THE CABOUNUUT RALEIGH, N. C. t SATURDAY, FEBRUARY S, IM4 10 The Raleigh SCENE : ST. AUG. MUSIC STUDENTS PRESENT SELECTIONS —-Herbert Silas presented two vocal selections recently at the An nual meeting of the Raleigh Y. W. C. A., held at the Central “Y” il7 West Jones St. Silas was accompanied at the piano by Miss T. Henrietta Johnson. Miss Johnson is piano teacher at the Bast ttaleigh Branch of the Y. W. C. A., and both are music majors at sjt. Augustine's College here. tHE BUST BEE CL ITB OF SMITH TEMPLE CHURCH ' The Busy Bee Club met February l at the home of Mr. and Mra. Sam uel Osborne on West St The meet inf was opened with a devotional period. After the regular routine buslnesa, we were served a delic ious repast by our hostess. Members present were: Mesdames Mary L. Jackson, Lydia Gamer. Florins Smitji, Cornelia Moore, Mr and Mrs l.~— »•- - ..« *%4* « w UMU M4i. irf vUi Sti Smith, along with the hostess and her husband, Mr. Samuel Osborne. THE CHARM ETTES SOCIAL CLUB The Charmetts Social Club met at the home of Mrs. Betty Rogers of Jamaica Drive, Monday night, February 10, at 6 o'clock. New officers for the new year were installed. They are: Mrs. Bet ty Rogers, president; Mrs. Shirley Willis, vice-president; and Mrs. Ju lia Cotton, treasurer. After the business session, the hostess served a delicious repast, which was enjoyed by all members present 4LPHABETTEB HOLD REGULAR TALKS The Alphabettes held their reg ular monthly meeting on Friday, February 7. at the home of the G. F. Newells on Fayetteville St. At the conclusion of the business meeting, the members "shocked” Alphabets Virginia Burke by giv iftg her a surprise shower of beau tiful baby gifts for ‘•Junior" who arrived on January 7. ;The hostesses for the February meeting, Mesdames Phyllis Mann. Vivian Sansom and Virginia N#w (3i served a delicious meal and In troduced the members to a new and exciting game called "Rummy Royal" Everyone enjoyed the new (Dime so much that it was difficult to bring the meeting to an end. . Members present: Meedsnsee TRafh Davenport, Lavtrn Gains, 'Myrtle (Tackett, Chlee Laws, • Virginia Bnrke. Alberto Lev ! logs ton, Mery Caller. Elisabeth ; Barfield. Etta Teeto. Mlnetta Eaten, Phyllis Mann. Virginia Newell. Mildred Wilson. Mar raerlte Exam. Edwtaton Ball Vivian Sansom. and Launa Jones. KETBONA SOCIAL CLUB MEETS The Metrona Social Club organiz ed recently, met at the home of Mrs. E. B. Jones on Bmithtield St. lest Wednesday evening. After e business session, delightful refresh ipents were served. • Officers are as follows: Mrs. Jose phine Harris, president; Mrs. Viv ton Chalmers, secretary; and Mrs. Gladys Sanders, treasurer. Other members are: Meadamcc Dorctha Morgan. Ethel Young. Virginia Rog ers. Betty Gilmore. Beulah Jlles, Georgiana Perry, Prances Hayes, Martha Streeter and Viola Leak. THE’FRIDAY AFTERNOON BOOK CLUB The Friday Afternoon Book Club met at the home of Mra. Omella ffEPsflsi& Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., Os Raleigh 370 S HILLSBORO SIKjtET. RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA -:• TEL TE « 1071 CLUBS Johnson. February 7, with ths president presiding. After the busi ness session, ths hostess presented Mrs. M. Delaney as her guest. She gave a book review entitled. “The Year of 1804,” which was enjoyed by all present A game was played which prov ed to be much fun. After the game, were served e delicious dinner 'he hoe tees. icsts present were: Mrs M A. A. Cooke, Mrs. Mildred Chavis, and Mrs. Sherrill. Members present were: Mes dames Esther Michael, Mary Bry ant Eleanor Burch, Mary P. lane, Nancy Laws, Marie Moore, T. H. Harris. Annie Robinson, Nora Lock hart Dr. Ellen Alston and Miss Belva Lana. The next meeting ii acheduled to be held Feb. 11, at the home of Mrs. Nora Lockhart. THE MINISTERS’ WIVES HOLD MEETING The Ministers' wives met at the YWCA, Feb. 10. st 7 pm, with the president in charge of ths devo tion, and the business session fol lowing. Reports were given by thi various committee chairmen. The group discussed plans for the founder's day program to be held st the First Baptist Church on Ap ril 2 at 8 pm. The ministers’ wives discussed plans for the annual “Doll Parade”, which will also take place in April. The time. date, place and othar Information will be announc ed at a later date. A delicious repast was eerved by the hoetess. Mrs. M. F. Booker, and Mrs. C. C. Burnett They surprised the group with Valentine goodies. This treat was enjoyed by all pres ent. We were glad to hove fifteen members present. Mis. Closs end Mrs. M. R. Aobinson were our new mom bars. Door prises were given to the first four ladles to arrive. The next meeting is scheduled to meet st the YWCA, Feb. 24. at 7 o'clock pm. We ere asking ell mem ber* to be present CLUB NINE IN SESSION Club Nine met on Saturday, Feb. 8, at the home of Mrs. W. M. (Toni) Williams on Tlarney Circle. The group's civic project this year is to sponsor a fifteen-year-old girl who is unhappy, due to the lack of spiritual -end physical needs be ing fulfilled in her home. The club voted to be rewonsible for the en tire new Easter outfit for this young lady. Members of the club alao brought birthday gifts to Mra W. F. (Thai- Ria> Clark and Mra H. C. (Sarat Brower. As usual, a variety. pf beautiful and useful gifts were pre sented. A delicious dinner wee served by the hostoae: Smothered quar tered chicken, string beans, sweet potato squffie, salad mold, hoi home-made rolls, other trimmings topped with a dessert of tutti-truitti ice cream and cake. All members were present to en joy the events. Members are Mes dames N. H. (Gila) Harria J. A. What is Doing Around Town! TetTMl]’ Father, hew moefc we thank Thee far the privilege at beinf ea-workera with loom Christ, Thy Ben. It ta ear fiery to witneea for Him. We pray that Hla spirit may ever dwell la oar hearts, and oar Urea may bara and shins for Him.’* ST. ANN AH FREEWILL BAP TIST—Sunday School began at 10 am. with the superintendent, Mr. W. H. Lyons, In charge. Morning worship service is held every first and second Sundays, beginning at 11:30 am. The pastor is the Rev. L. T. Ford. LILY OF THE VALLEY FREE WILL BAPTIST—Church School began at 11 a.m. with the superin tendent, Mr. Mack Arthur, in charge. Morning worship began at 11 o’clock with the guest minister, the Rev. Sister Rosa Perry, in charge. The music was furnished by the choir, under the direction of Mr. Willie Henderson. A won derful sermon was enjoyed by aIL The pastor is the Rev. Lester Riv ers. WILSON TEMPLE METHODIST —Church School began at the usual hour with the superintendent. Miss Nannie Morgan, in charge. Morn ing worship began at 11 o'clock, with the male chorus in charge of the music, under the direction of Mr*. M. M. Kelly. The inspiring sermon was delivered by the pas tor, the Rev. O. W. Burwick. ST. MATTHEW AME - Sunday School began at 3:30 a.m. with the superintendent, Mr. Robert Lesane, Jr., in charge. Morning worshtp the junior choir in charge of the music, under the direction of Mr. D. R. Leach; organist. Miss Annette Peterson. Morning lesson and pray er were led by the pastor, the Rev. J. F. Epps. He also delivered a very sweet sermon, which was enjoyed by all. YOUNG’S MISSIONARY TEM PLE CME—Church School began at 0:30 with the superintendent, Mrs. Della R. Ford, in charge. Morning worship began at 11:00 o'clock with the Junior choir in charge of music under the direc tion of Miss Myrtle Ann Rhodes The Rev. Qulnscy Scott brought to us a wonderful sermon from the book of St Matt.. 37:3. Elder light sey is the pastor. OBERLIN BAPTIST Church School started at 0:30 a.m. with the superintendent, Mr. Walter Curtis, in charge. Morning worship service began at 11 o’clock with the senior choir in charge of the , music, under the direction of Mrs. Pleasant Grove Union News BY MARY RUDD AND DAPHNE FERGUSON BURLINOTON—On February 4, Grade S B presented in its class room a playlet entitled. “Early Pioneer Life." The playlet was in outgrowth of a unit of work about pioneers. Parents present for the program were: Meed am es Eula Moore. Cecil Fuller, Doris Vaugn, Clare* Parker. Catherine Rudd, Mildred Bradsher. Claudia Woods, Doris Llggins. Louise Jeffries. Mary Enoch, and Miss Fannie Clemmons Grade 3 A proved that February is a fabulous month when they gave their annual chapel program on Febqtary A Their theme was, “A merira Is Greet." Characters were; George Washington. Ricky Jeffries: Abraham Lincoln. Calvin Hester, Victor Hubert, Rickey Parker, Henry W. Longfellow, Linda Pul liam; Susan Brownell Anthony, Ma rie Vincent; ■ and David Porter, Janice Roes. The entire clam participated in the singing of patriotic songs and dramatisations Grade 7 C welcomes to Its clam a (Phyllis' Mann. R. H. (Etta) Toole. H. C. tSara i Brower, W. F. tThel ma' Clark, John C. (Alberta) Lev ingston. Wm. Hurdle (Ann), D. H. (Thelma) Keck, and the hostesses. ' BY MRS MAY L RROAOIB Elsie Hayes; organist, Mrs. Ludlle Campbell. The morning lesson and prhyer were led by the pastor, the Rev. J. P. Dempsey. He used as his subject, “Christians as one." The message was enjoyed. WILLIAMS’ GROVE BAPTIST— Sunday School began at 0:30 am. with the superintendent, Mr. Phil lip Alston, in charge. Morning worship service began at 11 a.m„ with the junior choir in charge of die music, under the direction of Miss Jacqueline Mitchell. A great sermon was delivered by the pas tor, the Rev. J. H. Bryant. FIRST BAPTIST—Church School began at 9:30 a.m. with the super intendent, Mr. W. H. Taylor, in charge. Morning worship began at 11 o'clock, with the junior chair in charge of the music, under the direction of Mr. W. W. Hurdle; or ganist Mrs. Ruby Greene. The pas tor, the Rev; C. W. Ward, gave the call to worship. Morning lesson and prayer were also by the pastor. Rev. Ward delivered a sermon, us ing as his subject, “I need a broth er.” BTU began at :30 6p.m. with the leader, Mr. Frank Hinton, in charge. Evening worship began at 7:30, with the pastor in charge. A won derful address was given by the Rev. Mr. Chamblis. FAYETTEVILLLE STREET BAP TIST—Church School began at 0:30 with the assistant superintendent, Mr. Percy Smith, in charge. At 11 a.m., morning worship service be gan, with the No. 3 choir in charge of the music, and Mt-« < mi. mond Miles brought a soul-stirring sermon from the book of Isaiah 4:33. Subject: “Home relationship.” Evening service followed at 6:30 p.m. with the Boy Scouts present ing a womanless wedding. The ser vice were enjoyed by all who at tended. MORNING STAR BAPTIST - Sunday School began at 11 o’clock Has Taught For 30 Years: Phillips School Honors Isaac C. Rogers, Sr. BY J. B. HARREN BATTLEBORO—In a 'Tribute To Vocational Agriculture" and the thirty-year teaching career of Isaac Cephua Rogers, Sr., Vo-At ISAAC C. ROGERS. SR. teacher at Phillips High Bchool. near here, a banquet was hold Fri day night in the school gym un der the auspices of the Parent- Teacher Ass n with eighty gueats enjoying a country ham dinner. With Edgecombe Farm Agent X. C. Boyd serving aa toastmaster, an entertaining program of tribute to Rogers from various segments of the eommunity was presented, with Prof. C. E. Dean. Agriculture Teacher-Trainer. Agriculture and Technical College, Greensboro, as eatured speaker. Aceotnponied by his wife. Mrs. Anna Rogers, a Halifax County teacher, (the Rogers live at En field) Ike Rogers modestly accept ed the glowing compliments of the 'This Is Your Night" type of pro gram ss they were spoken by friends ranging from one of his first Vo-Ag student*. James H. Dickens. Vo-Ag teacher. Fred Douglas High Schoo’, Elm City: to Prof. Dean, his former teacher, wl h whom Rogers is now work ing (on leave from his Phillips po- Stephens-Penny Vows Are Spoken In D. C. Mrs. Corrtna Penny of Oarner announces the muriate of her grenddaugh'er Mias Delores Pen ny. of Washington. D. C. to P.'c. Louis Stephens of the United •later • brother teem. Jo Ann and Charles William Brown. The student* in grade seven and eight are bury choosing their pro jects for the science fair. Morning worship began immediate ly following the lesson with the choir singing, "Draw me Nearer.” The pastor, the Rev. 8. R. Spencer, brought a wonderful message. BTU was opened at 9 p.m. and evening service began at the usual hour with th * pastor again deliver ing the message. SMITH TEMPLE FREEWILL BAPTIST—Church School began at 10 a.m. with the superintendent, Mr. E. B. Sanders, in charge. At 11 am. the Rev. J. D. Ray, pastor, made the call to worship with the chorus in charge of the music, under the direction of Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Holder. Scripture lesson was taken from St Mark 2:1-5. The text wm also taken from the 2nd chapter of St Mark. Subject: "Jesus return ing to' the house.” At 6 pm., the Young Peoples Christian League met with the president, Mrs. Osborne, in charge. RUSH METROPUTAN AMEZ— Sunday School began at 0:45 with the superintendents, Messrs. Leslie Campbell and Jessie Degraffen reidt, in charge. Rev. Shelley Tay lor conducted the junior church services. The regular II .o’clock worship service was conducted by the psslor, the Rev. T. H. Harris. The music wm furnished by the Junior choir. Rev. Harris delivered an inspiring message, using as his subject "True brotherhood.” Mrs. Annie H. Thorpe is church report er. LINCOLN PARK HOLINESS Sunday School began at the usual hsutr ee*4dl* —t-*-- •*"“ 4 .A.iuui iiuiMUSM, AU toiSCU*C. MUiU” | ing worship followed immediately. I The message for the day was brought to us by the Rev. Mary Cotton. The subject was: “I once was blind, but now I see.” Our pas tor, the Rev. Eli Ratcliff conducted the service, and the junior choir furnished the music, accompanied by Bro .William Ratcliff. The choir tar directed by Mrs. Fannie Wash ington. sition, currently being filed by Bobby Spencer of Henderson) as an assistant at AAT College. Paging tributes to Rogers as "a patient teacher who worked hum bly with students and adult farm ers” instructing In the basic skills in mass it to maintain economical arm living were the following: W. T. Oils, Vo-Ag Instructor, Conetoe High School, now with '.he Extension Service at ART College; Neal A. McLean. Cone toe principal; Mrs. Marguerite P. Wimberly. Edgecombe Supervisor Elementary Schools; Rev. W. Jud xm King, Franklin ton Center, Bricks; W. P. Draughan, Raymond Moore, Samuel Lyons. Mra R. & Hull, Mra M. B. Hoggins, Mra O. D. Moore, Troy C. Hardy and Phillips School principal J. E. Batta In hia address. Dean traoed, briefly, the history of the Land Grant College In the USA over the past century, having received the endonment of Abe Lincoln to re hlbilltote southern farmers fol lowing the Civil War. Dean men tioned contributions of such men as Dr. H. O. Sargeant, one of the founders of Future Fanners of A mertoa; Pr at. Benjamin P. Bul lock. (Brick School native) who wrote books on southern agrcul tural patterns and taught for fif ty yean—now doing research In Atlanta. Ga.; P. KK. Simmon*. S. C. Anderson; alco R. B. Pltagerald. Nashville, each of whom. Dean stated, “have left their footprints indelibly in the day of rural pro gress of tbs nation.” Dean urged his audience “to i*fk up on our tendencies to ne riact our farms and homes, as w«U m ths opportunities to im prove ourselves through constant reading and studying and acquir ing better methods of doing oM join'* Dean advised that fuR etttaen ship required supporting all fau oete of good government—voting, civic and rettgkmc partUpatton to produce better public relatftna. Stetaa Army. The wedding took place on February L They wsew married in a private ceremony at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Un de) Bridge* of Washington. The bride won a Mae suit with vhie atmaonrlno and carried a bride bouquet of white earnatlona. wm Marie Chavis wae maid of honor and little Miss De anise Sneed waa the flown* girt. Mr. R. D. Sneed As the groom"* TO PERFORM HERE Fol lowing a two-year tour of Eu rope, baritone Raoul Abdul, a buve. brings Me program of oongs and poetry entitled “The Negro Speaks of Riven,” to St Augustine's Collee* VI.-- B:9# p. m. He will bo assisted by simgtng-aetress Alyce Webb, who le currently featured In the bit New York musical play "Tnunpe's of the Lord” and guitarist Larry Diamond. Personals MB. ROGERS VISITS PARENTS HERE Mr. Ulysses Rogers, Jr., of Long Island, N. Y. visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Rogers of 6 N. Tarboro Street recently. Mr. Rog ers is the brother of Mrs. V. C. Hamlin of this city. AIRMAN VISITS MOTHER A S-C Larry Mack, stationed at Suffolk County AFB, N. Y. is visit ing his mother, Mrs. Evelyn Mack, 230 S. Swain St, and his grand mother, Mrs. Uzolia Henderson, who is sick. MRS. UZELIA HENDERSON HOSTEBS Mrs. Georgia Mae Gerald, East Orange, N. J. and Mrs. Mattie B. Merit New York City, are visiting their mother, Mrs. Uzelia Hender son. Mrs. Gerald was formerly Miss Georgia Mae Henderson. BHAW SETS "PRATER DAT” OBSERVANCE "The World Day of Prayer” will be observed in the Shaw Univer sity Church, Thursday, Fefo. IS, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The Univer sity Christian Education Club is sponsoring this observance. The annual observance of the “Universal Day of Prayer for Stu dents” will be observed Sunday, Peb. 16, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. in the University Church. The public is invited to both oc casions. MR. RAY NOTES BIRTHDATE Mr. Alonso Ray of Rt. 6. Ra leigh celebrated his birthday. Sunday, February 2. Mr. Ray is the brother of Mr. C. V. King of Raleigh. DRIVE TO WASHINGTON, D. C. Mrs. Millie Dunn Veaaey and sister Mrs. Mary D. Moore, and daughter, Lenette Moore, motored to Washington, D. C. recently. Thar visited many historical points and reported a wonderful trip. HAPPY BIRTHDAYS Happy birthdays were said to little Miss Btepin L. Dubnam, Quarry Street and Sheri an Jen nings. Smithfield Street, who ob best man. Pfc. and Mrs. Stephens will re ride in Washington. D. C. MONUMENTS Store 1562- Marble Granite term «ir r* a M (W •nrtHm j|T. • ir.i| T*rtf toT wire* uoo Sr* own •t uow Cart*, tel Ton Coat WARNER MEMORIALS tot* Jl masers, C My Lady's Doings * * * In And Oat Os Town GABBING About Town BY MRS. A. H. THORPE THE LOST KEY” The key of yesterday I threw away: And now, too late. Before tomorrow’s fast closed gate, Helpless I stand—in vain to pray; In vain to sorrow; Only the key of yesterday unlocks tomorrow. Proud Parents Mr. and Mrs. James Hayes of D-15 Washington Terrace are the proud parents of a baby girl, born on Tuesday, Feb. 4, at 6:30 p.m., at Wake Memorial Hospital. The ba by is named Kathy Arleen. We say congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Hayes. Hosts To Club Rev. and Mrs. T. H. Harris were hosts to the Pastor's Aid Club on Tuesday night, Feb. 4th. Each mem ber present expressed himself as having enjoyed a very pleasant evening. Mrs. Pecolia Tyson is president. Hosts Club Meeting Mrs. Geneva Yarborough of 415 Watson St. was hostess to the Pro gressive Club on Monday night, 7 eb. 10th. After a brief business eision, members enjoyed a delic ous repast Mrs. Yarborough is club 'resident Grand Basileus Visits Clinton Omega Chapt^ AkMU I >mega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., was onored recently to have the Grand Jasileus, Brother Cary D. Jacobs, of Indianapolis, Ind., visit the Clin ton group. This visit was quite a morale booster for the recently or ganized chapter. The Grand Basileus gave a “State of the Fraternity” ad dress. He informed the local Omega Chapter of the general status of Omega Pai Phi Fra ternity. The National Organiza tion, he stated, is In excellent standing financially and 1962 was a banner year during the past decade. He mentioned the program being made on the na tional headquartera in Wash ington, D. C. Omega Brothers were urged to exercise their civic responsibilities during this election year particu larly. There is a duty for each Ome ga to perform in his respective community. Brother Jacobs was the house guest of Brother and Mrs. W. E. served their natal dates recently. TOURED CAROLINIAN PLANT Mrs. Blanche Durham of Mt. Ol ive and her daughters, Mrs. Pan dora D. Penny of Washington, D. C and Mrs. Leonell D. Carter and her daughter, Ronda Annette, of Philadelphia, Pa. toured The CAR OLINIAN plant on Monday after noon. Mrs. Durham is also the mo ther of Miss Claranette Durham, one of the employees of the news paper. LITTLE BOY LOST Mrs. Daisy Hinnant. 719 Rook Quarry Road, reported her ward. Wilbur Jones missing Monday. The boy, 11, reportedly disappear ed after school. He is described as being 4', 2” tall, weighing 65 pounds, light complexioned. black hair and of medium build. The youth has lived with Mrs. Hln m&nt for about a year and she said he has run away some six times during this time. He has al ways returned, she told Officer J. L. Stoudemlre, and hid under the house. Young Jones' casework er with the Wake County Welfare Department has been notified, Mra. Hinnant said. ATTEND THE CHURCH OF FOUR CHOICE UUNDAT Winery Test t*e»# ee"!*#* I mUTm be** tewed (be tori. I RtdggHiaifl I OPTICIANS. u«. [ Scouts’ Program The Rev. Shelley Taylor wm guest speaker for the Boy Scouts’ program held at Rush Metropoli tan AME Zion Church on Sunday night, Rev. Taylor spoke from the subject “The Supposed 13th Scout Lew.” He was well-prepared for the subject selected which proved to be a very enjoyable one. The Scout leaders of the troop are: the Rev. Shelley Taylor, Mr. Pedro Mc- Coy, Mr. Edward Brown and Mr. Jessie Degraffenreidt Mrs. Alda McCullers is the Den Mother. On Sick List Mrs. Martha Hammonds of 531 E. Cabarrus St. is confined to her home. Her many friends pray for her a speedy recovery. Recuperating Mrs. Charlotte Green of E. Ca barrus St is out once again to the delight of her friends. We pray that die will continue to improve as rapidly as she has. Holds Anniversary Services The Young Peoples Christian Progressive Club held its anniver sary services last Sunday at 4 p.m. The Rev. W. R. Jones was guest speaker and music was furnished by the choir of Juniper Level Mrs. Lillie Mae Terrell is president of the club. iuuiiu Miiu wtu> entertained Kappa Rho Chapter at Holiday in Fayetteville. Berry O’Kell. School Newc With the season almost at a c\ the BO’K Hornets have had a i mendous season with a 13-3 con. ence record and 15-3 over-all. ' "stinging” Hornets take great p in their athletic achievements t' year. After dropping two of . earlier scheduled games, the BC. Hornets went on a 9-game winni: . streak. This streak was halted by Garner Consolidated «whom the Hornets had defeated previously. Under the proficient supervision of Coaches Hooker and Spaugh, the Hornets plan to make their home record even with 10 wins when they play host to Forest Hills Feb. It in their last home game of the year. The Hornets appeared to be very strong this season with the teem captain and playmaker, Lawrence Dunn, a Junior, along with Andrew Jones, a senior, averaging over 25 points per game. Edward Wall, a junior, and the co-captain, has been consistent with high rebound per centages with the asistance of En och “Rock” Holloway, a sophomore. Eugene Hunter, a sophomore, too, has contributed to the success of the team with his cooperation end excellent ball handling. DRIVE SAFELY! Everything For .. . BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING • UMBER • MILL WORK • 6THET H PAINTS • ALELDIING MATERIALS • RUSBWIN HARDWARE Dial TE 2-7563 CAROLINA UiILDERS CORF. >’.7-219 N Daemon St RALEIGH N C. PRINTING 1 • Commercial • Social f'osieult Us fm Reasonable Estimates Ppom P< ★ Service Pbooe TE 4-5558 —The— CARGLIL.AN lUJBUSHINtt (X). S>B E Martin Street R*'««h, N C

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