THE CABOUNUUf RALEIGH, S. C„ SATURDAY, JANUARY It. IM4 10 The Raleigh SCENE BY MRS. MAY u BROADIB Eternal Father, forgive ua our railure to appreciate the the worth of Thee of that which wo hare. Help ua thii day to 4# for Christ aa much aa our meana allow. Giro ua deeper understanding to hack our faith with worka worthy of Jhy praise. Mar w« from humble hearts give Thee thanlu this day we pray In Jesus' name. WILSON TEMPLE METHOD IST—Church school began at 9:30 am. with the superintendent, Mia* Nanie Morgan, in charge. Morning worship services began at 11 o'clock with the Junior choir in charge of tho music, under the direction of Mrs. M. M. Kelley, or- Morgan. Morning lesson and ganist and pianist. Mias Teraldlne prayer b7 the pastor. Rev. O. W. Burwtck. We heard a wonderful sermon delivered by our pastor. OBERLIN BAPTIST Church school began at 9:30 a.m with the superintendent, Mr. Walter Curtis. In charge. Morning wor ship began at 11 o'clock with the senior choir in charge of the mu sic, under the direction of Mrs. Elsie Hayes, organist, Mrs. Lu clle Campbell. Morning l'weon and prayer were led by the pastor. Rev. J. P. Dempsey. Be also brought to ua a very rood ser mon using as his subject "When Life Tumbles." It was very In spiring. BT. MATTHEWS AME—Church school began at 9:80 a.m. with the superintendent, Mr. Robert Le- Sane. Jr., In charge. Morning wor nhip began at 11 o'clock with the Junior eholr in Charge ot the mu sic. under the direction of Mr. D. R. Leach, organist. Mrs. An nette Peterson. Morning lesson was given hv the *"•* "—- a v«iy w>uo<ung sermon was de livered by the pastor, Rov. J. F. Epps. His text was taken from Job 45:5 His subject was "Vic torious End." Every one enjoyed II very much. WILLIAMS GROVE BAPTIST Church school began at 9:30 with the superlndent, Mr Phillip Alston, in obargs. Morning wor ship began at 11 o'clock with the MARRIED IN HOME CEREMONY HERE—Mn Hattie W. Wat lam, BIS Cotton Street, became fits bride ot Mr Arthur Dumton on Wednesday, January 1, at ths above address. The Her. Charles W. Word, pastor oi the Firnt Beptiet Chureh, other ated. Given in marriage by Mr. Frank J. Hinton. Sr., the bride wore a blue town oi brocade, and a mantilla ret/. Mrs. Ruth La- Sene William• tang a so lo ami a recaption followed the nuptial*. Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., Os Raleigh 3705 HILLSBORO ST REST. RALE I OH. NORTH CAROLINA -t- TEL TE *-1071 What is Doing Around Town! Junior eholr in charts of the mu sic, under the direction of Mist Jacqueline Mitchell Morning les son and prayer were lad by the pastor. Rev. J. H. Bryant, who also brought a wonderful sermon, which was enjoy td by all VOUNO'S MISSIONARY TEM PLE CME—Churoh schom began at 9:30 a.UL with the aupsHntend ent. Mrs. Della R .Ford, in charge. Morning worship began at 1J o'clock with the senior choir in charge of the music, under the direction of Miaa Myrtle A. Rhodes. Morning lesson and pray er by the pastor, Rev. J. A. Lind sey. He took his texxt from Acts, 3:1, using as his subject "X Am Alive for Something.” The ser mon was enjoyed very much. UNION BAPTIST Church school began at 10:30 with superintendent, Mr. Waltei Price in charge. Morning wor ship began Immediately after the Sunday School lesson with the senior eholr In charge of the mu sic. under the direction of Mrs. Nettle Harrington. Aver» Inspir ing, sermon was dellvereu by tbs pastor, the Rev. E Mason ST ANN AH FREEWILL BAP TIST—Church school boson at 10 a.m. with the superlnten.lrnt, Mr. William Lyons, in chart*. Wor ship service Is held every Mrst and third Sundays at 11:10 r m. You ore invited to worship with ua The pastor is Rsv. L. T. Ford. LILY OP THE VALLT. FREE WILL BAFTI. r Church school began at 10 o'clock e.m. with the auperlntendent, Mr. Mock Arthur, in charge. Morning worship serv ice began at 11 o’oioek with the Junior choir In charge of the mu tic, under the direction of Mr. Willie Hendorson. The sermon FIRST BAPTIST Church school began at 9:30 am. with the superintendent. Mr. W. H. Taylor, Sr., in charge. Morning worship began at 11 o'clock, with the jun ior choir in charge of he music, under the direction of Mr. W. W. Hurdle; organist. Mr*. Ruby P. Oreene. The morning 'waon and prayer were led by the pastor. Rev. C. W. Ward. He aisu deliv- ered a wonderful mm. taking his text from the Book oi Ephe sian 9:19. Subject: “Shield of Faith." B. T. U. began at 9:19 with the leader. Mica Eugenia Mooia pre siding. Organist, Mias < Jlaudette Levister. Scripture reading by Mr. Walter Davenport, Jr., pray er, by Rev. Mr. Chambliss Due to the bad weather, theve wet no evening sendee. RUBH METROPOLITAN AME ZlON—Church school began at 9:45 a.m., with the sup*i intend ed. Mr. Leslie Campbell and Mr. Jeesls Degraffenridt, In charge. At 10:30, the Junior church serv ices ware conducted by the Rev. Shelly Taylor. The regular morn ing worship service* were conduct ed by the pastor. Rev. T. H. Har ris. Rsv. Harris preache 1 a pow erful meeage from Acts 26:14. Theme: ‘Listen to the Voice of Ood.' Mrs. Annie H. Thorpe is church reporter. SMITH TEMPLE FREEWILL BAPTIST—Sunday School began ct 10:00 with the superintendent, Mr. Elbert Bandera, In charge. Rev. J. D. Ray made tho call to worship at 11 a.m. with the sen ior eholr in charge of tno music, under the direction of Mrs Hol der and Mrs. Mints. Ray brought us a wonderful message from Acts. Sid chapter and 1-13 verses. Subject: “Challenger of the Church." The message was very spiritional. LINCOLN PARK HOLINESS— Sunday School began at the usual hour with the superintendent. Mr. Arthur Williams. In charge. Mom !ng worship followed Immediately. Our paster, Rsv. Hi Ratcliff, in troduced Elder B. J. ' Johnson who delivered the mom.ns me*- sus? SLw« u»." Uuuu »*• ten dered by the Junior cho.r, under the direction of Mrs. Fannie Washington, accompanied by Brother William Ratcliff at the piano. The sermon was enjoyed by all. Clubs ROSEBUD GARDEN CLUB IN SESSION The Roeebud Garden Club held its Annual Christmas Party at ths YWCA on Davis Street recently. The beautiful Christmas Story was portrayed In verst and song, lira K. N. Combo, program chair men, end Mrs. Nora Sanders pre sented The Christmas Story. Thera were exchanging of gifts which all enjoyed. Everyone had a wonderful time and wished each one a Happy New Year. CHAKMETTEf SOCIAL CLUB MEETS The Channettea Social Club met at tho home of Mrs. Lydia Morgan oo Tuesday, January T. The meet ing was opened by the president, Mrs. Morgan. The club received a letter of thanks from the family to which ! it gave a basket of food recently The next meeting of the club will be held on Tuesday. January 21, at the home of Mra. Lula Williams, 1119 Holman Street. BUSY BEE CLUB ENJOYS HOSPITALITY The Busy Bee Club of the Smith Temple Freewill Baptist Church met January T, at the homo of Mr. end Mr*. Arthur Mints oo Holt Street. Following the devotion, the pres ident opened the business session Club member* dlscuseed a yearly project. The hcetess served a de lightful repeat, which was enjoyed by Uis following: _ Meadsicm Marganft Mints. Am elia Osborne, Lori# Young, Cor nelia Moors, Florins Smith, and Haael McNeil; Mr. and Mrs. James Upchurch;’ and Everett Smith. COSMETOLOGIST CLUB HOLDS MEETING HERB Cosmetologist Club, Chapter 41, met on Monday. January g, at the home of Mrs. Elisabeth L. Crump, 308 Camden Street The following officers were elect * President. Ml*. Mary Whitt ey. vies prwldmt, Mra Georgia M- Htnten; is wetary. Mra Maggie Beedi eseMaat secretary, Mra INTERNATIONAL COTILLION OUTSTANDING SUCCESS The 4th annual International CotUUon ot the Nations! Council of Negro Women, sponsored In support of The Mary McLeod Bethune Education Fund, which wa» hrlJ at The Americana Hotel, New York City, on January 2. has been acclaimed one of the most successful social events of the season. The Cotillion presented 42 young ladies from four continents and varying backgrounds. In top photo are seen some of the young ladles and eaeorts for the event. Prom left, the young people are Jamea W’llUama, Bt. Albans, N. Y.; La Sandro Robinson. Monroe, La.; Pamela Mitchell, India, USAP Ist Lt. Moss H. Kendrlx, Jr.. Washington. D. C-; Doris Landrum, St. Louis, Mo; Brigitte Bollecker, France, and Aso Varney, Ghana. In next group ing, Alvin Wilks, right, introduces Miss Dorothy Height, 2nd front right, NCNW president, and her party to youth ut post-Cotillion breakfast-dance sponsored by The Coea-Cola Company, Atlanta, Go., a co-sponsor of the CotUUon. From left are PRman Moo* H. GABBING About Town BY MRS. A. H. THORPE “ ONE ANOTHER'S BURDEN" "Pity sought my soul. Tar my brother'! I'd thought •• free, and •« I shifted the bur den with gentle hands. Hope and strength name bark to me." VISITS MOTHER Mrs. Pauline Thorpe Chapman and Mrs. Lillie McDonald of Wash ington, D. C. visited their sick mo ther, Mrs. Ida Thorpe of 1903 E. Edenton St. recently. We wish for her a speedy recovery. PATIENT AT WAKE MEMORIAL Mr Willie Patterson, Jr. known to all his friends ss "Mutt” is a patient at Wake Memorial Hospi tal. His many friends say, “Keep your chin up and hurry home.” We too. wish for him a speedy recov ery. ATTENDS FUNERAL OF BRO. Miss Lillie Brooks of E. Lenoir St was out of tha city last week attending the funeral of her brother in Pittaboro. We extend to her and other members of the family our love and sympathy. CUB SCOUT® MEET The Cub Scouts met st Rush Met ropolitan Church on Saturday af ternoon at 4 p.m. Mr. Pedro McCoy ia Scout Leader and Mrs. Alda Me- Cullers is Den Mother. HOME FOB FUNERAL Messrs. Lewis and Varnon Hay wood of New York City, also Mrs. : Mary Louise Jennings of California j were in the city for the funeral ;of their mother, Mrs. Mary Hay j wood of Manly St., last week. PATIENT AT WAKE MEMORIAL Mrs. Gertrude Perry of 318 Fowls Cal He Jones: treasurer. Mrs. Margaret Hall: social commit tee, Mrs dames Cosy Rand sad Mary Prances Lane: and re porter. Mrs. Elisabeth Crump. Present at the meeting were: , Meedamee Thelma Rickett. Mary Whitley. Mildred Mason. Margaret Holt; Cal'is Jones.' Mary F. Lane, and the hostess The next meeting will be held | st the home of Mrs. Mery E. Jones i S. Person Street, on Monday, Feb I 3id. St. ia a patient at Waka Memorial Hospital. We pray for bar a speedy recovery. Personals NAPE GIVES TO THE NEEDT The Raleigh Branch of the Na tional Allance of Postal Employee enlarged Its welfare program dur ing the recent Christmas season. The members, selected families from a special list and Ml tended help in those areas tha families felt were moat needed Dinners, food bona and afaieks were distributed. In one area, a dentist's bill was paid in full and tha raoaipt given to tha person receiving tha den tal care. Tha Comrades of NAPE who made this program possible were happy to be able to help NAPE ia a national union, founded some M yean ago- Its purpose is to promote good serv ice. to Inform, and to see that all people receive the same equality of opportunity in the functioning of our government. SHAW UNIVERSITY VESPERS SPEAKER The Rev. James D. Ballard, paster. first ■ Institutional Baptist Church. Winston-Sa lem, and a student of the Duke University D trinity School, win apeak at Bhaw University's vesper services an Sunday. January It, at i:S® pjn. in Unhrenity (karak The program ta under tha as apices of the Delta Gamma Chapter es the Kappa Alpha Pal Fraternity. The pablie la Invited. BURKES AM PROUD PARENT® Mr. and Mn. Johnnie Edward Burke, m Hadley Bead, are the proud parents es a baby bey. bore Tuesday. January l Yeung Ronald Edward (arte weighed hi at • pauah and • EmUt Washington, D. C., whoso firm serves the Coca-Cola bust nemi JSisa Vlrita Lewis, New York City, Mrs. Daisy Lampkln, Pitts burgh. Pa„ who Is chairman Os NCNW’s Be'hune Educational Fund; Mas Haight and Mr. WUks, who handled the CotUUon choreography with Mrs. Ada Fisher Jones, seen at lower right. Mrs. Lampkln, In box, tntroluoea Arthur A. J. Weglein. center, president of Daggett Sc Ramsdell, Inc., a co-sponsor of the CotiUlon from Us inception, and Mr. Kendrlx, a CotiUlon rice chairman. Mr. Weglein had two daugh ter* In the CotUUon and hi* son-in-law, George Velyo, wrote the music and lyrics for the debutante song, "Tonight’s the Night.” which waa performed by Broadway singing star, Jimmy Randolph. Mias Martha G. Palmer, lower left. Cotillion executive director and Mra Ala Fisher Jones, right, flank. Dr. Jeanne L. Noble. New York City; Mas Height, Miss WUhelmina F. Adams, New York City, and Mr. Kendrlx, during CotUUon reception. St. Augustine’s Instructor Admitted To Milton Society Robert A. Smithey of the English Department of Saint Augustine’s Collage has recently been admitted to membership In The Milton So ciety of America. The Society la composed of de votees and scholars of John Milton, famous seventeenth-century Eng lish poet, considered by many au thorities to be second only to Shakespeare among English poets. The Society membership lists some of tha top scholars in the leading universities' In America and Cana da. la presldant of the organization. pttaL ATTEND WEDDING. RECEPTION HERE Questa attending the wedding and reception of Mrs. Hattie W. Watkins and Mr. Arthur Duns ton on Wed nesday. Jan. 1. at >lB Cotton Street ware at follows: Mrs. Josephine Robinson, Mrs- Mary C. McKay. Mrs. May L. Broa dla. Mrs. Carrie McDonald, Mrs. Ruth L. Williams, Mrs. Mary L. Mitchell, Mrs. Rosa L. Jones. Mr. Prank J. Hinton. Sr, Mrs. Roberts 0 Ward, Mias Joyce Hinton, Mrs. Ralph Burt Mrs. Margaret Hinton. Mrs. Mamie BurrwlL Min Morelle Jones, Mr. Will Lyon. Mr. Early Regers, Mrs. Rosabella Hinton. Mrs. Elisabeth Crump, Mrs. C. J. Pitta, Mrs. Lydia Walker, Mn Ma rie Peterson. Mrs- S. M. Walker, and Mrs. Lina Dunston. MONUMENTS Store IMS—Marble Granite Our reels s»ri U taste turteS^ Come to Shoe Vtru lot -wire 'FMagjFgsß Sion Sc* o*n iHBBi&j 8 XW Ur orm. glSl IE You doe t > •rwu «wr» WARNER MEMORIALS j My Lady's Doings * ♦ + In And Out Os Town Mr. Smithey become# the third Negro member of the So ciety. Dr. Marion E. Musgrave, head of the English Depart ment at Alcorn College. Leg man, Miss., and an authority on John Donne, and Dr. David W. BOBEBT A. RMJTHCT D. Nixon, protestor of EnfUA. Memo ry Teat for 10 NtoA c«Kin trifo -on A* mm hi Ik* own Mow. New, eat the mwi«o*« e«i0o sad wt Hm mom over o lew Homo 10 ***ii*t. It won't ho loot Mere Wt WILL know H yoo kooo pomt the tool. Qft Hearing AWs IHldjcaiijfii 1 OPTICIANS, lot. I * *** vsas •*•••* Semi-Abstract Paintings On Exhibit At FSC FAYETTEVILLE A »erol-ab stract exhibition by Larry Blizzard is being shown In the Chastnutt Library at Fayetteville State Col lege There are 14 paintings in the collection, which made up a par tial fulfillment for his Mister of Arts degret In Fiat Art ct East Carolina College. Blizzard’s idee that "painting la a creation, some aspect* of which refer to rest life" it eleariy reveal ed in his figurative paintings. These works challenge the Imagination of the viewer. The exhibit is opened to the pub lic and will extend through Jan uary 24, between the hours of 9 son. to 9 pjn. Plan Meets On Money In Wake County The extension staff of Wake County will be conducting meet ings throughout the county this month on Family Financial Plan ning. The meeting is designed to assist families on how to get the most out of the family dollar. Meetings for the weeks of Janu ary 13th and 20th are as follows: Wednesday. Jan. 15, 8:00 p.m.—Jef freys Grove School; Thursday, Jan. 16, 2:30 p.m.—Dubois School, Wake Forest; Thursday, Jan. 16, 8:00 p.m. —Cary School. Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2:00 pm.—Holly Springs School: Tuesday, Jan. 21, fi:00 p.m.—Lockhart School; Wed nesday, Jan. 22, 8:00 p.m.—Carver School, Wendell: Thursday, Jan. 23, 2:00 p.m.—Garner School; Thurs day, Jan. 23. 8:00 p.m. Apex School. tVs svUnslnn oinff I are- W C Davenport, agent; M. W. Askew, assistant ag ricultural agent; Mrs. N. P. Wim berley, home economics agent; Mrs. M. B. Graham, associate home eco nomics agent DEATHS MRS. CARRIE BELLE MOOSE Graveside services for Mrs. Car rie Belle Moore were held at Moun: Hope cemetery Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock with the Rev. James | A. Avery officiating. Mrs. Moore, who died Monday - of last week in Wake Memorial Hospital, has no immediate rela tives. Northern Michigan University, Marquette, Michigan, a Milton scholar, are the other two Ne gro members. Smithcy holds the B.A. degree from DcPauw University and the M.A. degree frm the University of Wisconsin. In addition, he has done extensive graduate work at the Graduate School of Arts and Sci ences at Harvard and Cornell uni- Vcrsilles. Mr. Smlthey was the first Negro to be approved by the English De partment of the University of Mary land as an English instructor in the University of Maryland's over seas program, and for two years served as the only Negro on Its Far East faculty. Smithey has also serv ed as chairman of the freshman di i vision and head of the Communica tions Department of Talladega Col lege. In Alabama. Everything For .. . BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING • LI MBEB • MILL W ORE • 4THEVH PAINTS • «l ILDtINO MATERIALS • BUSS WIN HARDWARE Dial TE 2-7563 CAROLINA GUILDERS CORP. 217-219 N Dawson St RALEIGH. N C. PRINTING • Commercial • Social Consult Ua for Reasonable Estimates Prompt it Service Rhone TE 4-5558 -The— CAROLINIAN PUBLISHING CO. Slf B. Martin Street R«)a«h. N. C

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