Over 100 Stitches Used To Close Knife Wounds + + + ♦ + + + ♦ Woman Pastor Makes Purchase: Bishop Pope Buys Big Church Here Two Women Fight; One Hospitalized Officials at Wake Memorial Hos pital informed a representative of The CAROLINIAN Monday that Mr*. Thelma Cotton. M, whose ad dress was listed as either SM S. Swain St, or 0M 1-3 Powell Alley, was treated there Saturday after for lsomttom of tbt MBS. THELMA COTTON *.. ratten (see. era weenie MISS MARTBEIDORB Out On Bond ■ Clovoland, Ohio attorney, potted a |IMM cash bend Sat ardey end Mrs. WOlte Mse Mel lery, tt-year-old celebrated kidney defendant here, wae re leased (real the Union County ML However, Mrs. Mallory meet appear at a term as Snperier Carat, begtnatog February 17, la enewer charges of kidnap ing a white eettpte he the wake of a Mil race Hot. The mother dT two children, who was vteMng this town from Brooklyn. N. T, at the ttaae as her arrest, wae retarn- Her plana for Ora weeks pre ceding the trial are unknown. t ■ 2 Men Bound Over In ABC Store: Break-In Two ot three Raleigh men caught hi Apex at midnight last Thursday by a police officer, making a rou tine cheek, were bound over Fri day to Wako Superior Court for trial in connection with a break-in ■t gn ABC store in Wendell, serosa the county from the apot In which they were nabbed. ANDY (GUMP) MCCLAIN ... alleged "brahn" of crime cone ■oct THE CAROLINIAN VOL. 22, NO. 11 RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY, JANUARY 25. 1964 PRICE 15c ACME IS ROBBED President Names Negro As Director Os ITSIA Rowan Is Mcrrc“’? Successor WASHINGTON, D C. w Cart T. Rowan, 38-ynar-old Indio ana aenra in United States govern ment, an Edward R. Marrow atop* pad down aa director at «ne Unit ed Statee Information Agency. A former newspaperman and author as faar books, Rawaa will receive BUN per year In the new poet. He wfll also become the first Ne gro ever to sit In osi meetings of the National Security Council Although he la not a member of the Council, the USIA director al ways attends all of its meetings. Murrow, a native of Greensboro. N. C„ faces a long convalescence after recently undergoing surgery for lung cancer. He a perhaps best known for ha “Person-To- Person" televaion program when he would visit the homes of fam ous national and international celebrities across the country. Rowan waa praised by Pres ident Lyndon B. Johnson, who appointed him. as "eminently qualified to supervise this vit al program of telling Ameri ca's story abroad." (CONTIN DEO ON PAGE Z) Andy (Gamy) Edward Mc- Clain. M, W ill K. Eden ton St. bettered to hare been the “braine" of the eyeraHen; and Cedric Eugene Beat *2, ISI4 Oakwoed Arenae. wheee latest I brock with the law waa an j Tmeaday of laat week, are be ing held In Jail In Hen a( SIMM bands each. The third man, Andrew Cuffle Williams, Jr., 44, Sl2 Rock Quar ry Road, has been char fed with aiding and abetting in the possess ion and transportation of whiskey McClain and Boat are charged with taking five cases of tax-paid whiskey, vhlued at $290 from the Wendell store, last Thursday. The arresting patrolman, J. G Kelly of Apex said a pistol, bur glary tools and the unstamped le (CONTIMUED Off PAGE *) Mother’s March Now Underway The Mother's March of Dimes for Polio has already taken hold in many Raleigh neighborhoods. Working against time and weather uncertainties, a group of commu nity volunteers began last week end. knocking on doors and ringing doorbells for monetary contribu tions which will be used to help in the fight against that crippling disease, polio, birth defects and arthritis. The following captains may be working in your neighborhood: North Carolina’s Leading Weekly CARL T. ROWAN Shaw U. Freshman Killed By Drunk Driver In City Thomas Odell Wilder. 10. of till Mark Street, was given final rites at 4 p.m. Wednesday afternoon at the Manly Street Christian Church with the Rev. T. C. Homans, pas tor, officiating. Burial followed In Hillcrest Cemetery Yoifhg Wilder, a freshman at Shaw University here, was struck THOMAS ODELL WILDER ... waa Bhaw freshman CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS Bin FROM THEM PAGE a Hortoa i Cash Mm PAGE S Gem Watch Shop Kama Jan* Drew Shop CsrreD Coal Ce. Baleigh BnMaew CeUcc* Guaranty Kansas* Cs. PAGE S ■ oSmb -Belk—CnrC* Kachan!-* A Parmer* Bank I. W. Winters A Ce Tartar Same A Bectriral l PAGE S Maleic k Pnneral Bam* Achm Maalty Ce I ante* SanStr* TBs Ce MrLaurla Parkins Can*pan Med Un-Da vt* The Britt Cmyer Ansborn Pan liar, hie. Branch Banking A Trust Ce PAGE J Bawls Mater Ca. Balelgk Saalaad Ca x Triaa cl* Ain Winns* PredsrU, Inc. Central Bras Star* PAGE S Calaalal Mara* Capital Ad GO. lea A Caul Ca. EDWARD ft. MURROW by a car, driven by Jason Levern Bridges, whose home is In New Jersey. The accident took place last Saturday night while Wilder was attempting to croas U. S. Highway 401 South, near the Wilmington Street bridge. The on his way back home after visiting in nearby Wal nut Terrace. A reliable source Informed a CAROLINIAN newsman Tues day that Bridges, who was ehraged with manslaughter and drunken driving by city police, stopped his vehicle Immediate ly and called both tbs police * and aa ambulance. The 20-year-old solider, station ed at Fort Bragg, is still being held in Wake County Jail, according to (continued on faoe t> WEAT H E R nil lira MM a ran—hanspif IP* five day weather fraud for the Ratotsk area beginning Thursday, lawn *». at tinning throagh Monday, Janusry ZI. is ** follows; tempers tores will average * to * degree# abev* nor mal, warm first of period and eoMor over the weekend. Preripl totlon totaling one quarter to on# half tech, with mostly tight show era Thursday sad Friday. Mode, rale preriptution shoot Satorday. B. E- Quinn Farattur* Ca. PAGE • AAP Start* Estate. Building Ce.. lor. Nationwide Marts*C* A Invi Company Smith Cast A CHI Ce. firemen* Stare* Etng Cal* Metal PAGE IS (a retina BuUder*. la> Warner Me morula Dillon Malar rinane* Mldfewar'* OpOcUa* I" PAGE II London on Co Melton • WayaMo Ben f ran kiln Store Acceptance Mortgag* Ce.. I PAGE IS AppMaaec Center Duns'* E**o f - rrtr* ■tint General Tire Ca CaroUaa Pewer A Light Ca PACE M Liaeala Theatre PAGE 1! B-iff ale Battery Shop McLeod. Wattes A Lanier PAGE M Sander* Mater Ce. Daylight Hold-Dp Nets SSB A brazen young robber entered JJ>e office of the Acme Realty Com- PmJT 1 r # Turn*, t, r ’ ’«P *; If *(l and 4oM the manager, Samuel T. Gipson. Sr.. "This i/a holdup." "I though he was joking" at firat said Mr. Gibson. But his thought* apparently changed when he saw the stub-nosed pistol the man held in his hand. A toll, dark young man. wearing an orange colored sw-eater-shlrt that partially cov ered his face, escaped from the office at 129 E. Hargett Street with approximately 158. after grabbing two empty bank de posit bags, thinking they also held money. When Gibson heard the gun click, he instinctively dropped to the floor. At this time the bandit is said to have dashed around the counter, opened a cash drawer, took out cur rency and the two empty bags and left During the altercation, a fall ing dest drawer is said to have hit ' Mr. Gibson near the eye. He was not hurt badly, however. As the unknown robber fled. Mr. Gibson shouted for held A barber in the Jones Barber Shop, next door, saw the man dash into the aI (CONTINUED ON PAGE Z> Sanford Accused Os ‘Hypocrisy* CHAPEL HILL John Dunn, chairman of the Freedom Commit tee here, which la coordinating anti-segregation activities in this area, criticized Governor Terry Sanford Sunday during an antl aegregstion rally Dana said the governor aa shewn -hypocrisy" In dealing with North Carolina's racial problems. He further insisted that Senford was wrong In Indicating the Con gress of Racial Equality and other Integration groups were trying to “coerce public officials with ulti matums or treats." The speaker recognized the fpcf (CONTINUED ON PAGE Z) Friends Os Shaw Meet A group of Friends of Shaw University met last Wednesday, Janu* r- 15, at 3 p m. at the I Bloodworm Street YMCA in an attempt to organize a local effort in beha'f of the university's fin ancial meeds. | Several projects were proposed. However, os no permanent organ ization waa perfected, no plans ere formed to launch a local ’•-lends of Shaw Fund-Raising Campaign at this meeting Present were Mesd&mes Myrtle Crocket . Virginia K. Newell. Harveletgh R. Whit*. Thelma M Keck, the Rrv J Os car McCloud, jDr Charles A. Lyons. Jr.. J. L 1 Strndwick. Roes Fowler. P- R. BISHOP PURCHASES LARGE CHURCH Shown aoove is t»w c.iurc.i Maude M. Pops and her congregation will occupy beginning March 1. Bishop Poue is shpiffr.Tn in- A ■ ■+•***+> 906 a Structure To Be National Quarters Os Holy Church Founded By Bishop BT CHARLES ft. JONES Bishop Maude M. Pope of 400 Bragg Street has accomplished more during the past four weeks than many persons oould during a normal lifetime She has bought an air-conditioned church, cost ing 105,000. On Thureday. December 19, she paid a deposit to officials of the Salvation Anny, under the, direc tion of Major Olvy Sheppard. Last week she signed the fluu! ».—» -.-- - W.w* *■-*- W' ** Church at the corner of E. Martin and 8. Swain Btreets. thus enabling Raleigh’s Nerro population to worship In the 35-year-old structure for the first time In history. Pounder of the Mount Sinai Saints of Ood Holy Church of A mertca. Inc., the bishop plans to use the church as a national headquarters for her flock, who err Ir v-ed tn other North Caro lina cities. New Jersey and Mass achusetts. She founded the ehuMh In 1949. It is currently locate# at 1719 Pender Btreet. Bishop Pope and her followers will move Into the convenicntly locatel church In East Raleigh on Sunday. March Ist. Open House will be held for the general pub lic on Sunday, March sth. at which time dlnn“v will be served. WILL ACCOMMODATE 800 The main sanctuary of the “new" church will accommodate 460 worshippers Including use of th” '-H’cony. PROTESTS IN ATLANTA The imag* Atlanta, Ca.. at a racially progressive tafy was marred last Saturday as the young Negroes above picketed a segregated lunch counter. City had ers point to years or racial harmony, including peaceful desegregation of public leader said the “harmony image is merely a Chamber ol Commerce snow job." ( UPI PHOiOj. A complete basement, with approximately 15 classrooms is Inrludad; office space for the bishop and her associates; a nursery; patio that will serve 104 persons; modern kit D. Nichols To Trial In Embezzlement Os 2006FS PHILADELPHIA (ANP> The trial ot suspended AMS. Bishop D. Ward Nichols, postponed from De cember. will get underway here Jan. 27. The noted churchman is charged with the embezzlement and Locaf'YM’ Joins Nat’l Wk. Here The Bloodworth Street Young Men's Christian Association will observe National YMCA Week Jan 26-21 with a aeries of special events, it waa announced Tuesday by E. 1.. Ratford, executive secretary of the local branch. "YMCA Sunday" will be ob aerved In ehurehea throughout (CONTINUED ON PAOE ’> ehrn; and activity halli on each of the three floors of the annex, hultt recently. In addition, there afrU 'cIass (CONTINUED f.N PAjffjftY" approprin'i''*’ of mr*r ‘bin The alleged embeistement from the church's first Episco pal (district) took place during the mid -1950's when Ntebela was a member of the Board of Blshoos The district tot’ludes eastern Pennsylvania. Deleware, New York and the New England States. Ho is named In 42 indictments and was unsuccessful in- having (hem dismissed before fcotft. the Pennsylvania Superior and.* Su preme Court*. '* Two aults—one civil asking for an accounting of the aUflgcdly missing fund*, and one ertitrtnel brought by the Church are pending. Jlif money estimates range from 8150,000 to In excess of X2MLOOO . according to C>e rhurrh and the district attor ney'* office. The church contends Bishop Nic hols, sun of a South Caroling.'pre riding elder of the church end new a resident of Nrw York, allegedly (C.lff«N PA-’* •