Tint GJUOUriuiM MUmK O. SATURDAY, JANUARY It. ltN 2 Hearty Beef Stew For Winter Days Aa icy brooms blow and winter snows fan, lfa that to maha aaro the atom windowa art up and boots and mittens art out of summar storage. These are signs that winter is bars and you’ll want to have a beef stew recipe handy* Highlight this stew with Corn Bread Top. ping. Year family will lore the fresh corn flavor of the : nrie.vcl erm meal on tr>? of a delicious Stew. ■nr mnr Hakee S eervxago Coen Bread Topping it. ’ cm meal S tablespoons chopped pimiaoto 2 taUes; <. ji » uf'-purposeflour 1 egg | 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1/2 cup milk 2 teaspoom baking powder I tablespoons shortening, 1/4 cup chopped green popper soft / Tor stew, coat J.J/$ lb. bee/ cubes evenly with a Hills /lour. Brown meat in S tablupoon* shortening in large Dutch oven or kettle. Add t-l/t cups water, 1 bay loaf, a few eprige of parsley, 1 teaopoou dill seed, t toaopoono garlic salt and l/t teaopoon poppor. Bring to a boil; cover and simmer over low heat 1-1/2 hours. Remove bay leaf and parsley sprigs. Add t/4 cup chopped celery, f sliced oarrotc, t email whole white onions and 1 cup frooon or canned peas. Combine 1/4 cup flour with t/4 cup cold water: stir into stew. For topping, slit together corn meal, flour, salt and baking riwder. Add remaining ingredients. Beat with rotary beater about minute. Do not overbeat. Drop by tablespoonluls onto hot stew. Bake in preheated hot even (429*7.) uncovered about 20 minutea or until topping Is golden brown. Zion Ministers, Laymen Meet: Bishop Spotswood Succeeds Prelate H. B. Shaw In Calif. SACRAMENTO. Calif.—Freedom Ire sounded throughout th* semi-an nual meeting of the Board of Bis hops and th* annual moating of th* Mirflstedr Thd Laymen’s Associa tion! AME Zion Church, at s 8-day meet at Kyle* Temple-AME Zion Church, last week. Th* meeting opened on Wednes day with Bishop W. J. Wall* tell ing how Bishop John Jamison ■Moor* jjlehtod thf tenet* of free dom, as practiced by the denomina tion, on th* Pacific Coast, in 1852. Bishop H. B. Hhaw, retiring chairman, ot WUmlngtou, N. C, re-echoed the pronouncement as he turned over the gavel to flMdhep 8. O. Bpottawood. Bis- JSf fSpcttswoqd net only mad* ‘f reedom In Gospel Os Christ” Theme Os AME Conference •ACRAMENTO, Calif.—'Tha pol- j ley-maker* of the AME Zion j Church, led by the *enlor prelate, Bithop W. J. Wall*, opened the I semi-annual meeting of the Board i of Blihrv* and the annual meeting | of the Minister*' and Laymen 1 * A»- aociation of the denomination at Kyle* Church. Wednesday morning The them# es Uie meet wa* "Freedom tn the Gospel es Christ" and It la else a tribute to the ehnrehman who brought Zion Method lam to the Pacific Ceos*, Bishop John Jamison Moore. The first aeealen wee feetvred hy en appraisal es the work done by Bishop delivered by Bishop W. J. Well*. The aermon was preached by the > retiring chairman of the Board of Bishop*, the Rt. Rev. H. B. Shaw. He challenged hi* fellow* to Uk# a new look at the work hf tha church tn world aff»ir* He touch- ECSC Reports Top Attendance For Senior Day ELIZABETH CITY—A ncerd et tendance of ISOO high school aooiora arrived on th* campus of BUmbath City State CoUaga an Wedneeday. January *• for the Annual High School Senior Day Program. The them* waa: "Where Youth and the Future Meet", the College motto. Twaniy-Uve high achoola of northeastern North Carolina re* .«ponded to the Invitation to have senior atudenta spend a day on the campua for the purpoee of ae quaiatidx them with the college of ferings and activities They were accompanied by counsellor*, teach era and aaveral principal*. Z THE CAROLINIAN * BeWtshrd ay Ik* C.roltnUa ill « Manta attest Mt*&&&& i, Sr Koto Service The Publisher t» not responsible tor tn* return *t unsolicited newe PJO mres or adverttsm* copy unless noc e n» pafligt ACfomiMnlM the MW Opinion* •xur*wd by columnists to % hi* O«W>P» per do not neceeasmy ft or*ma*3SES*Mhcy of thi# oaoei a pitch, but In a press confer ones, held In the Senator Be tel. for news services, radio and televtslen. arranged through Rev. Cyrus Keller, president of th* torsi branch ot tbs NAACP, Mid that the Negro has grown tmpattoift and will neither coos* nor desist until ho enjoy* all Uie righto afforded any oth er American riilzcn. Dr. 1. Franklin Jackson, praai dent. MlnUtora’ and Laymsn’a Asso ciation and candidate (or national committeeman for th* Democratic party, District of Columbia, con tinued th* barrage on discrimina tion, segregation, race hate and big otry In hi* annual addreai. ed on the violence that permeated i the nation during IM3. Including the assassination of John FlUgar aid Kennedy. Report* of general officers began ut tha afternoon seaslon. to the Board of Bbhopi.. A welcome serv ice wa* held Wednesday night with an array of speaker*, headed by Mayor Janie* B McKtnney, greet ing the visitor*. Rev. George Ken dall scrvtd aa tha master of cere monies. MRS. MALLORY FACES JUDGE FEBRUARY 17 ! (CONTINUED PROM PtCF i> thousand* of appeals that he use his administrative power to pre vent the extradition. At this crucial moment In Uio ] case—ln which tha three young men defendants and Mrs. Mal lory far* possible life sentences —James Baldwin, tha noted T»« Around Tin WwW The lorgest oa porters of too are / Indio, Ceylon and Indontsl*. IC’JH V * They supply over 10 per cent of IfTL jTbf lif '**“ the too wo drink In America. The JlKSglmKOjl United States Is the second larg- Ml— U*Mh,lS*«wW. W clot* the lift that to* givos. Coaches and trolnen r*< J/M ossmend it os th# training IF hr teWo boveiogo because It's df 'l n light end easily digested, ”*v |™'W" S . welter and etril-rigfcta cham pion. has thrown his weight behind defense efforts. Mr. Baldwin joined the Commit tee to Aid the Monroe Defendants! as a sponsor and is sending aa urgent appeal to all friends of the Negro struggle for support and con tributions to the defense efforts of that committee. Baldwin calls the case “crucial for* the civil-rights movement and for justice In America." It is, ha contmusa. "a case trumped up against Otoe# fighting racism . . This is s ‘kidnap’ esse in which there wss no kidnaping." Officials of Monroe, a city with a long record as a Ku Klux Klan stronghold, allegedly concocted the “kidnap” charge out of the dis turbance of Aug. 27, IMI. On that day a mob of 3,000 whites attacked a group of Freedom Riders and member* of the Monroe Non-Vio lent Action Commute who were picketing in the courthouse square. Many were badly beaten there. One Freedom Rider wee nearly beaten to death in the local jail. The Negre own unity ex pected aa Invasisa momentarily by a Ku Khw Klan met arc a da; such Inhesions had occurred an a number at provteus occasions. Adding to tbo confusion, Ne groes Cram tho aarroandlng farm country began arriving with their families to take ref uge from KKK nlghtrldora who, It waa rwoored, would soon bo raiding Ilia county. At thia point a whits couple drove down tho main street of the Negro community until halted by the press. < of people in the street Alarmed by tha excited crowd, the couple took refuge in the nearby home of Robert F. Williams. Lam than two j hour* later, whan tha excitement had abated, they proceeded on their way reportedly unharmed. “KICK-OFF” OF MARCH SET FOR THURSDAY (continued vxom pop* i> Mother! from the Raleigh eree ; and tha aurroundlng communities who will inarch on the night of January 28, art Invited to attend. Final plane for the door-to-door eanvese will be completed, supplies distributed, in interesting film shown and aa an added treat, door prises will be given which have bean contributed by leading Ra leigh merchants. Mr*. C. R Hutchins, chairman of the Mothers March, urged all marching mothers'to attend. Her division captain* are: Raleigh Aresi Mrs. E. C- Mur phy. Mrs. Hiram 1. Caaebolt, Mrs. O. 1. Woelard, Mr*. Mil lard S. Morgan. Mrs. R. E. Bart lett. Mrs. Bam J. Johnson, and Mrs. J, D. Hinton, co-chairman, Vra. Dorothy Thomas. ( immunities: Mr* J. Blake Self. Kuißhtdnlc,: Mrs R. L Dresser, Mlllbrook; Mr* Warren Dean. Wen dell; Mrs. B. D. Thoma*. Zcbulon; Mr*. Lacv Walter*. Fuquay Spring*; Mrs. H. S. Bivens, Gsrner; and Mia Jack Upchurch, Apex. Myron C. Banka is Campaign Di rector: Ant. Director O. F. New ell and Samuel H. Johnan Is chap ter chairman. JAYCEES WIIX AID 4,500 CNTY PUPILS (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) of Director*. S’hools in the city svstem contacted are: Berry O’Kel ; |y and J. W Ltron High School*. Parley A. King, chairman of tho project, announced that the event will bo held In Memorial Auditorium In Ralellgh April 8-8. 1A64. King stated that this will bo the moat comprehensive program of this typo ever pre sented le student* In this area. . ( Ity and County school official* have expressed Ihelr approval of the preject and have pledged their tuppert end cooperation. Approximately 40 booth* repre senting major vocational fields will be set up In the auditorium. They will be staffed by representatives of firms, associations. Industries, ! and governmental agencies spon soring the exhibits and will be ! equipped with literature, displays end audio visual aids to assist itu l dents In exploring vocational op ; portunitie*. In the county system I the following high schools were | named: Apex, r.iquey, Dubois. Lockhart end Shepard. Plan* rail for ell high school seniors end Junior* In Raleigh sad Woke County to he brought to tha aaditortam where they will ha allowed to visit three exhibits selected by eeeh eta dent prior to hto visit to lbs mm dltertum. 8 tad eats wfU be giv en If minuter to observe tha presentation at each exhibit. Exhibits will also be open at night for students who desire more Information and for their parents. There will be no admission charge. In sponsoring tho project Jsycocs will handle finances, solicitation of exhibit sponsors and overall opera tion of tbo event Organizations sponsoring exhibits will be respon sible for equipping and staffing their booth*. King pointed out that there are 30 high schools in Wake County and that over 4,000 students will be involved. Ho stated that the project has been sponsored in Win ston-Salem by the Junior Chamber of Commerce and that it has been well-received by students, school officials and employers in that area. FARMER GIVES ADDRESS AT CHAPEL HILL (CONTNUED PROM PAOE 1) These persons were joined by another 100 “walkers” on tho out skirts of Chapel Hill, both groups marching through town to the roi ly. JAMES FARMER .. . Chapel Hill speaker • Parmer declared: If tha law (public accommodations ordi nance) Is passed, that will be Just fine; we will then have a tool to work with. If It does not pass, then we will have to con tinue our demonstrations." The militant integration Ist fur ther atated that be views the cur rent rising tide of civil rights dem onstrations around the country as "Part two of the American Revo lution. It is being fought now to guarantee freedom and equality to j a!! rmplc” John Dunne, a white University of North Carolina student, who is one of the protest leaders, said: "If Chapel Hill should fail, if Chapel Hill leaders will not be moved by the 1.R50 citizens who aigned a pe tition for a public accommodations low. then North Carolina, the whole South and the entire country will be set back." The Chapel Hill Board of Aldermen. Monday night of this week, passed a substitute mo tion to a proposed public ac commodations measure by a vote of 4-t. The substitute motion named a new committee, headed by the mayoe. to attempt to bring about voluntary Integration of the still segregated businesses here. Hubert Robinson, the only Negro alderman, said he was disappoint ed in the action "We go Into hun dreds of meetings and nothing is acebinp'ished." he said. Mr. Farmer informed newsmen Sunday night, following his ad dress, that if the aldermen failed to a t favorably on the proposed ordinance, demonstrations wpuld be renewed. ROCKY MOUNT MINISTER IS unharmeo (COVTiviro rro't pv:g n of pollcr-m'-n. In t*-r church, was that a proutt of dissatis fied mririher* were I' onrbt to be making a threat of physical forre wh'ch mleht endanger the sstetv Os the minister. Report edly. Dudley excused himself from the meeting to a room, un til after the arrival of the of ficer*. shortly afterwhieh the mooting was dismissed Previously, a disagreement (to Pine State Ice Cream qt. 33c Thick Fat Back lb. 17c Gold Seal Flour 10 lbt. 79c Maxwell House Coffee 1 lb. bag 69c HERBHEYS Instant Cocoa Mix 16 o*. can 39c Hunt’s Catsup-14 ox. bottle 2 for 35c Red Band Biscuits 6 for 49c Tall Pink Salmon can 53c Pure Pork Sausage 3 lba. 89c NO. IS CAN Hunt Peaches 29c or 4 for 99c Freah Spare Ribs lb. 35c or 3 lU. 99c End Cut Pork Chops lb. 45c Opoa Friday NUM rnUI If E HORTON S CASH STORE 141S-1T AO EAINDEKb ST. RALEIGH, N. C put it mildly) bad erupted between the two factions as an effort to "ap prove” «r “adopt” certain portion* of the minutes of a previous Mo tion which were, objectionable to the "dtegtsfined old ttM members.” The "Carolinian learned from a reliable source that the apparent troublemakers were either officers or sympathiser* who had refused to accept duties imposed upon them by having been named is officers. They, along with all tha other offi cers, art said to have barn depos ed subsequently and therefore hod been disciplined by the church. The source refused to name the “disciplined” officers or members, in the interest of restoring har mony. It Is reported that when the ‘objections' reached their height there wee general disorder and some feared that violence might break *«t after ooma member* failed to heed tha ordere or warning of their own member. Deacon Herbert Tillman, an off-duty policeman. Reportedly, a segment of the “dis ciplined" membership have signed a paper and obtained legal advice in their dispute with the minister which has boon going on eevoral months. APPEALS 3 SUSPENDED SENTENCES (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) when they attempted to nirest the woman, she kicked them, scream ed at thorn and attempted to bite one officer, before aha was final ly subdued. City Court Judge Samuel Pret lowe Wlnbome, after carefully listening to all of the evidence In the case, sentenced Mrs. Trader to six months each on the three charges: illegal poaaeealop of Uq or, poseorioc of liquor lor sale, and misting arrest. The sentences, ordered to ran eoaeßrrentty, wove su spended upon payasent of a 858 fine, and throe years pro bftiltlla Her com is again expected to ooma up for trial during the cur rent session of Wake Superior Court INTEREST IN SCHOOL EXPRESSED (CONTINUED PROM PAGg I) R M. Pitta, revealed tha’ his or* ganimtion will carry out its com mittment to raleo $250,0(10.00 and will make tha money available in the near future. He also reported that his church In Winston-Sal em sent in SBOO.OO reeently. The Baptist leader, when told of the CAROLINIAN suggestion that each church raise SI.OOO 00, sold there were many churches that had that much money on hand now. Rev. Dr. P. H. Johltawl*. chair man of the executive committee of Shaw’s Trustee Board, nad the following to eay: "I »hlnk the headline in last woekr paper brings to the Baptists and to the general public the Immediate needs ot the school. This should produce so*ia favorable and quick, ac ion on the part of those who are interested in seeing the school continue to run.” Rev. D. N. Howard. Tupper Me morial Baptist Church, sms high ly in approval of the CAROLINI AN plan and said that he was ready to lead his congregation in making an immediate loan to help Show. “I think that the headline, in last week’s paper, made a great Impact on those who read the story about Shaw Uni versity. I believe my church will reMXjnd to the call of our uni versity.” the Tupper pastor said. Rev. J. W. Fleming, pastor of Rrookston Baptist Church, near Henderson and manager of the Baptist Supply Store, said “I be lieve that we are going to get some responses in this nr-a. Mast churches are going to respond al though some may not reach the i $1,000.00 goal suggested by the 1 CAROLINIAN, but will respond as well as they am able.” Rev. J. P. Dempsey, newly-e- Ircted pastor of Oberlln Bap* Ist Church expressed himself with this statement. “I »m meeting with the Trustee smd Deacon Boards next week. I will encou rage them to give this amount of money. If It Is available and they so desire. At present. I am un aware of tile financial condition of Oberlln Baptist Church " The Woman’s Home * For eign Missionary Convention of N. C-. mooting ha a one-day aesaton at the IW Baptist Church Saturday, subscribed ISI.ON.H and pledged to ■aka IMHJ4 avaOabie im mediately. Mr*. M. A. Haraa heads the organization. Thera wore approximately I*4* par mu to attendance Or. Elisa 8. Alston to tho executors sea* rotary* It was also reported that the New Jersey Baptist State Conven tion, headed by Dr. L. C. Riddick, subscribed 830.000 aqd will send SO,OOO Immediately. It woe also learned that a group at Meal hutonr—men hare become Intnarir tntcestod and plan a well orßonixcd drive which is ex pected to net enough money to not only relieve the present sit uation, but will give Shaw a new look. LIN HOLLOWAY, NEWSMAN, DIES IN NORFOLK, VA. (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) son of the late C. P. Holloway and Mrs. Delilah Holloway. He is survived by his wife, the former Miss Lois Hamilton; 1 son, tin Burke, 11, his mother, three stators and many other relatives. DR. BRANCH EULOGIZED IN RALEIGH (CONTINUED FROM PAPE 1) snee foam several white benefac tor*. He waa the first Negro to serve on tho Chsmbor of Com merce la Newport, sad the first ' to be honored by Ralph Ed wards on the 'This la Tour Life” television shew, several years sgo. He was also graduated from the medical school of the University of Tennessee with honors in 1014. The funeral of Dr. Dennis Branch was held at the AME Zion Church, New Tort, Tenn. Friday, January Is. 1944, at $ p m His body woe brought to Balelgb. his native home, for burial sendees at the First Baptist Church with the Rev. Charles W. Ward la charge, assisted by the Rev. L 8. Penn •f St. Paul AME Church and Dr. J. L. Tilley of Shaw Uni versity. He was laid to not in Mount Hops Cemetery. Oat of town relatives and friends from New Port. Tenn.. were bis widow, Mrs. Moggie Pogue Brunch; Mr. ant Mrs. Jamas D. Brabeon. Miss M. Odessa Franklin, Mr. Robert Mills, Mr. Frederick Stokley. Mr. Hubert Stokley. Patterson, N. J.: Mr. Gaston and Steriln Hinton. Norfolk. Vo.. Mrs. Modellt Morgan, Rev. and Mr*. Fred Lason. Washington, D. C.t M». and Mrs. Horace Bpragni. Mrs. MsdeUe Penix. and Mr* Glo ria S. Root. A regular contributor to Shaw ■r)d s trustee emeritus of Morris* town College, In wa* honored by Morristown Tn 1982 when the new gymnasium on the campus was named for him. A former postman In Raleigh, the medic would visit Postmast«C D. Staton Insco* and his former'fel low postmen when In the city. CRAWFORD IS “SNATCHED” FROM CHAMBER (CONTINUED PKOM PAGE l> Butler, were sSnt to the warden later in the morning. Reporter* on hand In the warden’s office did not seem too surprised at the proceed ing*. Some aeemed to have ex pected the execution to be cell ed off. McKiasick will appeal the case on many legal grounds that he has found sine* he began work on the case last Thursday. After consenting to take Craw ford’s caw. Attorney McKiasick did not sleep until the plea of habeas corpus had been accepted by Judge Butler. In Winston-Salem, when inform ed of Crawford's stay of execution, Mrs. Vera Marshall' Sanders, the f2oo 80 MSTIUING COS-.MiY _ Bteod&d Whiskey tohgP slAl a-i-l «W/i SUHgnl wntSMjf 4 years old dv/i fu msom ifuiu Citizens Ass’n Holds Rally: Clarence Mitchell Delivers Stirring Address In City The Fourth Annual Masting aI the Raleigh Citizens Association was held at First Baptist Church, Raleigh, on Sunday afternoon, Jan uary 12, at 3:30. The featured speaker for the oc casion was Clarence M. Mitchell, 111, member, Maryland House of Delegates, fourth legislative dis trict, Baltimore, Maryland. Mitchell urged the Negroes present to vote against the “Little Federal Plan” as it is designed'to keep the Negro out of legislative offfices. "If the Tittle Federal Plan' is passed,” be stated, “there will be no Negro State Senator* or Negro members of city councils.” “Freedom win not ooma easy, be stated. "We must live freedom 84 hours a day and unite behind leader* like Reverend John Flem ing, Reverend Charles Ward, Kelly Alexander, Connell man John W. Winters, Janies Cofield and others whs are willing to sacrifice them selves for democracy." Negroes are tired of excuses. We have nothing to be ashamed of. We have made a great contribution to America. Mitchell cited such per sons as Ralph Bunch. Matt Henson, Benjamin Banneker, George Wash ington Carver and Charles Drew, Kenneth Clark and others. Negroes are SOMEBODY, he declared. Uncle Tom’s day is over. There io-a new Negro. We’ll sit-in, stand in, lay-in, kneel In. be born-in and oven die-in to get freedom. The New Negro will demand respect for victim's mother, said: "The people around here want to sot him exe cuted and so do I. “People keep telling me that it won’t bring back my little girl, but I tell them it might aave some oth er little girl.” An NAACP fund will be used to psy for the costs involved in tho Crawford appeals. In Crawford’s death row cell when he received news of the stay, were Prison Chaplains J. H. Clanton and W. H. R. Jackson. OVERWEIGHT — —" America's No. 1 Health Problem Everyone loves • fat ltdy - except the fxt lady herself. Knowing the danger to her health, the Increased strain on her heart and the higher fnortality of obeae people, moat fst women (and men) try to lose weight even at the risk of be ing loved less. Doctor’# have recognized the problem and are frequently con sulted on dieting or medication to achieve loss of weight Speaking before the New York Chapter of the American Academy of General Practice, Dr. Charles W. McClure, Pro fessor Emeritus at Boston Univoraity Medical School and vice chairman of the American College of Physicians, warned doctors promiscuous us* of all foms of appetite depressants. his just grievances. Tribute in memoriam to John Fitzgerald Kennedy was made by Councilman John W. Winters. The purpose and program of the Ra leigh Citizens Association was given toy foe Reverend Charles W. Ward, who also presented letters of appreciation and a plaque to Dr. Grady Davis. Mr*. Virginia K. Ne well gave the testimonial for Dr. Davis, who was cited as a “Servant of the People." Ralph Campbell, Sr., presented a gift to Carter C. Smith, Jr, retiring treasurer of th* organization. Officers installed toy Dr. Grady Davis went president, Reverend Jehu W. Fleming, who made a stirring acceptance Hmrveleigh R. White; executive »c rotary. Reverend J. Oscar McCloud; recording secretary, Mrs. Janet Marchena; corre sponding secretary and report er. Mrs. Thelma M. Keek; and treasurer, Jaseph J. Sanaom, Jr. The speaker was introduced by Mrs. Elizabeth B. Cofield, chairman of tha program committa. IIVI IV BUV/Md U.S.SAVIM6S BONOS W€ HELP OUR SELVES ANP.HSLP ©B* COUMTPC/ AT TUB J SAME Ref. U.S. p*t Off * «I. fmm '■ ©1963 by New* Syaflcmto Co. Tat. He said thst these appetite depressant* frequently produce serious side effects such ss anemia, nervousness, aleepless ness or tremor. He pointed out that liquid diets lead to a ve riety of gastro-intestlnal dis turbances. . , . “The gastro-intestlnal tract wa* designed to require a va riety of bulk as am aa liquids When the*normau diting habits of man ar* altered, malfunc tioning of th# gaatro-intsstinsl tract frequently result*,” said Dr. McClure. He stated that the eafeat and fastest way to reduce is by re versing Grandma’a “old fash ioned’’ warning of not eating candy before meals. Th* safest and fastest and most efficient way to curb your appetite it to elevate the blood sugar level* of the body. As Dr. McClure explained, when the blood sugar level falls too low, the appetite regulat ing center of the brain turn* on the appetite much as a ther mostat turns on. the furnace in your house. Dr. McClure fur« ther states that “certain pro prietary produet*, auch at Ayds, the special low calorie candy-like appetite depressant, are definitely more efficacious and safer than the so-called prescription item* usually rec ommended by the medical pro fession.”