JIM BROWN SIGNS AUTOGRAPHS Paul Hornung of tha Onan Bay Paekan, looks on In Eria, Pa., last Thursday night as Jim Bream signs autographs during a testimonial din • net for Brown hsld in Erie. Jim Brown is a star psrioJmat for the Cleveland Browns, profession al football team. (VPI PHOTO). Lauds Dr, David D. Jones: Dr. A. Hollis Edens Issues Call For Rededication At Greensboro GREENSBORO— A call for re ' d'-dication and a call for thanks giving ware founded as Bennett College held its annual service of UGHINtK MJNtKAL HOME And The Lightner Mutual Burial Insurance Licensed Embalmers -and- Funeral Directors C. E LIGHTNER C. E LIGHTNER, II « Founder Managar Ambulance Service Funeral Chapel 312 SMITHFIKU) ST. Office Phones: TE 3*1676 - TE 31677 / Our services are specially designed to suit the purse of everyone All distinctions of class and wealth are forgotten . . Every service ia conducted with the same quiet dimity, sympathetic understandng and capable attention to the smallest de- MAKE EXTRA MONEY The— Carolinian Your own state newspaper, with news of your community while it is still news. Liberal Commission Fill out and mall the coupon below at once. i 1 . THE CAROLINIAN ( SlB E Martin St • f Raleigh. N C. , l Please send details-of bo* • can earn money selling i I The CAROLINIAN in my ofr-run-’v t th nk*l can sell | I copies weekly. • 'NAME —— , s I ADDRESS 1 * CITY OR TOWN | remembrance for the late Dr. David D. Jons* Sunday afternoon in Pfeiffer Chapel. I President Wills B. Player, in prt- senting Dr. A. Hollis Edens, of Win ton-Selem, at the principal speaker, referred to the service commemo rating the late educator at “a ser vice of thanksgiving as well as of •cuuv« uuwuu ot uie Mary Rey nolds Babcock Foundation, called tor rededication. Dr. Jones will always be re membered,’* said Dr. Edens, "as the man who contributed so raueh to the maturity and the abiding concepts of Bennett,” and called for the present stu dent body to rededieate Itself to the principles for which he stood. Using as a background the fact that twice in 100 years, two Ameri can presidents—Abraham Lincoln and Lyndon B. Johnson—have call ed Upon the nation to rededicate itself to placing the individual back at the center of government, Dr. Edens declared: “Democracy is the most difficult form of government. It requires •very man to think for himself. Its matrix is the belief in the worth and creative power of the individ ual and that the way to preserve freedom is to live it,” he stated. On The Home Front (Items this week from Han over, Warren and Rowan Cun- tiee.l YOUNG MOTHERS REACHED “There is a definite need for special training in meal planning for young wive* and mothers,” de clares Mrs. Rebec os Hall, boms economics agent in New Hanover County. Mrs. Hall reports they held a special class for young mothers on “Foods for Good Health." Now they are planning a claas on using nu tritious, low cost foods. Tbs nutri tion classes are being conducted once a week. RECORD KBEPINO Club members in Whrren County art becoming more interested in record keeping as income tax time draws naar. Mrs. Bertha Forte, home economics agent, says she has been Stressing the advantages of record keeping and how to keep records. She says several women have re ceived record books and infor mation on money management They are trying to get the infor mation on money management t* young homemakers who are non club mrmbert. HOME IMPROVEMENTS Mrs. Martha Henderson of Rowan County, says the information she has gained through Home Demon stration work has been beneficial to her in many ways. Mrs. Louisa Slade, borne econo mies agents, says Mrs. Henderson baa fust completed a new kitchen which dw received plans for at a recent club meeting. “If it hadn’t been tor the information I got there, my kitchen would not have been nearly a well planned,” she emphasised. BOTH WERE LOADED PUHT. Mich. (AHP) TWO loads don't canoel anch other out. and 22-year-old Vance Porshsy Os rural Danby township Is poorer by Mb as a result. Pblloe. invest gatlag n report of a man sleeping in a car. opened *the car door and found Fanixy asleep on the front az»L Bo wna promptly haled Into court, and fined tU and coats. Why? Police found, that though he was sleeping In the car, ha was holding a loadel 22 caliber piston in his hand. Amber admitted be ing Intoxicated, so the charge was “possessing firearms while under the influence.” Mrs. Tweedy Rune For N. C. NCTA Post rocky mount un adym* Robinson Tweedy, guidance coun* aeloc at Booker T. Washington Sr. High School, has been nominated By the North Central District ano the Rocky Mount Unit a t the North Carolina Teedhers Association as a candidate for Recording Secretary 01 the NCTA. A native es Greensboro, she received a B.A. degree from Bennett College and a M,Ed. degree from Beaton Ualvcnity. Mrs. Tweedy taught French and Rnglish at Booker T. Washington Senior High School before assum ing her present position. She is active in local and relig- MRS. EDITH R. TWEEDY ious circles. Her professional honors include membership in: Netional Education Association, North Caro lina Teachafs Association, Ameri can Personnel and Guidance Asso ciation. She has been past president of Rocky Mount District Classroom Teachers, and North Caroline Tea chers Association pest Treasurer of the Rocky Mount Unit NCTA, past secretary of tha Notrheaatern Dis trict of the Association of Class room Teacher*, and Chairman of the Northeastern District Os the Hilda Machllng Fund. She is currently serving as chair man of the Guidance Department of the North Central District and of the North Carolina Teechere As sociation’s Department of Guidance. A&T Officials Appointed To 2 Commissions OfUSENSBORO— Two officials si A&T College were last week appointed to important commis sions In GreenAboro. Dr. Samuel D. Proctor, presi dent of the College, has been named a member or the Greens boro Water Resources Commis sion. and Dr. L. C. Dowdy, dean of Instruction, was appointed chairman of the newly formed Oreensboro Oood Neighbor Coun cil. Both appointments were mad* by Oreensboro mayor, David Schenck. WATCH THAT FIRST BTSP MEMPHIS 'ANFt That first Step is a lulu, and Louis J. Fop* piano. 63-ycar-old nigh ’ watch man at Oold/mlth’s department store knows all about it. Fopoiano stepped Into an elevator, but the elevator wasn’t there. IFooplano ended his quick descent ast n r als foot droo down the aha't. H* suf fered five Ifraetured ribs, both taws broken, Ihcad Injuries and poaaibla Internal injury. p World's Fair Calling Inventors A new Wofld'f Fair exhibit that will display the first inter national collection of hitherto unknown inventions, ranging f rom * better mousetrap SB- J'HJflj an automobile engine Uiat fli Jfl unveiled at the ■ Fair’s^opening An intensive search for these unknown inventions is now un der way throughout the world, according to George DiMatteo, president of International Inven tions, Inc., which is sponsoring the exhibit. He smid: ••There are literally hundreds of thousands of inventions that remain only dreams of their cre ators simply because the inven tors lacked the finances, the time, the specialised knowledge or the contests to do anything about their original and potentially beneficial efforts.” More than 6,000 square feet «f space has been set aside for the exhibit, located in the City Hall section of the Belgian Village. A special advisory board wUI make the final selection of entries to be displayed. There may be new items that will revolutionise the electronics industry or the auto motive field, or introduce now elements in eookiag, or exert a profound effect upon our way of living. The better mousetrap and thought-activated engine am among the Initial inventions sub mitted. The exhibit will also serve an an International exchange for bnsineaamca seeking new prod ucts. Here they will tad pat ents at all types, each waiting for the right company, the right financing, Um proper iNTfhin l dicing approach. Interested in ventors may write for further information to International In ventioafc in tha Belgian Village at tha Fair., - HINGTON ANT "SMALL BUSINFSS" by C. W I L bO N H A K UL k Whether or-not much com6s of it, the u. S. decisen to otter wheat to Russia will be dis cussed long. It perhaps, than, would ha well to put too situa tion into a proper perspective, e e e the sale St a aslttoa and a half of wh»s^i»B J ' a a very small ■ JBf. Iff dent into thefl; ¥ .. “A" more than »■ billion bush-B 'Z " r "A“ els of V. surp 1 n * wheat. vft smS@ • • • Roughly, 6> W» HsrCsr the sale would bring into toe U. S. $250 million, hut inas much at the American tan payers must make up the dto ferenoe betwen to# higher peg ged domestic wheat price and toe world wheat price, gov ernment subsidies oI ahem N cents par bushel will coat s62* million, bringing not gain to less than IITO mlllton, so ftaato elaUy ft ia not tremendous, ana There k toe moral toaue. That to whether er net too American paepla should eeme to toe M HIUMtI Its On toe ether head,two “Mnainh alltoe” Caaadh and iuririlto have ne ssmpnnatto— to to ■mm Map a goto avt— skfiM ■mi «tor* Am pntottsußWy iitoiv can he an argument ever when a dictatorship la meet ianger aua. Is it whan it's people am well fed. er when they Me hungry and dictatorship Maria a war to taka thatr autos tot ittnAchit e ea However, Senator wmum Protmire has stated toe Rus sian need for foodstuffs la ne greater than It has bean for its Wsltjuul You Can Always Depend On DUNN’S. V gfra.-raMHk fft Vou’il find that when roa drive into Dunn * Esso Service you re- ta3t '. \ reive ths sanrt oonutderatlor Bf ». : ;A . whether von tuat Mil up vour r» dlator or have vour «i greoseo \ We like to reel that tve’rt hrlptoi* vou get more enjoyment l^H^B ram eat. Why net gfvs as a totalt Our Service Always Hm A Smile! DUNN’S ESSO SERVICE sat 8 RI.OODWOBTH SY. rOONfli Tfl 1-0430 jmmM rVmull 1 Iff ■S r ■.-•'sLa | r 'i" .'-d IE,, ma • ' IK'*. S' k ■V? vn / . _ bEb| r. ItL ml ■ 18l I .ml j 7«! H Itßj mm mBH ■ bLjB I - • fmj m .t r.. - .JhmHmHK- 1 wtk l SHE'S GOT IT! ELECTRIC HEATINO.- • of coursal She’s the envy of neighbors... and you can be too wu modern electric heat. At your fingertips lies the ultimate in heating comfort. Simply dial indlvidwl room controls to the temperatures most comfortable for you end your femly. Investigate electric heat... It costs less than yc-j thlnkl several years, and the wheat deal will open road for further iatot to Ru—ft see If too Senator’s essMlia to correct, then there to aa area to watch closely. Recently Bus eta agabod a bank to Beirut ana This is too part ed tha worid where gold to told for for above foe U.S. pegged price to $35 per ounce. In India, for exam ple, goH brings at toast SOW more, or 363.50. New it is known that Russia has long bsd vast gepueito of rich gold bear ing ere. Use Russian success in mining ton metal is foe best kept secret of foe »so Century. ■to 1 to possible tost toe Bnsston bank In Beirut win deltoro SM/6*. a a a This means fost tostosd at uhaat at iha wetoAdhto Mwelltttt wBBBw Bw Be WwtN If*lee et $Tf» per toHhil R win be paying, is (set, SI.IT. Russia ean toon aaU tola wheat at W6gsd prise and nsahs $ prsdt to stmaat too i»miM> r e e e A tow daals tote tola and S trading power hi toe ammALj to-- —a pttvwttßtoß tiMel mmm MB* eethnato*thal deaplto Uto*pev etfr to lla ■flltoai. the upper elnaean hi Btohs have gold re servea teaahtot It MUlea. if mi m im, mutt mil in. By have 111 MUlea or an In geld aaannJ sa hatoe aa VBBik wnicß ofiii orn| n KMUm hi deflate. And to a« 6tosu*.tia es toto RsaMea || apka Bh MalaA gllm-WW 8188 Vfl wnKJB. BfIBUO WflYTr* neee, to Ml to be disc seated. a* ato— eyeless, bet onto tor gevere meat net the toforideal. % THE CASOUMIAN RALfKW, M. CL SATURDAY, WltdlY 1, IfM Iff BURURRANITR HUBKV *1 knew net toe reesen eech year he suecumbe Te toe nureerymanY lure that her blaased with grate thumbs tloM tttofei pitturti Ia ia reil Are the peak to pertaettoh ta aatt ing appeal No mentioa to Made to hup and diaeaSM Or m suaaaald and draught and tha danger to fiftsese. He erdere sasaa apple treaa, peeah ta and peart lihsware to deluatoM and suhae quant anmed. They earns in a bundtot he plaato thorn in rewti And ha watora them well wtto hto old gerdan hate. the nuroeryman said: "heavy hear er* wh*n irnaUr Be h* buy* burisel BettMta and watts for die Sain Gould he he area bans with a halo in hto hoed, •Cauat haattil toeha tor fruit an tot ansa that aren’t deed! The aphids build ugt Thar are fun gi galore! Come spring! Heaven help toe! Kan order some merer Albert Mason, The -Bard- to Or leans Co- N. Y. i thought this utile ditto hr Mr. Mason would be sapes tally appro priato to peaa an to you well in advance es tha Ume slut you get the urge ta test your green thumb. You ean have tlean fruit, tasty vog stables, beautiful flower* and at tracUve ornamental plank, juri like tha pictures in too aatalegi, it you are prepared to give yeur plank the care they deserve. Farhapa our greatost weaknam to lotting our an* thuslasm override our bettor judg ment RANGES sss.96 REFRIGERATORS 39.95 TV’s 39.96 WASHERS As Low As !!!!!!!!!!! 36.00 W. B. (Rquiml) Thartagton Purwaal 0. Jahnsaa, Ir. (Both formerly employed with Montgomery Ward) JktoxmtotoWßdtoAkW A JUtMI «n W. flawth Bl 664-7711 Names. N. C. BBimSi FLOOR MAINTENANCE MATERIALS and SANITARY SUPPLIES JAMES Ha ANDERSON COMPANY, INC. Phona TB 3-3750 or Tt 43-861 ‘ P. O. Box 343 tarn m mipfa n c state college It will baa great dp Im Mbrih Cereiina whan «dl bams ewaari, city, urban and rural gton