SITUATIONS UELP WANTED few Classified Rates I Macaw .« « • u Cast par word 4e «e 3s 3c CUmuM Emm** lOe lflo Tfte Tftc Wmek word abbreviation. initial or VnjlMl count aa coo word. Puncutation marks arc HOT counted as words. HiirtMii lumber od words in aijr want ad is 13 words. You will save money by ordering your ad to run • “weakS* Want Ada may be telephon ed through Wednesday up to 10 AM. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mr. William Haywood would like to thank all the vtutors and friends who were a source of comfort to the bereaved family. It is hoped that his passing will serve ss a constant reminder to those who like him must someday meet their master. MRS. EDNA HAYWOOD and family CARD OF THANKS Mrs. JuUa Navels of No. 6 Brunswick Terrace in Chavis Heights thanks her many friends for vsits, cards, dona tions and services during her recent illndet. She hopes to be out very soon. FEMALE HELP - WANTED! ■OUSKMAIDS Live-ln-joba. Mass., Conn. (30 to (50. Bus ticket. Refer ences. Barton Tmp. Bureau. Gt Bar* rington, Mass. “EDUCATIONAL” MEN A WOMEN 10 to Ml You Can qua llfy for many Job opportunities In CIVIL SERVICE. Prepare at home for -»ming examinations. Send name, address, phone, directions if rural to NATIONAI, TRAINING SERVICE. P. O. Box 406, Raleigh. N. C. BEAUTY SALON Community Beauty Salon 113 S. Blount St Dial 828-3844 LAUNDRY "VeAGUTS dkY CLEANING, IK4 Olenwood Ave. has merged end la now known aa HAYES BARTON AMD DRI CLEANERS MO. A Paul Easterling Mgr jNo. L Dial TE Milk No t Dial bi Cooper's Bar-B-Q BAB-B-Q aad (Oar Specialty) Pig mud Chicken 10> E. DAVIE 3T SERVICE STATIONS btnnrs gsso nanoN-sas s Blood worth St Phone TE 14W MOTEL lEBOME’I TODAIBT DRIVE INN—Call or write for reservations. S 3 Jamai ca Drive, IE 3-5048 LEGAL NOTICES ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE WORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY . . . "HAVING QUALIFIED #s Administra trix of the btate of Selena Scales, de ceased. late of Wake County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at P. O. Box 764, Raleigh, North Carolina, on or before the 2uth day of July. 1964, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of heir recovery. All persona Indebted to the estate will si-T— make immediate payment. ' This 4th day of February, 1964. MRS SIHRLEY FARRAR, Admix. F. J. CARNAGE. Att y February A la, 22. JB. UN. NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY NOTICE UNDER and by vtrture of the power -of sale contained In a certain Deed of Trust executed by Vivian Louise Pate. Unmarried, dated July 23, 1963. and re corded In Book 1563, Page 896, In the office of the Register of Deeds of Wake County. North Carolina, default having Men made In the payment of the ln debtedness there by secured and said Dead of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the un dersigned Trustee will offer for sele at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Wake County, North Carolina, at 12 ;00 o’- clock noon, on Monday the 9th day of March 1964. the property conveyed in said Deed of Trust, the same lying and being In the County of Wake, State of Norm Carotins. In Raleigh Township, and more particularly described as fol lows: Lot No. 8 on Fender Street la Raleigh, Wake County. North Car olina, aa shown by map of Spring Grtve Heights, which Is recorded In Book of Map* 1926, at pace 5. in the office of the Register of Deeds tor Wake County, North Carolina. The successful bidder will be re aulred to make a deposit of not leas Sian five per cent (6%) of the pur chase bid to Mow good faith, and the kid will lay open for ten days to re ceive Increase bid as required by law. This 4th day of February. 1964. J. J. HENDERSON. Trustee F. J. CARNAGE. Attorney February A 16. 23. 39. 1964. NORTH CAROLINA „ WAKE COUNTY _ _ NOTICE The undersigned having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Dockery Peebles. Sr, deceased, late of Wake County, this is to notify all persons having elalma againat said Estate to present them to the undersigned at M E Martin Street. Raleigh. N. C . on at before the 3rd day of February. 1336, ar this notice will be pleaded In bar of glia recovery. All persons Indebted to '■U Estate will please make immedi ate payment to the undersigned. This the 3rd day of February. 1994. VICTOR PEI JR EH Executor GEORGE R. GREENE. Attorney February A I*. 22. N. 1*64 EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE MONTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY . HAVING QUALIFIED as Executrix of the Esh taos Henry Maddox, deceased, lata at Wake County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said de ceased *o exhibit them to the under signed at 399 Hill Street. Raleigh. North Caroline, on or before the 27th day of July. U 64. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate will plane make Immediate payment. , R£t&i , teßg'£!U» r. J. CAEN ACS. Attorney February A 15. 22. H. NM. DRIVE SAFELY! SOMETHING TO BUY, RENT, SELL OR EXCHANGE USE THE CAROLINIAN CLASSIFIED SECTION M BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ' CHILDCARE 1 PERSONAL . CLEANING ft HAULING (Jk Low Cost Advertising — — Low Cost Advertising FOR IYHAT HAVE YOU... DIAL TEmple 4-5558 / vHU*&PiI FOR WHAT HAVE YOU ... DIAL TEmple 4-5558 '£BWfP”*® ANNOUNCMENTS CARDS OP THANKS IN MEMORIAL LEGAL NOTICES REAL ESTATE ROOMS APARTMENTS HOUSES FOR RENT ————————————. -nK sftp' YOU ABE THE DETECTIVE You and police Lieutenant Arthur Ferguson are sitting in his of floe this evening talking, and he’s commenting on the unusual number of armed robberies that have occurred In town during the past several weeks. Suddenly hia phone rings, he speaks over it for a few minutes, hangs up. and turns to you. “Another robbery ... this one In the west end of town. Want to come along with me? You and he speed in the heated squad car through the bitterly cold winter night, and finally you pull up behind a lats-model sedan which is parked in front of a “Stop Sign” at a dark intersection in a lonely part of the town.' Two young men climb out of the car and iden tify themselves as John Harris an and Richard Keegan. Harrlgan begins his story. ‘l’m the one who phoned you .. . from a drugstore three blocks down the street. I’m employed as a collector for the Midtown Loan Company, and I had been making some c*n« this evening on a number of our clients who were a little late with their payments. I was doing all right, too ... succeeded In collecting a nice little bundle of cash. Dick here Is a good friend of mine, and he was riding along with me to keep me company. Evidently though, these two hoodlums had been trailing us . . . because just as we pulled up and stopped at this “Stop Sign," they pulled their car In front of mine, jumped out, ran on either side of my car here, pushed their guns into our faces, and ordered us to hand over the money. Neither of us had any ideas of being dead heroes . . . not with the barrel of two guns pushed into our noses ... so I picked up the money I had collected ... It was In a canvas bag ... and threw It out the window to the man on my side of the oar.” “How much money was there?” you ask. “Close to $800.” “Where had you made your last collection? “On Wellington Street. Just about half-mile from here ... a fellow that operates a snack shop there. Gee, I realize my boss Is In sured against theft, but just the same I wonder what he’s going to say when he hears about this”. “I think he’ll say some rather harsh things about you.” you say. “especially when I tell him how you faked this robbery of his money!” What has caused you to suspect John Harrlgan of the theft? SOLUTION WOOWJ S.UOOI BrnoS. aqi o?ui 9imJ jjaqr poqsnd aavq iou pptoo aiaqqou pafion* atft uain ‘paeoia uaoq peq BMopupa atn It p«v tuaop tMopupa no .ijaq? qtim BuiAjjp uaaq aA«q ptnoqs uaur SunoX ato I*ol noX o} ajqvuosssj •un sroaas u ‘mapi pioa Xiaajuq vpo uo jrvg main or mopupa aui jo ino xauoui sin umojto ptn( aq tetn pin ‘saosj s.uaSaex pus «|q own nrnl Jrarm nartetw* s™— - - Like Party Snacks and Nibbles? 1 A special snack, Nibble Bait, is “trump” refreslunei l t to servs at yournext card party. Invite your friends and neighbors over this Friday night to share in an evening of bridge, an exciting game of hearts or an old-fashiMiedgams of aheepshead. High lighted by a sparkly garlic tang, Nibble Bait contains puffed wheat and puffed rice, peanuts, pretzel stieks and French fried onion rings. Your guests will be “bidding” for copies of the recipe and will lovo having Nibble Bait in little bowls to munch on while they re play-, ing cards. Serve Nibble Bait with your favorite pun-S rr soft drink and listen to your guests rave. NIBBLE BAIT Make* about 10 eupt S raps puffed wheat Ota 7-1/2-oz. pU- uiin A cuds Duffed rice piftwl sticks 1 cup salted peanuts 1/4 eup butter or margarine, One 3-1/2-oz. can French melted ..... fried onions * teaspoons Worcestershire MUM 1/2 teaspoon gorlk powder Heat oven to slow (800 T.). Heat puffed wheat, puffed rice, pea nuta? onions and pretzels in large shallow baking pan in preheated oven (800*F.) for 15 minutes. Co * B J* n<! n pour over cereal mixture, tossing until all ingmhenU are reatoa. Heat in preheated ovsn (SWF.) an additional 15 minute*, stirring oeeaskr'”-. Things Yog Should Know* BRYAN... . . .A SLAVE, UNDER WHOSE PASTORSHIP GEORGE UELE BUILT THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH FOR NEGROES H SAVANNAH. OA. IN 1796 /wtaTES O TTiiEO TO ABOLISH IT BY WHIPPING ITS MEMBERS AND JAILING BRYAN, BUT IT WENT ON; AND THE SECOND ONE WAS ERECTED IN SAVANNAH IN 1799./ . c°ottoul Bark Worse Than Bite All puppies like to rough house. However, puppies soon bite too hard and their teeth are very sharp. They also tend to be come over-excited and angry. C. C. “Tex” Fawcett, Dftettor of the Purina - Do* Care Di vwy In A viaion, says rtf 5 that to prevent \M ( puppy from WO biting too hard, Ik ftp- play with him K until he he ' comes angry. When his bite starts to get to you, tap him across the nose with your Anger and scold him, saying, “No bite!” several times. Ha must learn not to go too far in play, and that he can never bite or growl at a human being. You’ll be amazed at how quickly he’ll learn this if you arrange behavior lessons so that he gets ons or two each day. Caution: Don’t overdo any bason —ls minutes is enough. Tfitchen%&ri ii -wise by LYDIA PERKINS 1 Nippy Sauce for Cabbage The next time boiled cabbage is on your dinner menu, serve it with this sparkling-good sauce. Cut the cabbage into wedges before boiling it, and pour the hot sauce over each individual serving. MUSTARD CREAM SAUCE 3 tablespoons butter V»; b . h leoepoon pepper lft cups Bilk 2 teaspoons prepared mustard ft teaspoon Lea X Perrins Worcestershire Sauce 1 small head cabbage, cut in wedges, cooked and drained Melt butter In saucepan. Blend In floor, salt and pepper. Add milk Newly and cook over low heat, stir ring constantly until sauce Is smooth and thickened. Add mustard and Worcestershire sauce; mix well. Serve atop hot cabbage wedges. Makes Ift cups sauce, enough lor lour servings. ■ jrssp ■ mv™ mm vXy.’vj: WWJ Down With Hole Diggers Dogs often dig holes becauot of sheer boredom. Sometimes they’ll dig just for exercise, but it nil stems from an age-old habit of digging for moles, chipmunks, or other game. C. C. “Tex* Fawcett, Di dglf '£ rector of the fmj. w ’ft Purina Dog wD (, Care Division, says that you vu can keep your K dog from di(p a-hole by placing one or. two set mousetraps, covered with paper, in the hole. Once be springs them hell be startled by the snapping noise and become pretty leery about further digging in that spot. Another way is to fill the hole with crumpled chicken wire well M pegged down. Dogs don’t like to isinst wire. You can also hole with stones. If your dog continues to dig, catch him in the set, scold him sternly and repeat the corrective WASHINGTON AND "SMALL BUSINESS” By C .VuSON HARDER A 79% majority of the na tion’s independent business pro prietors, voting through the Na tional Federation of Indepen dent Business, favor tbs meas ure introduced by Rep. Bruce Alger of Texes which amends the U.S. Constitution to pro vide no treaty or international igreementHMMta shall streetH -w “'•C . the rights '&§? U. S. citizens® (Eg - ;J $ unless apH jflfe .■> proved by theft Senate. * * * BiMWgl It is well consider the|§ hack ground®! %" leading to| this proposal. c. W. Harder In the Constitution there is a proviso that any foreign treaty over rides any national, state, or local law which may in con flict with the terms of the treaty. Os course, as originally written, an treaties and agree ments had to be ratified by the Senate. Until the end of World War H. this eonstttutloaal pro vision did not mean msoh, aa all foreign treaties were ap proved by the Senate, and all were entered into wtth too best Intereete of Americana upper most. e e * But formation of the United Nations changed all this. While to the public at large, UN was sold ss a forum for all nations to discuss openly their differ ences end seek a peaceful solu tion, the "one worlders” really expanded the sgope of the or ganization. Actually, UN Is working toward all peoples con trolled by one big world gov- WWW Largely due to dissensions within the UN, the full impact of tola control has net been manifest. But there are divi sions within the UN which are supposed to control all facets (gi National Poitoratlnw of Independent Em 1 nets BURL ALLEN’S Ink TONGUE TAKE TWO No. 1. Os all the big events In little February one of the most significant is NEGRO HISTORY WEEK. Here we specify NEGRO to remind ourselves and. others of our special accomplishments and con tributions—and It surely is Inspir ing to behold the heroes and he roin* In our past, recent, and dis tent However, Negro history, as segregated from general, Ameri can history, should not be neces sary; yet, it Is necessary, and (hall be until Negroes are rightfully in tegrated Into American society. Yes, we have stars of every mag nitude —but not In every constella tion! Even NOW. we have far too many a "FIRST Negro" to be al lowed a particular privilege that "whites" have long been squander ing! We can complain—truthfully— that others constantly Impede us by hiding too little a reward under too big a task. Nevertheless, our celebrities have shown us that oth ers need not be the prime factors in determining our future, and that a few escapers do not liberate alii We must have learned, too, from BClttesw «® feg kr M. MM MHUTN,_ HrtNMCnCMf Toy* For Your Cat A cat's sense of fan is on* of Its greatest charms. Ths simplest things intrigue cats. They'll stalk, pounce and tumble with a plain wad of paper for hours. A to* to play hide-and-seek in or a eatnip trinket will delight them. Be sure that your cat’s toys cannot be splintered, torn apart and swallowed. Give your cat a few toys to begin with and add new ones from time to time. This will keep him from becoming bored and destructive. The Purina Cat Cars Center suggests a few of the toys which your cat will enjoy: • celluloid ball that rattles. • cellophane and catnip bag. • a spool attached to a strong piece of string and hung from a chair or doorknob. • a robber mouse that squeaks. Be careful of open drawers, trunks and doaeta. Cata love to play in and investigate warm, dark spot# and are often unwit tingly imprisoned. Also, if you tie a ribbon around your cat’s neck remember that it can he dangerous aa ribbons are easily caught and pulled tight. If your pet wear* a collar outdoors for identification purposes, ba sure it is large enough to slip over the bead if necessary. JKIVE SAFELY! at tafitvttaal Ute, such as the Internattenal Laker Orgeats*- tten. ton PDA to centre! the werld’e toad supply, and UNESCO not to *• prescribe what sokeai children to all aa ttaan un In bn taught, n • n In tout various divisions the people of the United States are represented by functionaries of I the State Dept, end due to machinations behind the scenes, they do have the auth ority to commit the people to many courses without the con sent of the Congress, see Pei tost complicating toe sit uation Is UN admission wtth full voting powers cf the many new nations In Africa and else where with m previous back ground showing they are ma ture enough to veto In a world body. Thus, many tillage could happen to destroy toe righto es toe Amcrteaa cfHrtw. e e e As an obviously extreme ex ample, the new African nations could conceivably get the UN to vote that all traffic police In all the world must speak Swahili. This would mean tost every U.B. town would have to make sure Its traffic officers spoke this African dialect see Os course, toe threat could bo removed by disbanding the UN and starting n new world organisation with Its scope con fined to toe activities for which the majority of Americans thought too UN waa act ap for In toe first place. Bat tola could result to m organisation pro viding far free discussion ft * talking 1uge!!,.... Xuu* p****sv of toe measure proposed by Bop. Alger would protect American citisens from present constant toward of losing liber ty oa dsclslons es a coalition of Congo bangs dram beaten. recent happenings, that overall ben efits result from overall action. All this should teach us—along with general Negro history—that, racial disunity is our strongest weakness! Lot us realize that the great successes in our history were once but mere dreams In toe fu tures of their builders. And let us feel NOW—as they must have felt —tost, the best Negro history is still to be made. No. 8. If you're lucky enough to have a sweetheart old-fashioned enough to settle for some plain, down-home Valentine verse Instead of so much fancy (tough, let us of fer this couplet: Some love whiskey and some love wine, But I love you. My Valentine! By the way. if she happens to read INK TONGUE, just explain that we stole It from you! CLEANS Cars Loaded with VALUE! TODAY’* SPECIAL >£9 BUICK Special deluxe w 4-dr. V - « straight drive, radio and heater, $1995 >CO MERCEDES - BENZ 190 gasoline 4 • dr., radio and heater, white tires. Clean low mileage car. ’ffO BUICK Special eonverti ™ Me, automatic transmis sion, radio and beater, power steering, power brakes, electric seat, au tomatic eye, one owner, low mileage. Extra nice. YlO OLDBMOBILE 4-dr. se w dan, power steering, pow er. radio and heater, au tomatic transmission, white tires, one owner. OL Smith. 431 Fayetteville RALEIGH. M. C., SATURDAY, KBRUABY IS, lfidd CAROLINIAN Begins “Silver Dollar" Program BY 1. E. CLABKSON To too readers and subscribers of this newspaper, The CAROLINIAN is sponsoring ■ promotion to create additional interest in its advertising columns. Every advertiser is a member of our now Silver Dollar Promotion. Elgibility rules follow; 1. If you are a subscriber or have purchased the CAROLINIAN tor this particular week. I. If you have a receipt from one of our advertisen, showing a pur chase made or a bill paid; S. If you are a subscriber and have a receipt from one of our ad vertisers, you are entitled to bonus Patronize Our Advertisers RALEIGH SEAFOOD Freeh Seafood Daily «10 B. DAVIE ST. DIAL TE 2-774* DRIVE TO RALEIGH AND SEE A COMPLETE LINE OF COLORS AND BODY STYLEB AT NORTH CAROLINA’S VOLUME RAMBLER DEALER ' -i Weaver Bros. RAMBLER, INC. 223 W. Lenoir St. TE 3-417 S Dealer 3203 Raleigh »X1 PLYMOUTH 4-dr. ata tion wagon, automatic transmission, radio and beitier. Extra nloe. AUSTIN HEALEY 3000MK2. Clean as a pin. California hardtop. »X1 MO Roadster “1800" eon vertible, radio and beater, white Urea. >PO PLYMOUTH Custom Eu burban station wagon 4- dr. • passenger, automat ic transmission, power steering, power bntitos, radio and beater. ’XI LINCOLN Continental VA fully equipped, factory air condition. SEE ONE OP THESE COURTEOUS SALESMEN E. T. Burchett* Jr. T. L Button T. I. Sutton, Jr. Q. A. Vaahook BUICK-JAGUAR SALES-SERVICE TRADE NOW FOR A NEW 1963 MERCURY GET EXTRA-TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE-NOW RAWLS MOTOR CO. Dualw. Hu. id¥» NORTH CAROLINA’S LARGEST STOCK OF RAMBLERS Raleigh TJo srapinyn of ns Caro linian or aay member od fej* or her Immediate family are eligible to participate. Should a repesentative from The CAROLINIAN call at your home and ask you ts you have this week's CAROLINIAN and a receipt from one of our advsrttaors, you will bo entitled to win the Silver Dollar, by producing the current copy of this newspaper. Don’t get caught without a CAR OLINIAN and a receipt, because a CAROLINIAN representative may bo knocking on your door. ’dA BUICK Xnvtota S • dr. w hardtop, power starring, power brakes, radio and beater, automatic trans mission, 2-taoe paint, one owner. Nlee. »A9 PEUOOT 4-dr., radio and beater, luggage rack, white tires. Real nloe e oonomj oar. 7ft RAMBLER station wag w on straight drive, radio and beater, white tires, 73 BUICK Special debate 4- w dr. automat* transmis sion. radio and water, white tine, 828-3203 7

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