S>Mjtfte»ifo»w Made By Their Own Chosen Leader; Boycott Finns. 10-000 UNO Students Urged SEEK MOVIE BANDIT Cops find Bloody Mgr. In Office Homer E. Sharpe, 65, manager of the Lincoln Theatre, 122 £. Ca barrus Street, was shot and robbed in his office by an unidentified Negro man Monday nignt, accord ing to police files. The incident took place at 8:45 Monday night. Officer* L. B. Council and R. C. Covington Investigated a tel ephone report of armed robbery and aaaault with intent to kill at the theatre and found Sharpe upstairs, bleeding from a wound in hie left hip. On the desk the officers found a cash box which "seemed to have been disturbed.” Behind the desk was a large pudale of blood, the report staled. Blood tracks also led from the office door to the pro jection room. Gerald Avery, the projection ist, who called the cope, said ho hoard a shot In the effice, went to the office door whore ho saw the man, wearing a gray east with a white hand kerchief over Us face from the eyea down. A tif'i'V O* 1- *- "- ' 1 til * trV A'.. Uu. Ul 111 sAAiiJ: f - Avery said he quickly re* 1 ■•'H.ion roor ...a Saarpe came to the uas later and said ■ i,” said Avery. Ho mid he than assisted Mr. Sharpe back to the office and pro ceeded to contact police headquar ters. Officers are still parching lot the bandit, who waa described aa IT. 1“ tan, and wejtfua* about 176 pound?, Boycott Biased Finns, UNC Students Advised CHAPEL HlLL—Carrying signs reading “Constitutional Rights Apply 24 Hours A Day,” about 35 University of NTorh Carolina and Duke University professors and faculty members inarched down this town’s Franklin Street Tues day night. Part of the “Committee of 100.” a white group, they are consider ing a court test of an anti-picket fin ordinance passed by the local Board of Aldermen Monday, by a vote of 4-3. ‘Reefer* Rap A 23-year-oM St. Augustine** College student. Melvin Ber nard Brown, was bound over for trial in Wake Superior Court here on a charge of pssimlng marijuana or “reefer” as It la 881 Agent F. E. Epps, testi fied that Brown had a small a mount of marijuana in his suitcase when he was nabbed revealed, according to Epps, that Brown was a user ratter than a peddler sf dope. He h exported to be tried soon. TOP STATE WINNERS Carbon Blalock, aaaiitant director of the N. C. Agricultural Em tarnion Service in charge of 4 -H Club work, h ahown congratulating the four top A-Har'a who hare been rejected to attend National 4 -H Conference in Waahington, D. C. They are (left to right) Note Smith, ill. Trinity, Rt. 1; Hint Helen Cheek, Warrantor, Rt 2; Miee Betty Scott. Brown Sumaaht, Rt. 2; and Don Chaplain, Columbia. The Car olin iak VOL. 22. NO. IS RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY IS, 1964 PRICE 15c LBJ And Wilkins Hail House Passage Os Hill Entire NC Delegation Voted “No” ii* a -j --uv - rr.‘ ,6's eiiliit U-man ■ , -,al delegation voted "no”, along with the minority Mon day night, Ip U. S. House of Rep resentatives wasoed a sweeping and historic ciytf rights bill. . The voto yrms 380-130. The bUI now goes to the Senate, where it faces s determined effort by South ern lawmakers to "talk it to death" by filibustering. It is expected that the Senate will not start debate until late in February, rowever, * tcoNnwroro on page t) 1 *" This new ordinance limits pick eting to between the hours of 1 a. m. and 7 p. m. The faculty members stopped Tuesday night In front of City Hall said one of Its members read the First Amendment to thee U. S. Constitution to Chief of Police William Blake. Blake informed the aldermen Monday night that his force was not enought to pre vent violence after dark. Mike Lawler, prrridsut of Urges 18.888 Students To Balk the student body at the 16.688- itodent university, urged his fellow students to boycott all businesoeso which do not servo all raees In an addreos last Thursday night Approximately 88 Negroes and whites were arrested here Satur day, bringing the total number of arresta since December 13 to 634. One spokesman said the com mittee may aak for a federal court injunction against the ordinance, based on two arrests made Mon day night undo- the newly-passed law. The group also said it may violate the law In order to fight K through tbs courts. A spokesman for the American Civil Überittes Union said the A CLU will handle the case, If nec (CUNTDOJKD ON PAGE t) North Carolina's Leading Weekly ITS THAT TIME AGAIN With St. Valentine's Day approaching, Miss Mar gar ie Ham lin, Bennett College freshman, of Florence, S. C., spending her first year away from home, cannot be blamed for being pensive as she ponders whether “Dan Cupid ” has her new address. NCC’s Dr. Massie In Challenging Founders’ Day Address At St. Aug. Dr. Samuel P. Massie, president of North Carolina College at Dur ham, addressed the Saint Augus tine's College faculty .stfaf, alum ni and student body on the occas ion of its 87th Founder's Day Ob servance Sunday, Feb. 8. Approxi mately $28,000 was realized from this 6-day observance which began Feb 4. "W* live in a truly wonderful world. Wo live in a world of great social change. All over the world, the bond of colonialinn and second class citizenship are being broken. Carl Rowan is head of .the United States Information Agency. Robert Weaver is the head of the Housing and Home Finance Agency. Dr. J. H. Franklin, last year a teacher at Cambridge, he is now a professor DR. SAMUEL P. MAMIE . . . It Aug's keynoter Negro 4-H’er Will Attend National Convention In DC Four North Carolina 4-H’ers have received the top honor offered in 4-H In the state—that of being named os delegates to the National 4-H Chib Conference. The confer ence will be held in Washington, D. C„ at the National 4-H Center, April 18-34. Dr. Cariton Blalock, assistant di rector of the Agricultural Extension Service in charge of 4-H, announc od that the four top 4-H en select ed included: Mas Betty Scott, at Chicago Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr. is man of the year for TIME Magazine. Alfred Edwards, a grad uate of Livingstone College, a col lege that does not even teach ag riculture. is now Deputy Secretary of Agriculture. Asa T. Spaulding, president of over a 350 million dol lar -business and is building the tallest building in Durham, was cited in TIME Magazine last week for what he is doing. Harvey Rus sell is vice-president of Pepsi Cola. Margery Wilson is a junior Court Judge in Washington. Juanita Stuot is a Judge in Philadelphia ” he con tinued. "You students live in a world where you should know something well, learn well. You ought to be the best students there is. Learn English well. Communication is the greatest art of them all. If you can not read, if you cannot talk. It you cannot write, you are lost for that Is how you converse. “You really came here to learn how lo learn. A student ,is not • vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled. These times demand groat hearts, men and women with a sense of responsibility of the part j they must ptay. We as the educated j have the responsibility to bear the • (CONTINUED ON FAG* *> Brown Su/ranitt. Rt. 2; Miss Helen Chock. Warren ton, Rt. 2; Don Chap lin. Columbia: and Hoke Smith 111. Trinity. Rt. 1. Miss Mary Alico Thomas. Magnolia and Howard Wil liams. Olin Rt. 1. were selected as alternates. Mum Cheek is the only Negro selected. There were 13 boys and girls in the final judging and were inter viewed by six judges. They wars (CONTINUED ON PAGE Z) + + + + + Shoots Man In Face ‘By Error’, Thinking He’d Killed Another “I Meant To Kill Other i Man:” Wms. BY CHARLES R. JONES A 37-year-old Raleigh man ap ’ parently went “blind with anger” for a short time last Thursday af ternoon. He shot a friend, thinknig it was a man with whom he had engaged in a violent tight an hour before. Raymond Williams. 200 Parrish Street was the an*’ 1 ««•>•» *fi« vic tim was George PriJM Tate. SO. whu ? lived tin above address tMr Tate was shot ii the right cheek 3|f| V*.?!toMS with a .22 eolibn had bought tht same day to fell a man names'. I Graham Harris. 1521 1-2 Battery TATE Drive, according to information which Williams gave to Police Of ficers Norman Artis and Alfred L. Grigsby, who Investigated. Officers touod Mr. Tate sitting hi front of his homo at 3:J5 p.m. at which time ho aasuaod Williams of shooting Mm. Tatossaid 1m Wba standing In. the kitchen wheh William* ahot him Apt Rnvpdssß on t the front porch Tote said Williams ghat tw*R. hut only one of the bulngts struck him. (CONTINVBO ONPAOB *) Ministers Plan To Aid Shaw Drive BY REV. D. N. HOWARD The Raleigh Ministerial Asso ciation * integrated) and the Ra leigh Ministerial Alliance < all- Negro) both, voted this week to oome to the aid of Shaw Univers ity in their financial drive. The Rev. Dr. Paul H. Johnson, chairman, executive committee of Shaw Trustee Board spoke to the Ministerial Association meeting at the YMCA on Hillsboro Street, Tuesday, at noon. The Rev. Paul Carruth, pre sident, entertained a motion made by the Rev. W. W Fin la tor, pastor of Pullen Memo rial Baptist Church, "That the association would go all out” to help Hhaw In Its financial struggle. Dr. James E. Cheek, president of Shaw, spoke to the Raleigh Ministerial Alliance on Monday. The Rev. Oscar W, Burwlck, pre sident of the group, announced to Dr. Cheek that the Alliance had already voted to come to Urn aid of Shaw with all of Its churches putting forth a special effort in raising money for the 88-year-old institution. "The nearly 140 churches in Ra leigh." said Dr. Johnson, "will make a great impact on the en-1 tire Raleigh Community.” Winners Os Silver $ $ Announced i I The following persons were win- i hers In the Silver Dollar contest i druing the past week: ! \ Mr Wade Smith. A-22 Wash- i ington Terrace, 81.00. receipts i from AdtP and Shoe Mart: Mr ] Sylvester Adams. P-14 Washing- i ton Terrace, 82.00, with receipt ■ from Security Meat Mkt. and re- ] wiving 81.00 from the manager of i the market also. Mrs. Ella Jones • 81.00, C-6 s Washington Terrace, J receipt from AAP: Mr. T. R. Sea- i well. 81.00. A-10 Washington Ter- j race, receipt from Colonial Store:; J Mr D L. BUrwen. 81.00. 1020 > r E. Jones, receipt from Colonial J Store: Mrs. Ruby Mial, 108 Heck J St.. 81.00. receipt from AAP; Mr. j i Worthy McLean. 1808 Oak wood • Ave. 81 00. receipt from White Oil , Company. ' i RAYMOND WILLIAMS x . . . bound over In shooting ‘Dixie’ Was Freedom Song in n«w i urn NEW YORK (ANP) “Dixie,'' sometimes considered the "no tional onthem" of racist elements of the South, was sung with gus to lln Freedom School at the Riverside Church In Mornlngslde Heights during the one-day school boycott here. Sang by children who had stayed eat of school to protest the slow pace of Integration, new words written to coincide, with current movement* in the Smith wdto ICWMWIIB ON fAGB li Zetas’ National Basileus Coming To Raleigh Sun. Dr. Deborah Partridge Wolfe. Ed ucation Chief with Hi* Committee on Education and Labor of the House of Representatives, and Grand Basileus of Zeta Phi Hetn Sorority, Inc., will be guest speak DR. DEBORAH P. WOLFE , . . speaks here Sunday CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS ■ BIA FROM THEM PAGE I Horton's Cash Star* Lincoln Theatre Ambassador Thaatra PAGE 1 ! Sears Capital Pool Oil tea A Coal to. White Oil Co., lac. PAOE » Mud «on-Belli—Eftrde t W Winters A Co ilrritoiK Stores Smith t.oai A Oil C*. ■Ulrich Business Collect Capital Coca-Cola Bottling Co Trrrare Insurants A Baafty Co PAGE • Raleigh Puneral loss Acme Realty Co. lames Sanders Til* Co. MtLaorin Parking Com pane Mrdlln-Daela The BrlU Company Amburo Pontiac, Inc. Branch Banking A Trust Co. PAGE 1 Weaver Bros. Rambler, Inc Al Smite Batch Co Ralrlfb Seafood Co Rawls Motor Co. PAGE S Colonial Stores R E. Quinn Pomttere to forreli C oal Co. Bunt General Tiro Co. PAGE » ASP Stores Looden Oil Co. Lawrence Brothers Shot Mart Estates Building Co.. Inr Economy Shoe Shop Bargain Center Emma Lana Dress Shop PAGE I# Officials At Enfield Beg For Time BY J. B. HARREN ENFIELD A committee f rom the Enfield - Waymtn N.A A.C.P. branch met with the Enfield Town Council last week request ing renewed consideration of a petition originally preeentod to the Councilmen June 8, 1888, ttt which approximately four hun dred signers had asked for a Ne gro policeman; sidewalks and bet ter lighting for areas of the Negro community; improved sewerage garbage disposal and general de segregation of all facilities open to the public In the town. Spokesman far the colored elttsens waa A. Reed Johnson. tv * i ‘ * * 4 iii. r> tbr COt! i! «i«*w w, ifc. E. Shervette. Jr., of the peti tion prodded them regarding their Intentions of taking ac tion. After pointing out that the Town of Enfield had made some of the improvements, such as ex pending 813.000 of their total 818 grand allocation for new sewerage work jin the Negro community. Mayor Shervette and the board contended that they could go no. further until and unless the bud get for the new fiscal year includ ed euf talent J unde. * , J A iUtor >■>«* elriantoftiJiri! hinged on whether or hot there (continued on pack ii er Sunday, Feb. 16th, tl am. at St. Psul AME Church. Rev. 1„ S. Penn, pfcstor. This service is In ob servant!* of "Finer Womanhood Week", sponsored by the Omicron /.eta Chapter of Zola Phi Bela So lority. The local “Woman of U)« Year” will be announced at this time. also. In her capacity aa Education Chief, Dr. Wolfe hi a member of itio Full Committee staff and is responsible for all But ters pertaining ts legislation Ef fecting education and related subjeeta. She Is serving at~ the liaison between the House es Representatives sad the Depart ment *< Health, Education and Welfare on all adaeatlonal But (CONTINUED ON PAGE I) WEATH K R ma i TempsraMrss next ftva Says wUI avsrags about I to 8 degrees be low normal, warmer about Friday and cold again about Saturday throath Monday. Balnfall will ave rage about one tnrb about Friday and Saturday, mors raU exported about Monday Carolina Builder*, lac. Warner Mamorlala union Motor rtnanco Ridgeway’s Optic lain, lac. Peebles Orlll a Hotel Capital Bargain Store Capital ttlgn Service, Inc. Motor Finance Co.. Inc. Raleigh Furniture g Storage to Rote * S-lO<- Store Consolidated Credit Corp. I G. I. Tucker Bros., Ine. | tt'renn-Pharr I C. Penney Co. Flythe Kales & Service Carpel Center, Inc. Wnmble. Inc Pine Stale Creamery Pierre Muate Co. PAGE 1) College Paint Shop comm unity riortct lames H Anderson Co. International Mortgage Associates Carolina Power A tight Co. Security Meat Market Cmstead'i Grocery A Traaaiet PAGE 14 Turner Tiro Service, lac. schllta Beer PAGE 15 » supreme Brahe A Alignment Service Buffalo Battery shop Dunn's Ease Service PAGE If Mechanics A Parmara Bank Abram * United Bent-Alto iVrenn Electrical Co. Price la Bight Grocery Washington Terraco Apts., Inc. raylor Radio A Blsctrtoal Co. Wood’s S-lSe Store King Colo Motel central Drug Stare Acme Laundry A Cleaner*. Snc.

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