) Jaycees To Aid 4,000 C’ntyKids ftaiyigh Jaycees plan to put job opportunities on display for more than 4,000 high school students from Baleigh and Wake County as a re sult of a Career Dey project re cently adopted by the Club’s Board (CONWNCTD ON PAG* S) I WEATHER T»maotataro» aoxt (tea Bay* win averse* I to W decree* ko tow aarmal. Warmer Thurwtey and colder o*er weekend. Precipitation totaltef one-half to dtreo-qoarter* of aa tneh likely Thursday Bt«ht throach Batnrday. CAROLINIAN - ADVERTISERS - - - BIM FROM THtM FMI I Unui i Cash Km PACK * Lima* g nu s Bum BervVe Capital .'•el CM I r* 4 Coal Co. Bare-11l Uphouter* PAGE | B. n i ja-Eelfc—Brtrt » j. W Winter* * Co Correll Cool Co. CMBWW Fieri** Carter I *, be. Maebaai'-* * Parmer* Bail PA6B « Batoteh Paaeral Soma tern Sanity Co jam** Baacet* IIM Co MrLauris Parkin* Cmpns Madtte-Dacts nrßrM Com poor Cukor* PoatUc. Im. (n*rk p—o«»| A Trad Co JuMcb MM« Co MMI Dra* Star* Bawl* Motor Co C*lii tmaf — Tractor Carp. PAGB I a B. Qaina Petaßai* Co. Bute Gooeral 111* Co. UteMOl Cm SUteif *iaca FINDS WIFE DEAD IN SHACK The Carolinian VOL. 32, NO. 11 RALEIGH,,N. C., SATURDAY. JANUARY 18. 1964 PRICE 15c CAROLINIAN Poll Reveals Shaw Drive Is Gaining AUBURN INTEGRA i ~Q Harold A. Franklin (right), 31 -year-old Negro graduate stu dent, chats with unidentified student during his first day in classes at previously all-white Auburn University, Auburn, Ala., January 6th. Franklin integrated the university without incident on January Ath. ( UPI PHOTO). Crawford “Snatched” From Death 34 Minutes Before Execution Here BY CHARLES R JONES Mar)on Frank Crawford, 26. lit erally owes his life to Floyd Bixler McKissick. This writer was sitting in Ward er. K. B. Bailey’s office last Friday morning when a call came through at 9:26 cancelling Crawford's sche duled execution in the State's gas Chamber—Just a scant 34 minutes before the Spartanburg. S. C. na tive was to die for rape and mur der. He was found guilty of the rape-murder of 8-year-old Sandra Denise Marshall in a Winston-Sal em cemetery Dec. 13, 1962. McKissick, a Durham attor ney sad national chairman of Taylor Badto A Biectrtcal Co. PAUB M Carolina Bolider*. tec. Warner Memorial* hlllon Motor Plnaneo BMsewaV* Optician* tec PAGB II Bsiit'ri Shoo Shop Carpel Center, tee. W T. Grant Dept. Store C ouoHdaled Credit Cor;-. Capitol Barfate Store •, Cro*a Poultry Co. Wlnaton-Mataal Life b» t Major Plnaneo Co., ter. PAGB U H-Uli-Levine Joy’* American Grill Dan<'!( PAGB 1 Kmma lane Orem Shop T>rr*te ln-.cran t A B aity to. Csnarad’i Grocery A Transfer Ca. Carolina Power * Utkt Cm Uchtuor Prneral Bime r.’etfrieal r'Holeealtr*, tec. Waahtec on Terrace Aportm -et*. tee. I AGP. 14 Arnold Jacob'* Vo»a* Ltereb Theatre PAGB I' « klits Prer B ffa’e Bittery Skr- , PAGB li Ambora Pontiac. In node* Bateifk Borises* CoUeje Kia« Cetc Mate North Carolina *s Leading Weekly the Congress of Racial Equal ity, was contacted while In High Point last Thursday. He receiv ed a telephone call from WaahC ington, and Immediately start ed proceedings to take Craw ford’s ease Into federal courts after all other means had fail ed. Hoses Price Crawford’s court-ap pointed attorney, had withdrawn from the case and Governor Terry 'Sanford refused to intervene, leav ing McKissick ’’holding the bag.* The condemned man said. Thank the Lord" when Ward Lin Holloway, Scribe, Succumbs In Norfolk BY ALEXANDER BARNES DURHAM Journalistic circled were shocked here Tuesday when the word came that Lin Burke Hol loway, a hometown boy who start ed as a cub and rose to the heights in the newspaper world, had suc UN BURKE HOLLOWAY en Bailey Informed him of the delay In execution. McKissick was at the door of Federal Judge Alegernon Butler’s courty-iom when it opened at 8 a.m. on last Friday morning. Judge But ler accepted McKissick's habeas corpus plea for Crawford. The office of Governor Sanford was immediately notified and the Director of Prisons, George Ran dall was called. He, in turn, called Warden Bailey, who offic ially stopped the execution. Formal papers. Issued by Judge (CONTINUED ON PAOK I) ctimbad to an extended illness in Norfolk. Va. Lin as he was known to his read ers and fellows, got his beginning on the CAROLINA TIMES here and then continued his adopted style of reporting on persons, events and thing* with the NEW YORK AGE, and the CAROLINIAN In Raleigh He latef joined the staff of the NORFOLK JOURNAL A GUIDE His poignant per. with satirical re flection*. invaded night life to the exetnt that he was loved by many and feared by some. His penchsot for news took kla from church to the under world. His reporting waa fac tual and when he answered the call of *T Tuesday of this week. Jssmslims last a pun gent writer who asked bo fa eon and gars no gsarter* te the performance of his dntles and obUgnttens to tha prsfss- Funernl services are scheduled te be held in Norfolk on Thursday. His body will be brought here and buried in Beech wood Cemetery, Saturday. 2 p.m. He was bom in Durham and received his education lin the local school* He was the (COWnWCBB OH PAGB I) Interest In School Expressed BT ALEXANDER BARNES A CHARLES R. JONES In keeping with the Interest ex pressed In the Shaw University drive last week, the CAROLINIAN conducted a survey this week and found that there is much Interest in the eompgign to raiae *1.000,- 000.00 Immediately. W A eopference with «o off!- * rial ofjhoMechanic* A Farm ers HHfTk revealed theWAbe harik ta ream to make loam to way person, group of per sons, or organisation now ex /Seaming a desire to aid Shaw. The official said this was be ing done ea thst the college might have the money now. Any person who wishes to aid the school can obtain the money and Hike as long aa one year, or even longer to re par the loan. A check with the president of the Baptist State Convention. Dr. (CONTINUED ON PAGE J) Mothers * March Set For City The National Foundation March of Dimes, Wake County' Chapter, will have a "kick-off" meetingor all marching Mothers, Thursday, January 16, 8 p.m., in the Occi dental Life Insurance Building, Cameron Village. (CONTINUED ON PAOC I) . .UNO CALLS ON THE PRESIDENT - Singer Nat "King' Cote, hit, called on President Lyndon B /ohruon at tha White Houae laat Thursday, found him to ba “a firm gen tleman,” and pledged eupport tor tha Chief Executive. Cole will Attack Is Fetal For Raleighite Wake County Coroner Marshall W. Bennetts informed a CARO LINIAN reporter Tuesday night that Mm. Alloa Leo Horton. 40. died of a heart attack here early Sunday morning. Mrs. Horton's body was discov ered in a shack In the 300 block of Walnut Street Del mar Horton, her hus band, whose address was listed as 102 Bluff Btreet. told offi cers that he went to sleep on a couch hi the shack b* tween 19 and 11 p.m. Saturday and awakened at 2 a.m. Sunday to find his wife lying In a back roam with her back and head to the walL Police Officers B. M. Meeklns and J. L. Don ton reported that Horton called headquarter after he found his wife and said he thought she was dead when he found her on the floor. Another man. Identified as Ed die Evans. 69. of Oarnor. came to the shack five tnlnuue after the officers arrived. Hj report edly had been a guest of the Hor tons earlier In the «venire Coroner Bennett also sold Mrs. Horton's liver was In "bad shape," but aUiibulod death to Uie heart attack. Dr. Branch Given Final Rites Here Dr. Dennis Branch, Rsleigh Da tive. died Wednesday. January «. In Newport. Teftiu where he had practiced medicine for 49 years. Hie 77-yesr-old physician was funeralised here Sunday at 1:30 p.m. from the First Baptist Church with the Rev. C. W. Ward, pastor, officiating. Burial took plaoe in Mount Hope Cemetery. A 1909 graduate of Shaw Univer sity, Dr. Branch, worked his way through the university with aasist (CONTINVIO ON PAOB t> DR DENNIS BRANCH CRUSADING WOMAN EDITOR Jean Gardner, crusading editor of the Jennings News, •m-yreekly in Jennings, Missouri, received her fourth call last Thursday alter she published her paper, carryhsjfvHhead~ line, “Racial Problem Gives Jennings A Black Eye ” andbvamed teenagers lor recent vandalism and harassment fam ily of Negro David Thompson which moved into thi<P(U~ijouls aurbub recently. (UPI PHOTO). SEES. Edward (Bear) Umstead, Businessman, Eulogized. Funeral services were conducted for Edward (Boar) Umstead ou Sunday, January 12, at 2 p.m. from the Bt. Matthew AME Church. East Davie Street, here. The Rev. J. F. K.pps, pastor, officiated, and burial followed in,Mount Hope Cemetery Well-known the city of Hal- 1 Xn* eigh, Mr. Um- \ stead, of 1016 E. Jf Martin St.. the owner operator of Um-■ ' steed Grocery end Transfer Go. tor many pears. He died laatWed- K nesday at Wake \ k - Memorlal Hospl- Afega;.,,* A wjjj tal after a short illness. MR- UMBTEAD He waa a very friendly and knowledgeable person end was ex tremely well-liked by everyone who knew hi*. Known for his Director Os COKE In Applauded CHAPEL HlLL—James Farmer, national director of The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) addressed some 800 Negroes and whites here Sunday at the First Baptist Church. Over 2M members es the sa fe enee walked eleven miles In a eeld rata from Durham to Chapel Hill In support of a pub lic accommodations ordinance, which waa pending before the local Beard es Aldermen. (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) be among entertainment star a honored of a Senate Os Kite Buil ding luncheon eponeored by the Hollywood Museum morkint the 70th anniversary of tha tint motion picture copyright *oou (I/P/ PHOTO). unassitming air of humility, Tfcg deceased was eulogised by many persons In this, his native city, and expression* of sorrow and sympa thy are atilt pouring in Jo hla-Jam- Surviving W Umstead' are his wife, Mia. Mary Umstead; ne ton. Alvls (Rabbit) Umstead; and two brothers, Robert and Waliaco Uat •toad, all of Raleigh. .. -—: —!T *S2OP' Mrs. Mallow Faces Judgk February 17 CLEVELAND. Ohio-Mr*. Willie Mae Mallory, 36-year-old mother of two children, was extrgaUed from this city to Monroe. North Carolina last Thursday night to faoe kidnap ping charges in the February IT (erm of court there. Also charged with kidnap ping are: Reberl F. Williams, former Monroe NAACP presi dent, who has since detected to Cube where he Is new ta Bay* lum with his wife and *«ve chil dren: Richard Crewdsr, 19. president es the Monroe Nosh Violent Action Committee; Har old Reepe, IT, aa active mem ber es the same organisations; and John Lowry, 29, a white freedom rider from New Yerk. Mrs. Mallory surrendered to Ohio authorities In her attorney'* office after exhausting all legal remed.es In her 26-month battle again** ax tradition. Her appeal* three times went to the U. S. Supreme Court Governor Rhodes of Ohio Ignored (CONTINUED Tin page pi

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