Judge Marjorie Lawson Advises NC College Students To Prepare DURHAM—A District of Colum bia juvenile court judge Monday told North Carolina College *tu dents that they must be prepared to be flexible, adventurous, and well trained if they are to succeed in a growing, chamging, and complex young world. Associate Jtedge Marjorie Me- Keasie Lawson of the District of Colombia Juvenile Court, addressing the NCC Ferns as sembly. urged preparation 'to the teeth” as one step toward achieving success to the years ahead. Judge Lawson, who was appoint ed to the bench by the late Presi dent John F. Kennedy in 1962, was the first Negro woman in history to be appointed by the President and approved by the Senate to a satu tory appointment. Using a text from a sermon and a prayer, both from James Bald win’s play “Blues for Mr. Charlie,” and editorial in the January, 1964. Issue of Show magazine. Judge Lawton expressed concern tor the children of today- -their general well-being, their livelihood, their future. The nation is growing younger, she said, pointing out that to 1960 more than half of all Amerieans will ha under 20 years of ago. la addition to an American population explosion, she continu ed, the country is becoming more mobile. "Five years from now, only one half of the people in the coun try wjll live in the same houses they live in today," Mie said, com menting on the American move westward and a 75-mile shift in the population center westward since 1911. DRIVE BATELTt~ NURSE Wanted! UPJi. or retired or Undergrad uate haring had at least one year’s training. | Ont of-town. Quick reply appreciated. Write Box No. 628 RALEIGH, N. a EcomonicaJ High Grade For Every Purpose! , tmqmtM • uigt otofw Rad Ash CORRELL COAL COMPANY mK. WEST n. TE 2-5567 Successful Careers Begin at The Raleigh Business College 'ENROLL NOW FOR THE . .. IBM PUNCH CARD COURSE TO BEGIN ON JANUARY SI Call 828-1160 tor detail* and to make your raaervation. RALEIGH BUSINESS COLLEGE Ml EAST MARTIN STREET RALEIGH, N. C. tign&l m IST l 2ND MORTGAGES iBS^WI ■ (VO K Twv H«M ii o mm '« I COST OF YOU CAN ■ ll I HOUSI OOAAOW ■ I twtiS f 3003 jfl I TlXooo - JJM*. I KT ■ TTS.OOO - S 13,500 'ySSESSSSr Open Saturdays w«mi» ™.ri" ODD FELLOWS »LDG. • , rt RALEIGH »*°SS^L C l^>.. . ■— NAME ADDRESS ...>.. • ■•* •hone AMT. WANTED $ r!v«ssiss»ssssssimm»»l JUDGE VISITS NCC—North Carolina College President Samuel P. Massie poses with Mrs. Massie, hit, and District of Columbia Juvenile Court Judge Marjorie M. Lawson at a recep tion following her NCC Forum address Monday. At the coffee hour, the distinguished jurist, who was appointed to the bench by the late President John F. Kennedy in 1962, spent an hour talk ing with NCC students and faculty members. New Courses Offered In 2nd Semester At ECSC ELIZABETH CITY The dean of Elizabeth City State College, Dr. William. E. Anderson, has just an* nounced the establishment of two courses in Library Science which INSURE YOUR HOME' AGAINST FIRE —Consult— YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS Fire Insurance Co. Durham, N. C. No Nagging Backache Means a GoodNight’sSleep Nagging bnekacha. headache, or aura hr «dM nd pain, mar com. on with over-exertion. emotional upeets or day to day etnas and atrain. And folk, who oat and drink unwisely eomMlmw Buffer mild Madder Irritation.. .with that rest* lees, uncomfortable feeling. If you an mieerable and worn out be tauaa of thaaa diaeomforta. Doan’a Pilla of ten help by their pain-relieving action, by their soothing effect to ease bladder irri tation, and by their mild diuretic action through the kidneys-tending to increase the output of the it miles of kidney tubes. So If nagging backache makes you feel dragged-out, miserable, with restless, Bleep jam nights, don’t wait, try Doan's Pina, got the earns happy relief millions hare enjoyed for over (0 years. For con renienca. ask for the large sine. Get Donut Pffle today I will be available to juniors, seniors and other interested persons in the second semester, beginning on Tuesday, January 28. The courses, Introduction of Re ference Materials, a two semester hour course on Tuesday and Thurs day; and Selection and Use of Li brary Materials, a three semester hour course, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, will meet from 4 to 4:- 50 pm. on the days scheduled. I *\ I CARNATION | COOKING ! I x - / I BCOTT I HOME SERVICE DIRECTOR ANO HER STAFF I V. J Blustery winter evenings and piping hot, hearty beef stew just seem to go together. For a quick version of this old favorite, try Jiffy Beef Stew and Parsley Dumplings. Fluffy and light dumplings, made with better-blending Carnation Evaporated Milk, will sure*, ly please your family. Why not make some soon? JIFFY BIEF STEW AND PARSLEY DUMPLINGS (Makes 6 to 8 servings) 2 cups sifted floor 1 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons baking powder \ Vi teaspoon nutmeg V« teaspoon pepper Vi cop chopped parsley Sift dry Ingredients together. Add V t cup parsley, saving remainder for dumpling tops. Add egg. salad oil. Carnation and water. Mix well. Drop by teaspoons onto hot canned beef stew. Be sure to drop dumplings on meat cubes. Cover and simmer 25 minutes. Garnish dumplings with remaining chopped parsley. Serve at once. 3Tan 9bnics/«e f S 4 * He>*t % HAV* IkfiS* LtTTL£r MO’-.- ~ AN© OH* MOUTH TO LIST** TO/" CdyriMgAfiMi. Ht*rf**s FAREWELL GIFT TO FATHER FERRICK Miss Lil lian Sturdivant, president of the Altar-Rosary Society of St. Monica's Catholic Church, is shown presenting a farewell gift check to Father Edward ]. Ferrick, O. P., who is leaving the St. Monica’s Catholic School to assume a position in Washington, D. C. (See story on this page). Dr. Sylvia Render Appointed English Professor At NCC DURHAM—North Carolina Col lege President Samuel P. Massie announced recently the appoint ment of Dr. Sylvia Lyons Render as professor of English at the Dur ham institution. Dr. Render, who was a member of the Florida A. and M. University faculty from 1950 to the close of the fall quarter In 1963, joined the NCC faculty on January 1. * A native of Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Render received her high school education at Pearl High School, Nashville,. Tennessee, and received the B.S. degree from Tennessee A. and I. State University, majoring in English and education. 1 well-beaten egg 3 tablespoons salad oil Vi *op undiluted CARNATION EVAPORATED MILK Vj cup water 3 IVi-pound cant Heated beef stew DR. SYLVIA RENDER Holder of the SLA. L u .„ Ohio State University and the Ph D. degree from George Peabody Col lege for Teachers. Nashville. Ten nessee. she also pursued graduate work in English at the University of Chicago and thu University of Wisconsin. Before, entering the teaching pro fession in 1950, Professor Render was employed by the Ohio State Bureau of Unemployment Compen sation, the U. S. Employment Ser vice, and the Veterans Administrat ion in Columbus Ohio. A member of the Florida College English Association, the National Council of Teachers of English, and the Council on College Composition and Communication. Dr. Render is also a member of Alpha Kappa Mu, Kappa Delta PI, and the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. n mm\m «lg Carnation is the healthy family milk with extra Vitamin D Assistant Pastor Os St. Monica ■*# ■■■■■■■■■BMMHBHHBHHMEEHEBHHHHHRHaHEMMHHRHHHBHHHHi /-'j Pupils, Parents Bid Sad, But Fond Farewell To Father Edward Ferrick The children of Saint Monica’s Catholic School and their parents gathered Sunday. January 19, to bid a sad, but fond farewell to their beloved assistant pastor, Rev. Edward J. Ferrick, O. P. The children first presented a short entertainment Miss Sarah Sansom, a student in the eighth grade and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Sansom. Jr. of 1836 Rock Quarry Road, gave the instroduc tion which dedicated the program to Father Ferrick at a final gesture for his seven and a half years of priestly work at Saint Monica’s. To brighten this sad oeeae too, the first and second grades struck a happy note with their songs and dances done to the novelty number Tn a Little Teapot” and “On the Bridge of Avignon,” whch waa sung to both English and French. The third and fourth grades then paid tribute to Father's greet love of Our Blessed Mother in Marjorie Hunt’s beautiful choral speech se lection “The Hail Mary" and the plaintive melody "Lovely Lady Dressed in Blue." The Glee Club, comprised at the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grades, and always a favorite of [Father Ferrlck's, beautifully ren dered the "Veni Creator,” “Let There Be Peace on Earth," “Goober Peas.” and their school song “Bless This School.” These selections were complemented by one specifically dedicated to IVther Ferrick as shepherd of souls, “God la My Shepherd." With the entertainment finished, George Solomon, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Solomon of 1804 Miller Street, and a student tn the eighth grade, then expressed for all the children their gratitude to Father Ferrick for his work for them and promised their good lives as a per petual monument of gratitude. To complete the program. Mist Lillian Sturdvsnt, presi dent es the A Iter-Roeary So eiety, presented Father Ferrick with a farewell gift cheek es a , token es appreciation from the Students at Saint Monica’s, the Altar Boys, the Heme-School Association, the Altor-Roeary Society, and the Holy Name Society. Father Ferrick then express ed his own appreciation to all for their Hft> an** hi. Ih.eV fulness for his happy yean at esint Monkt’s The program was closed by the pnstor of Saint Monica's Church, Rev. Edward V. Clancy, O.P. who X ' DRIVE SAFELY! EXPERT ALTERATIONS * REPAIRS Remodeling EMMA JANE DRESS SHOP 116 E. HARGETT ST. Dial 684-5696 Invited the ehiltoen and that par* ents to refreshments and an to* I formal reception sponsored tor the 1 AlttraPMirv Socittv in Saint Mans 1 Got a coid? 666 coU medicine wiU S? NOW TREAT All COLD SYMPTOM^ proven cold nodkina flfhti ott S. tor Midi.. .mSdToSbrtemMalt "*TWtondseenwtontaeltoa et 666 worke|thromgtMthe blood GEM WATCH SHOP tM FAYETTEVILLE ST. TR 9-1421 STi'PM<//»*NOW!dA •“&*»* IfYV: “SAVE IT’ * U '2AVI-IT' b latha*’* >ormula 1., m*m nd *»«■»■—« o***di**l d.,ion.J lo k.lp p*wvw.< *K» *••• a# hair by daatroyiny leal? bartaria and daadrvfl—a *r.m—..l la* braahhif hair, ihta WiaplM, aad alba* dua ipaH—a yradart dau«*ad K V VSB * '**’*'* ** rik |bto hMba. baaaty and *''*•*. wiwatai ibart. .tabby, M*alw baa kVa Iba Mai “WaMaa'i Cmaiaf diary.” AT LEADING COSMETIC COUNTERS •f your daalar doa* not baas "SAVE IT*, toad |i .00 for 7 ot. also. 91 50 tor 4 o*. to <ta« and postaga in Esther’s Beauty Aids / ISSHS. N. V. Et Extra Vitamin D for sound teeth, sturdy boats and steady gmw i Extra Vitamin D to give your babiss a healthy start, and to help you> children grow straight and strong and sturdy. Extra Vitamin D to add good health to your cocoa and cereals, custard*, puddings and pics. Carnation is the healthy family mlk-with twice the Vitamin D of ordinary milk, in every golden drop! Even when yoa mix it with an equal amount of water. Carnation is richer than sweet, whole milk.* Yet it coats far lew than ordinary milk. No wonder Carnation ■ the world’s favorite evaporated milk, fay far. Your family deaarvw the beet Your family deserves /T* 1/sr. .« r. ,j * lU.te.t gt Cmmrmmttm of fteette /***« taWrWedComa' • tin da Porresl Hall. ao Muit all I might have an per- I tonally say good-by to fttttt good 1 friend and rovared aaststaat'tiestor Satiif actio© • mZhtoy 464. H gniSMfcr imariod, toe. - -

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