School Principal, Ptrcnte, Teachers Alarmed Aa 225 Ligon Students Absent On Same Day -1 iEfu Most Students Ever Absent At Same Time BT CHARLES R. JONES Two hundred and twenty-five Rudentt were absent from the J. W. Ligon Junior-Senior High School here last Friday. Semester examinations ended on Thursday. This was the greatest number of pupils aver to stay out of school on tho same day in the 10-yeor history of the institution, including days of the Asian Flu epidemic "which swept the city several years Ho. Why all Bs absences? The •** raaaaa agreed ea by the alarmed principal and several parents and teachers interview ed was that “they wanted a like the leeal callages give to their Sta disits.’* This eoeld not W conflramdany student Fartlaa are hnewii fa have been held hi Washington Ter. raee and Chavis Heights. Ra ster has tt that Bfltmors Hilla was aim the scene es seme es these sffatrs. Names and ad dresses es the sites es these parties could net ha ascer tained. H R. Brown, who has served as principal of Ligon for the past sev en years, was interviewed twice by this newsman Monday. At the time of Rm first interview, Mr. Brown did not have the actual figure of the number es a ben tees before him. The second discussion with Mr. Brown took place in the morning in the offices of The CAROLINIAN. The principal then had in his hands the complete list es names of thorn students trite caused Friday to be a record-breaking day for absen teeism at the nrhcwd AL. B. ...... ....... .. u... Ul, bi 00,... were r*eu* d on Monday, the stu dents ware permitted te retain to dawns «ad make up the time end SaELFStSTSK KLANSMEN SHOW UP AGAIN IN ATLANTA After an abaenca of aereral years, robed Ku KJux Klansmen are again present in Atlanta, Ga. This acme was captured last week as a klansmen is seen watching from the doorway of a downtown res taurant as Negro demonstrators attempted an integration sit-in. Police arrested 20 demonstrators and 45 “ sympathy” marchers who converged on the police station later. (UPI PHOTO). St. Augustine’s To Observe 97th Founders’ Day Here February 4-9 St. Augustine's College will ob serve its 97th Annual Pounders' Day February 4-9. The calendar of event* will mir ror such personalities as Mrs. Sarah W. Herbin. Employment Services Representative for the North Carolina Good Neighbor ML KOT S. WTNN who ere urged to visit the schoooJ as soon as pdesible in order for the administration to find out whether the absences can be justified or not, which will determine whether or not a student will receive credit for the time and work already made on Monday. (CONTINUBD ON Man *s Fire Death Still Being Probed Mystery still shrouds the actual cause of the death of Oliver O. Williams, M. of 1100 Hadley Bead, Rochester Heights. Williams was found dead in a fitting position on msnMmwww a blazing couch 1 n his home Sun day night when Raleisrh firemen iHfINI arrived. Although M he was burned ser i o usly, the cause of his death jji has not been con ciusively deter- County Corone ■ . Marshall W Ben ■* n nett told The CAROLINIAN on WILLIAMS Tuesday night that Williams had been “knocked out” by something before he died. Cereocr Bennett, whs talked te the dead man’s wife 1. If you are a suhferiber or hdKs purchased the CAROLINIAN lar this particular week: 2. If you have a receipt from one of our advertisers, showing a pqr chnse marie or a bill paid; 3. If you are a subscriber and have a receipt from one of our g£- vertisers, you are entitled to bonus money. 4. No employee of The CARO LINIAN or any member of his or her Immediate family hre eligible to participate. Should a representative from The CAROLINIAN call at your homo ad ask you If you have this week's CAROLINIAN and a receipt from one of our advertisers, you will be entitled to win the Silver Dollar, by producing the current copy of this newspaper. Don’t get caught without a CAR OLINIAN and a receipt, because* CAROLLINIAN representative may be knocking on your door. - ‘Fuss 9 Fatal DUDLEY An argument Saturday over one dollar caus ed one man to be murdered and another to be charged with homicide. George Worrell. 41, of Route 1, Dudley, was shot to death at his home ailegMly by his broth er-in-lsw, Junius who is being held by police In connection with the incident. Coroner I, T. Seymour stated that Worrell was killed by a sin gle blast from a shotgun and that the shooting followed SO.', argument over a dollar. Ring Col* Motel R. C. Quinn furniture Cu Hunt General Tiro Co. PAGE • AAP Store. Taylor Radio A Electrical Co onlral Drug Store K.tale. Building Co.. Inc. Company Weaver 1 . Emma tana Drew Shop PAGE I* Carolina Builder*, lac Warner Memorial. Ollloa Motor Ptaases Ridgeway'. OptlrUna. lac PAGE 11 _ flower.-Seott AppUaac# -me PAGE U C arolina Powar A Light Co ~ dame. H. Anderson Co. Bargain Centar Dunn s tuo Service PAGE Id Lincoln Theatre PAGE U Srhltu Beer PAOE IS Carolina BlMral Garden. Gnaranty Mortgage Co. flreatone More. Tire Sale. A tervico m. Capital Tuel Oil 'ee A Coal C*. ~~ Abram . Cntted Rent-Alls